I really like a guy but if I tell him how I feel it might ruin the friendship we have... what do I do?
2006-04-03 14:18:44 UTC
i feel strange going to starngers for help, but i need advice. i've liked this guy since i met him which was in september. i kinda told him i liked him and that's when our friendship started. i'm scared to ask him out because it might ruin what we do have. what on earth do i do? should i just tell him how much he really means to me? or just let him go and move on with my life? i need help.
Four answers:
cool cat
2006-04-03 15:40:08 UTC
I would wait to see if he likes you the same way you like him but until then I would keep it on the down low because if you tell him and he doesn't feel the same way then it might ruin your friendship. And most of all...Just go with your heart and do what you feel like doing!
2006-04-03 14:27:54 UTC
Well, weigh it first: Is your friendship more important, or would it kill you inside if you didn't take a step further? He knows that you already like him and you guys are still friends, so that obviously means that he's okay with that fact. Hell, he might even like you too, but is just too shy.

The closer you get to him as a friend, the more you might lose when you break up (I'm assuming that you'll go out and eventually break up). Using this logic, I'd say that it'd be wiser to ask him out sooner, rather than later.

Good luck!! ^__^
2016-11-12 11:12:21 UTC
imagine about what you're announcing, "relationships under no circumstances very last lengthy". If it truly is authentic then you actually shouldn't smash your friendship by taking off a courting. also, you do not favor to get a nasty attractiveness. be conscious travels quick in small cities and in case you attempt to scouse borrow someones boyfriend then you actually've gotten problem coming your way. by the way, love is common without age. it truly is amazingly a lot achieveable that the boy you want somewhat loves his female friend. purely shop that in suggestions.
2006-04-03 14:30:05 UTC
You might as well ask him out and risk the friendship because eventually holding in your feelings will be just as harmful to the relationship.

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