Am I a loser?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Am I a loser?
515 answers:
Michael W
2015-03-26 22:54:17 UTC
You're not a loser! I was just like that as a teen. I had few friends, loved reading and was incredibly awkward socially. I was, and still am, an English nerd. In fact, you're way ahead of me in terms of writing. 14 novels? I've been working on my first for years.

I would say - as an introvert who learned these things the hard way over the years - that knowing how to interact socially - ie, how to relax and be friendly with people you don't know well - is an important skill.

I would also say that if the people you're surrounded by belittle you for your interests and call classes gay, they're not worth the effort. Knowing what you love from an early age is way better than mindless conformity.

Don't worry, and don't change just because of what others think. You'll never regret staying true to yourself.

And I'm a guy. We do exist. Don't lose hope ;)
2015-03-26 19:36:55 UTC
People do this to each other all the time and it makes me so mad. No, you are DEFINITELY not a loser. Anyone who calls you a loser for liking to read, or just overall being different is far under you. You know who else was different? Einstein. Leonardo DiVinci. Vincent VanGogh, and ALL of them have made more contributions to this world than most people could do if the lived 50 life times. You aren't even different really. You're just introverted. In fact you sound like a much more introverted and book-loving version of me. I only have a few friends and one best friend, and I'm only extroverted when I'm around them. Otherwise I'm practically silent in class.

So no matter what anyone says to you, either take it as a compliment or throw it out because you certainly do not deserve to take anyones sh*t.
2015-03-26 00:20:11 UTC
No, no you are not. Don't change yourself, you're amazing in every single way; don't be like the rest, you have no reason to be. You possess all these wonderful qualities and if those people can't see them, that's there problem to be honest. You already have a good group of friends and at the end of the day, that's all you need. After you graduate high school, you will meet people that are like you, that enjoy the same things as you, the world's a big place and high school is just a small part of your life. Don't change, stay beautiful!
2015-03-28 16:09:21 UTC
No you are not a loser. I don't see the problem in having 5 friends. Always remember, it's quality and not quantity. If you have friends that you can trust and lean on, then you are golden. It does not matter about having the most friends, it matters about having trust and being happy when you are around them.

Personally I love to read and I am just like you. Please do not stop doing what you love just because you want to be like everyone else. Don't act like someone your not. Be unique and be your own person. Don't listen to the people who are bringing you down and calling you a loser, because you aren't.

You don't need a guy to make you happy. So what if you never had a boyfriend? You don't need a boyfriend in order to fit in. Just because you don't have a boyfriend now, does not mean you will not have a boyfriend in the future. Wait to meet the right guy.

I love the fact that you are so interested in books and English because I am the exact same way. I always tell other people this because it honestly makes me smile when saying this. "Treat everyone that you meet with kindness even the "nerds" because in the future those people that you made fun of, is your boss."

Never change who you are. You are a perfect independent individual.
2015-03-27 10:59:36 UTC
We should be best friends.

Lately I've been feeling alienated because of my introverted ways, and all of my friends don't bother inviting me out anymore because I can't do a 'double sleepover'. They ignore me after I talk to people who understand and actually like the things I do, and just in general are people who are cool and understand what being a nerd is like. They NEVER make an effort to try the things I like, and yet here I am trying to understand how instagram works.

Which is why I am here, answering your question. No, you are not a loser in the slightest. Someday you might realize that nerds rule the world today. An English geek like you and I may be the next creators of a world like Harry Potter or Percy Jackson. All of the great writers are kooky to say the least, but here the people are, practically worshipping their universes and making movies from them.

Take a look at the 'cool kids'. What do they really have? A rich daddy who will baby them their entire lives? Incredibly good-looks but no sense or comprehension of the happenings in his or her own country, let alone the world?

The people who call us losers really must be worrying about their own futures. Who's going to be remembered in the long term? A legendary writer who everyone will know throughout history, or a jock whose best times were spent in alcoholic dazes at parties they didn't even remember the next day?

The best way to look at it, I find, is from your future self. You'll be laughing when you're making millions off of your novels and have a happy family, and all of the people who called you 'loser' are wallowing around in their own filth.

In short, no. You're awesome, and you need to realize that before you change yourself into a barbie doll with no skills or hope for a great life.
2015-03-26 03:38:52 UTC
If you think you are a loser, then, yes, you are loser. If you can learn to be happy with what you are and can find a profession that fits you, you are likely to be more successful than the students who are calling you a "loser." As for a boyfriend, your chances of finding a boy your age who isn't a Neanderthal before you enter college are pretty close to zero.

You know best how to make your life the best it can be. The opinions of the more popular kids should not be used as a basis for changing what you are. Madness lies in that direction.
2015-03-28 20:52:38 UTC
Hell no! You're amazing! I wish I could do advanced English, but I've barley maintained a B all year. Reading is fine, no matter how much you do it. It's perfectly normal for you to like your own serenity and peace all the time, and it's perfectly normal to have 5 friends. Some kids can't make any friends, and that's normal too. People who make fun of you for reading and being in an advanced class are unintelligent, jealous ***** that unknowingly transfer angers and frustrations from their own life into yours to establich pointless superiority. The only person that decides if you're a loser is you. I can tell just from your description that you're a very smart person, and while the idiot douchebags that make your life miserable slowly decay into dutiless hobos, you will succeed in a fulfilled and happy life, and marvel at how different everything would be if you hadn't proudly read deep into the night as you respectfully should.
Choco Valentine
2015-03-28 17:04:29 UTC
No! Don't worry! Some people would call you a "bookworm," which isn't a bad thing. Don't worry about it.

Being shy, quiet, an introvert, etc. doesn't mean you're a loser, either. You're going to grow up to be successful. That's not a loser. The kids who are teasing you will probably not be successful at all, so they will be losers. If people tease you just shrug or say "I like to read, lots of people do" etc. Don't let them bother you, because they will realize what they've done wrong in the future.

Many people don't date boys from their school. You'll date someone eventually. Even if you don't have a boyfriend as a teen (you get one as an adult, etc.) that's fine. Don't become a typical high school girl, because it sounds like your school's typical high school girls aren't going to be successful like you!

Just remember that you have friends (five is a nice amount) and that you are going to be successful.

Hope I helped!
2015-03-26 03:42:37 UTC
If you're a loser then I must be a even worse than that because I only have internet friends and read or play games every hour of the day.
2015-03-26 02:02:22 UTC
No, a loser is someone who thinks they are 'cool'. A loser is someone who ignores academics. A loser is someone who Frequently has a boyfriend/girlfriend to look 'popular'.

YOU are not a loser.
Md Foysal
2015-03-29 01:01:25 UTC
Not any! Will not fret! A lot of people could telephone a "bookworm, inch which in turn isn't a negative matter. Will not concern yourself with that.

Staying self conscious, tranquil, a good introvert, and so forth. won't indicate you might be the loser, sometimes. You will get older to hit your objectives. That is not the loser. The kids who're teasing you will likely definitely not achieve success in any respect, consequently they will be losers. In the event people tease you recently wave or perhaps point out "I prefer to understand, many individuals do" and so forth. Do not let these people take the time people, simply because will certainly comprehend just what they've got carried out wrong later on.

Some people don't time kids from their classes. You can time another person gradually. Perhaps minus the sweetheart like a teenage (you obtain a single being an person, and so forth. ) that is certainly okay. Will not be a standard high school graduation gal, given it appears like your own school's standard high school graduation young ladies usually are not planning to hit your objectives just like you!

Remember which you have pals (five is really a good amount) and that you are likely to achieve success.

Trust When i helped!
2015-03-27 07:09:56 UTC
honestly its not so bad. i dont believe i have many friends at all. They all leave me for other people that are apparently `better`than everyone else. Do not be so keen on thinking you are a loser. If you are a loser, than I am more of a loser. Look, im not much of a help... But, if i were to give some advice, it would be to never follow someone else`s footsteps but your own. Being yourself is all that matters. Stick to the friends you have, and all should end well. If you find more friends later on, that is great. If one of your current friends leave you, they were never your friend to begin with. TRUE friendship will have no end, and one person will always be there for the other. Friendship is a special bond that nobody else should be able to break. I have lost so many people because of others... Do I care, well.. Not really. If someone wants to be my friend, they are more than welcome. I like to reply as fast as I can when someone messages me, but if I cant, I explain, and I give a real explanation. Anyhow, you are NOT a loser. You are simply just being yourself, and never let anyone change that. If someone has a problem with it, tell them to back off!
2015-03-27 07:32:50 UTC
You're not a loser! I was just like that as a teen. I had few friends, loved reading and was incredibly awkward socially. I was, and still am, an English nerd. In fact, you're way ahead of me in terms of writing. 14 novels? I've been working on my first for years.

I would say - as an introvert who learned these things the hard way over the years - that knowing how to interact socially - ie, how to relax and be friendly with people you don't know well - is an important skill.

I would also say that if the people you're surrounded by belittle you for your interests and call classes gay, they're not worth the effort. Knowing what you love from an early age is way better than mindless conformity.

Don't worry, and don't change just because of what others think. You'll never regret staying true to yourself.

And I'm a guy. We do exist. Don't lose hope ;)
2015-03-30 08:45:19 UTC
No you are not a loser. I don't see the problem in having 5 friends. Always remember, it's quality and not quantity. If you have friends that you can trust and lean on, then you are golden. It does not matter about having the most friends, it matters about having trust and being happy when you are around them.

Personally I love to read and I am just like you. Please do not stop doing what you love just because you want to be like everyone else. Don't act like someone your not. Be unique and be your own person. Don't listen to the people who are bringing you down and calling you a loser, because you aren't.

You don't need a guy to make you happy. So what if you never had a boyfriend? You don't need a boyfriend in order to fit in. Just because you don't have a boyfriend now, does not mean you will not have a boyfriend in the future. Wait to meet the right guy.

I love the fact that you are so interested in books and English because I am the exact same way. I always tell other people this because it honestly makes me smile when saying this. "Treat everyone that you meet with kindness even the "nerds" because in the future those people that you made fun of, is your boss."
2015-03-30 00:11:05 UTC
No you are not a loser. I don't see the problem in having 5 friends. Always remember, it's quality and not quantity. If you have friends that you can trust and lean on, then you are golden. It does not matter about having the most friends, it matters about having trust and being happy when you are around them.

Personally I love to read and I am just like you. Please do not stop doing what you love just because you want to be like everyone else. Don't act like someone your not. Be unique and be your own person. Don't listen to the people who are bringing you down and calling you a loser, because you aren't.

You don't need a guy to make you happy. So what if you never had a boyfriend? You don't need a boyfriend in order to fit in. Just because you don't have a boyfriend now, does not mean you will not have a boyfriend in the future. Wait to meet the right guy.

I love the fact that you are so interested in books and English because I am the exact same way. I always tell other people this because it honestly makes me smile when saying this. "Treat everyone that you meet with kindness even the "nerds" because in the future those people that you made fun of, is your boss."
2015-11-07 14:14:29 UTC
I could do advanced English, but I've barley maintained a B all year. Reading is fine, no matter how much you do it. It's perfectly normal for you to like your own serenity and peace all the time, and it's perfectly normal to have 5 friends. Some kids can't make any friends, and that's normal too. People who make fun of you for reading and being in an advanced class are unintelligent, jealous ***** that unknowingly transfer angers and frustrations from their own life into yours to establich pointless superiority. The only person that decides if you're a loser is you. I can tell just from your description that you're a very smart person, and while the idiot douchebags that make your life miserable slowly decay into dutiless hobos, you will succeed in a fulfilled and happy life, and marvel at how different everything would be if you hadn't proudly read deep into the night as you respectfully should.
2015-03-30 16:11:52 UTC
Im personally exactly the same way, except that I am not nearly as accomplished as you, I definitely have not written over 14 novels, maybe the occasionally 10 page diary entry. Im guessing you might go to a very small, private school, maybe where there are harsher expectations for girls socially and that not fitting in to this mold of a popular makeup adorned being is less acceptable. All I am saying is, based on this description, I actually sort of look up to you. You sound like youre really cool and that most of the others around you simply dont appreciate you for who you are. I am also widely ignored around my peers, and am forced to rely on a handful of more extroverted people for companionship, not that I dont love em and appreciate them as my friends, thats just the truth of the situation Im in. I also sometimes work a *little* too hard when it comes to schoolwork, the classic tryhard, but thats beside the point. All I am saying is, while it might be a little helpful to brush on some social skills and learn to become more relaxed in potentially uncomfortable situations, your qualities are admirable, and I think that the people who are bashing you secretly wish themselves that they could be as smart as you, or as well read. And 'gay' I dont consider to be an insult. Using sexual orientation to try to make a person out to be a loser, or classes useless? What kind of people are these?
2015-03-28 06:47:15 UTC
You are not a loser, and never let anyone tell you that you are. I loved to read when I was in high school, and almost always had my face stuck in a book, I was also real shy, still am unless I get to know somebody then I open up more and I do not think I am A loser, just different and that is a good thing. Believe me you do not want to be a robot and act like everyone else, just be yourself and do what you like.
2015-03-29 16:17:09 UTC
Well a lot of people seemed to awnser this question so that makes it seem like your a pretty cool person. I use to think I was a loser but I learned that nobody is a loser were just all differnt if people don't respect your difference then I guess that's there choice but don't let it bring you down and don't think your a loser
2015-03-29 08:07:53 UTC
Don't change! I'm a huge loser. I have two friends, all I do is read, play games and go on Twitter.. I'm a huge introvert, the two friends I have aren't. We never go out in public or anything we hangout at my house. I never do anything just sit around and read much like you. Just because people at school call you a loser doesn't make you one. Don't listen to them. Kids are rude as heck. When I was in school I was made fun of for reading, writing, and being alone. It wasn't until grade 12 I stopped caring about what others thought of me. I like me and that's all that matters :) you're not a loser for doing things you like!?
Chess lover
2015-03-30 08:35:43 UTC
One of the worst things you can do is define yourself as something negative based on other people. Other people being the society that says that you have to be a certain way to be important or successful. Reading doesn't make you a loser or else most of the world would be losers. And to be honest, most people don't have more that 5 REAL friends. Be yourself and if YOU don't like an area of your life, change it.
2015-03-30 08:11:58 UTC
You aren't a loser! Why isn't 5 enough friends? Maybe you and the other four need way more time together outside of school to strengthen bonds. So you have interests. That is good and shouldn't be what everyone else likes to do just to fit in. High School isn't really ruled by the popular kids. People just like to see it that way. If they bother you, keep your distance and sit with/talk to people you can relate to. Even if they are in a different group. Make the most of the short four years and they will be gone in a flash. I hope it gets better and you make a greater effort to enjoy yourself while you are young without getting into too much trouble.
2015-03-27 05:25:16 UTC
No you are not. I'm in the same boat as you. Literature and art nerd 23 going on 24, I've partied before but I hate modern music and I can't handle alcohol so I quit it. I have Aspergers and I've never had any real friends- still searching. If anyone is the real loser it's society for setting boundaries and fickle judgement. Having confidence and not caring about fitting in will have you emerge a winner- no matter how you choose to live your life.
2015-03-27 13:33:59 UTC
You are not a loser!!

What you just wrote sounds alot like me

I have about 6-7 close friends and 2 best friends

I got a kindle recently and I ve barely put it down

I m only outgoing when I m around the people I m comfortable around

I get good grades and I am a real nerd when it comes to English : )

So no you are definitely not a loser

But if you still think you are then we can be losers together
2015-04-02 04:24:53 UTC
You are not a loser. First of all, reading is awesome and it's fine to have something to be so passionate about. Also, I am actually a lot like you, and I'm a boy. I love reading, really don't like dancing and discos. So if you are a loser, I am also a loser. And you definitely should NOT change. Don't let people pressure you into doing things like that.
2015-03-28 12:21:16 UTC
You are not a loser -> You're a winner

let me tell you this. You are waaay more cooler than the ''cool kids''. Let's say in 10 years from now. Where do you see yourself compared to them? Way further. way way way further. It's pretty clear that the people whose concentrating on making fun of other people, are struggling with what ever. Just remind yourself if you ever doubt. What makes you a loser? You cannot consider yourself a loser for winning in life? Who are the real losers? the ones who are doing good at school or the ones who are doing good at ruining others life? U go, I believe in you ;)
2015-03-30 10:11:48 UTC
No you are not a loser as many of the answerers have stated! Having 5 friends is wonderful! As a teen you are growing and changing to be an adult. Your school mates who tease you are doing the same but the difference seems to be that they want to conform and be like everyone else in school, which generally what teens want and do. You are different which is wonderful because you are developing to be an independent young person! Rest assured since you read more than they do, you know more than they do. they are intimidated when you respond to them with poetry and quotes. I think it's a cool thing to respond in such a way because it makes them think. Also note that most of your schoolmates will move or you will move away and you won't even remember them. Please note that you can only control yourself and that they can influence or control you only if you allow them to, so how you respond is important.

