What one thing do you wish your parents would have taught you before you left home?
2006-01-16 22:06:39 UTC
What one thing do you wish your parents would have taught you before you left home?
Seven answers:
2006-01-16 22:35:11 UTC
i wish they would have openly talked to me about God. Maybe I wouldn't have heard it you know, but now that I have kids, I make sure they know it's not a Santa Claus thing
2006-01-17 05:05:30 UTC
I look at this a little differently. My parents told me a lot. I just never listened all that well. I wish they would have taught me how to listen better so I could have picked up on all those important messages they did teach.
2006-01-16 22:35:31 UTC
Money doesn't solve everything and does not grow on trees. My mom had a serious problem of buying things to make us happy.
2006-01-16 23:26:30 UTC
How to handle money instead of freely buying me everything.
2006-01-17 01:35:49 UTC
The truth about sex versus "this is a taboo subject"
2006-01-17 07:21:05 UTC
that not all girls are nice or good people
2006-01-16 22:15:12 UTC
how to cook...xD

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