what should i do?
hot mama
2006-01-19 14:20:16 UTC
im new to this school right and i made friends but some ppl did'nt like me (gossip ppl) anyway there was this dude that i liked and his name was rasheed he was cute me and my two x-bffs thought he was really cute so we kept flirting wit him hoping 1 of us would get him well rumors started 2 fly about me saying that i was going out wit this guy but this guy only go out wit white chicks so my friend started cussin my out 1 day saying that i need to stop talking about her (well I wasn't) anyway more rumors started 2 fly and thats wen i found out who my real friends were now all the ppl who hate me (4 no reason) r going round telling ppl not 2 be my friend anymore and today this gurl i used 2 be friends wit come up to me cussin me out sayin that i need to shut up b4 she kick my *** and that i bin going round talkin about her and one of the girls in her crew started her own drama wit me just because she wanted to be the 8th grade "godfather".as usual im about ready to commit suicide
Three answers:
2006-01-19 14:48:53 UTC
sweetie, in a few years you will look back on all this drama and realize how pointless it is. It may be painful, and I am sure it is, but you will come out of this stronger and more sure of yourself if you refuse to let it daunt you. I dont completely understand, but if it cant be fixed consider going to another school. Good luck, remember that not all people are like this, and high school only lasts so long. you have an entire life ahead of you!
2006-01-19 23:29:34 UTC
Hey- i want to help you but im a Christian so this will be from a Christian view.

wait till your out of school till u start looking for "him". to many people get there heart broken this way.The best way to deal with this situation is to forgive them no matter what they do to u. I know it will be REALLY hard, but it will make everyone better. apologize to them even though u didnt do anything wrong.otherwise the blame will keep shifting back an forth forever.grudges will be made, more friends lost. if u do , u will also probly save other friendships.Just whatever you do, dont commit suicide.Because there is a Jesus, and He realy does love you.He loved u so much He DIED for you.He is the frien that will never forsake you.Pleaze email me if you want to know more.
2006-01-19 22:32:13 UTC
Don't even! Guys and s are not worth yourself over. Find some REAL friends--friends who don't care about who gets the guy. Get someone who cares about YOU and who can help you and push you towards better things!

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