May I suggest a website that has whiteboard animations, videos and reading material that can and will help you:

I wish you much success and much happiness too!
2015-03-26 13:06:35 UTC
no you're not a loser and plus a loser is someone who loses at a lot of sports and games not just because they don't have every many friends. If, you don't have every many friends that just means that you have a hard time finding true friends because you are very special and if you like yourself that's all that matters. If, people say otherwise just say "hey I try and at least I'm not afraid to be myself" because I've been where you are and I really think that you are a good person and just because you read a lot that doesn't necessarily mean that you're a freak it just means you like to read so just be yourself and you'll survive and I really hope you were helped by what I said but if not oh well
2015-03-27 05:19:18 UTC
Hello young lady I am a 72 year old high school drop out ,and have only common sense going my way .I can only offer this small bit of advice .Do you like yourself ?If not then you have a problem .Why would anyone else like you if you don't like you .If you are positive person and face things as they really are ,plus always being true to yourself ,you will go far as long as you remain that way .Never worry about the people that count you out ,you know yourself much better than they will ever know .My biggest advice for what its worth again is be true to yourself ,and always, and I mean always think positive never let negative in anyway you will be fine .You can tell my education by my grammar ,yet I have done real good in life .By the way I didn't finish the ninth grade I have worked in offices where everyone but myself and everyone knew this .I did very well there but went home with a big headache most days .I stayed with this Corporation for over 20 years in different positions and made money like the college educated folks ,I was in to development ,which is real estate in its earliest form ,I met daily with engineers and well educated folks and was particularly liked due to the fact that I was the way I was and never put up a front are was never phony just myself and my entire life has been good due to the fact that I was always this way ,never trying to be anything but myself .Good Luck ,and go far the stars you can do what you think you can . .
2015-03-30 17:11:24 UTC
Be who you are and no you're not a loser. You're just different from typical high school girls but if u ever wanna get out there and date socializing wouldn't be so bad i used to be really shy and introverted like u i still am im an introvert and an extrovert i play both sides pretty good so im not really one or the other. Maybe those girls are jealous or have nothing better to do. Some ppl are like that. Make YOU happy first before u ever get into a relationship or suddenly decide to change yourself.
2015-03-28 11:29:42 UTC
Someday, after you've graduated, and you look back at your life. You will realize that all those things the kids said made you a loser, is what makes you unique, and amazing. You don't have to like boys until you're ready, don't let anyone else tell you differently. You will meet that one other person, that you see as being perfect, and not retarded, give it time. You are not a loser, and one day the things you get teased for will be the things that you love about yourself. Don't change, and don't give up.
2015-03-27 10:05:08 UTC
Haha you made me laugh when you said "every boy at my school look like sons of Frankenstein and act like Neanderthals" xD If you don't like parties, if you are apart by making things that the others don't make, this doesn't mean that you are a loser. You are not a loser. You're a lovely girl who is different and I think it's good because it changes. You are open to learn new things and I think that is good too. Writing poems or stories is always rewarding, I think that's great that you are not like this stupid people who is all thinking to make a party by drinking alcohol, smoking etc... You're an interesting girl and you are more mature than others, you are better than them. I can understand that you can feel alone, rejected but don't feel like this because they don't deserve your sadness. You deserve to be loved for what you really are. If people don't see the wonderful person that you are this is their problem, not yours. You have nothing to reproach yourself. You're definitely not a loser, you're a sweet person. Never doubt it. And don't worry because someday you will find a good person too who will love you. You're young so you have time to learn about life. Don't change because if you try to change you only will hide yourself behind a mask and it will not be you so you won't feel happy... Some people is stupid but some is wonderful. You just need to be lucky to meet them. Waiting that, don't question yourself. You rock. (:
2015-03-31 09:23:07 UTC
No, you are not a loser, just different. I'm a introvert too and I don't like to do most of the other things my peers do. In high school people act like it's big deal, but after you graduate knowing yourself is better than still following others. Don't change yourself and unless they are bullying you and really hurting you I wouldn't bother changing schools. At least you have friends who are cool with you and understanding. Just ignore them and stand up to them. Also, eventually when you want a boyfriend you'll find one that is into the same stuff you're into. Don't worry about what they say, just be yourself.
2015-03-29 00:50:23 UTC
Of course you are NOT loser!! You enjoy the more cultured things in life instead of parties and nightclubs. You say that your school mates despise you for not being more social. You like to write. Does the name J.K.Rowling mean anything to you? Or the Bronte sisters? Or Mary Shelly? Or Jackie Collins? Should I go on??? Have you ever had anything published? Perhaps that is where you future lies. As for boyfriends, are there any literary societies that you could join? Or book clubs? You might well meet someone there who shares your love of literature. I assume that you are a teenager, so you have many years ahead in which to find your soul mate. But, as I said at the begining, YOU ARE NOT A LOSER!!

Take care sweetie and good luck.
2015-03-28 12:42:56 UTC
No, you're not a loser. You have likes and dislikes, just like everyone else. The only point I would make, is to try and experience more in life to see what you might be missing out on. There is a lot of good things to do and enjoy in the world. My wife had never been out of our hometown when I met her. We've since been to Las Vegas, Florida, and several other places. She always comments about how much she would have missed if she hadn't met me. You don't have to be a world traveler, but get out and see the world. there are really a lot of wonderful things to see and do. Probably many right in your own area.
2015-03-29 14:24:57 UTC
You're absolutely not a loser! I am just like you and I used to question myself for being that way. Until I decided it was who I was and I embraced it. Now I'm graduating High School, top of my class, with a beautiful girlfriend who has a lot in common with me and going to a prestigious university to study Mechanical Engineering and French. Now almost everybody regrets their choices and congratulate me. Now they say they "admire me and have respect for me" after they used to make my school days pretty bad. You'll see you'll stand out pretty soon.

And 14 novels? Wow, that's awesome! I've been trying to write one for ages. You must be an incredibly interesting person and something tells me that if we had ever met, we'd be great friends. Keep doing your thing and don't worry about others.

And don't lose faith about finding a good guy! I thought all the girls at my school were savages but was I wrong. ;)
2015-03-27 17:17:41 UTC
Aww no sweetie you're not a loser at all. To me you're the complete opposite! I'm similar to you in many aspects lol. I love to read, I'm an introvert, and I only have like 3 close friends lol. I read, watch anime, listen to kpop, learn Korean and make lyric videos on youtube for fun ^^ There's nothing wrong with not being a "social butterfly" and it's ok to not conform to normality. No, you shouldn't change yourself to be like everyone else. You're special, and the world needs special people. If you stopped being special, that would be a shame, wouldn't it? Those boys and typical high school girls you're talking about... they're the real losers. Give it about 15 years time and they will be working for you. High school isn't for people like us, but nevertheless, good luck :)
2015-03-28 11:28:35 UTC
Abraham lincoln was defeated in 8 elections, lost his wife, and had a business that failed- Went on to be arguably the best president that has ever walked into the Whitehouse

Thomas Edison- was proclaimed as "too stupid to teach"

Walt Disney- was fired from a newspaper company for "lacking imagination and creativity" Went on to create mickey mouse.

What do all of these people have in common? They all failed one way or another. Did these failure get to them? Hell no. These people kept on going and eventually did amazing things. Everyone at your high school is irrelevant to your future success, and if they're going to push you around for doing something that's actually productive, then they're the true losers. I know how you feel, no one else really likes me at my high school just because I'm a little fat. People will just point at things desperately to try to bring others down for being different, I hate to break it to you, but that's life. You're not a loser for taking interest into something that others don't. That's what makes us unique!
2015-03-29 11:20:28 UTC
You are not a loser. Once people leave high school they will see that life doesn't work like that. In college people don't like rude, disrespectful, or bullying type. Its better to have no company than bad company. And the few friends you have are better that some idiots that gossip and talk behind each others backs. So what if you like books they are interesting and will only make you smarter. Just as long as you like your self who cares what anyone else thinks.
2015-03-27 20:48:26 UTC
There are no losers, dear.

There are only different walks of life.

We are only temporary, and if you choose to spend your time in a way that someone else might not find enjoyable, it doesn't make you a loser. It only means that you're doing what you're comfortable with.

Just remember that the best moments in life are often the ones where you step out of your comfort zone to do something new.
2015-03-31 05:17:13 UTC
no. you are just doing what you want to do, so kudos. and besides, if everybody who was an introvert was a loser, than half of the world would be losers, and that would be annoying chaos. do not call yourself a loser for reading, because in 10 years you'll be graduated from Harvard with a but load of money and the real losers who teased you will be dirt poor with a job as a street vendor of fake knockoff purses.
Just Me
2015-03-30 21:14:02 UTC
No, you're not a loser.

As many before me have said, you have nothing to be ashamed of. Continue reading and writing and hanging out with your few close friends and enjoying english class. All of these will help you in the long run. The world is a big place, and there's hundreds of people that can relate to you.
2015-03-29 10:09:32 UTC
Ok real talk, high school kids with their overrated clique junk will see you as a "loser". But, you're not truly a loser until you make yourself one. I'd say you truly become a loser when you stoop so low as to change yourself for some yappy teens with their heads full of everything that's not important. Right now you're getting your education down without any distractions such as parties, boyfriends, and excessive amounts of friends/drama(5 is enough) and that's what's important. you be you and flip off dem haters(not literally but yeah)!
2015-03-28 10:49:16 UTC
You are a loser IF you actually not satisfied with your situation right now, u want to change it but u dont have courage to do so

You are not a Loser IF you are ok with your situation right now, keep it cool and enjoy your very own life.

at the end of the day, nobody can dictate on how u must live your life, u're in control of your life, if you worrying too much about other ppl think, u will ended up regretting, cuz there's a saying that u can't satisfied everyone, so do what u think u must do and please don't be like what ppl want u to be, cuz they are not responsible over what happened next
2015-03-27 15:02:36 UTC
Hello young lady you are far from a loser actually you are doing something most of us are scared to do even grown ups and that is be Different and not follow the crowd or try to keep up with the Jones as the saying goes. You are intelligent, healthy, alive, blessed with A LOVE TO READ AND EXPLORE and to just be yourself, never think anything is wrong with that or you and remember our model Jesus Christ who gave his life for all us was very different than any other human on earth but he didn't care who liked or didn't like or understood him or his purpose because the only approval he wanted or needed was from his Heavenly Father not those who didn't matter or couldn't offer him what his so called friends (Judas Iscariot) did (Betrayal) so actually the losers or unintelligent ones are the ones who can't see the beautiful quiet un busy body that you are and they are the opposite, so just as the Bible say "As long as you do as they do they okay with you but as soon as you do something Different then them they speak Abusively of you. So keep doing you and the ones who support that are your true friends the ones who don't leave them by the waist side. Knowledge is Powerful!!
2015-03-26 20:41:42 UTC
Oh absolutely. Everyone is supposed to be a loud mouth and stay up all night. In the American Culture extroverts were valued and introversion was considered to be abnormal. Fortunately that is changing. I am an ambivert--in the middle of the continuum and I live alone. I seek out social life but can't find as much as I would like. I have a lot of things at home to do--family research especially. When I desire some human interaction I have to remind myself that I have some things I need to get done at home and now is the time to do them. There is a lot of reading I would like to do but I can;t sit still long enough to read a book. I doubt you are boring. There is so much to be learned in books. I would love to join a book club and discuss books with other people. Unfortunately I haven't found one.
2015-03-27 09:36:15 UTC
No. Oh absolutely. Everyone is supposed to be a loud mouth and stay up all night. In the American Culture extroverts were valued and introversion was considered to be abnormal. Fortunately that is changing. I am an ambivert--in the middle of the continuum and I live alone. I seek out social life but can't find as much as I would like. I have a lot of things at home to do--family research especially. When I desire some human interaction I have to remind myself that I have some things I need to get done at home and now is the time to do them. There is a lot of reading I would like to do but I can;t sit still long enough to read a book. I doubt you are boring. There is so much to be learned in books. I would love to join a book club and discuss books with other people. Unfortunately I haven't found one.
2015-03-28 15:28:00 UTC
Your are the kind of 'loser' that grows up, writes a few Pulitzer winning novels that get movies made and wins hundreds of millions a year, and who has dozens of marriage proposals every day.

Is that a 'loser' to you? I don't think so.

Forget about the others, they are the losers, you're not. Be true to yourself and keep your good friends close. Keep reading and writing, and one day not too far I'm sure I'll be reading one your novels or watching it.

Good luck!

Hope it helps! ;)
2015-03-31 07:36:58 UTC
You are not a loser. You're a bit nerdy, not going to lie - but not a loser...

Your personality will come with consequences - but you can't change that. Every personality has a consequence. Your consequence being people will take the micky out of you etc. You can't just change, well you can - but I mean you shouldn't. I think you should go out and socialize a bit more though.
2015-03-30 13:39:49 UTC
The others are right, nothing loser about you. perhaps a lil geek peeking through lol but loser, not even close. 5 friends if good and true strikes me as plenty. Parties..sounds like you may be a little more mature then peers, understandable as knowledge grows maturity and reading gains knowledge. there may always be some who judge you no matter what. you ll get over it when you take over the world. keep on your own path. You really do have it right. Oh, and don t worry about the dating stuff. when you least expect it that love thing will find you, you don t need to hunt for it.
2015-03-29 08:49:11 UTC
NO! You are not a loser!

You know what you like and you're having fun with it.

It's the 'cool' kids who end up pushing trollers in supermarkets because they weren't reading books and they were watching reality TV instead.

And do you know how much effort it is to be 'cool'?

I used to work with one girl who thought liking or enjoying things was just the height of "uncool" and could only make friends by taking the piss out of people.

Never once have I invited that girl to a concert or to the theatre or on a day out.

These idiots want to ruin everything for you by making you feel inferior for liking it.

Don't let them.

And as far as boys are concerned, wait for a boy who likes every single thing about you, inside and out. Until then - concentrate on yourself.
2015-03-28 09:03:24 UTC
Nope, in fact you are a winner. The losers are the people teasing you. I'm not saying that to just make you feel better. Look at the ones teasing you - are they mean? Do they do bad things or do drugs....The losers KNOW they are losers and in an attempt to make themselves feel better, they try to take others down. They are low and incapable of bringing themselves up high, so they try to bring you down.

As for your friends. When other people have a*lot* of friends, they usually aren't real friends and they know it. You got something that they envy, don't let them cause you to lose it, because that is what they are trying to do.
2015-03-27 15:51:38 UTC
You're not a loser. I'm a loser because I have no friends. I get teased in class for having none and whenever we do group work I get ostracized from the group because they refuse to work with me. I am consumed by loneliness and boredom and just sit on my own listening to music because it's the only thing that gets me through the school day. I think I would rather be in your position.
2015-03-26 08:57:30 UTC
I'm really quiet, I keep to myself, I only have 2 friends. I'm a quiet introvert, except when I'm around my friends. I read **** loads, it's my favorite thing to do. ! read for 8 to 12 hours straight, especially if I'm alone. I always stay up far too late reading books. I'm an Science nerd, I know most science related things, especially Forensic science. I like to write for fun (Creepypastas especially so). I was bullied at school because of it, because I was different, I didn't follow the crowd, you shouldn't ether.

You are the better person, you're the one who will be running a big business when you grow up, all the bullies will ever get is jobs that involve cleaning toilets, don't be so quick to jump to conclusions, their is nothing wrong with been different, bullies pick on you because, deep down, they are scared by the fact that you will succeed in life while they will just be cleaning other peoples mess.

You are not a looser and you shouldn't worry about their not been a boy like you at school, once you move on to college and university you'll have your pick of what good looking smart boys you want.

Don't be so quick to follow the crowd.
2015-04-04 01:50:59 UTC
Actually, you just have your own beauty and you're in an environment that doesn't acknowledge or encourage your individual type of beauty. You are NOT a loser. Simply in a situation where most people around you are narrowminded and can't see or accept you for who you are. High school is like that but it's just four years. High school is not the real world. Once you graduate and get out, you'll realize you weren't so bad.
2015-03-28 11:05:39 UTC
You sound like a flippin' genius. If you're a loser so is Einstein, Shakespeare, Mozart, Steve Jobs, Mandela, Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking, Ghandi, Mary Shelley, Isaac Newton and all the other outstanding humans. The homophobic, ignorant people at your school are envious of your brilliance. While they're cleaning toilets at macdonald's you'll be writing another best-seller in your mansion.
2015-03-30 07:16:43 UTC
NO!! I read your question, and you could have been writing about me as a young man. I am now nearly 40, own my own business, I have three great kids and an awesome beautiful wife, I have my pilot's license and we fly like other folks go to the mall. Don't let anyone tell you what you are or what you are not. Follow your own heart, be kind to others and do you homework. Being young is hard, but you are NOT a loser.
2015-03-30 22:39:02 UTC
IMPORTANT, READ PLEASE: Not only are you not a loser, but you are the greatest person I have ever heard of and I'll tell you why. You are exactly like me, I love English and I love to read and write. I have also written a few novels, many short stories, but I also have dozens of stories that I haven't finished, unfortunately. A boy like you does exist, because I certainly am very real. I no longer consider myself a loser, for the reasons that I have grown confident with myself and comfortable in my own skin, and done a lot of exercise to reflect my confidence. As long as you have confidence, you are no loser. I can tell you that you are already no loser, and you shouldn't get a boyfriend just because your pressured by your peers-do it when you're ready-I know that at least one boy exists that is dying to date a girl with a personality like yours. Please, let's chat on a different platform. I'm dying to talk to you more, and I have more to say to you about your question, how to answer it. Maybe we can talk about English. Do you have kik, snapchat or anything like that? I'm 15
2015-03-29 10:02:27 UTC
I am the same as u r .believe me.when I was in high school my classmates used to make fun of me. But after u grow up u will know your knowledge is all that matters. Tell me what would u like.,being a typical school girl and end up staying in ur mom's garage or getting a very good degree ,a great job and of course a lot of money. You will. Stand out for your intellect.People would value u for that and u will get genuine friends. Not the one who will only use you.let me tell u one more thing grown up men prefer smarter girls than the dumb and pretty chicks. .so you will find a valuable. Love too. So do you still think you are a loser.
Texas Czech Chick
2015-03-27 09:09:07 UTC
In your description of yourself you are anything BUT a loser. The people calling you such are the losers.

