2011-01-12 13:05:45 UTC
so on the last day of break, ( the day before the project is due ), my friend, who i know probably hasn't even looked at the project yet, asks if she can look at mines for a little help. so i sent it to her through e-mail ( i know it was stupid of me, but i was really proud of my project and wanted to show it to her ).
next day, we hand in our projects, i see hers and i almost freaking stab her in the fking face. she fking copy and pasted my entire fking project and only changed the fking colors of the graphs. i worked so hard on it, and it practically ruined my entire vacation, and she spent probably 10 fking minutes changing the fking colors and thesaurus'ing all the words to make it look like she wrote it. i was so fking mad i almost cried. she was probably hanging out and sleeping in all vacation while i was stuck working all day on my project
here's one of the definitions we had to do.
mines: A collection of all data values relevant.
hers: A collection of all data values important.
god i feel like crying just thinking about it. we got our grades back for the project today, and we both got the same exact grade: 97. i was sooo fking mad. it's probably the maddest i've ever been.
sorry if this looks more like a rant then a question, but has this happened to anyone else before? i want to know how i can get back at her, or at least get over it.
thanks so much