We are looking for my husbands father the only thing we know is his name any ideas on how to find him?
2006-03-03 12:58:58 UTC
We are looking for my husbands father the only thing we know is his name any ideas on how to find him?
Five answers:
2006-03-03 13:16:27 UTC
There are people search sites'white on YAHOO. Then there are one's that you have to pay, they are more successfull,but some of those garantee a better rate of success.Bascically the more MONEY you have the more they search.GOOD LUCK!!
2006-03-03 21:07:20 UTC
Start by going to google and typeing in his name. If the name is uncommon, you may get really licky. If it is a common name, you may have some seriuos problems.

If that does not get any leads, try
2006-03-03 21:13:48 UTC
Try if you have a general idea as to the state he is in. I am sure that you have kind of an idea as to his age or race. Try Social security. also might be able to help you. also a PI might be able to help you
2006-03-03 21:06:24 UTC
friends reunited? might be worth a try!!! Or just try a general internet search using his name!!!
inuyasha girl
2006-03-03 22:08:30 UTC
if his mother is still alive, then go ask his mother.

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