I only have 2 real friends. And I don't read as much as I used to, but I am proud of you for reading books especially when no one can seem to put their cell phones down for even a second. Be yourself, and to hell with others say. Tell them that you don't follow stupid.....and hang in there!
Cheetah Z
2015-03-29 08:05:21 UTC
I've had a similar life experience with shyness so the other day I asked myself if I could go back to early years what I could do to be more confident, more of an achiever. I concluded I would have worked out at a gym not to be a big time body builder but just to put on some mass and feel better about myself. I would have taken boxing lessons and other martial arts training. I might have forced myself to do the things I was afraid of such as joining a public speaking group. I would have done these things not as a one time thing but as an ongoing maintenance program.
2015-03-30 15:44:58 UTC
Absolutely not. You are perfectly fine how you are. You'll obviously do very good in the future the way you are. besides high school only matters because that's what colleges look at almost anything else will only matter for the remaining years you have as a high schooler. Also so what if you don't have a boyfriend, if that doesn't bother you then it doesn't matter, just keep doing what you're doing. Plus thats probably going to last for a very short amount of time anyways.
2015-03-28 15:19:36 UTC
Sweatheart they probably said Stephen king, and Susan Collins, and Anne Rice were losers too. They all tore up the best seller lists. If that's what being a loser means then I want to be a loser too
2015-03-28 17:06:11 UTC
Because you are introverted you are statistically one step closer to becoming a winner. Almost all of the most wealthy self made men in America are introverts. Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, facebook clown, etc. Now you should not measure your personal success to theirs because they are extreme examples. Ask yourself something though. What drives most men and women to want to start a business of their own and be their own boss? It is the same thing that is keeping you insecure about yourself. They do not want to be pressured to act in ways that are not natural for them. So they build their own little empires and hire extroverts and yes men to implement their vision. See we all have a role in the grand play of life. You just need to learn yours and stop worrying about what everyone else thinks about you. Loser is a subjective term. There is no scale to measure "loser" in anyone. People fail all the time in life. My definition of a loser is a person who fails and accepts defeat or does not have the ability to gain some type of wisdom or knowledge from the event. Now please exuse me. You are keeping me from my own daydreaming time. On Monday I will need to go back to my unproductive company run by extroverts who rely on me to solve all of their problems but then criticize me for not participating in their mindless and mind numbing yet beautifully chaotic meetings where extroverts simply throw noise and hot air around the room so that they can be seen rather than heard. Next time you are in a situation like this take note of the reaction of these extroverted types when an introvert speaks. It usually has a powerful effect on the direction of the meeting. People may not agree with the idea the introvert speaks of at first, and extroverts will often become irrationally competitive with the person or idea or quick to shoot it down. This is because an introverts words almost always have meaning and therefore power. So choose your words wisely. Don't just speak to people for the sake of speaking. It will end up making you look stupid. KNow who you are and the power you hold. Your words have the power to influence many minds. Maybe not in the beginning but over time the extroverts will adopt it and follow it religiously.
2015-04-02 19:40:12 UTC
Anyone who calls you a loser is really not worth your time. Don't try to be a 'typical' high school girl. Because High School ends and the ones who are different are the ones who go on to live lives the majority can only wish for. Clearly the people who you're around don't appreciate your talents in English literature. But that's cool, because High School eventually ends and 20 years from now you'll be looking at the same people who lived mediocre lives partying and following societies expectations and you'll see the sadness and shame in their eyes.
2015-03-26 16:22:24 UTC
No you're not a loser. The people who think you are, will soon realise that in their life. Most people your age are childish and don't have their priorities straight, you should like you do. So that's a good thing, don't worry about it.

I'm 19 year old male and I only have 2 friends. I hardly ever go to a party unless its family. So don't worry you're not alone.
2015-03-28 12:01:59 UTC
You're only a loser when you give up, and stop trying. It comes a time when a person has to stop, and look back over his life and see where he made mistakes, and try to do better. You don't need the haters, and that seems to me who you're trying to impress. William Shakespeare said ''This above all: to thine own self be true.'' Who knows you may be another Shakespeare. You're fine. There is nothing wrong with you. You seek validation from your pears. Their not as advance as you. They don't have the smarts. You may need someone to validate your feelings, which means you want to hear ''Yes you're smarter than the people at school.'' What ever it is you're seeking to validate needs the added support from someone else to make it valid, but you don't even need that support. So you're what the people at school envy, and you know it. Go ahead and take a bow. I applaud you. Clap, clap. You're headed for greatness. Keep on doing what you're doing. I give you a standing ovation....
2015-03-30 19:42:06 UTC
Your feelings are typical for your age. Your habits are healthier than playing video games like most kids do. You will be a loser in the minds of some other people, and an winner in the minds of others. You shouldn't care about either category, love and live in the way you were made.
2015-03-28 22:37:05 UTC
You are so far from a loser you have no idea, you read most likely more then anyone in your school and i bet most of them are failing..your mind seeks new things to learn and trust me going to party's gets old fast.

You also have 5 friends how many of these people that bug you can depend on any of their friends if something bad happens and you need someone to talk to, that is having true friends:) You keep being you without shame because you are have 5 more friends then me, i am going through a separation and i have no one and it is really lonely so seriously like yourself you are cool:)
2015-03-31 01:31:14 UTC
Just be yourself. You're only a loser if you state you are. I was kinda the same way and I thought I was a loser, but then I confessed I was a loser to my classmates and they said I was cool. They didn't see me as a loser.
2015-03-29 06:17:43 UTC
You are in NO WAY a loser! You sound awesome! and Sweetheart if you're reading and not only that you're writing your own short stories and novels, that's amazing! Get them posted. It's your hobby! Honestly I think most people think you get up go to work come home and repeat....theres no actual life anymore, I work in a bar and everyone that works there go straight out to drink together. That's great but where is the life. anyway I'm getting off topic.

I'm the same but you actually have more friends than me ha! I like to stay at home and draw/animate... I don't go out drinking and partying but i could if i wanted and so could you. Stay true to who you are and thats the real key to being happy! Don't ever think you're less than, everyone is their own person and they are the way they are for a reason. Trust me I ahd a best friend that made me feel like a little kid for too long because he likes to act like the big I am.... and he's not but i realised that too late and spent too long trying to impress someone who is supposed to love me for me like I do him.
2015-03-30 23:24:39 UTC
You are not a loser. You are just being yourself, whom I deduce is an introvert. It's tough to be an introvert caught in a world full of extroverts. My suggestion is: continue the way you are, but make an effort to widen your circle of friends a little at a time. You don't have to make them your close friends, but it'll be good to just hang out with more and different people once in a while. You'll get to learn about new things and experiences too. Let them know you the way you are in return, and in that way, friendships could be fostered. At your age, it's always good to open up a little to let more people into your life. This takes effort and time, and does not happen overnight. Do it one step at a time, make an attempt to know someone slightly more one day at a time. Good luck!
2015-03-29 19:33:53 UTC
I was like that in highschool so don't worry. If your happy with the way you are then don't change for anyonen but yourself.And wow impressive writing skills I wish I had your talent!. If you think about it ... a lot of relationships that start in highschool usually end with in the first year or two of college do to everyone would be moving on moving to new universities so its harder to keep in touch. So just be yourself because its better to have very close friends then a bunch of people who you don't know that claim to be your friend. Now I'm 23 ... i still am introverted a bit but i have great friends and a amazing boyfriend . So don't loose hope!
2015-03-28 04:18:30 UTC
No. You aren't a loser. It doesn't mean having less friends, reading books all the time, or being quiet means that you are loser. It's better to have 5 true friends than having hundreds of friends who aren't real at all! Someone nerdish is not a loser.Losers are those people who are quitters!Quitters are losers. And what others say is not a worth to listen. All of us are born unique, and if we're born that way, maybe we should be proud of it. Who cares of what others say!

I have to say, people who spent her/himself alone or with less people is a winner. Why? S/he is able to survive with his/her ownself or maybe with a help of less friends, than those people who can't live without any friends. Even some say that the people who are mostly alone are the strongest people.

Don't worry, pal. Many like you exists, and maybe I'm one of them too. Just stay who you are, and if you want, you can change to be someone better :)
2015-03-26 19:00:52 UTC
NO. Life is not about trying to please anyone but just do what you want and stay your own lifestyle. A loser is someone who loses his own way. So just keep off someboby who tease you. But i feel that one thing important for you is to be more easy-going and talk more with others, coz it is a necessery part of your life. If you take the first step, you will find a lot of benefits. Whatever, the most important thing is to be yourself and follow your heart. Your are not a loser.
2015-03-30 17:21:48 UTC
I'm the same way, however I'm a boy in 7th grade and I have the reading level of a college student. I recently went up a level in math class and the language arts teach requested that I move up a level. But to cut to the chase you're not a loser and don't change yourself. When Stephen king first wrote Carrie it was rejected over 30 times, and he almost gave up, he actually threw it away but his wife dug it out of the trash and made him send it in one more time., and the rest is history.
2015-03-26 10:38:35 UTC
A lot of high school kids have a need to tease others, and it sounds clichéd, but it really is because something is lacking inside themselves.

Look at yourself honestly. Do YOU have a problem with how you spend your time? It doesn't sound like you do. Far from being "gay and useless" (and I would question the maturity level of those that use "gay" as a pejorative, but that's another conversation), writing will improve your communication skills, and short stories and novels such as those you describe will develop your creativity; two traits that I can promise WILL help you in absolutely whatever you choose to do with your postsecondary life.

Teasing, on the other hand, never helped anyone get anywhere, save the Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert-types in the world.
2015-03-30 12:51:51 UTC
Honestly you have more commitment to reading than I do, and I applaud you for that. The "loser" is the one who thinks highly enough of themselves to make someone else feel bad about themselves. I think five is a good amount of friends to have, because sometimes if there are too many, you'll get up neglecting of being neglected by some. And whatever you do, DO NOT act like a "typical teenage girl" because they usually consist of alcoholics, drug dealers, teen moms, etc etc. (Think of them as the antagonists). SO yea :3 The heroine always has her moments before saving the world from aliens or something.
2015-03-29 22:11:35 UTC
Nerd, geek, loser, bookworm, and other names are labels that many people put on those who are different. The fact that you read well and can write well shows that you have a working brain. I am a self-admitted geek or a loser. I wear these names with pride. The same kids in my high school now contact me for help with their college homework. Those same bullies that used to pick on me in school are now good friends of mine. People eventually grow up, people like you and me, we grow up a bit faster.

These are some other "losers", Stephen King, Dean Koontz, JK Rowling, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Donald Trump. Your future is bright so do not despair. Keep being yourself and write those novels. Learn new words as well, it can be a good thing for later. Words like tautological, totalitarian, axiomatic, and idiosyncratic.
2015-03-31 09:57:51 UTC
No, extroverts are more of a loser than introverts. Now I'm not calling any extroverts losers. I'm saying that Introverts has more reflecting and magnification personality. They think. They feel. Extroverts talk and act before they think. Think is the key. Readers are the smartest kind of people. People who go around stating facts based on gossips are ignorant. You read, therefore, you are smart. Don't change yourself. **** them.
2015-03-28 19:47:13 UTC
In that question you literally described 90% of the teenage girls on the planet. The only thing about you that makes me think ¨loser¨ is that you are actually considering changing your whole personality because you're smarter and nicer than all of the dumb ***** who make fun of you. PS I have exactly two friends and I don't consider myself a loser, any negative though about how many friends you have is complete bull.
2015-03-27 19:33:40 UTC
No YOUR NOT A LOSER. YOU NEVER WERE. Your brilliant, funny and your so called friends are missing out. Never stay with people who dont appreciate you. My daughter is the same way. She loves to write, she has written books, or short stories, poems and even performs them. She is an introvert with a few friends because others cannot comprehend her intelligence or maturity. Just like you. Never ever change because while some of your schoolmates are goofing on you, half of them will drop out, be on drugs while you will be a famous writer and do great things with your life. God Bless you.
2015-03-30 12:10:57 UTC
You are not a loser. If anything, you're a very excellent person. At least you know that you're ahead of everyone else. Honestly, I find multiple similarities with you. I do the exact same things, such as quote books, read constantly, write books and novels, and keep to myself. If I weren't gay, I'd actually date you. Sorry though. But anyway, I'd like you to know that you should continue on with that awesome life of yours. And when you do find that special someone, i'll know that they're a lucky son of a gun. Read on!
2015-03-27 11:52:10 UTC
Do NOT let those kind of people get to you hon. Your brilliant just the way you are and if people tease you for it then they should go look at themselves. people who call other people losers are only talking about themselves. Besides if you read a lot and write a lot you have got a big future and career path ahead of you. its always best to be the brainer one who is more enthusiastic in learning then one of the snobby upright people as it means you will have a great life and succeed in anything you want to do while the other people fail. so in the end all im trying to say is don't let ANYBODY make you feel insecure and don't change yourself at all as you will only be holding yourself back from things you are more then capable of doing.

hoped this helped, love Brook
2015-03-31 17:05:16 UTC
You sound like geek.

But smart one ;)

I don't know why your so upset about this.

I use to read a lot.

And I wish I kept it going till this age

I'm 21

And haven't read as I use to.

But if you're feeling like loser

My advice is take challenges and read more books.

Try to turn your knowledge into exciting life routine.

Try to make money because they're so many opportunities for some like you.

Just find what you like and go for it!

And to tell you the truth you made me

Jealous, so don't feel like loser please if last feel cocky and rock the world who knows maybe I'll get to read one of your novels or my kids will be inspired from your books so be positive son and don't feel like loser.

Peace ✌️
2015-03-29 19:32:55 UTC
1. I am antisocial and like it that way. A friendship is more stressful than you think.

2. This is called bullying and you should believe nothing they say.

3. You should tell this to a teacher or the principal or something.

4. Those bullies are idiots. I dropped out of school and now I have the vocabulary of a 4th grader (almost). The better the grades you get the more successful you'll be in life. You'll also be less likely to humiliate yourself in life.

5. There is a boy of every type.
2015-03-29 05:09:37 UTC
that does not make you a loser in the slightest!

frist off reading is awesome and it helps you learn and become smarter and the fact that you can write books and stuff too is incredible!

one of my best friends was voting into being our school captain last year and she doesn't like parties so never goes to them, is really smart and loves english and has never dated anyone. so yeah she was still voted in and loved so that stuff does not mean you're a loser.

If you like your friends and are happy with them then thats awesome! a lot of people who seem to have a lot of friends in school actually don't and most of their friends are fake friends.

Finally, going to university this year, all the 'popular' girls are really struggling to make friends and the rest of us are loving it! you'll be the one making money with a life and partner that you love in the long run so anyone that is calling you a loser is just trying to make themselves seem cooler in an f'd up way so don't take any notice of them and just keep doing what makes you happy!
2015-03-28 19:06:14 UTC
You are not a loser. Everyone is different and you are you. Reading and being smart doesn't make you a loser. You are cool for those things. Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't deserve your attention. Quiet does not mean boring. You don't have to worry. People will like you for who you are. Don't worry. I would be your friend IRL. You sound nice and fun. People who make fun aren't people who you want. And remember, Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.
2015-03-26 23:09:41 UTC
you aren't a loser and don't try to change yourself because of some tease. you should become the person like be because now you still in high school. once you go to college or university, you will see the different between high school and university. Also what the point of having boyfriend? if you want to have boyfriend because you don't want them to tease you, then I suggest you not to do that. I am 22 and I never have boyfriend, never kiss or date, or hold hand .etc. and I never care about what people around me tease me about that because I like making animation more than wasting time with man. some people think that writing novel and read book are boring but for me, I think you can become a novel writer or screenplay writer once you graduate from high school. since you are writing novel, did you post it on any website? if you have or you don't mind, would you like to share? i would like to read it.
2015-03-27 20:33:22 UTC
You've written 14 novels, and 50 short stories. Have you approached a publisher? What you could do is maybe go out more, and get some inspiration and ideas for your next novel. Maybe you could try going to a party, and use it to meet other people who may also enjoy writing and reading, and use the party as an idea for a novel or short story - the kind of characters there are, things that happen, and incorporate these into a bigger plot.
2015-03-30 15:29:33 UTC
Dude no way! having a few friends that are real are better than having a bunch of friends with the risk of half of them being fake, if that makes sense? In other words its better to have a 4 quarters than 100 pennies. Being an introvert is perfectly normal, and probably the smartest thing you can be in high school, the only reason why people pick on you is because they re probably all jealous because your like super smart, it s a rare gift nowadays in this weird and twisted generation. Any who! reading is also perfectly normal and it helps you in the future,i m more than sure you can already see that, writing novels already? and how many you have accomplished so far in your early years? Thats great! And will take you far in life! It s better to do that than to pretend to be something you re not, in your words a "Neanderthal" haha.
2015-03-26 18:41:16 UTC
No you are not. People have their own habits. You're not hurting anyone. So if you love books. Good! You will educate yourself. You be who you are. Sometimes it's best to have only a few close friends, because he more you have, it seem the more trouble one gets in. You be who you are. You are NOT a loser at all.
2015-03-27 13:18:19 UTC
No,you are not a loser!I act the same and I defiantly don't demote myself as a "loser."

People who call you a loser are the real losers.If you are a well read person,you are probably smarter than the disgusting scum of the teenagers you call high school students.Honestly,they need to act more mature for their age.I'm not even in high school,in fact,you could call me a little kid based on my age.

Best of luck to you!Your going somewhere!
2015-03-28 05:18:28 UTC
Please, for the love of God, don't be a typical High-School girl. Looking from the outside, we can see happy, bubbly, pretty rich girls. But you can't see the inside.

Half my time in High School, I was called a loser, for only being interested in Video Games and Psychology. Then, everything suddenly changed, and I started helping people with their issues. There were more of the popular people talking to me than unpopular (In private, obviously, they didn't want to be seen with the class nerd)

Guess what? Every single one of them were depressed and angry, because they couldn't do what they wanted.

