Does racism still exist in america?
2006-07-13 23:28:59 UTC

i am not racist i have friends of all different races and backgrounds what i want to know is if racism still exists in america and what are some examples of racism that happend to you also what race is the most racist for instance i know several black people that hate white people and i know white people who hate black people and mexican people who hate both black people and white people
38 answers:
2006-07-14 01:46:42 UTC
racism does still in fact live in america it's not only whites, blacks, mexicans, etc. but also gay and lesbian, native american etc. i think we should all just get along and make america better

2006-07-13 23:39:13 UTC
Yes, racism is still a big problem in America. Just the other night I was watching tv and there was a show about how the KKK is trying to make a come back. I can tell any one this; I was raised in a very racist house and I hated every minute of it. I swore to myself that I would definitely change things when I had my first son. And I did! I made my parents stop using certain phrases or words in order to see their grandson. Yeah, before anyone says anything I know I was probably wrong. But at that time when lived a neighborhood that made my family stick out. So I did not want my son growing up thinking it was ok to say certain things, at least until he understood the consciences. I can also say when I took this action things really changed. For the GOOD! My family has really changed over the last 8 years. I'm sorry this is a very big issue with me, and have a lot to say about it.
David S
2006-07-14 01:52:19 UTC
Yes, there is still racism in America. I am a racist. Before I was a racist, I was a liberal, but then I realized how stupid liberalism is.

Anybody who tells you that racism is ignorace is ignorant. Racism is knowledge. The racists are right, and they have always been right.

Racism isn't what you think it is. A racist might hate somebody, but racism isn't hate. Racism is a philosophy informed by experience and, often, by history, anthropology, medical science, psychology, or crime statistics.

Racism is based on the fact that humans are primates, that primates are tribal animals, and that therefore different "tribes" (or races) just aren't going to get along. Instead, they compete for territory and for resources, which is why some parts of your country aren't safe places for you to be.

The majority opinion of every age is mostly foolishness, and our age is no exception. Never be afraid to declare yourself a racist, if you are. Racism will keep coming back, forever and ever, because it is the truth.
2006-07-14 00:05:32 UTC
It definately does still exist, and I am sorry to say that it isn't going anywhere any time a couple of people said before in response to this question, all you have to do to see that it still does is keep visiting this site and look at some of the questions and answers that some people post. What has surprised me recently, however, is the surprising number of caucasian individuals here who seem to feel as if they are victims of racism. Even in some of the answers here, I see some people suggesting that african-americans are the main offenders when it comes to racism.

For instance:

Jill H--"Blacks hate whites and they cause so much trouble that some whites hate them. So yes, it still exist. Always will."

Some people would say that as long as there are differences between people, there will be racism. But, come to think of it, that's not really true, because there is always something that will seperate one group of people from another. So, I say that as long as we remain unenlightened and ignorant of truth, we will be blinded by predjudice against one another and doomed to repeat the vicious cycles which we are, even now, still guilty of perpetuating.
2006-07-13 23:38:08 UTC
If racism can be defined as hatred because of race, then yes, I believe racism still exists in America. To say it doesn't exist would be like saying there are no humans. We have a natural tendency to lean to bigotry against anything that looks or feels different than we are.

I know a white police officer from Mississippi who absolutely hates African Americans. I mean, he REALLY hates them. He's a racist. He challenges me by saying that I don't know how "they are" because I don't live in Mississippi, and I don't know "them" like he does.

I don't buy it. I've faced religious, atheist, and racial bigots, and have no problem saying they're all full of bullshit. But does racism exist in America? Yeah. Without question.
2006-07-13 23:43:59 UTC
Yes. Hatred is everywhere. And, Love for all mankind is everywhere. Depends on who you talk to doesn't it? Certain people see racism where it doesn't exist. Looking for a reason to *****. I can't tell you how many times I have answered questions from people all over the world who "hate" Americans..Black, White, Mexican..This is NOT the issue. HATRED is. Stupid, Blind hatred for people that you know nothing about is IGNORANCE in it's highest form. And as we all know.. There are ignorant people everywhere. My message to them? Open your minds. Make your own life better. Try to be the best person you can be. Maybe then, You won't feel the need to ***** about everyone else.
2006-07-13 23:41:58 UTC
Tell me where it DOES NOT exist ????

