2011-11-08 04:31:52 UTC
So i went with my grandma who was watching me(she took care of me every since I was a baby and came out of my mom's womb along with my cousin(18) and is like the mean,bossy sister I never had.)
I got the correct stuff for my acne, because my mom Mary Kay stuff wasn't working for me like she said it was. (CHEAP!) To get to the school part. People always picked on me because of my acne and said, I didn't care about my skin which I did care and did try to keep it clean and eat healthy, also change my pillow cases every now and then. To keep my hair out of my face. But they didn't believe me. When the 9th grade came, they would just talk about me and talk about my clothes because I had this favorite jacket I wore almost every day(don't know what happened to it.) And they also, said that I wore the same clothes when I didn't. They would talk about me and my face in front of my face. I hated that. They would talk about me every single day. Throw food at me, and throw paper balls at me. Plus, I had a slight speech problem so I wouldn't talk too them because they would make fun of that too. I really didn't give a care anymore about what anybody said! I was shy and still kind of am. Some of my friends where fake. They talked about me in the bathrooms at lunch time and came back acting all nice too me. Nobody was really nice too me except for maybe like 4 people and 3 of them where my friends +2 other popular people who where ghetto but the nice kind that stick up for people..... So where they just jealous of me. When I go on facebook, I look at their pics and see that they look kind of old because of that make-up.