They pick on us, because we can do what we want, while they have stuck themselves in a mould, and can never escape it.

In the last year, I became secret friends with all of them, prevented 6 suicides, solved 12 family issues (including parents beating their kids) and accidentally got 4 of them into gaming. They are now the only ones who know about the secret friendships, and we all play random games together.

Now, I am learning how to make video games, and am having the time of my life. If anyone tries to get you down, just ignore them, and be glad you have the friends you already have! For most of my time at high school, I only had one, so you're doing better than me :)
2015-03-27 16:35:29 UTC
I was an introvert outclass, i always got As-Cs and only ever had about 2 close friends, one ended up being my girlfriend, the other just became a douche later in his life

i appreciate my life, people may be ***** or assholes to me, but i simply told a teacher back then, now-adays i punch them square in the face, a free nosejob

also, english class isnt gay and useless, considering how much you read you can be a great scientist or author someday

just remember this, ignore the assholes, the more you sit there unresponding or telling a teacher, the more they will stay away from you, they might talk behind your back, but one day they might drop of out high school and be a homeless guy on the streets
pete jones
2015-03-29 16:46:52 UTC
Never ever think that you are a loser just because you dont fit in with the norm.Everyone is different and there is a place for everyone in society so just carry on doing what you are doing and follow your natural develoepment you will get to where you want to be,Believe in your self,find true friends and enjoy your life.
2015-03-25 23:20:19 UTC
Most young women I meet always insist they're smarter than everyone around them. I can't help but laugh about it these days. I went to gifted schools throughout my schooling, and then was pre-med in undergrad, and the women I'd meet in those areas had a lower opinion of their own intelligence than all the "writers" among the female population who are quick to call men "neanderthals."

I'd say you're extremely typical.

What would be atypical would be a young woman that had respect for other people, and didn't insult their looks or intelligence in such an arrogant and delusional manner.
2015-03-26 10:27:44 UTC
I am exactly the same way, except I hate English. I am a reader and a writer, and I am very quiet. I have even less friends than you. I have one friend, and it s my sister, which some may find a little pathetic. I can stay up until three reading a good book! I don t think you re a loser.
2015-03-30 21:15:09 UTC
yes, you are the biggest loser. what kind of question is that? it seems like u want attention and you just want people to say ur not a loser because everyone calls u a loser. u just need someone to tell you that ur not a loser and thats why u asked this question. why dont u ask yourself this question because you're the only one who could answer this question. its whether you believe you're a loser or nahhhh
2015-03-28 13:07:56 UTC
Of course you're not a loser haha

I don't talk much either and my biggest problem every day is saying 'here' during attendance. I have only one friend who is the biggest extrovert you'll ever meet. I love reading too and I'm aspiring to become a writer.
2015-03-31 21:56:12 UTC
A loser? Absolutely not!

I have a book for you:

"Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking"

2015-03-27 18:55:44 UTC
You're not a loser! You have a lot going for you, don't let people get you down, you sound like natural for college. (I'd suggest being a little less judgmental about the looks of the boys in your school though lol!)
2015-03-31 09:29:27 UTC
Your not a loser i have 2 friends and I get by you don't need a lot of friends as long as the ones you have are actually friends
2016-01-29 07:12:28 UTC
You're not a loser! I was just like that as a teen. I had few friends, loved reading and was incredibly awkward socially. I was, and still am, an English nerd. In fact, you're way ahead of me in terms of writing. 14 novels? I've been working on my first for years.
2015-03-30 08:34:18 UTC
No you're not a loser! It looks like you must be doing well in school? To get a good job? Who's going to be the "loser" in later life? Them, someone who works hard, or someone who teases people for being interested in their future?
2015-03-29 03:38:35 UTC
You are definitely not a loser! If you enjoy to read then you do and five friends is actually a lot so don't be down over this :) hope this helped
2015-03-26 17:53:54 UTC
No your not. I dont have ANY friends. i also write and all that. Sometimes fewer friends is better. a loser is someone who does nothing with their life, does drugs, neglects kids, doesnt have a job and mooches off people. losers are pedofiles, rapists, murderers. basically losers are people who put the blame on everyone else, and refuse to accept responsibility for anything. your not any of those.
2015-03-26 16:28:14 UTC
Heavens no! i'm the exact same. I actually read four books that were over 200-300 pages in a day without a break. If someone doesn't stop me I would actually read the whole day away. when i'm not around my friends i'm quiet and don't say anything to the people i'm not used to. Because for one they are pretty much all pricks and jerks. I also write short stories and just LOVE English because its fun and I love to read and write about the things I enjoy. In my opinion if you read a lot and the jerks don't then they are illiterate fools. You are not boring you just like to enjoy your solitude without people getting in the way of your quiet time. My friends and I are always loud when we are together. we think of ourselves as introverts people who don't like to socialize. And don't change i'm pretty sure if we ever met we would hit it off instantly and be great friends. the people at your school just need to accept who you are! :)
2015-03-29 17:06:27 UTC
One day, you're gonna be the next J.K. Rowling (I know that you like Harry Potter, cause all of us bookworms do). And one day when/if you go to your high school reunion kids are going to drool over your success and wish they had tried to include you more often. You're certainly NOT a loser! Kids like us usually don't get involved with bad situations (such as drugs, or underage alcohol) so we end up with the best jobs and the happiest lives :D
Crystal G
2015-03-26 15:09:49 UTC
IF YOUR A LOSER THAN SO AM I, AND I AM NOT A LOSER. lol You are being you and that is more than those other fake *** people can be. Ill leave you with this. HIGH SCHOOL . IT only last 4 years. BE YOU
2015-03-29 02:41:16 UTC
Do you feel like you are taking care of yourself and business in your life? If so you may be want and wish you had more, but you're not a loser. People have different abilities and different skills and mature at different speeds, so unless you feel you are way off-track in your life you are probably OK. The question I think you need to ask is, since you have already identified what you think are problems, or issues, how are you going to handle them - NOT WHAT NAME ARE YOU GOING TO CALL YOURSELF.
2015-03-26 13:42:44 UTC
You are not a loser, but you should go out with friends more often. Do not listen to those people. They do not know what they are even talking about. You are a good person and you probably have pretty great writing skills based on what you do. :-)
2015-03-26 03:01:09 UTC
A bit more alter. You might have as often good friends as one can sometimes possess, a person cannot basically sustain numerous relationships. Along with needless to say you will have one more giggle both profession along with relationship smart, you will most probably meet up with an excellent man with higher education (if you're planning in going) accomplishing a similar significant. Chance to find the getting this done your mates along with self-improvement soon you finish off high-school so that you end up because well prepared as is possible for the "real world".
2015-03-30 15:47:18 UTC
HECKS TO THE NO! Believe me when I say this, coming from a school full of bullies and ghetto people (of course, I'm not judging them I've just seen them bully other kids and... the ghetto part? I came from a lot of ghetto schools so I would know), I'd say they're jealous. When I changed schools, everybody was "jealous' of me. "I wish I could be that smart!" "How do you do it?" but then again, some people are your school are too rude to say anything nice. You're NOT a loser, and I bet you'd be laughing when you're in Harvard and they end up working in McDonald's.
2015-03-26 16:27:38 UTC
being you is not a loser. just ignore them. do what you like, and don't care what others think about.

but just remember, high school is a precious time and you want to make memories. wen you're old, you'll wish to go back to school, but by that time its too late. so have fun now! (no drugs or any bish of course)

try new things while youre young, and maybe dont be so quiet.

im really quiet, and i really wish i wasnt.
2015-03-30 14:44:25 UTC
Hello- I don t know you-nor did I read the description of yourself-

You are your own worst enemy. It was heartbreaking to even see this in the questions to begin with.

Do not ever let someone determine your worth.

You are YOU! There is only one original you- you are limited edition and vintage at best-there can never be a remake of you- you cannot be mass produced. You are you!

You are smart, kind and important. I can tell that you are not unintelligent because you sought out help online in the Yahoo Answers. And you are important-you bring something to the table that no one else can- that is- BEING YOURSELF! BE YOU!!!!

Hold your head up because if your head is up eventually all you will see is a sunny day! Like sunflowers!

Now go be awesome!! BE YOU!
2015-03-27 11:29:23 UTC
You should love yourself the way you are, If you are a nerd, Then what ? That's just who you are, Trust me, I was a plastic slut too in high school and i didn't like it that much, i wish i spended more time reading books, knowing more about cultures, instead of going to parties, have 100 friends that are totally useless and think only about SEX, when you'll get to college as me many things will change, as for now, just enjoy your life with your 5 friends !
2015-03-27 13:47:54 UTC
No one's a loser!
2015-03-29 18:09:55 UTC
You're not a loser, just be yourself and NEVER be the typical high school girl. They usually don't have a since of humor and they usually aren't that smart. Just keep reading and you can become an author one day. Never change.
2015-03-30 14:45:26 UTC
Dont think your a loser oh come on you are being to hard on ypurself. btw your amazing your probably extremely smart and look at me looking up answers for my hw on yahoo im a dork + i play video games like 15 hours a day EVEN in school so you will be faaaar more succseful then maaaaaanyy people. Any if any Douchebag tells u otherwise punch them in the face and say it was from Cameron :)
2015-03-30 16:21:13 UTC
Nope, nothing wrong with you at all. There are PLENTY of boys like you don't worry. I have a very small circle of friends, always been that way since school (I'm 34 now). Never change for other people. I never liked high school parties either, mainly because I didn't like half the people at them, what's fun about being surrounded by morons you don't like? I'd rather hang out with my couple friends I enjoy being around. My wife is the same way, doesn't like most people. Society calls us introverts, I call us selective! Don't get down on your self, High School sucks, it passes and gets better I promise!
2015-03-28 11:08:09 UTC
you are most defiantly not a loser!

In fact I am like you, having a hobby and using it as your advantage. I love to game and yes i am a female gamer and i only have about 4 friends that i speak to. In the majority of lessons i sit on my own and have no one to talk to... but does that make me a loner?... no...

Just because people hurt your feeling and conflict verbal pain to you doesn't mean that you should change yourself to suit them... it is almost as if you are stepping down to their level so don't do it!

One thing i have learnt in life is that you can never make everyone happy but yourself. Do things that you enjoy and stick to it... Our world has became self- centred and never caring about everyone else, so I say find your inner lady balls and dont care about what people think.

Hope this helped and please be yourself dont hide behind a fake you.
2015-03-27 12:26:00 UTC
I don't think your a loser. In fact you sound awesome. Don't you dare change your ways. And five good friends is doing pretty good. Some people are lucky to have one. What do you care what people think of you . What you think of them is what should concern you. Move forward in life collect friends and leave everybody else behind.
2015-03-28 15:01:29 UTC
You are NOT a have a right to live your life the way you want without judgment from others. Set your own standards, don't fall for peer pressure. Be yourself and if they don't like you they probably are jealous of you.
2015-03-28 09:55:15 UTC
"Should I change and try to be a typical high school girl?"

NO!!! You are going to go so far in life. High school may seem tough now but trust me, a person like you will love college. Unfortunately, high school is only enjoyable to people who don't value themselves. It shouldn't be that way but it is. You're going to be like a freaking CEO or the next JK Rowling. You have goals so you're not a loser. Trust me those people who tease you and isolate you will be druggies on welfare and you could say to them "who's the loser now?"
2015-03-28 08:59:06 UTC
Well, obviously you're not a loser and are normal.

The reason why you seem to think there are no boys like you is because I guess they're too quiet and shy for you to notice so far.
Julius Caesar
2015-03-30 16:06:35 UTC
Dont ever change and you arent a loser, trust me, I'm in uni and have no friends, IM a loser not you.
2015-03-27 19:24:22 UTC
In ten years, when you become a best selling author or a successful english literature teacher, turn around and tell them you are NOT a loser. Its only highschool, I promise you will find a guy just like you! Just dont ever give in to what they say <3
2015-03-27 15:47:49 UTC
Conformity kills every last bit of who you are.Unless you want to be a clone. I bet that the people who call you a loser are really insecure about themselves, you intimidate them by being your own person. Don't worry it doesn't last, by the time you're in college everyone will be doing their own thing and you'll meet more people who are just like you.
2015-03-28 16:07:50 UTC
Don't ever change! Im an introvert myself and I am completely dedicated to animating and art! People say I'm an ark nerd and a video game geek (YAS I AM) But secretly the most quiet people are like the most amazing ones ;) I have 5 or 6 friends and someone likes you out there! Chin up :). Never change.
2015-03-31 10:25:47 UTC
If being a stupid high school kid is cool then yes you are a loser, if being an Individual with a keen interest for reading and a close group of friends is cool then you are a winner
2015-03-27 05:04:07 UTC
I am the same way and no your not a loser. If it is your personality then don't change to make anyone happy.
2015-03-29 02:50:02 UTC
DEFINE loser for me because I'm pretty sure you're not one them. To me you are a winner because the most I've read about the things you do is something to be respected for. Don't let others bring you down because from what I'm reading you're better than they are. Boyfriend? Parties? those aren't going to help you somewhere in the future. Keep doing what you do and keep being who you are. DON'T BECOME who they want you to be.
2015-03-30 06:50:08 UTC
You're not a loser, you'll thank yourself later for being this way while your extravert hipster classmates ruin their lives with alcohol and a crappy job in a store. There should be more people like you and never change yourself if you have to do things you're not comfortable with
2015-03-31 05:27:23 UTC
Everyone loses at something dude

Everyone's a loser, some are good and some are bad

Just remember to be good, God will bless you :)
2015-03-31 15:16:10 UTC
Are you kidding me? You arent a loser! Everything you have said doesnt make you a loser. If anything, youre cooler then most people from the sound of it. (P.S What boys are you talking to? A ton of boys LOVE shy girls) Be yourself. Teens love to try to fit in, but trust me, that will suck in the long run. Just be yourself and everything will fall into place.
2015-03-27 08:35:03 UTC
I have about 5 friends too, Trust me you aren't a loser and if you are then i guess i am too! Because i'm on my computer all the time and i don't go out much
2015-03-26 04:58:30 UTC
Seriously? No you're fine. Be yourself, that's the best version of you. Do what you like to do and forget what anyone else says about it. Don't prescribe mentally to their version of what is cool and what's not. All those people are homogenous anyways. They're the losers because they do what the other person does in order to fit in and be cool.
2015-03-31 10:21:12 UTC
Alright..about the boys its funny lol..u should try to read less and socialise more, like do not go out every week'end but go at birthday parties..if a habit makes you suffer you should do something about it..just the way some people are obssessed with parties, you are obssessed with books..they get into trouble and you get introverted because you spend a lot of time alone,get it?but be careful not to go to the other extreme, coz i have been into both and believe me,none of htem are nice..keep it somewhere in the middle,no exagerating..i always thought that i will become a wrtiter until i got into fashion now i changed my mind completely..honestly writing is nice,i wrote poems myself, but it makes people melancholic,introverted,shy or depressed..why do you think that there were so many melancholic,suicidal poets and writers?i would have advised most of them to leave the pen and paper and join a sports team.. :)
2015-03-31 15:05:41 UTC
Of course not! Lot's of people are different and have different hobbies and likes and dislikes. Just because you like reading or writing doesn't make you a nerd or loser.

And for the teasing, you shouldn't listen to anyone who teases you. Some rude people just find joy in teasing other people and making people feel bad about themselves for some weird reason.

Some people have even less than 5 friends. And ME, I'm very shy like you too. To people who aren't my friends, they think I'm some shy, innocent person. But with my friends, I get crazy. Sooo many people are like that in fact. A lot of people are quiet on the outside, loud on the inside.

I like reading too, it doesn't make anyone a nerd or loser. You really shouldn't feel bad about yourself or any of your hobbies.

DON'T try to change yourself. Don't try to be anyone your not because that will result in problems. And lots of people don't have boyfriends.

So make sure not to change yourself and just express who you truly are. :)

Hope this helped!! :D
2015-03-28 10:26:03 UTC
Don't change for other people. If you enjoy how you spend your time, keep it that way. It's much better to be happy with the way you are rather than change to be someone you're not and become unhappy. F*** the people who say you're a loser, it's not true.
2015-03-26 13:52:22 UTC
Change for the better, become a better person. Change your appearance, style, and ideology. Dont be a social butter fly, be confident and demanding. Become aggressive, assertive,and respectable. If you dont respect yourself, then noone else will respect you. As far as friends go, it doesnt matter until you hit Colege, in college you need to get as many smart friends as you can so u dont fail. do very well in school and dont worry about any one else accect you and your friends. Keep life very private but enjoyable. Be a badass. Do whatever makes you happy. Ive been through hell and back, this is how you do the same.
2015-03-29 12:15:50 UTC
You're not a loser. It's just who you are and of course people like you exist. You probably just haven't come across someone yet. I advise you to continue in your direction, you'll get very far in life.
2015-03-30 03:12:51 UTC
You are not a loser! reading is good and you should do what you love. I only have 3-4 friends and don't really mimd. I am usually quiet, shy and reserved. It's just how we are.
2015-03-29 20:53:56 UTC
Me thinks somebody is fishing for a compliment? It is not without reason that they call high school "hairy high school." The stuff that goes on! Doing all the extreme things. You are doing fine. You are right to look down at them a bit but in the long run it will be much better to see the better side of them, if any. I don't know where I am getting any of this stuff. I had 6 friends--so I'M ahead of YOU.
2015-03-30 09:58:59 UTC
You're a loser if you choose to be, otherwise your just introverted. You're five friends are more than a lot of people have, and yes, there are many boys like you. People who say english class is gay are ******* retarded, they are dismissing the central medium by which to communicate with the society around them, so **** 'em. You're doing alright for yourself.
2015-03-27 17:01:04 UTC
you seem like you are in highschool . being a loser or feeling like one is completely normal and it shouldnt be categorized by how many friends you have either. being a loser is someone who doesnt do **** with their life all day and fails school and has no talent or ambitions. take this from someone with experience with feeling like this when i was in highschool. the more you dig to find ways to stop feeling like this the more your head is going to clog up with feelings of insecurity. when you get to college these things wont even matter. it is so easy to make friends with people who love english just like you. so please just let this time pass. you will be regretting feeling this way instead of enjoying highschool. im sure you should probably try speaking to people more often to build some assurance in yourself. talk about book all people read especially if you write something that can relate to them. things of that sort. dont be afraid to find new people to add to your life and make sure they are positive and can help you grow your talents :)
2015-04-01 17:51:23 UTC
No you are not. You have friends. You might find a guy in college or a book group. I know it is hard but try not to focus on others thoughts. When they mature, most of them will be impressed by is also a good idea to not talk to people about subj

ecru that don't interest them. Ask the kids in school about the test today or the basketball game.
2015-03-26 14:58:19 UTC
a loser is someone who spends a few years of life they are given not doing what they want to. (unless we get immortality in the next half century. if that happens loser is anyone who doesn't have money to jump on that train.) so if you enjoy what you are doing then do it and stop caring about what others say.unless that is what you enjoy doing. good luck
2015-03-28 19:10:59 UTC
Do not change. You are not a loser. Keep reading and doing what you love! I too enjoy english.

