To sad people, Why are you sad?
2016-10-06 03:56:54 UTC
I am sad too :'(
Because of people I thought care for me, I was wrong it hurts. Lets comfort each other I need someone pls :(
153 answers:
2016-10-07 17:46:12 UTC
Everyone has sadness.

It's really just a matter of whether or not you want to make it your whole life or not.

I was homeschooled so I never had any friends. Then one of the few friends I had died. Then my Dad died. Then my friend's friend died.

Life sucks. People come and go. There is nothing you can do about it. In the end, the question should really be, "which is a better lifestyle and will help my mental health more: choosing to be sad, or choosing to be happy?" Because attitude is a choice. State of being is a choice. You're lying to yourself if you disagree.

Continuing to keep a positive mental attitude and staying outside is always what is better. Go outside and take a run or a walk. When you're upset grab a baseball bat and go hit a tree or a punching bag.





Crying is okay and actually good for your body as it releases otherwise harmful toxins from your body. It's natural. It's okay. And everything feels a bit simpler after you do.
2016-10-07 06:38:31 UTC
Wow a lot of the things people are complaining about for being sad I had too at the same age but I was always happy and it attracted everything positive in my life. I never really feel sad. I'm always happy even if I'm alone I'm just always in a good mood. I don't real think you need to be sad, I think you think its necessary for the life that you live because as an individual you don't really feel complete or what people call 'secure'. Now I understand many other historical factors should be considered but its not like you need to control them cause its all in the past.

All I am saying is that if you are positive you will attract positive things in your life. Feeling negative and sad will never bring you the life you are feeling without.
2016-10-08 06:07:03 UTC
I am sad because there is a person that is everything to me but... I am nothing to him. I don't have friends. I am sad because no one appreciates me. People are mean to me I don't know why. But still... I will never give up no matter what. I will try my best to achieve my goals and I will work hard, I won't care about what people think of me. I will do my very best and I will be happy in my life. If I have to think of a beautiful life then I will live beautifully till the end! Am I right? 😁👍🏻
2016-10-08 07:18:43 UTC
You want to hear sad, here it is. I am 56 yrs old, been married, widowed, divorced, just got a 2 year degree, my hair is beginning to turn grey, and I regret not traveling, I have my health, but regrets? I have a ton. I live pay check to pay check and this should not be at my age. I know I have much to be thankful for and I am. My point is, everyone has their own type of "sad".

To anyone who is crying over a lost love, here is some advice. Get up, turn off your pc and go do something you enjoy. It will help take your mind off your loss and remember just because one person doesn't like you, there are 100's more that will :)

2016-10-07 19:37:54 UTC
We get sad because life is full of ups and downs and it's an emotional rollercoaster, if we were always sad then we wouldn't know anything was wrong it would be normal, but since life brings happiness when it's not there we know what we are missing.. life gets tough sometimes and we all need someone to lean on and talk to, if the people who you thought were there for you aren't , it's time for new people. Life is too short to be sad all the time you have to try and get yourself out of it , however you can. Don't ever give up on yourself if you don't have your back nobody else can. Stay positive , read something , I know it's hard when your sad and trust me I've been there , but don't give up , time heals everything ..
2016-10-08 12:35:37 UTC
Hi! Everyone gets sad over things once in a while. And that's NOT TRUE! There is at least one person who cares even a slight bit about your existence. No, make that two. I CARE. Don't be so sad, get yourself out of this slump! Go join a club, get a job, exercise, study, do SOMETHING productive with life, and trust me, it'll make you feel better :) Even a short walk can cure a case of the blues. Go spoil yourself, make yourself feel better :D And remember: People care more than they act like they do. Ok? Have a great day and stay positive!!!
2016-10-07 17:59:22 UTC
Life sucks. People come and go. There is nothing you can do about it. In the end, the question should really be, "which is a better lifestyle and will help my mental health more: choosing to be sad, or choosing to be happy?" Because attitude is a choice. State of being is a choice. You're lying to yourself if you disagree.

Continuing to keep a positive mental attitude and staying outside is always what is better. Go outside and take a run or a walk. When you're upset grab a baseball bat and go hit a tree or a punching bag.

