My former best friend, Wilson, was my closest friend till February 2008, when we 'broke off' and never made up. This is how it happened: Wilson requested in December 2007 that as we would be in the same class in 2008 but in a different school location (i.e. my school moved away to a place further away from the original location) that every morning while my mother sends me to school in my family's car, we would pick him up on the way as it was more convenient for him. I agreed, so we did just that in January and February 2008. But while in school, when I asked what the homework was for the day (at that time I kept forgetting the homework and since I couldn't see or hear very well, I did not jot down the homework myself), he purposely said 'I don't know' or start giving me all the wrong information (whether purposely or not I really don't know). I constantly reminded him about him promising himself to give his best for the academic year, but instead I find that he had stuck to his old bad attitude of 'heck-caring', thus I was very disappointed in him (that's what best friends are for, to care for each other's welfare right?), and I found him unreliable in terms of homework help, which he promised earlier. This continued for a while until 1 day, I conditioned him that if he gave me all the wrong homework on purpose on that day (i.e. not caring whether he got the info from the teachers or not, or whether he got it correctly), I would not allow him to use my car the next day to go to school. But guess what happened? He said 'there's nothing for homework'. The next day, I got punished and he was let off for 'at least doing something on his paper'. I was outraged and I scolded him, disallowing him to use my car the following day. And guess what? The following day, he is still standing at the waiting area trying to look innocent when my mother drove past. WOAH you should imagine my anger the moment I saw his scawny little body and guilt-free nerdy face. I told my mother to ignore him, but she insists that there is nothing wrong to pick him up, despite whatever he had done. I scolded Wilson in class but he refused to admit his mistake and kept adding 'not my problem', 'my mistake is unavoidable' and all that nonsense to his argument (and still keeping that sick-looking guilt-free face). And unfortunately for me, this went on for weeks. And this was the period when I started to hate him, more and more everyday, and sometimes I argued with my mother over this, complained to my other friends, and scolded Wilson face-to-face until he gradually became mute towards me. What made me rage even more is that he wanted to come to my family's Chinese New Year party for free and for fun. I couldn't believe he could be so shameless, take advantage for me like that and be so irresponsible. But finally one day I called him to tell Wilson that no matter what I could not pick him u[p the next day as my father is using the car to go to the airport for his early morning flight. That was an opportunity for me to stop picking him up altogether, and he knew it. So that episode is gone, but not my newly formed anger and hatred for him, as all his bad attitude is still there. So in the following weeks and months, I called him names baesd on his attitude weaknesses, taunt him, pestered him, sabotaged him, and do whatever that school bullies do VERBALLY. This is the result of what happened in January and February, from best friend to verbal bullying. I know what I do is wrong, and since he is not my friend anymore I shouldn't be bothering him, but everytime I see him or hear him, my blood pressure soars and I get irritated to the point I must say something in order to teach him a lesson. I still have the same hatred now, and because of this long-lived hatred, I've unintentionally influenced my friends to hate him as well. At this moment Wilson is still a heck-caring person, while still 'flirting' with girls (he always hang around with groups of girls since before we broke off, so people, not only me, classify that as flirting) and interrupting conversations of boys to socialise. And his current reaction to me? Silence, ignorance, mute, which someone told him to use this method to ignore bullies. But now I'm tired of trying to get even with him, as this took place a long time ago, and I don't want to get unnecessarily miserable, so I pose this question after reading all this, should I forgive him for what he had done, or should I just not forgive him but control my anger towards him? Please help me with this.