Hope you have a good life ahead of you(sincerely)

2015-03-29 13:43:31 UTC
Yes, you're a loser. Maybe you should get into modelling? There's lots of guys who would want to take shots of you.
2015-03-26 09:40:45 UTC
No. Don't.

You are like the person, a prolific author, who in some part turned my life around and started me on the path to improving English grades, except you're a teenage girl.

Just get through this part of your life with the talent you have, don't worry about when it will all be worth it - it is your passion after all.
2015-03-27 12:54:46 UTC
I wouldn't call you a loser but pretty educated, considering you've wrote like 14 novels.
2015-03-28 16:00:56 UTC
HECK NO! Literally you just described my life, today I went out and bought a collection of Edgar Allen Poe's Poems and The Picture of Dorian Gray to read FOR FUN! (I'm in Highschool). And honestly it doesn't matter in Highschool because you could end up being the next JK Rowling and those people will look at your work and go "Wow! She went far."
2015-03-31 03:56:32 UTC
no way lol if people listened to everything out peers say the whole damn world would be lost

let`s face it the way I see it you are an amazing person its hard to find people such as your self these day you know what that make you a rare gem among rocks and most of these teenage girls have their legs open for every tom dick and harry thinking they can get some where on their backs keep doing what you're doing because you are a winner and it has just only begun
2015-03-27 06:49:30 UTC
im turning 20 and have no friends. literaly no friends,i had before but they go away once they new my real i stopped making one. i never had a girlfriend. but i dont consider myself as a loser

i was bullied also

i dont think youre a loser

people may call you loser because you are not the same as them,you are not what they expect. unique.

the real losers are the conformist,those who live to please others.
John D.
2015-03-28 17:24:42 UTC
You sound like a very special girl and all of that reading will only make you smarter. You have a bright future ahead of you if you keep on doing what you do. And don't worry about love, that will come on the right day and not a second sooner or later. Keep it up and you may be very wealthy someday too. :)
2015-03-27 02:38:22 UTC
No you are not a loser. But I am going to say one thing to you that the others have not. I am also a very private "loner." Society expects people to be engaged and participate socially. Otherwise they view you as someone they can scapegoat. I have endured so much misery because of it.
2015-03-31 07:48:29 UTC
No you are not a loser. no matter what people tell you. I get told that all the time. Just brush it off, you have a perfectly good group of friends, so the other people i bet are saying it to make themselves feel better.
2015-03-28 01:28:31 UTC
Even i think that a boy who will like me doesnt exist.,but thats not the most important thing at all.YOU ARE GREAT..whether people see that or not..You should need noone to ascertain that you are a winner or a loser.If you are hapoy and doing what you like..let not others bother you.Life will give you opportunities that are different than others..And people who know the real you will value you.Dont change for anyone.I have seen that its useless bending for anyone..because noone actually cares so much.and in that process you have to go through a lot of pain which is completely chill and keep on reading books.They will be your good friends for life.
Bharat Chand
2015-03-30 14:01:32 UTC
not at all my friend, first of all be proud of yourself that you are a great reader and a writer as well. And dont worry about not having that much friends, even I do have only 4 friends. It doesnt matter how many friends you have got. Its always better to have a single best friend who knows you well rather than having so many of them. DONT worry about not having boy friend, you will definitely find someone in your own field. And ofcourse others may call you boring and they may tease you, its just your hard time................

Keep in mind that you have a great talent, feel proud of it and do what your heart tells you to, dont mind the crowd, they may tease you , they may may complain about you but feel energized, and be self motivated. You writers are the ones who motivate others through your writings, and I would tell you that you writers are greatest, you make others think in your own way through your writings.

Definitely you are not a loser but you are part of something great, and who knows you might become one of the great poets like wordsworth. Always feel happy of what you are
2015-03-28 06:16:01 UTC
You are not a loser! Wow 14 novels that's impressive! And I'm kinda jelous to you, you seem to be so smart
2015-03-29 20:47:58 UTC
You aren't a loser... You are just a resol. You will figure it out.

2015-03-26 15:18:52 UTC
No, you arent a loser, even if you only have a few friends and love to read. I actually encourage reading it makes you smarter especiall with vocabulary. I think you are smart and should go to college and get an education. Good luck!
2015-03-29 09:13:25 UTC
You sound brilliant and lovely.

Being extremely intelligent can be lonely whilst in high school.

It's very different in college!

Stay true to who you are.

Five friends is plenty, as long as they're true friends.

I'd rather have 1 great friend than 500 fake friends.

Cherish those five friends.
2015-03-29 12:50:08 UTC
You don't sound like a loser. Just quit quoting poems and passages from novels to people who don't appreciate it. It makes you seem like a show-off.
2015-03-30 18:50:29 UTC
You are definitely not a loser. I am the same way. I only have a couple of friends, and I only appear extroverted around them. Besides that, I am very quiet and keep to myself.
2015-03-29 21:00:16 UTC
No your not a loser no one is
Tristan Geoff
2015-03-25 21:10:49 UTC
I would date you if I knew you. You sound cool actually, I find it really cool that you've written so many books and stories, even if I don't read as much as I really want to, it's still really admirable. I love english class, and I guess I'm okay at it.

I myself am (is?) in a Punk band, and I've been in various other ones for like 3 years now. None of them have been succesful enough to produce listenable recordings, so it's impressive that you've written so many stories.

If it's at all possible, could I read one of them?
2015-03-27 09:25:39 UTC
No my dear you are not. You are only going through what zillions of other people in the world have gone through at your age in high school. Five friends is better than no friends. Keep up with the quotations. Don't worry about partying, they only blame frat boys in the end anyway. Also Frankenstein didn't have children although he did have a bride.
2015-03-27 21:08:57 UTC
Wow, you have 5 friends? Now I'm wondering if I'm a loser. I don't have any :P
2015-03-27 22:31:31 UTC
You are not a loser.

You'll probably get a boyfriend way before I ever get a girlfriend.

All the best.
2015-03-26 08:00:23 UTC
Looser? No.

Skillful? Yes.

I sometimes think of my self as a looser, but I don't change how I am. If I do, i'll be worst than a "Looser". I'll be "FAKE". I enjoy reading manga, watching anime, and writing short stories novels. (heh, we could even work together)

I'm from Puerto Rico living in the USA.

Look at it this way. People like you and me live in one world while THEY live in another, just happens that both our worlds are pared with each other. We create a life (Story) and they follow it (Read it). Those who don't follow, don't matters. Keep doing what you like, your life. With this answer (and maybe other's answer's as well)

A looser, I think not.
2015-03-26 01:14:20 UTC
Dude. I read a lot of books in school. never wrote a novel though. the bad capitalizations may give that away... Anyway, who cares what the kids at school say? seriously, in ten years that won't matter. and it shouldn't now. don't sell yourself out to be "cool". what the crap is cool anyway? An exercise in being trendy in order to gain social approval? It's pedantic. Those kids aren't your peers. The teachers MAY be. Although I doubt they've wrote many novels. you'll find a good guy one day. we're rare, but we exist. even though we may have bad grammar.
2015-03-29 08:11:40 UTC
Do those 5 people eat with you every day of the week? Do they know your family?

I'm pretty sure it's more like you know 5 people and have no friends. Because friends are people you can travel to other countries with and invite possibly as best man/best woman at your wedding.
2015-03-30 07:33:55 UTC
English major will not land you a job. all this "pursuit your dreams" crap they teach you in school is not realistic. but no, you are not a loser. wise people learn from history (they read), losers learn from experiences. and nerd girls are hot. just that i wouldnt recommend studying english that much. go for engineering, med, accting, finance, or something like that. you dont wanna b my friend at the age of 30 and masters in Eng, and still live at home
2015-03-29 18:39:40 UTC
Never! No one is a loser! Not to be cliche, if you think you're a loser, you're right. If you think you're a winner, you're right it's all how you look at it. And last cliche, yet true, be yourself! you can never go wrong.
2015-03-30 14:33:52 UTC
If you believe you re a loser then you are. A few friends are better than being around those who use/take advantage of you. and having no friends is better than being around people that make you feel alone. My advice to is always love yourself.
2015-03-26 22:08:08 UTC
Either they are immature.

I'm very shy and not sociable

I was once called a whore and a ***** before

I don't date (Don't date til you go to collage, I recommend)

I'm not one of those 'Popular kids'

I'm a HUGE book lover/book worm

I spend my whole weekend staying home and going on my laptop desperate for online friends to talk to

People just ignore me

I been called bad friend before and honestly I was mad at her for treating me like sh!t

No boy likes me because how short my nose is

I live in a trailer (I try to smell nice everyday)

Not many people like math, but I LOVE MATH

One of my friends is a bully and she keeps clinging to me (Even though she called me bad friend, I was really hurt inside but I didn't care on the outside)

Don't worry other people have more worse situations than you :3

Keep calm and be yourself! Wuv you! xoxoxo
2015-03-31 09:18:27 UTC
Of Course you are NOT a loser, and it's good that you don't try to fit in with these stupid TRENDS! Continue to be yourself!
2015-03-26 19:30:53 UTC
No! Don't change who you are for the world! I didn't know there are people out there that relate so much to me. Keep doing whatever makes you happy! I'm so glad I found someone that relates so much to me! :)

One of the many things I suck at is life. But I'll just live it how I think it's suppose to be lived..
Effy! Xoxo
2015-03-28 06:49:52 UTC
No your not a loser, every girl feels like that sometimes, we all do stupid and dopey things more so on nights out so by not going u have saved your self lots of grief, but you have to be more open to experience new things, I used to have such panic attacks b4 I went out, my hand shook like mad and I always felt like I was gonna puke, so I stopped going until a good friend finally pulled me out, we go out most weekends now through good and bad nights.

You just have to not stop yourself, keep going on nights out till it gets good, copy what girls wear in magazines and don't be so self conscience bullies sense if you walk into school confident with your head high, clean and make an effort with your makeup (without going over the top), then they may not go near you, don't go looking for a fight either but defend yourself in a situation without using offensive language, if possible. Stop thinking bad thoughts about yourself and improve yourself, looking in the mirror in the morning and thinking ugh I'm so ugly is gonna do nothing for you, put on your makeup get your hair washed and cut and make you feel better.

And Relax I know its so difficult to do, your house a lot of people in it mums banging dishes and your brother or like me sister is screaming the lyrics of her favorite song, and if you ask them for help with your outfit or makeup their complaints and of course they point out your flaws, IGNORE THEM! Know you look beautiful when your walk into a club with your girls on your arm, and laugh when not getting served, and read your books when you get home, be safe, dont drink too much and try to have fun!

From 17 year old girl :)
2015-03-30 00:40:02 UTC
How can i say anything about this matter that are you a Loser or not.
2015-03-26 20:08:18 UTC
So you're a loser? Or Nah?
2015-03-30 21:51:08 UTC
You're not a loser; all that stuff is normal. Keep up the writing!
2015-03-29 07:54:03 UTC
U are not a loser, U are a winner

5 friends is plenty

U are an introvert, nothing wrong with that

just keep being yourself.
2015-03-27 15:40:04 UTC
You're not a loser... You are doing what you enjoy and what makes you happy. I admire that!
2015-03-29 07:19:23 UTC
nope u rnt a lozer.u r amazing just the way you are.having 5 friends if way better than having a group of friends who say crap about you behind you're back to other least you know you have ppl there for you and you can trust no really honestly your aren't a loser
2015-03-30 04:04:17 UTC
You sound a lot like me. I think it would be cool if we were friends. People just bully others they can't relate to. I feel sad that they don't get you. Don't lose hope. Does that answer your question somewhat?

You have written 14 novels and 50 short stories? Wow! Can you send me some?
2015-03-28 11:50:47 UTC
You sound kind of like me. I have 6 friends I sit with at lunch at school and some of them write stories with me and we have a lot of fun and I really enjoy myself doing that and if you enjoy yourself doing what you're doing then its not going to make you a looser to do what you love. Just because other people enjoy instagram and painting their nails and crap doesn't mean you have to. I am struggling with what you are going through right now and its not easy to be who you are. They tell you to be yourself and then they laugh at you for doing it. But just because you listen to them saying "be who you are" doesn't mean you have to listen to them laugh. A quote I've heard that has really helped me through my problems is "You laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at you because you're all the same." In no way are you a looser and just because you are entertained and stimulated by something far more sophisticated and mature than they are is basically proof you're smarter than them. I've always enjoyed history and writing and reading while every one else has been doodling in their notebooks while I am listening to the Civil War lesson and writing poorly communicated poorly planned out stories while I am writing a narrative that contains a word the teacher took a point off for because she didn't think it was real and I had to get a dictionary to prove it to her (true story) and they are reading captain underpants in 5th grade while I am reading War and Peace (another true story though I didn't finish it) and guess who's gonna be packing my groceries while I fly over in my private jet. They are because they wasted their time doing drugs and getting drunk while you prepared for life. You are the one who is going to be the rich hero who found the cure to cancer or discovered alien life or something (sorry i know you said you are into english not science I just was thinking of things that symbolized success). You are the one who is going to be laughing soon because you're going to be the one in Yale or MIT while they get denied community collage. You are the smart one, not the looser. They are all the loosers, not you. Keep doing what you're doing, you're on the right path. Take it from me, I know how you feel. (Also holy crap this is long sorry about that!)
2015-03-28 04:50:35 UTC
You'll never be a loser if you're being true. Those who give in to living in the pretence that they are 'normal', whatever normal is, have no idea how much they have lost.
2015-03-26 12:30:46 UTC
Honestly how you look or what people think of you in highschool doesnt matter . Be yourself and anyone who makes fun of you wont be when your a famous author or successful . regardless of what you do people will never be impressed . For example im in higschool im a girl ive only had one serious boyfriend i love reading and i only have two close friends but people still insist that im a whore because im "pretty" and have a curvaceous body. Just brush it off and do what you enjoy . Having a small circle of friends is better then having alot trust me ive been there .
2015-03-30 21:35:51 UTC
You are not a loser. I think you are smarter than me. I'm kinda like you. I tend to be introverted, reserved, quiet, and shy myself. My friends aren't as quiet and shy as I am. So you are not alone in that aspect. The part where you said that you like to write and that you wrote "I've written 14 novels and almost 50 short stories" was interesting to me because I like to write myself. I don't write as much stuff as you have. I wish I wrote as much as you did. You have given me inspiration to continue writing. Now, I want to write more stuff. Also, you say that you read a lot. I like to read myself, but I only read articles on the Internet. But I wish that I read books, novels, autobiographies, memoirs, etc. more of the time.

In a way, your similar to me. I'm introverted and quiet just like you; and I like to read and write.

But you are definitely smarter than me. I sucked at high school English. I now go to a community college.
2015-03-30 18:10:13 UTC
NO! You sound amazing! I would be your friend! I love writing, too, and AP Lit is my favorite class, other than band. I love writing, and you wrote so much! I also really like introverts, they have awesome personalities, and I love how much you read. Keep your head up, girl! You got this! Soon, those people who are teasing you (who seem like losers themselves, frankly) will be working for you! Love you!
2015-03-28 05:02:20 UTC
You are not a loser. People could be jealous of you because you are so good at English thanks to the amount of time spent reading. If they know about your novels and shorts stories then they might be jealous of that too. In conclusion, people are probably jealous of your English skills, and are saying these things as a means of venting their insecurities.
2015-03-27 17:28:34 UTC
pap. loser of what?

the only thing I can add is, maybe stop reading **** loads, & read loads instead.

Alien Hand High 7 / Attagirl / AttaASISter.