The degree of racism corresponds to the level of civility and exposure (read: openness) a/any person has towards other people/races. The sad thing is that observing the (generally perceived as bad) behavior of a certain race makes one prejudiced against all others of that particular race. A bad habit of generalization. Both sides are partly to blame, but more so, partly to be sympathized with. Its just residual human backwardness on both sides that makes it a problem. The "positive" side of racism is recognizing diversity. I call it racialism just to avoid the bad stigma of the term racism.
2006-07-13 23:44:06 UTC
Go to Birmingham Alabama and you will find out the first 10 minutes you are there. And shamefully there are a lot of white people in Alabama that don't like any, Black, Asian, Mexican, and it is ashamed too. I have worked for several businesses in Birmingham and I got a job at a real estate office, the Owner and all the agents were Black, not African American, because he said none of his relatives he knew of came from Africa. But let me tell you, they were the nicest people to work for, never forgot my birthday, if I was sick, it was OK, if my baby was sick, I had two options..bring him with me or if he was too sick stay at home. And at vacation time he gave me a bonus just so me and my son could have extra spending cash. It is too bad that we can't look at people for whats inside and not the color of their skin. And to answer your question about "Who" is the most racist? I think we are all pretty much equal on that.
2006-07-13 23:52:04 UTC
When you say the Pledge of Allegiance, it's a contradiction in terms! Even in your question there are hints of racism. You say as I quote: I have friends of all different races. That's a racist statement. The multiples are not different, they are a part of THE HUMAN RACE. Keep it simple , stupid.

Look at the Census, any Job application, any housing , live where you want, you can't! Go where you want , you can't! Various neighborhoods of one particular variety or class of people, distinguished by heritage or culture or whatever suits the divisionists of the day.

I'm in a marriage where we have different hues , and yet we are sometimes bombasted for just falling in love with each other. By the Police, Citizens, People we don't know, as if what we are is uncommon as HUMAN BEINGS.

I just had my computer destroyed by the Geek Squad at Best Buy because of Racism and it's our fault when they were the only ones giving us support to our systems. Now , I have to get in touch with their corporate offices and threaten to take it to the media or take them to court for something they did and they refuse to admit!

Life is so complicated with man's differences and his inept attitude to change for decency's sake!

What class of people is more racist than the other , you ask! All of us suffer because it is systemic in the fabric of America! We all whether we know it or not practice it in one way or another in our daily lives and until we as a people individually face up to our faults , we may suffer the same ills and fall as the great old Roman Empire!

It divided itself and fell.
shot gun annie
2006-07-13 23:39:13 UTC
I guess I'll ask you the same question I asked the person I answered before this. How old are you! Is this a trick question??? If you know black people that hate white people, white people who hate black people, and mexican people who hate both, what is the purpose of your ridiculous question??? Ask some of your friends.
2006-07-13 23:34:21 UTC
there are more races than black, white and mexican. im indian and every other day face some sort of racism by random people. the funny thing is im not muslim or hindu yet people dont give me the time of day at times and instead give me glaring looks. racism is strong and alive as ever, i dont know what it would take to remove it.
2006-07-13 23:35:10 UTC
Unfortunately, It does. It will always exist. But i think things are better in terms of race relations. I think ppl tend to tolerate each other as long as they don't step on each other's toes so to speak.

In America I think is much better due to our laws governing against anyone who is racist is promptly dealt with, anywhere else is a different story. I am Asian and have experienced racism on all different levels, it's a small minority of ppl, but you just get used to it.
Son of Gap
2006-07-13 23:33:55 UTC
Why not? My friends, racism exists everywhere - even in societies where we think people are homogeneous. Its human nature, when faith in the Divine and the divinity of human nature is not practiced or practiced incorrectly.