2016-10-06 21:27:14 UTC
I get sad sometimes because of a feeling like I have to understand life, and I don't. I probably have a lot of beliefs that aren't true, like believing that I have to do things a certain way. I think about weird thoughts, like how we are technically born without a choice. Sometimes I get sad because I think i'm different than other people in some way, or I just don't fit in. And sometimes the thought that everyone sees life differently makes me sad for some reason. Sometimes I compare myself to other, more successful people, and I get sad.
2016-10-07 18:12:32 UTC
I am sad because animals are seen as commodities for big industries to make profits. I am sad that people do not realize that a living, breathing being with a heart beat and a brain and organs was killed for that "delicious" stake you had for dinner. I am sad that people believe global warming is a hoax. I am sad that we have a bigot running for office. I am sad that people support that bigot. I am sad that there are little children starving while people are throwing away food because they have too much of it. I am sad that children are denied a bright future because they cannot afford it. I am sad that people value green paper so much that they kill people over it. I am sad that people kill other people because of their religion. I am sad that people buy things that they do not need with money that they do not have to impress people that do not matter. Most of all I am sad that nobody is doing anything, everybody just lives in ignorance.
2016-10-07 03:19:20 UTC
I'm sad because I moved schools because my parents thought it would be good for me - but I desperately want to go back to my old school. I miss my friends, the teachers, the buildings, the view of the city. Now im in some new smart school where my grades have absolutely plummeted and I feel depressed and unmotivated. The school is bland and feels like a detention camp. I have no friends at this school. I feel lonely.

My parents are divorced, I've moved houses like 13 times and been to 4 different schools so I'm used to floating around without becoming good friends with anyone - I've never experienced having a best friend.

So when I had to move from a school where I finally felt settled, it broke me. Every time I see a student from my old school I get extremely upset and occasionally cry.

Mum can't afford for me to go back there anyway so I have to just cry myself to sleep every night. Now I'm probably going to fail at this new school.

Thank you for reading <3
2016-10-10 07:30:56 UTC
A lot of people don't even know why they are sad. It can trail back to a childhood trauma, bullying, self esteem issues, literally anything can trigger sadness or depression in someone's life. For me, I had my daughter 11 weeks early and she was in hospital for a very long time. I was placed on a ward with plenty of new mums enjoying holding their newborns and I wasn't even allowed to touch my baby girl because she was so fragile. I was so excited to be a mum despite only being 19. I fell in love with her but with her being born at 29 weeks I couldn't help but find every way to blame myself for her being in the condition she was in, despite doing everything right - eating well, taking all my vitamins and quitting smoking. I was diagnosed with post natal depression. My little girl is now a healthy 16 month old gorgeous little monster that I love very much and I although I have my bad days she never goes without. I've stopped taking my meds and we are both doing great.
2016-10-10 10:20:06 UTC
I don't have much to be sad about.. I have a roof over my head, plenty of food and some of the greatest friends you could ask for and a steady career in culinary.

I was pretty heart broken a 4 days ago when I found out someone I was attracted to picked another man over me but I'm over it. I have a nice personality and a pretty dry " no one is safe" sense of humor which people seem to like and I'm freaking charming! So I'll just continue keeping my eyes peeled.
2016-10-09 02:26:48 UTC
Because I am always tired

