2009-04-05 04:27:43 UTC
Right.. My first friend started to hang round with this gang about 2 years ago. And to cut a long story short, she used to deal drugs for the ring leader of the group. But he made her do it. Once he took her back to his house and raped her when she was only 14. She has never told anybody about it apart from me, and she never will. She hasn't spoke to him since because he moved away from the area. But she still hangs round the rest of the gang.
She got really angry and depressed over what happened to her. So now she does the drugs herself. Weed and sometimes ecstasy. She also smokes and drinks. I think its just a way of controlling what happened to her. Shes really not a bad person, shes really good and intelligent in school. Not an out of control teenager.
She really needs help to get over it but she wont let me, and i cant tell somebody on her. She thinks that she will go to jail, and get her gang into trouble, and they will just come and find her when they get out.
When i tell her she needs help she just say "its fine" but it clearly isnt. She thinks she can deal with it herself. Shes made a promise not to do extacy or see any of the gang, and shes kept that up for 2 weeks. But she still sees one of the gang. Because she going out with him. But he just influences her to take more.
She cant tell her mum because her brother got thrown out of the house for doing the exact same when he was 16. Her whole life is a mess, and she wants to sort it but she wont let me or anyone help her.
I cant let her do it any longer. How can i make her get help?
And then.. my other friend i thought was the most confident, happiest person on the planet. But she told me a few months ago that she is cutting herself too. Whenever me or my other friend try to talk to her about it she just grunts replys. She WILL NOT talk. And when we all discuss stuff together, i feel like there just putting more problems onto eachother sholders, and then weve got GCSE's this summer so theres even more stress.
I don't know what to do anymore! My head is litrally exploding with problems that nobody will let me solve. Please help me somebody!
AHH the whole thing is a mess