I know exactly how this goes... ppl make grand suggestions of u sleeping around, then when u do it, they find out all the information, then kick you to the kerb. sleeping around don't work, it just makes u worse.

so keep right on <73
2015-03-29 20:07:43 UTC
Of course you aren't a loser. Just be yourself <3
2015-03-30 07:25:44 UTC
I am in no way an introvert and I only have 2 friends...the ones saying all this are just dumb kids who know nothing of the world. They need to surround themselves with people and events, because they are secretly insecure, lack confidence and are too immature to judge themselves before judging someone else. Now I know why I don't like todays kids!
Mammuna Fatima
2015-03-26 04:28:35 UTC
You are introvert. You seem like a good listener. You read books a lot which means that you unconsciously like learning which is excellent. You are different from the majority people which doesn't make you a looser it just makes you different... People don't like others to be different from them so they say bad things about you..The only thing which seems wrong with you is you disliking your own self.. Embrace and respect yourself for who you are NoT for what others think about you. Learn to like yourself and your introvert nature and you will feel that you are better than those who make fun of you. Best of luck :)
2015-03-31 05:04:44 UTC
no I think your a cool person that's cool that u can write stories u like to read and that's cool. u have be u. and u sound like a nice person keep that personality I know its hard trust me. u are not a loser no one is a loser everyone has their own personality so I want u to keep your head high and keep doing what u are doing ok?
2015-03-29 20:55:38 UTC

The people who call us losers really must be worrying about their own futures. Who's going to be remembered in the long term? A legendary writer who everyone will know throughout history, or a jock whose best times were spent in alcoholic dazes at parties they didn't even remember the next day?
2015-03-29 06:42:50 UTC
If you think you're a loser, you're a loser by your standards.
2015-03-27 16:31:23 UTC
Sounds like your preparing to blossom. The student will become the teacher. Open your eyes grasshopper you can walk on sandpaper but toilet paper is softer. When you can take the pebble off my hand with your eyes close, you will know the answer to your question. You have awaken. You are no loser.
2015-03-28 15:18:30 UTC
Your no where close to a loser. You just have different intrests than the people who think their intrests are the best! trust me reading and being smart is going to get you SO far in life! Much farther than the people who party all the time. You are so lucky that you love reading. it is so good for you
2015-03-30 08:47:30 UTC
No your not a loser

Im really shy i never speak only to my friends but they are really loud and they expect so much from me lie to talk to guys but i just am frightened i dont think i get noticed everyone barges into me at school im the odd one out but then i went to a place and they said we are special we only let our feelings out to the ones we care about :)
2015-03-27 12:15:13 UTC
If it makes you feel better I have no friends at all. The friends who I thought were friends were all fake. I knew these guys for more than 10 years. I cut then out cause they were toxic.

You don't need a lot of friends. Just friends that count. Real friends who will be there when you need them. Just focus on you and the rest will follow.
2015-03-29 18:12:50 UTC
You are not a loser. I would gladly date a girl like you. You will find a boy someday who does worth to put down those books...
2015-03-28 20:49:27 UTC
You are definitely not a.loser, I love reading and writing. I also love school.

I just think the people around you are losers
2015-03-27 08:59:44 UTC
You are who you are and that is great. However, you do lack balance. While an appreciation for great literature and intellectual thought is of great value and will do you well in life you do need to get out and party while young! Do something physical like a sport to get balance. Find that aspect of yourself. By the way, as a mature man I will tell you that as you get older you will find guys who know how to appreciate a smart lady! Best wishes.
2015-03-30 20:14:16 UTC
You are definitely a loser. I think you should go to a rave and try some caps. Go alone and ask every person you are attracted to politely, "May I have sex with you?" See if you get charged for sexual harassment.
2015-03-27 19:21:31 UTC
no your not a loser, i read constantly and i quote things all the time, they have no room to talk they are probably just jealous because you know all that stuff and they dont. when you grow up and be in the big world, those kids they wont matter to you because you are a better person then they are. :) i hope i helped you
2015-03-27 15:04:04 UTC
You're obviously quite intelligent, but I think you should seek the help of perhaps a professional psychologist as well as the help of your parents in finding a balance between intellectual development and social development, or you'll pay a price, later. You should NOT neglect your social life and development, despite the difficult hurdles.
2015-03-25 23:55:42 UTC
I'd say stop worrying what others think of you. Education is important, so I applaud you for not being like other highschoolers, like getting pregnant and getting into things they shouldn't be getting into. Just do what makes you happy, you're on a good track now.
2015-03-27 03:25:47 UTC
Well if your a loser than that makes me one too. I truely have no friends & Im ok with that. seems like the less friends I have the better, so no your not a loser!!! if so SO AM I!!
2015-03-28 15:54:40 UTC
Nope, I would always have crushes on the girls like you. You're what is called, "A Girl Next Door." I can guarantee you that inn one of your classes there is a guy somewhere crushing on you who thinks you are the most beautiful thing in the world. Whether or not he has the nerve to tell you is a whole other matter.
2015-03-28 17:40:29 UTC
No one is a loser. If you are not accepted by society then GOOD! It means your doing something right.
2015-03-26 12:45:40 UTC
Nope,I personally hate reading,it's just not my cup of tea.But you should not change for the people around you,English is your passion and you should not give it up for anybody in this world.Dont worry,the right boy will come to you at the perfect time,and ignore the people around you,they're just some bullies....

Stay for what you believe in even if that means standing alone.
2015-03-26 11:23:48 UTC
5 good friends in life is all you need. What/who defines a "loser" anyway? You know who, LOSERS! You sound like a very normal kid to me. The only thing in this world "Gay and Useless" is Bruce Jenner.
2015-03-29 17:13:09 UTC
You sound really cool I like you already. I bet you're smarter than a lot of people at your school or so it would seem by your description. And who cares how many friends you have. Its better to have 5 good friends that 10, 000 shitty ones.
2015-03-29 07:47:24 UTC
Hey, I'm in high school too. From what you described, YOU SEEM AWESOME. I study literature too, but I don't read and write nearly as much as you do. I admire people like you. Few people have a PASSION as strong as you do. Writing novels? Quoting books? I love that but never got the time and imagination to write a SINGLE novel. I'm much of a humanities student.. I've always liked reading, and another one of my subjects in school which I do love is history. My teachers were surprised that I was pretty decent at writing because (according to them) most boys were only good at maths (yes I'm male). At one time I felt out of place because everyone focused on maths and science, sports, video games, whereas much less focus was given to the humanities like literature. Then, the time to choose subject combinations came. My chosen core subjects were that of humanities and within that newly formed class, I REALIZED THAT EVERYONE WAS BAD AT MATHS BUT WERE TALENTED IN THE HUMANITIES. You could easily tell from their use of wordplay, quotations (like you) and witty humour - I never witnessed that in my previous class of predominantly science students. Indeed, my current class is the ONLY class in the entire cohort which focuses on the humanities. We are a VERY small bunch, but we have gathered. I never thought I had like-minded people around, and then I discovered them. In this increasingly science-tech driven society, i suspect that the number of humanities students will decrease causing many of us to feel "left out" when we do not gather.

Having used to be a science student, I realize that studying lit and other humanities subjects builds empathy, critical thinking, and being able to read and write itself is an essential skill in life. You can go far if you find a job that relates to your interest and talent. Few people can read for 8 hours without getting bored or exhausted long before that! You may be different but that means you can find your own unique path. I'm still not that good but I'm working on it. Don't mind the childish haters. And when the time comes, find like-minded people. Peace.
2015-03-29 03:17:02 UTC
this world have no loser but loser only fate. If we try to win then we become won. hence trying is the best weapon for loser.
2015-03-26 22:03:18 UTC
You will be successful in life when all the other real losers are out partying getting crazy and drunk doing nothing good with their life.
2015-03-27 00:44:08 UTC
I'ma be truthful. You do sound like quite the nerd, but not a loser.
2015-03-30 17:18:27 UTC
Education is your choice and you're smart to make that your priority.

Everything else will fall into place with time. There's nothing out there for

youth to pursue only trouble so keep to few friends and books.
2015-03-29 19:59:55 UTC
You are not a loser. If someone says you are they are the loser.
2015-03-29 18:48:30 UTC
what does introverted mean :( im a stupid frankenstein looking neanderthal as you so clearly described. If i may ask, what exactly makes someone a loser? to be honest i dont think it exists. Anyways you sound like someone who is going to be very successful in the real world. good luck.
Ben Baker
2015-03-25 19:03:52 UTC
You shouldn't change. You have as much friends as one can possibly have, a person cannot actually maintain a large number of friendships. And it goes without saying you'll have the last laugh both career and dating wise, you'll probably meet a nice guy in college (if you're planning on going) doing the same major. I would recommend sticking with your friends and self-improvement until you finish high-school so that you find yourself as prepared as possible for the "real world".
2015-03-27 23:33:21 UTC
I thought you were a boy but then you said you should change to become like a typical girl. My thought is that you should do whatever you feel is best for you. Not for your friends because they will not always be there for you and will leave you when they feel it s best to do so. Although that does not mean you forget them. In fact you should try to find out what books they read or have read. instead of blocking them out. 5 friends is plenty in some cases.
2015-03-26 08:27:24 UTC
Life alone will sort out the losers and from what you've said it's unlikely to be you.
2015-03-29 13:46:56 UTC
No, you're remarkably inspirational for our generation and profoundly amazing because you've got dedication and you sound intelligent. You're pretty interesting tbh. Keep it up like that because this is you're only opportunity to utilize your time with developing your passion for a brighter future to achieve your self - actualization. You'll never get this time back because time is very expensive, YOLO my friendd
2015-03-30 12:15:46 UTC
No not at all. You are being yourself and that's how its suppose to be. You will probably end up more successful than those who tease you. You aren't hiding who you are,while some of them probably are. Just continue doing you that is all that matters and that'll take you along way.
2015-03-29 20:13:23 UTC
When you get out of school you'll realize that none of this is relevant. The "losers" will be the ones with normal lives. The "popular" girls will end up being prostitutes. (Well, that's an exaggeration)
2015-03-26 20:10:46 UTC
Your only a loser if you think you are, other people cant make you one only you can.
2015-03-30 00:05:04 UTC
I think you're not a loser!
2015-03-26 12:40:28 UTC
To worry about what others think of you is one of the biggest psychological problems people face.

The answer to this is simple...."forget what people think"...most people will betray you in one way or another down the who cares? Again "F what people think". Can these people effect your career? If the answer is no then again "F what they think". Do these people provide you with food or shelter...answer no...then again "F what they think". People who openly put you down, "why hang with those people". the ones you have to watch out for are those who say they are your friend..then stab you every chance they get.

With the internet, why should anyone care what some jerk thinks. Stay away, don't give them a chance to stick you with their knives, schools these days are really set up to stop bullying...and if they simply "don't like you' and are not bullying "F them".

They are probably a$$holes anyway..and why would you want your life shaped by a$$holes...
2015-03-26 16:15:39 UTC
No You're not I hate reading and people say I'm chill and fun to hangout but if I had a friend like you I would think of you as someone really special and who would be successful in life.. Not like me lol
2015-03-28 10:23:52 UTC
Hang in there.

The way I see it ... You are a WINNER, just waiting for your time to come..

The real losers will try to drag you down to their level.

Don't let them.
2015-03-30 12:29:32 UTC
You are NOT a loser because you read,are introverted and possess a command of the English Language. It is very clear to me, that some people around you want to party and dumb themselves down. If they want to reduce the quality of their lives due to their lifestyle, criticize you for improving your existence intellectually and ridicule you of your educational choices I shame on them not you. Continue to write novels and short stories for fun. Knowledge is power my friend!
2015-03-30 20:07:52 UTC
Considering you used the S bomb, in today's terms, you're not a loser.
2015-03-29 13:07:12 UTC
You*re not a looser. I am quiet at school to but i dont read and i go to parties and have alot of friends. But to be honest, you will be the person in the future that has everyone that teased you to work for you. You will be their boss because you paid attention in class and read alot and got your mind going and smart. Stay this way and embrace your self for who you are and chin up you are an individual and that makes oyu unique and special.
2015-04-01 11:58:58 UTC
you're not a loser.. and that's that! no discussion ! read all these answers we are all basically saying the same stuff... so stop it now! they're jealous and you get a boyfriend when the time is right thy're all just sluts.. i usually don't say this tsuff but it's true so take it from me you are SO GREAT they way you are now!
2015-03-25 19:14:14 UTC
Hah, you're anything but a loser. You'll meet more people like you as you grow. In any intellectuals book, you're actually awesome. I applaud you for rejecting the current trends in pop culture and sticking with books.
Michael Bridges
2015-03-29 13:58:20 UTC
No you arent a loser you are a great fine individual
2015-03-31 16:25:02 UTC
You are not a loser but I wish the best luck for you. It takes time. You do great things for yourself.
Jimmy Park
2015-03-25 18:50:09 UTC
I applaud you, my friend :) If I was to ever meet a girl with your characteristics, I'd be greatly amused and interested. I wish I was more like you ^^ Stay the way you are! It makes you unique like that, not a loser.

I'm sure you'll, someday, meet somebody with your interests.

Be strong and be yourself!
2015-03-27 16:43:58 UTC
i dont have many friends either, and we sound pretty similar in that we are shy and dont like to party. But it sounds like you need a self esteem boost. Don't listen to anything that those people say, because you are obviously much smarter. Just try not to focus on them so much. All that matters is your opinion about yourself, and you shouldnt change to a "typical high school girl" just because of what others say. you sound like a great person, and i wouldnt listen to anyone.
2015-03-29 03:13:10 UTC
I don't think you are loser. Well, friend is not number... Your 5 friends are worthy for you, then that is enough.
2015-03-30 05:00:49 UTC
You are amazing

You're not a loser you're different and the people who are different are the most coolest in reality!!
2015-03-30 10:34:13 UTC
You're not a loser. Don't say that.
2015-03-26 10:36:58 UTC
Five friends? that's more than me and I am not a loser. Treasure them.
2015-03-28 10:01:42 UTC
You'll learn as you get older it is the quality of your friends that count. Not the quantity. You are who you are and you are not a loser.
2015-03-27 01:35:13 UTC
I'm 13 and love reading and I'm a nerd and shy and quite and there's no one else like me so far that I've met so good luck

P.s. I'm a guy
2015-03-30 02:17:41 UTC
Yes, yes you are. We're all losers tbh
2015-03-26 15:22:45 UTC
Stay the way you are and don't let other people get you down. When you go to college you could very well meet a guy that has the same interests as you do. Good luck and enjoy the way you are.
2015-03-29 12:24:15 UTC
youre definitely not a loser you seem really cool to me. some people don't appreciate people like you and that's stupid. don't stop being who you are and doing what you like because other people.
2015-03-31 06:35:13 UTC
Your not a loser being quiet is more of an defense mechanism, it keeps me out of trouble sometimes so being quiet can benefit you.
Dj B.Jay
2015-03-29 14:13:36 UTC
Your no loser
2015-03-26 17:19:21 UTC
No person can be an island unto himself/herself in our culture. We have to interact with others even for our basic necessities.There is no harm being engrossed in books but shutting out the rest of the world will lead to a very restricted and unhappy life. Its necessary to give and take.
2015-03-30 03:27:43 UTC
To be honest with you, there's nothing wrong being a quiet but my advise to you, try to talk a little more because you need it on a job. You should be able to communicate with your fellow co-workers even if you don't like it, the people who are good in talking are the one who success in their life. Some celebrities are introverts but they are acting like extroverts, they said they are just performers.
2015-03-29 02:38:44 UTC
you are not a loser at all I think you are been kinda silly you should be happy with who you are and the friends you already I not care what anyone elses thinks as long as you are hay with you are then that is all that matters
2015-03-26 08:02:09 UTC
each person has their own life style. if you are happy with what you are doing, you are not loser. do not consider too much about this. nobody can named you as loser, except yourself.
2015-03-31 08:37:51 UTC
No, losers are people who spend all their time drinking till their guts burst and only think about sex
2015-03-25 19:47:44 UTC
I don't even have 5 friends at this school. Everybody thinks I'm a jerk because I follow the rules and get good grades. I gave into trying to get friends.

P.S. I have been at this school for 3 years
2015-03-31 10:54:28 UTC
Nobody is a loser unless he considers him/herself as such. Always watch those beneath your performance, you will realise that you are good and have lots of room to improve forward.
2015-03-29 14:10:24 UTC
No you are not a loser. I'll be your friend *hugs*
2015-03-27 23:18:48 UTC
**** the others ! Do spend the life as you like. NVM about others. Don't worry about friends. You have the

ultimate best friend with you already, YOU ! But try to involve with somethings other than reading. It will help you to be a balanced person.
2015-03-30 18:39:43 UTC
We all are losers
2015-03-27 19:50:27 UTC
( Before you read, note that I was homeschooled, still hate to socialize, and this is slightly "cliche". :P )

There are two types of friends. The good day friend, and the bad day friend. Say you got famous for writing a great book, the good day friends would come along in those periods. Right now your bad day friends, AKA true friends are there because of what you did....maybe, many people like me are two faced at certain times. :P

I heard a story of a boy who had 100 "friends". One day he told his dad, "I have 100 friends Dad!' His dad was sure most of them were not true friends, so he told his son to go to the butcher and get some bloody meat. Then his dad told him to get a bag and put the bloody meat into it, sent him of to his each of his "friends" and told him to knock on their doors, show them the bloody bag, and say, "I murdered somebody, can you help me :'( ?" Most the "friends" refused and would say "Gotta go!" or "GET THE **** OUT!!!"

Only one friend said soothing words to comfort him. The friend had him come inside and told him what to do to repent. The boy told that his dad was testing his friends and that the boy had only one true friend.

Okay, I know I suck at storytelling as always and I know this was slight trickery because almost everyone would shun you away if you held a bloody bag, but I hope you get the point of what I attempted and failed at.

(╦_╦) Too many long sentences kills your eyes.