Because I can't think clearly

I can't concentrate on what I need to

I have not accomplished what I need

Because I am not helping our world in any way rn

I am sitting here sad when I shouldn't be

People are having horrific moments and the worst days of their lives

and here I am being sad

for stupid reasons

but that doesn't make me happy

I can't choose my emotions

I just know I am tired and unmotivated and not who I want to be
2016-10-08 19:13:41 UTC
I'm really not sad but, I could be if I didn't learn to accept my situation. Everyone's different and different situations and things make people more sad than others. Plus, I learned that as much as I wanted to, whenever people started feeling sorry for me and wanted to console me I accepted the offerings but, I don't like asking anyone for pity and I don't try to reach out for anyone else's attention or help. I feel best when I keep my sadness and pain to myself and learn to allow myself to feel good on my own and live thankfully with whatever I got even if all I have left is myself. That's my advice I can gift you.
2016-10-08 00:33:06 UTC
Don't be sad that people you thought cared about you don't, this is a cruel world, filled w cruel people who would turn on you in less than 10 seconds . You are lucky you found out sooner , you don't need to care about anyone that does not care about you . Keep your circle small , trust few . Think of it in a good way , would you rather lose those people who don't care about you , or continue going on months , maybe years , thinkinf that they do when they don't ? Keep your head up , you're amazing whether those people think so or not . Find the ones who really do care about you & keep them , bc a lot of people are fake nowadays
Hardest Worker
2016-10-09 06:30:55 UTC
Last post, my friends I used to have had growing up. Believe lies about myself, my art work and marketing skills, computer and business skills, and my family and I. My soul mate cowards out, right Pancakes? Then replace me as much as possible with about 40 people to 120. That is the rumored number, The kicker is I told the truth and his friends don't care, they gave up their Christian destinies. I am still having a terrible cold, my mom was in the hospital for bronkidis, she is doing better now and has a virus on top of it. My community, believed I feel for frauds when my rights were ignored since 1993 about a con- artist teacher. I haven't worked in 4 years, b/c they let these clubs, sororities and fraternities, cults, etc. Dictate everything. People pick on me over ADD, football, my faith, and standing by Jews and Israel.Then to top it off, those same groups of people ruin my reputation out of spite. John 3:16- 21, John 17, Phillippians 4:3- 15, Acts, Romans, Revelation 18- 22*
2016-10-08 22:18:30 UTC
I'm sad because of family conflict, one of my old friends I haven't been able to talk to for a few years had just suicided, a few of my friends are really depressed, my mom's friend also died, I've been stressed out with other family conflicts, I've been in physical pain as well because of asthma and a weird birth defect thing in my shoulder, lately the allergies have been killing me, staying up with school has been tough, I've been bullied and harassed because I'm Muslim, just in general my life has been pretty bad. There's also some more personal stuff but hopefully all will be fine in the future.
2016-10-06 19:04:23 UTC
Hello Strangers,

Ever since I was a little girl I've always been depressed and in fear because of the tragic childhood I've had. I found myself growing up feeling just as you did. I felt ugly, I was very diffident that I barely had any friends, people must of thought I was werid, strange, or maybe stupid. When I finally made a lot of more friends, As I grew older, I realized that they kept disappearing, my relationships was always heartbreaking. My life just felt more depressing as it went. Until one day, I met my soulmate. Everything had changed, my whole perspective of thinking was more positive than usual. I realized that you shouldn't care what people have to say about you, people always put others down just so they can feel better about themselves, don't forget that. The only thing you should care about is what's in your circle, which includes yourself, your family, close friends, and your partner (if you have one). Not anybody out of your circle.
2016-10-08 02:15:32 UTC
I get sad for lots of reasons, but it is an emotion I was built with. So I let myself be sad without feeling bad for it. It's natural, just don't let it consume you too much. It's okay to be sad. Life is crazy sometimes. It's like picking yourself up after literally a trillion falls....and losing pieces of yourself and trying not to fall too far. Ahh :(
2016-10-06 12:38:40 UTC
I'm sad because I feel that every turning point in my life has been negative. Nothing is good about my life, I hate school, I hate being home, I constantly feel that no one likes me or cares for me, people laugh at me 24/7 I'm insecure and alone. I don't fit in anywhere, I don't have money, I don't even consider myself having a life. Just a poor excuse to suffer for no reason.
2016-10-07 11:52:44 UTC
I'm sad because I'm really lonely and don't have any friends or anybody to talk to and I'm always used to feeling like the odd one. Sometimes I even cry myself to sleep at night because I feel as if the pain won't go away and that I won't ever feel wanted or complete. I even wonder why god even put me on this earth if I'm just going to go through pain and hurt for the rest of my life I rather not be here honestly. All I really ever wanted was to feel like someone actually loved and adored me but I just know that won't ever happen so I just try not to get my hopes up.
2016-10-07 22:28:27 UTC
I'm sad bc i made a stupid mistake when I was young and too dumb to even think about it before even know how wrong i was. All I can do is regretting and regretting about it, plus I don't have any friends either, and I'm currently dealing with OCDs which just makes me wanna kill myself everyday in my life since i was 12 but i didn't. Glad I didn't. Beside that, whoever having a bad day, just remember that you actually have a day to regret about.
2016-10-10 22:33:59 UTC
I'm a 17 year old girl. I have an unknown debilitating illness, nerve probs, stomach probs, 24/7 pain in my neck, shoulders, and back, for 2 years. I've seen MANY doctors. So far, they found that I have gastroparesis, ulcers, and gastritis. And the meds I take makes me feel 10x worse. In middle school and high school I was a bullied loner. And my dad