Years back, even before the Berlin wall came down, I discovered that Germans segregate and discriminate among themselves. I'm not picking on them, its just that I'd expect them to be more united than others.

The same for the Japanese, whom we expected to be homogeneous and united - they discriminate against what is called the indigenous people called 'Ainus'.

If 'homogeneous' societies can discriminate against each other, why would we be surprised by inter-racial discrimination and racists acts which will similarly occur in multi-racial settings.
2006-07-13 23:32:43 UTC
How long have you been on this site, just read some of these post of what people ask and answer. There will not be a doubt in your mind that racism still exist.
2006-07-13 23:30:32 UTC
Of course, where have you been? The funny thing is, white people aren't the main problem now. We were so racist back in the day that we made everyone else become racist to defend themselves. Now it's just a big frickin mess
2016-10-14 15:04:06 UTC
i'd imagine Racism exists everywhere, you in all likelihood not in any respect listen about it because you do not stay there, its now unlikely to be on the information the following if John Smith of Farmer street in Rio De Janeior had his head kicked in by a set of white human beings.
2006-07-13 23:32:54 UTC
Racism will always exist because human beings instinctually fear and hate what is different from themselves and that which they do not understand.

It's human nature to hate. Some people just can't get past it.
2006-07-13 23:31:44 UTC
Racism will never be taken out of any nations. Ignorance of education and peoples right will be always there. I am sorry to answer in a negative way.
2006-07-13 23:32:49 UTC
Yes, definitely. I personally have not encountered any of these cases, but some of my friends had. I think every race are equally good at being racists.
2006-07-13 23:32:18 UTC
Hell yeah.

When black person enters the store employers start to pay more attention to him than anyone else.

The other day i saw cops pulled over two cars fro the same violation but they let white guy go, and to the indian guy they issued summons.

Racism sux
2006-07-13 23:30:36 UTC

i had to check your Q & A page to verify my suspicions. you are relatively new to this forum. you wait, there is some rank nasty and vile racism still alive in america and right here on yahoo. and it difinately swings both ways. sometimes it almost seems like we lost 40 years of progress in the last 5.
2006-07-13 23:33:13 UTC
I'm not racist. I think people of all races are AWESOME and it makes me kinda sad to think that racist people hate us just 'cause we're white...
Jill H
2006-07-13 23:30:45 UTC
Blacks hate whites and they cause so much trouble that some whites hate them. So yes, it still exist. Always will.
kiki Dee
2006-07-13 23:30:57 UTC
There is still racism all over the world.
2006-07-13 23:31:04 UTC
how many questions have you read on this site, oh yes, racism is alive and well in america. Unfortunately.
2006-07-13 23:32:56 UTC
Most deffinatly and unfortunatly I don't see that changing anytime soon. A really great movie that goes along with your question and might help you out a little with it, would be Crash! Deffinatly a very deep movie :)
little ace
2006-07-13 23:36:11 UTC
yes i think so i went into a store the other day and said hi to this black guy and he gave me the most dirtiest look and i just laugh at him and walk away lol
2006-07-13 23:33:02 UTC
Yes it does exists. But because this is not a truly(free speech) forum I can not explain why it exists.
2006-07-13 23:31:47 UTC
I think parents are more racest then most childern but yea it does but not as much to tell you the truth!
2006-07-13 23:30:45 UTC
2006-07-13 23:31:46 UTC
yep , some americans hates me cuz I'm hispanic, I see it in their eyes,
2006-07-13 23:30:31 UTC
Yes and it always will.
2006-07-13 23:29:46 UTC
I'm afraid it still does.
shaslien .
2006-07-13 23:31:50 UTC
yes... untill the salad bowl is copletely done....
Ron T
2006-07-13 23:31:43 UTC
2006-07-13 23:31:49 UTC
oh yea i see it all the time idk why we all just cant get along its gay and stupid
2006-07-13 23:31:37 UTC
yes. dude...
2006-07-13 23:31:23 UTC
duh everyone is theyre just scared to admit it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.