2011-04-08 13:46:58 UTC
I used to be best friends with this girl, let's call her 'Emily'. Emily is not a nice girl at all but she was popular at the time (and still is) and I wanted to be cool so I followed her around and sucked up to her alot. She was mean and bossy, she would talk about other people, swear alot and basically be a b****. There's this other girl, let's call her 'Rachel', who has always been my best friend and still is. Rachel also wanted to be popular so she hung around with Emily also. Emily treated Rachel the same way she treated me. Some days, Emily would decide she liked Rachel but not me and vice versa, and some days she liked both of us. Then one day, on a day she only liked Rachel, she was saying things to her like 'Oh Rachel, we must have a sleepover sometime, it would be so cool, you're such a good best friend' with me standing right next to then. Suddenly, I flipped out. I had just had enough and I basically screamed at her saying things like 'I've had enough of you!' and I stormed off, leaving both Rachel and Emily speechless. Me and Rachel are best friends still to this very day and I haven't spoken to Emily since. We had an argument online about another girl a few months ago where she said some mean things about my appearance but that is all.
Was I wrong to flip out? I went kind of crazy and I know I shouldn't feel guilty as she was so mean but I sometimes feel as if It was all my fault. I don't wanna be her friend again as I'll fall into the same trap, me following her around and listening to her bitching about other people.
Who is the real bad guy here, me or her? What do you think about this? I'm sorry this went on FOREVER D: Thanks so much for your help I honestly appreciate it so much :)
BTW I'm a 13 year old girl