is verbally and physically abusive to me. I reported him once to a social worker, and my parents and sister all lied and said I that I made it up. So case was dropped. at 14, I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorder. attempted suicide 3 times. I was seeing a psychiatrist and I had to take a medication that I didn't want to take. My mom forced me to take it because it sedated me. because of that I stopped going to school I was always so sedated and dizzy. And had BAD STRESS from abuse Which probably caused the stomach and nerve probs. so I moved out of my house and now I'm living with my grandma and Im so sick I want to die.
2016-10-16 20:45:10 UTC
I'm sad because I've made mistakes in the past that I deeply regret that I can't move on easily from. I'm sad because I can't gain fulfillment towards my pursuits. I'm sad because I can't be happy for what I am. Ultimately, I'm sad because I can't achieve forgiveness for my misfortunes and mistakes.
2016-10-06 04:38:13 UTC
I'm sad because I'm ugly. Every time I look in the mirror before I go to school in the morning, I see a monster. Very rarely will someone call me ugly to my face, but I can see they want to say it because sometimes they just stare at me and shake their heads. Every single time I have a crush on a guy, they say they don't want to be with me because I'm physically unattractive, however, some say that I have pretty eyes. That's not good enough for me, though. I want all of me to be considered beautiful in someone's image. I just can't find it. Sure, some guys have seen me and say that I'm not ugly, but they never said that I was beautiful. And then when my feelings blossom, they aren't interested because they "just don't see it happening" and that they "want to stay friends" because they like what they have with me already. Is that all I can seem to be with these people? A friend? I want to be more than a friend. I wanna be a lover, you know? I guess that'll never happen though because I can't seem to meet anyone's basic standards.

I will be forever alone. I hope each and every one of you who read this have better luck than I at finding someone to spend the rest of your life with.

