2010-06-08 11:04:00 UTC
It's a group of like 4 people, and it's growing. It's like they're recruiting.
I'm seriously considering switching schools in the fall. Because of them.
As if this wasn't bad enough, the other night I got a text message from one of them, who is also my ex boyfriend. It was just like "hey."
But then last night I got 5 calls from a withheld number (which is what they do, call me from a blocked number and leave me voicemails). I answered and then immediately hung up. then I heard a knocking on my window and spent the next two hours scared that they were looking into my blinds, tee peeing my house, writing something on the window, etc. And the fact that I was scared in my own house makes me really uncomfortable. It turned out to be my cats making the knocking sound. But still. They're totally capable of doing things like that.
I just don't understand it, I've never done anything to any of them, I've taken "the high road" for the last year. And I just can't do it anymore, something is going to happen if they don't leave me alone and forget my name.
It's not like I can go to the guidance counselor at school or anything-because school's over. I wasn't going to do that anyways because it would just make the whole situation worse. They'd just make fun of me for ratting on them.
I hate the term "bully" because it seems like I can't handle it. But I'm just at a loss at what to do here about this situation. Any guidance or anything would be greatly appreciated. I just want them to forget about me.
Being a teenager sucks.