Now we be pessimistic and say "You're unique, like everybody else."
Sparky McBoing Boing
2015-03-26 09:35:08 UTC
Times have changed since I was a teenager and the "jocks" and popular people were the role models. Now it's the dorks that run the world. Never forget that. You may feel like an outcast now, but those "popular" people will be washing your car someday.
2015-03-28 17:57:13 UTC
Nooo don't change. To many guys the best thing to have is a bookworm. You'll outreach them. We're not all nonces and masochists.
Karo Miyuki
2015-03-29 12:08:24 UTC
Quality over quantity. Better 1 friend you can trust with your life than a million self-important skankballs that'd seem nice but later prank you with revenge porn over the stupidest little thing
2015-03-28 21:14:58 UTC
I was like you in school. I was never that into books, I was more the math geek. I didn't have my first relationship till I met a girl like me in college. Don't change trust me. One day you'll find someone who makes you happy for being you.
2015-03-28 18:49:39 UTC
Nobody is a loser unless they dislike themselves
2015-03-26 05:05:54 UTC
I quite like you. You're intelligent. That is something to be proud of. Don't listen to those morons who insult you. While they're working at MacDonald's you'll be head of a company.
2015-03-28 11:45:31 UTC
You r not a loser coz u've got us,ur friends
2015-03-27 20:35:46 UTC
U only need 5 friends...thats what i got. U are not a loser
2015-03-26 15:20:58 UTC
Nope. I think that people nowadays aren't genuine. There's nothing wrong with being yourself. If anything, being yourself shows that you're comfortable with yourself. The people who act like something they're not just shows that they have self esteem issues. Just wait till college, you'll find people who are into the same stuff as you.
2015-03-31 04:21:20 UTC
Never change for anyone, changing yourself would make you feel unhappy and fake. You should never feel like this because of other people especially if there's no connection to them.

Its better to have real freinds who you like, and remember that you have the potential to do something great in the future because of how smart you are.
2015-03-30 16:57:54 UTC
How could you be a loser if you are into books and other "smart" things? Believe me, this is way over the heads of the "crowd."
2015-03-29 19:02:14 UTC
You are not a loser.
2015-03-30 16:22:47 UTC
No you are not a loser!
2015-03-27 19:56:23 UTC
No. No one is a loser. I believe everyone has talent, and all they have to do is to find that talent on your own.
2015-03-30 10:56:03 UTC
your not a loser keep your head up
2015-03-28 10:59:31 UTC
I am an introvert as well, so is my teenage son. Its hard to not "fit in" as a teen. but as an adult, you usually grow comfortable with it. I found a husband who accepts me the way I am. Always be yourself ! Love you for who you are. if everyone was the same . life would be boring. variety is the spice of life...and God does not make mistakes :) there is someone out there who only enjoys being around people like yourself. I prefer to be around people just like you, and myself
2015-03-28 10:03:19 UTC
Far from it!! You seem to have intelligence and a few good friends,I love to read and read every day as much as I can.You will learn to appreciate all these things about you that make you exceptional! Carry on and stay the course,you got this!!
2015-03-27 07:45:02 UTC
No, No one is loser.
2015-03-30 12:50:45 UTC
*** Absolutely NOT*** No need to CHANGE. Just keep the way you are as a "typical high school girl". No need to be having a boyfriend and then having sex and giving sex-favors and bj(s) [behind your parents] and then having break-ups. You had be glad you did cus one day you'll be 50% of J.K Rowling that will just be fine cus she was just like you. Your "time" will come in due course, I applaud you. "It is our choices... that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." - J.K. Rowling (from homeless to billionaire).
2015-03-27 05:20:15 UTC
Dear, you are one of the those great people, hard to find among a lot of shitty and false people. You do not need to be as others, believe me you will find your way. You will find the people who will understand you. And you will find the boy, that will understand you without a word and will be mad about your special madness. You need to understand that you are unique and b proud of that. Today in the world of false and pretence, people who are real are strangers, people like to laugh on you, cause they fell your power. Please be yourself and don't pay attention on what they think about you.
2015-03-30 08:21:17 UTC
You remind me of myself, the thing is..... people dislike people who are different than them as simple as it sounds, you're a cool person I wish I could meet in real life, soon it's going to be over and you'll find more friends, trust me
2015-03-31 00:40:00 UTC
Being a nerd is way OK they are more likely to become successful later in life so stand for who you are always be you cause different is unique that's cool being unique
2015-03-27 12:42:39 UTC
no. I read books they clal me a book worm. I even won an award back in high school. im 30 reading the wizard of oz series and I like wathciing sesme street. that's your circle.
2015-04-03 16:25:42 UTC
I think you are amazing the way you are! If being quiet and reading for several hours a day is who yiu are, then let them learn to accept you like that. You shouldn t have to change for anyone because if they don t notice you, then you know those who do are something special.

,My teacher always used to say that in life, you should be able to count your best friends on one hand! Just one hand! Trust me, keep being who you are :)
2015-03-26 19:31:31 UTC
You sound awesome. I love to read, i never speak aloud, my best friend is my twin, i have 1 other friend my age, and my favorite class is english. And i know for a fact that i am awesome. So im betting you are to, just be a little more confident in yourself.
2015-03-27 13:42:14 UTC
no just a big loser
2015-03-29 13:04:25 UTC
no, just because others don't like you or understand you don't mean that you have to change. you are who you are and if they don't like it so be it. you can only be who you are. you are not gossiping about anyone or going with every boy that comes in your face so they don't know your business. so they don't know any thing else to say but you are a nerd. they like what they like and you like what you like. don't pay any attention to them, because in the long run your reading will pay off big time.
2015-03-27 20:18:01 UTC
Why do haters be haters ,why don't they just go yell at a banana or something?anyways my life sucks my be won't even answer me anymore iam I clinny,annoying or is he board of me...I probably think about killing myself 9-10 times a day no wait hourly
2015-03-30 15:55:21 UTC
your not a loser and in fact, its best to wait to date until you are old enough for the responsibilities that come with dating and marriage. i know allot of people your age do date and party and they see you as different because they pick on you. but different is actually better! actually, the bible talks about dating and marriage, and how its best to wait until your past "bloom of youth", which is that the time your in right now. your young and will be changing your mind allot, deciding your goals, your tastes, and figuring out who YOU are. that being said, you still have allot to learn about yourself, and grow, and to be able to carry out the responsibilities of marriage. the people who ignore this in life have set themselves up for allot of heartbreak and frustration, and their relationships dont last long. its like taking a test without knowing the material and not preparing ahead of time. you set yourself up for a fail. so you can take that slow, you still have allot of time for that ^ ^ and if you follow that, you will meet a very nice man one day and be very happy because you were prepared and mature for it.

as for you being quiet and loving to read, thats a nice thing your doing! people pick on you because they see you are different from them, and they want to change you to their liking, but that is not what a true friend is. a true friend/friends look out for your benefit and encourage you to do good things that will help you, not change you into something else more wild or whatever it is they want you to do, if its not right, dont do it.

theres nothing wrong with being quiet, but its always good to make new friends and "widen out" too ^ ^ (2corinthians 6:13). has a nice article about friends(titled "who are my true friends?) and one about dating, (titled "young dating, whats the harm?) it has some info you might be interested, feel free to read them and look them up.
2015-03-28 05:57:56 UTC
High School people always have to make fun of people who are different because they are figuring out who they are at this time. It would help if you were more interested in group activities. Get out there man!
2015-03-28 20:48:40 UTC
Those other people are the loosers, seriously. Also I think they are intentionally screwing with you and trying to get you to act like an idiot because they don't like being reminded that you are better than them, so rather than stand up they try to get you to lay down.
2015-03-31 14:30:42 UTC
No your not! You sound like a really cool person who is loyal to your freinds . Anyone who says else where there just stupid and don't know you. If you think other why's just know you have friends you can trust. :)
2015-03-26 07:02:08 UTC
yes you are a loser
2015-03-28 18:23:40 UTC
No, keep your head up and soldier though HS. In 20 years you will see them working at McDonalds and all that learning will have you laughing your pretty little *** off. College is much better
2015-03-27 11:21:04 UTC
No, you re not a loser
2015-04-01 10:43:30 UTC
Are you kidding me? You are awesome. I wish I could go back in time and use my High school time for studying instead of doing the lame things that cool people do. Focus on your studies and everything else that makes you happy (Avoid drugs and unsafe sex though.)
2015-03-27 20:57:15 UTC
No. Nobody is looser. You should bear in your mind one thing always that there is nothing to be end. You can start straight away. And its your spirit. So, why gloomy? Just cheer up and go ahead. You can do everything you want. Just you need to have full spirit in your mind.
2015-03-26 22:07:12 UTC
You are NOT a loser at all! Not everyone is supposed to be the same or act the same. We're all into different things and we all find happiness in different ways... for some people, it's partying and socializing and having a huge group of friends. For others, it's reading and having a smaller group of friends and having alone time. We're not all robots that have to act the same... we're humans and humans are full of variety and no matter how weird someone is, they are bound to find people either with similar interests or preferences or who accept them for who they are. Since you do have friends, it seems like you have found people who are cool with you just being you. Be thankful for the people in your life that like you the way you are, they are the ones that matter… and, like some people say, it's better to have 4 quarters than a 100 pennies.

All I can say is, don't ever change yourself to suit other people. You were not born to please others, just like no one is born to please you. You don't have to fit in with the 'cool kids' or change who you are for them. The second you do is the second you tell yourself ‘I’m not good enough”. And the second you tell yourself that is when insecurity begins. Do you want to be that girl that is so likeable and has a million friends but is really insecure and unhappy on the inside? Think about this: who’s happier, the person who everyone loves but hates themselves or the person that everyone hates but loves themselves? There are people that everyone loved but, they couldn’t love themselves… and this could have dire consequences (think Robin Williams… R.I.P.). At the end of the day, your opinion of yourself is the most important. That’s what I tell myself whenever I suddenly start giving a **** what other people think of me. Giving a **** about what other people think is like being in a jail cell… that you put yourself in! Don’t put yourself in that jail, it doesn’t benefit anyone, especially not you. Also, there is no freer feeling than not giving a **** about what other people think of you!

When you're young, it can feel easy to get swayed by social expectations... because, we’re more insecure, we don’t have a steady grounding of who we are and we want to find a social group to fit in and not feel out casted. But, it seems to me like you have a pretty grounded idea of who you are! You said that you’re introverted, you like to read books and you love writing. It’s good that you know these things about yourself because having that steady footing is the first step to being a happy person. A person can’t be happy if they don’t know themselves first. Think about it, if you don’t know yourself, how can you possibly meet your needs or find people who are truly compatible with you? How can you define your success and strive for it? Happiness starts with knowing yourself and a person can’t know themselves without accepting themselves. I hope you accept yourself for who you are and you don’t let people fool you into not accepting yourself… that’ll only hold you back from the happiness that you deserve.

Some of the most successful people had to face the swaying tide of other people’s so-called ‘social norms’ but, if they changed themselves and let the tide sway them, they wouldn’t have found success. They wouldn’t have done things that helped many people or changed the world. They knew themselves and they kept that steady footing. They didn’t let other people sway them and, because of this, the world is a better place. Find strength in this knowledge you have of yourself and your beliefs… it’s the key to you living a meaningful life. You may or may not save millions of peoples’ lives or invent the next iPhone 26 but, you could affect someone’s life in a positive way.

I’ll just end with this: Be honest with who you are. Accept who you are. Know who you are. Stand your ground and stay true to yourself. Always follow your heart, not other people’s insecurity-driven expectations. And, surround yourself with and be thankful for people that accept you for who you are.

:) From one introverted book-reader with a few friends to another… stay awesome!
2015-03-30 13:35:47 UTC
why should you care what they think? and if you say you don't care then why write the paragraph you did? you must be caring some and they as peers are starting to bother you. They aren't a part of your life so don't let them influence you.
2015-03-26 15:24:45 UTC
you are free to be your own person, being unique is what makes you who you are. Why would you want to be like them, when you sound way more interesting and original. In 10 years time, you will be successful and they will still be wondering what went wrong after high school. honestly you are not alone (:
2015-03-30 05:35:14 UTC
you are definitely not a loser!You are just unique in a way.
2015-03-29 05:13:33 UTC
You're not a loserrrrrr

You're just being you and that's great!! You don't seem boring, you seem mysterious because you keep to yourself and I like introverted people :D
2015-03-30 14:07:24 UTC
i have no comments :) this just makes me laugh , no ones a loser
2015-03-28 10:13:51 UTC
No, no, no. You're not a loser. People who make fun of others are the losers. If you're a loser, than so am I--from what you've said, we two are a lot alike. I lived in Virginia Beach for ten years and only ever had one friend at a time. Whenever I tried to make a new friend, my other friend started to hate me. The first spread false rumors about me, the second wouldn't talk to me, the third started hanging out with the other two and following their example just because I was talking to an autistic girl whose feelings were very hurt at the time. I ended up with only one friend a few years younger than me. We became best friends, but then we both moved and lost contact. I landed in Texas for two years where I went to a small private school. At that school, I had one good friend who stuck by me (and still does). I had other friends, but they quickly proved to be jerks so I stopped hanging out with them. Of course, that made me a teasing-target. In the neighborhood there, I had a friend named Jordan whose mom hated me and there were only two other girls, Jen and Kate, who stayed my friends until I moved to the Eastern Shore and we lost contact. I now live "happily" in Cape Charles, a small town known mainly for the tourists that come every summer. I haven't been here for the summer yet as me moved here last fall. I have some friends here, but I'm not that close to them. I now only have a few friends who really seem to understand me, none of whom live in my neighborhood, or even in my state. My friend Julian lives in Pennsylvania (I think), my friends Michael, Joey, and George all live in different parts of Texas, my friend Daniela lives in Michigan. I actually met most of those people at my summer camp in Pennsylvania, except Michael and Joey and I all were part of the same bell choir. I was closest to Michael, Joey, and Julian because we share a keen interest in books, poetry, and a few other things. Despite what others said, I was not "with" any of them at any point in time. I've never had a boyfriend, I don't, and I don't intend to ever get one. I spend most of my time with my nose in a book or in email. I'm homeschooled so I don't have any classmates except my little brother and the only social activities I get are really in soccer practice and at summer camp. I find that at camp, there are so many people from all over that it's not really that hard to find people who accept me. If we're losers, then I have only one thing to say: "HOORAY for the "losers"! BOO to the so-called winners!" Because a person who considers themselves better than someone else are actually proving the opposite. When people make fun of you, just remember that you don't need to listen to them. In fact, I wouldn't blame you if you just laughed out in their faces how stupid they make themselves look in the ways that really count. You have no reason to doubt yourself just because some idiots decided to make a fool of themselves by laughing at the one who will one day be looking down at them instead of up.

Best of luck to you--and let me know what some of your favorite books are; I'm running out of titles. ;)

2015-03-31 02:01:25 UTC
No, you are simply a unique individual who has a love for the things that actually matter in life. Embrace that. I hope to have a daughter like you someday!
2015-03-30 00:30:04 UTC
no you are not a looser, losers are people who dont want to achieve anything in life and who do not try and be better
2015-03-29 05:13:56 UTC
your not a loser
2015-03-30 06:37:09 UTC
you aren't a loser.. believe in yourself now. good luck
2015-04-01 20:18:29 UTC
NO, nadie es un perdedor, solo algunas personas quieren hacer sentir mal a otras personas, solo que ahorita ellos quieren estar de fiesta y todo eso, pero a ti te gusta otra cosa y eso te hace ser única y especial :3

Ja te entiendo por lo de los chicos, me sucede lo mismo, pero todo llega a su tiempo, o y aparte tú no vives de lo que dicen los demás, que todo eso no te importe, solo sigue en lo tuyo :D ;)
2015-03-26 14:41:00 UTC
We are all losers because none of us do anything to change anything .
2015-03-30 05:16:14 UTC
may be you are a loser.
2015-03-28 16:28:01 UTC
You wrote 14 novels? and you're in high school? I'm impressed.
2015-03-26 13:36:50 UTC
There is no such thing as a loser.. Simple
2015-03-31 06:24:40 UTC
I have no friend. I am introvert and I play games 10 hours a day.