Or if you already have someone, I hope that you two stay together and treat one another with affection, love, compassion and respect...
2016-10-10 13:55:56 UTC
I'm sad Bc I really care about a certain someone and they show that they will never care for me and the attachment is ridiculous. It's just sad. Like you can't break away.
2016-10-08 12:32:06 UTC
I'm sad because I feel like no one deserves me most of the time, or that i dont think I should be with the group of people im with today, even though they are nice as hell to me and make me comfortable sometimes. I feel like I dont deserve anything, or anyone. I don't want attention, but I just want to be loved by someone. Someone who cares. Out of most of my closest friends, three of them are my best friends. I feel like one of them is painfully slowly is slipping away, the second one pretty much talks and jokes around when i'm around, and the third one is too emotional and would tell everyone (of my other friends) my problems, and I dont want everyone pitying me.
2016-10-08 20:25:53 UTC
I am sad because, my family is not the richest... and i got an old phone for my birthday, i was really excited, i got it to school, and way back home, someone clled me, after that call. A girl that is supossed to be my friend told me is that new? because for that **** you should have bought a brand new one it really affected me, but i did like i didnt hear that. It is not the first time she makes me feel bad, she always calls me out in front of the guy i like. she always critizes me for not being available to buy new sport shoes, and having the ones of a year ago. she also called me fat (on the bus) because i was sitting next to her, i realized she was a toxic friend, but i have no friends, my best friend moved out, and the others are friends of the toxic one, so now i have no one, that is why i am sad
2016-10-07 07:32:07 UTC
I am sad because everyone I knew and liked went off to far away colleges and I am all alone now:( But to fix this I am going to a different college next semester which I hope will be fun and I will meet new people! Pls @God!
2016-10-10 16:14:24 UTC
I am sad, but also angry at the same time cuz I was adopted into a family at birth where my mom physically abused me, but now she mentally and emotionally abuses me, and it makes things worse cuz I'm a ward of the state. But hopefully that will change when I take my parents to court. So much prayers needed I can get the guardianship removed.
2016-10-08 11:19:46 UTC
I'm sad because while everyone likes me and enjoys my company no one wants to form a long lasting relationship or include me in anything. Essentially I feel like a lonely figure head. And then of course there was the sexual abuse and I sort of feel worthless
2016-10-08 20:39:42 UTC
A person who I Ioved and still love left to another city when he had the option to stay. He was my boyfriend two months ago. I thought we were going to be together, work things out and overcome any obstacles or adversities regardless. Yet he thought it was easier to not fight for our relationship. It hurts because I'd do anything to be with that boy. Our relationship issues were fixable. Anyways I will never forget him but I'll have to get used to live my life without him.
2016-10-06 12:47:41 UTC
I'm sad cuz my rabbit was killed exactly three months after my fish died and bad things have happened since and not much good, I have no life cuz hw takes it up and tomorrow's my birthday and my so called friends haven't really said happy birthday or given me a card. They just don't care I'm a loner.
2016-10-09 03:08:46 UTC
I get sad but I don't stay there. Having and showing emotions are natural human reactions and what you do with them is just as important as having them. Your not going to be happy or make everyone happy all the time. Reflect on it and move on
2016-10-12 13:28:52 UTC
I'm sad because I've had to let my best friend go...we were so close but then she started being really bitchy, breaking promises and going out with other friends who she claims are her "besties". I often wonder if she remembers our friendship. Then I remember the time she told me to stop being stupid when I had a panic attack and the fact she manipulated me into getting her an invite to my friend's birthday that she wasn't invited too but after I spoke to the friend then she got invited. I admit I was an idiot for going along with it but that was because she was my friend and I didn't want her to be unhappy but after I did that she ended up making me unhappy
2016-10-13 20:09:02 UTC
I'm sad because I feel like a complete failure to my kids. I do everything I can to make them happy and i try to act like I'm happy so they'll never know what I went through. But I'm really depressed and i feel like I'm dying on the inside. They have never seen me cry because I normally don't like to cry in front of people but I was laying in bed one night thinking about all the things that went wrong in my life and I bursted into tears and I was holding my stomach to keep from making to much noise while I was crying hysterically. My 3 year old got in bed with me and said "its going to be ok mommy I'm here for you. I love You so much" and then he kissed me on the forehead. I really hoped he wouldn't see me but what he said to me lit up my life.
2016-10-09 22:58:21 UTC
I'm sad because my brother committed suicide this morning. I just moved to a new town and the only person i feel comfortable to grieve with is my boyfriend (whom I'm in an open relationship with going on 6 months), so i called him asking if i can come over only to hear he's actually with another girl right now. He told me to come over anyways and after hours of me crying and him telling me to quiet down so i don't wake up his new partner (who told him not to let me over because she doesn't want to meet me -even though she knew my bro died) I am now sitting in the guest room listening to the xx, smoking a joint, sleepless because all i can think of is my dead brother and the man i love cuddling his new fling while i - 20 feet away from them- hug my pillow and reminisce on the times when my brothers laugh cured my anxiousness, and the feeling of waking up next to a man whom i thought would always choose me first...
2016-10-11 17:09:37 UTC
I am sad bc my friend is mean to me and makes me feel left out. In pe she acts diffrent and always makes fun of me. Ive felt really sad and cried when i think about it. I dont know what to do shes my only friend. She acts diffrent outside of that class. I used to like thay class cause she was nver mean. But then started to. It was twin day and i asked her whay are we gonna wear. And she jusg told me she was gonna twin with someone elsem bc shes so obssed over this other girl which i think she wants to just know her bc shes pretty and popular. Theres so much more to this story but domt have enough space. What should i do
2016-10-07 04:46:12 UTC
I'm sad because I hate my life and want to end it but I don't want to leave my family behind but yet I cannot tell them the truth. I'm sad that I have to hide everything from them and not be honest
2016-10-06 16:25:38 UTC
Going to be 26 this year and have no foundation or traits that women find attractive. All the guys around my age are getting married, have great jobs, and are pumping out kids faster than I can get off, which I have developed an addiction to due to loneliness. I m a loser with no future and can t wait for sweet embrace of death in 4 years (planned suicide) to free me from this pain.
2016-10-06 10:30:03 UTC
I have no friends and the ones I have I kinda drove away because I'm so awkward and uncanny around people. I feel so alone but I don't talk to most people I know about it as it brings up more stuff and I prefer dealing with it on my own
2016-10-07 21:20:50 UTC
Sure I'm sad gimme a jingle let's watch the notebook and eat some haggen daz
2016-10-06 16:03:49 UTC
I'm sad because I feel like my life is being flipped upside down. I don't even like looking at myself anymore and my best friends are leaving me out and just forgetting about me
2016-10-07 08:02:07 UTC
Please let me start this by saying I have MANY things to be happy about.. but sometimes things that bring us sadness just overtake the day. My husband and I are both working two jobs.. and we still have trouble making all the bills meet sometimes with extras that pop up. Lately we are not together much because of the schedules and it makes me feel sad.
2016-10-24 23:32:12 UTC
don't be sad that people you thought cared about you don't, this is a cruel world, filled w cruel people who would turn on you in less than 10 seconds ... you are lucky you found out sooner , you don't need to care about anyone that does not care about you ... keep your circle small , trust few ... think of it in a good way , would you rather lose those people who don't care about you , or continue going on months , maybe years , thinkinf that they do when they don't ? keep your head up , you're amazing whether those people think so or not ... find the ones who really do care about you & keep them , bc a lot of people are fake nowadays
2016-10-11 12:17:10 UTC
I'm sad because my dad has had three strokes and a heart attack. It's not looking good for him.... but i know he would want me to be happy. So I'm trying. I'm only 15 and I need My dad but I don't want him to suffer, so I'll be even sadder if he has to suffer.

