how do i know that a guy has a crush on me?
2006-02-17 20:20:20 UTC
how do i know that a guy has a crush on me?
Two answers:
2006-02-17 20:26:01 UTC
Don't sit around and try to figure out. If you like him go for it. It's worth taking a risk. But, if you don't and you're just wondering then you'll probably be wondering forever because it's hard these days to know if someone is crushing on you. Depending on your age, he probably picks with you often or tries to draw a lot of attention to you or not any at all trying to distract other guys from you. Just ask. He can't beat you up for it. He'll either say he does or he doesn't. And then you won't have to wonder anymore.
2006-02-18 15:36:54 UTC
u'll know b/c he'll pick on u.make fun of 2 u more and hang around.if he really has a thing 4 u he might tell u a sceret that his guys don't know.

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