I think you are still far from reaching my level.
2015-03-31 10:15:30 UTC
NO don't think that! You're just an introvert and that's completely okay
2015-03-31 07:52:51 UTC
You sound very accomplished!!! I love to read, exercise, eat, very careful about who I spend my time with b/c I am very sensitive. As long as you are content with your life as it is, pay no mind to people's comments. I'm sure, in time, if you want a relationship, you will find one.
2015-03-27 23:19:01 UTC
I like your intelligence and your love of books. Your happiness is all that matters,so don`t let the other kids get under your skin.You are a winner !
2015-03-30 19:52:14 UTC
You are not a loser!!!
2015-03-30 13:39:44 UTC
I am exactly alike, except that i have one friend, but we talk less and less

My answer, no, the world needs more people like you because when you get to know a person like you are, they are amazing, keep doing your thing
2015-03-27 06:35:52 UTC
absolutely not your just the way you are and if they cant see that then they dont understand it what makes you you and i hate parties they're so akward' and if you only have 5 friends thats great as long as they accept you for who you are and dont judge. hpoe it helped:)
2015-03-28 22:18:54 UTC
2015-03-30 08:43:53 UTC
you are not a loser. you are a winner. you have a select group of people that are your fiends. and you can label them as such .
2015-03-28 06:01:47 UTC
well, if you think youre a loser.

if you like what you do, then keep doing it. everyone else can suck it.
Captain Cool
2015-03-27 17:00:49 UTC
You are not buddy, dont worry on others opinions. I'm pretty much the same as your description. one day your time will come then, those who disregarded you will regret.. carry on & be happy the way you are..
2015-03-28 16:43:03 UTC
No, there's nothing wrong with wanting to be alone. I prefer solitude. F*ck friendships, lol.
2015-03-27 07:23:24 UTC
you are not a loser
2015-03-27 00:35:19 UTC
NO! I'm pretty much exactly like you. Do what you want. I've just found someone who is a guy who is like me.
2015-03-31 06:00:58 UTC
you are winner as long you ask your self if you are loser
2015-03-29 05:31:29 UTC
Very possibly but it's not inherently a bad thing?
2015-04-01 05:33:04 UTC
I think you are a very interesting person and super smart. Don't change. Be special, be unique. I think you are super COOL
2015-03-31 19:43:37 UTC
uhmmm no! all those people calling you a loser aren't being themselves! they're changing just to "fit in" which is just stupid... don't change for anyone!
2015-03-26 19:54:34 UTC
You are an arrogant loner who calls men "neanderthals", yes you are a loser.
2015-03-31 01:59:30 UTC
Nobody is a looser in this world, you have something in you that other people don't. Life comes only once, enjoy! Believe in yourself.
2015-03-30 23:40:21 UTC
You love to why don't you try reading some of the Qur'an? It's a great book, you'll enjoy it...
Zorica Mladenovic
2015-03-27 15:27:38 UTC
Don't change yourself, you are absolutely normal girl. Enjoy in your life
2015-03-29 15:07:07 UTC
No, listen to your heart. Keep doing the things that make you happy, because at the end of the day, you only have yourself - if you are not happy with that, if you are not satisfied with your accomplishments, then keep working on yourself and focusing on you.
2015-03-26 11:09:21 UTC
No!! your not a loser.You just love reading books plus your very shy i think?I used to be like you but i started to socialize and stuff
2015-03-26 19:41:18 UTC
No, I don't really have friends either i just make the most of it. Don't ever think that.
2015-03-29 15:17:56 UTC
You're a great person you're you and that's all that matters don't change for anybody else :)
2015-03-27 22:16:16 UTC
No! Be proud of who you are!! Take pride in what you do! Just say to yourself "Oh yeah sure maybe he/she has better clothes than me.... or they can attract more girls/dudes than me.... but they cant write like I do.... they can read as fast as I can... Take pride in who you are and when someone insults you just ignore them, say yup, and walk away... but you should try to get to know more people to... maybe be more confident? and also smile a lot :)
Montana B
2015-03-27 11:08:10 UTC
Simple answer: No. Our Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ love us all equally. And if your friends don't see you the way They (Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ) do, then they are not true friends.
2015-03-28 03:06:24 UTC
Simply be yourself, don't let yourself be oppressed by the brainwashed of society. Consider yourself lucky for who you are, as you will come out on top.
2015-03-27 16:40:18 UTC
no just be yourself its not weird to like books or classes i do i like rats but i have lots of friends and a introvert so don't beat yourself up
Liberty F
2015-03-26 11:31:37 UTC
no, you are probably a person who is very intellectual and can earn money with your writing. If you are happy as you are, no sense changing. If you change, all the extra stuff you will do will eat your time, unless you enjoy it.
Bad Speller
2015-03-28 05:15:55 UTC
that is what you chows, and always you be a bum. get up you *** and go to work and do something for your self reading is just waste you time, get out see the world and coped with others stop be a pushy cot
2015-03-26 00:32:19 UTC
No. You are a normal person going through a hard time. It will get better. Trust me. You will be successful.
Asrat Mengesha
2015-03-31 01:37:30 UTC
You are unique, and remain unique, other people are not directly attached to you, you can make them a friend if you want and you can leave them away if you want, and many of them run to be a friend if you keep your uniqueness, and you are not supposed to be dependent of other people. what do you think you loose, then?
2015-03-26 12:30:06 UTC
I have a couple friends to dont worry about it it's ok
2015-03-27 06:16:08 UTC
NO, Britney Spears is a loser. you are not britney spears. you are not a loser.
2015-03-26 02:35:12 UTC
To sum it you are the winner and they are the losers keep it up.
2015-03-27 04:32:11 UTC
No anyone who reads for 7-8 hours straight can bounce in my shagging wagon Any day. <3
2015-03-26 14:29:04 UTC
sorry to break it to you, but i have to tell you the truth, yea youre a loser
2015-03-27 21:47:29 UTC
You only have five friends? Be grateful because i'm exactly like you except I have no friends.
2015-03-30 02:26:57 UTC
No, not at all. Don't let the noise of their negativity discourage ur heart, accept no ones definition of ur life; define yourself.
2015-03-28 04:07:19 UTC
Nope you sound like a normal kid to me..... You just don't like the

" Football team syndrome" ... who are all going to grow up to be car salesmen or accountants
2015-03-31 19:40:53 UTC
somehow i dout this is coming from 2015 i seems so much more 1997ish when iwerd was an insult not a commplement
2015-03-30 07:11:30 UTC
no u are not a loser
2015-03-27 23:27:12 UTC
you are NOT a loser! -- all this is a passing phase, very temporary! be confident, be yourself, you are doing well, all the best!
lost soul
2015-03-31 02:56:03 UTC
Having few loyal friends better than have dozens of hypocrites
2015-03-26 13:16:20 UTC
You are yourself.

Perhaps a little less time reading and finding other pursuits may help.

But, broadly, be what and who you are
2015-03-28 07:03:35 UTC
Define "loser". :-) In my book your a winner.
2015-03-30 05:07:26 UTC

dont change for no one

but you should watch buzzfeed videos on youtube they give people good advice :D

Love Saara
2015-03-31 09:45:42 UTC
you're not a 'loser' but you should change yourself, that's my idea.
2015-03-29 14:09:28 UTC
No, channel it. Write your novel and then we'll see who's laughing.
2015-03-26 15:10:44 UTC
Don't categorize yourself like that. It does no justice. Just do what you want and feel good about it.
2015-03-29 08:50:17 UTC
no you're not. you actually sound really awesome. i wish there were people like nthat at my school. everyone else is just jealous that they aren't as smart as you
2015-03-29 02:02:10 UTC
YOU the individual have the right to be YOU and it sounds to me that who and how you are has a far better life than those who judge you will ever have.
2015-03-29 14:54:49 UTC
Im a looser for not reading as much as you do. Wow 8 hours. Your soo cool. You are not a looser my friend you are Unique!!
2015-03-31 04:32:29 UTC
Are you serious? you and I could be besties! In fact I even think you have a better social life than me and my friends. You are awesome!
2015-03-27 13:22:37 UTC
No you are secretly the greatest person in the world. The whole world is in on this elaborate joke, that you understand to be life, to confuse you.
2015-03-27 20:10:26 UTC
Looser is a very strong word. You are not a looser at al. You are the way you are and only you can change your way of being if you feel like it.
art vandelay
2015-03-31 15:04:08 UTC
Never change. The world needs more people like you. Normal is boring
2015-03-31 03:34:59 UTC
no you are not loser
2015-03-28 23:40:33 UTC
its okay to be who you all you have to do,is accept your own unique qualities,be yourself whether or not people like you.first you have to accept and love your character,then others will see you differently,and you will be able to mingle with them in an almost normal manner
Dream Achiever
2015-03-27 18:48:37 UTC
No, you're not. Don't ever believe that.
2015-03-26 19:06:51 UTC
no dear, it just your little thinking problem. at firstyou must value your work. live your life your own way do not need to care others talk , go youir way confidently.
2015-03-29 14:15:33 UTC
any one who takes care of their health and mind is a responsible person . dosnt matter about friends . too many friends can be deceitful to mental health . what matters are you a friend to yourself !
2015-03-25 20:01:52 UTC
I really want to date you. I love smart girls who love reading. Don't change.
2015-03-29 07:24:36 UTC
No you are one of the cleverest people in the world. Its a good thing keeping to yourself
osho sai
2015-03-29 01:49:43 UTC
excess of everything is bad u just try to balance your hobby with your collegues and friends because one should be easy while meeting with friends good friendship gives us lot of learnig
2015-03-28 06:45:49 UTC
you probably just lack social skills or confidence, you may grow out of it or just be happy in your little world & it's fine if you do
2015-03-26 15:23:16 UTC
Oh where can I find a girl like you you sweet angel.
Tony M
2015-03-25 20:10:22 UTC
Yes, you are the biggest loser ever
2015-03-26 18:08:05 UTC
people who do what you do are pretty smart, considering people around your age do stupid things just to please themselves and turn out idiots. all you have to do is put your intelligence to the test and it'll be easy to be a winner. you just need confidence.
2015-03-25 18:33:44 UTC
Just another person suffering from Special Snowflake syndrome
2015-03-26 23:17:09 UTC
Of course you are not. Don't suspect yourself...
Broken H
2015-03-28 19:46:47 UTC
You sound like a winner to me. Maybe you will be a great writer in your future. :)
2015-03-30 16:34:39 UTC
No you aren't. Those who do drugs and don't have a job are
2015-03-28 09:18:32 UTC
You sound cool to me, intelligent and you can be successful in the future if you choose the right path!
2015-04-01 01:48:51 UTC
It doesn't matter how many friends you have but the quality of your

2015-03-27 05:30:27 UTC
dont wurry becus i murder evryone in my hieh sckool and i got called fegit and then i ran awey to and i am perfict fine in my firesing the hamesters insted
2015-03-27 13:25:35 UTC
Honestly you're fine how you are :D
2015-03-28 13:22:00 UTC
it depends on how you think about yourself. As the saying says" Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" , or " it is all in someone's point of view"
2015-03-26 14:26:57 UTC
If you aren't one yet,you can always practice to be one when you get older.
2015-03-25 19:19:15 UTC
Believe in yourself
2015-03-26 19:34:07 UTC
you're no loser :)
2015-03-31 11:21:41 UTC
Nope ur amazing
2015-03-27 14:53:11 UTC
Look, this comparsion will help you.

100 friends < 1 best friend
2015-03-26 15:11:31 UTC
I'm just like you
2015-03-26 15:25:41 UTC
No, I'd want to be your friend. I really do! It's who YOU want to be.
2015-03-25 21:27:50 UTC
Brain is the new sexy, the world is wider than you think and high school is only the tiniest part of it.
2015-03-28 07:31:24 UTC
no offence there mate, but u read, write, no frends, you quote, i guess ur description fits one. people will say no, but thats not true, coz u know it. maybe u wont feel bad when u grow-up. u think u r one, so r a lot, get on with it.
2015-03-26 14:24:51 UTC
Ignore what other people say about you, just be yourself. All I can say is that you are what you believe you are though.
2015-03-28 20:28:25 UTC
Make yourself feel like a king and make your friend loyal to u!
2015-03-29 13:06:55 UTC
not at all. in fact, as an adult five true friends is quite a lot
2015-03-26 11:09:48 UTC
Nope you are fine, dont bring down yourself
2015-03-30 13:39:24 UTC
No. You just like different things.
2015-03-30 14:54:49 UTC
you're not, and when you publish novels in the future you can dedicate one page to all those assholes, and one page to all your friends who have stuck by you :)
2015-03-26 10:04:42 UTC
you are like me

maybe you suffer from some kind of personality disorder like me

I have social anxiety
2015-03-28 18:53:25 UTC
Just spread your legs. You will be liked more in school.
2015-03-31 11:21:56 UTC
First of all you shoul be clear that what u want from your life...once if you are clear about that now stop think of others....they are not wrong they are right at their viewpoint..similarly u r right at your view point...they dont know wat is the place of all this things on your life.....THEY DONT KNOW AND THEY SPEAK..u know so you r doing
2015-03-28 13:46:52 UTC
no you r not .im having only two friends.and i read lot of know how to enjoy n entertain yourself.

just enjoy being yourself.
2015-03-27 07:55:07 UTC
2015-03-29 12:04:56 UTC
no,it easy to give them time other wise u cant fit them inn, not many people have true friends
2015-03-26 14:06:47 UTC
2015-03-28 10:56:41 UTC
yes but who cares when u grow up you'll be cool
2015-03-30 13:02:15 UTC
Yes you are, you should AN HERO right now.
2015-03-26 09:51:11 UTC
nah man you just a little shy
2015-03-30 10:03:50 UTC
nah yoour cool
2015-03-30 06:11:58 UTC
Only on days that end with "y".
2015-03-30 17:22:34 UTC
Wow you have friends
2015-03-28 03:44:49 UTC
im not going to say your a looser but im not going to say your not, but yeah try to be a bit more out there. :)
2015-03-26 16:08:15 UTC
no because you were made in Gods image
2015-03-28 11:55:56 UTC
Nah, you seem pretty chill
Preeya S
2015-03-31 01:48:11 UTC
no dear !!!

just be yourself ....

u r amazing , if you love yourself as u r .

but if u feel that u have to be change then join the social network , hangout wid frens .otherwise you are best as yourself
Little Hibbsy
2015-03-26 12:59:42 UTC
NO, basically, all the people that tease you etc, are idiots. Ignore them. be who you want to be :)
2015-03-29 23:08:18 UTC
At least you are good at something
2015-03-27 11:05:48 UTC
don't bother whatever you want
2015-03-28 08:07:54 UTC

You're amazing just the way you are.
2015-03-31 05:44:33 UTC
Im your twin
2015-03-27 13:00:18 UTC
Same here bro.We are the chosen ones.
2015-03-27 00:06:52 UTC
nah bro
2015-03-29 21:25:25 UTC
2015-03-25 18:43:51 UTC
no dont change for know one one day you will find ppl like u just be urself and be like **** those bitches who dont like me. they dont pay for u to live or care for you so why care about what they think about u ?
2015-03-27 08:21:58 UTC
2015-03-28 01:43:50 UTC
No. I have too so few friends.
2015-03-28 09:15:25 UTC
youre a great guy
2015-03-27 16:00:32 UTC
no you're not
2015-03-27 22:21:32 UTC
Girl, where did you get that idea?
2015-03-30 05:12:18 UTC
of course not man
2015-03-29 09:07:15 UTC
2015-03-25 19:46:44 UTC
dude dont change yourself for others... be who u r.. be unique.. dont think what others will think about you..after all its your life dude . you should be/enjoy however u like. just dont think about anyone
2015-03-29 22:20:05 UTC
No such thing
2015-03-28 09:00:23 UTC
YOU WRITE STORIES! WTF THATS MAKES YOU COOL NOT A LOSER! i bet most of those kids dont do crap with there free time.
2015-03-29 09:34:50 UTC
You sound like a cool person! :-)
Amanda Krueger
2015-03-28 09:42:59 UTC
You sound awesome.
2015-03-27 18:23:16 UTC
2015-03-30 09:20:03 UTC
If you think you are one than you will be one.
2015-03-27 11:38:12 UTC
hah u reed books nerd
2015-03-26 08:29:54 UTC
no u have skills to wrote books keep it
2015-03-28 08:26:36 UTC
lol... you are just like me except i am a guy
ben r
2015-03-30 11:18:52 UTC
because you asked, yes
2015-03-27 19:15:54 UTC
no your just a quiet person.
2015-03-29 17:59:11 UTC
bulk up
2015-03-29 12:40:19 UTC
no way don't bring yourself down kid! :)
2015-03-28 08:54:12 UTC
2015-03-31 02:07:58 UTC many times did you win?
2015-03-29 05:44:06 UTC
No your not
2015-03-27 21:15:50 UTC
girl you rock.
2015-04-01 05:32:26 UTC
No your not bruhh
2015-03-30 17:42:33 UTC
no u are not,its just you are special and one of a kind....
2015-03-25 18:33:57 UTC
No ur not
2015-03-25 20:45:46 UTC
believe yourself . its right
2015-04-01 13:43:28 UTC
2015-03-31 13:33:33 UTC
2015-03-29 15:07:48 UTC
2015-03-29 11:43:22 UTC
2015-03-29 08:04:58 UTC
2015-03-28 12:40:42 UTC
2015-03-28 01:10:16 UTC
2015-03-25 18:32:03 UTC
2015-03-27 16:01:42 UTC
funk them do your thing
2015-03-28 20:58:29 UTC
no youre awesome.
2015-03-29 14:50:01 UTC
no ur awesome
Media Express
2015-03-28 13:30:03 UTC
ur like me then..and so..u r a winner!!
alyssa w
2015-03-26 03:07:38 UTC
not at all
2015-03-30 17:14:53 UTC
You are not a lose . I am.
2015-03-26 23:13:01 UTC
yeah, you posted here, sorry:(
2015-03-31 20:10:55 UTC
Oh **** off, god damn spiritual ****
2015-03-25 18:40:52 UTC
2015-03-31 01:45:44 UTC
its depend on your think...
2015-03-26 14:32:13 UTC
yah you are
2015-03-27 07:26:55 UTC
no ur not
2015-12-13 04:54:22 UTC
2015-04-21 16:25:48 UTC
2015-04-02 16:04:21 UTC
2015-03-30 22:30:00 UTC
2015-03-30 15:34:44 UTC
2015-03-30 07:45:12 UTC
2015-03-29 20:23:39 UTC
2015-03-29 02:44:16 UTC
2015-03-29 01:53:22 UTC
2015-03-27 00:43:02 UTC
2015-03-26 12:26:04 UTC
2015-03-26 04:53:53 UTC
2015-03-26 03:12:24 UTC
2015-03-28 09:04:44 UTC
NO why would you change yourself just to please other people
2015-03-28 10:28:42 UTC
Fight bro. Fight!
2015-03-25 23:10:35 UTC
no not you are
2015-03-29 12:35:09 UTC
2015-03-25 21:03:18 UTC
you are a genius kid...
2015-03-31 00:47:54 UTC
2015-03-26 16:25:45 UTC
not if you read:)
2015-03-30 11:43:01 UTC
no you are not..
2015-03-30 13:37:04 UTC
2015-03-30 08:47:15 UTC
Dale Gustafson
2015-03-29 21:10:31 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.