When you say the Pledge of Allegiance, it's a contradiction in terms! Even in your question there are hints of racism. You say as I quote: I have friends of all different races. That's a racist statement. The multiples are not different, they are a part of THE HUMAN RACE. Keep it simple , stupid.
Look at the Census, any Job application, any housing , live where you want, you can't! Go where you want , you can't! Various neighborhoods of one particular variety or class of people, distinguished by heritage or culture or whatever suits the divisionists of the day.
I'm in a marriage where we have different hues , and yet we are sometimes bombasted for just falling in love with each other. By the Police, Citizens, People we don't know, as if what we are is uncommon as HUMAN BEINGS.
I just had my computer destroyed by the Geek Squad at Best Buy because of Racism and it's our fault when they were the only ones giving us support to our systems. Now , I have to get in touch with their corporate offices and threaten to take it to the media or take them to court for something they did and they refuse to admit!
Life is so complicated with man's differences and his inept attitude to change for decency's sake!
What class of people is more racist than the other , you ask! All of us suffer because it is systemic in the fabric of America! We all whether we know it or not practice it in one way or another in our daily lives and until we as a people individually face up to our faults , we may suffer the same ills and fall as the great old Roman Empire!
It divided itself and fell.