I've been facing this prob 4 over a month now. I feel left out. I hangout with my 'gang' which consist of 8 of us. We're all Chinese. I feel left out coz I hardly share any similarities between my frens. In short, I speak ENGLISH, listen 2 ENG songs & watch ENG dramas while they are total opposite. In that gang, Im closer to 2 girls namely S & V. About 2 weeks ago I argued with S, its ok now but we aren't as close anymore. The problem I had with S made V feel awkward talking 2 me. So V is not talking to me much. Now, even the 2 frens that were so close to me ain't that close 2 me no more. The 2 person who used to make me feel connected to the group is now not even talking to me. So I am feeling very lost. Is my presence in this group of friends making a difference? Am I giving them so much to care about? What should I do? Should I confront them? What can I do to make V talk to me more and to avoid the awkwardness? What can I do to mend my frenship with S? Should I leave the 'gang'?