I'm trying to be happy, for him. I hope you're okay
2016-10-07 16:39:43 UTC
I'm sad because of the direction the world is stumbling in. I think it was so close to going in the right direction but then it just failed. And there's nothing I can do about it because i'm so tiny, only one person among thousands, billions.
Snow White
2016-10-09 11:27:43 UTC
Because my friend who's been staying me for a few days has finally gone home (she lives she's away) and now I feel so sad and empty
2016-10-09 22:55:40 UTC
Its good that you have these feelings you are one good soul, sensitive and loving.

This is a phase of life learning and feeling for all other living around you.

As time passes you will learn to catagorise the importance of the priorities, decisions, and the feeling that you have for others and its intensity.

You need to find the good in everything rather than seeing bad in everthing.

There are ways to justify accept some of the things that you consider realy bad.

But it takes time, be relaxed, if you are capable of understanding the truth you will get it.
2016-10-08 14:47:23 UTC
I'm sad because my life sucks in general
2016-10-08 23:46:36 UTC
I'm sad cuz im hungry n I wud love a chicken burger with a tin of coke
2016-10-06 21:42:11 UTC
Because I feel like my life is worthless. Even though I'm doing amazing right now and I have a boyfriend and everything but I feel like ... What will that accomplish in the long run? When I die literally no one will remember me besides family so what's the point? Like I don't want to die but I don't want to live either because I don't see why anything matters. You know?
2016-10-07 16:59:10 UTC
I'm sad because my family plans to make me homeless once my dad dies and take away my enherentance! Not to mention I've been bullied in school and used and lied to cheated on and abusive relationships and lost my daughter from a crooked family I married into who threatened to kill me...I can't find a job either!
2016-10-06 09:37:04 UTC
I'm always sad and depressed because I have no friends, my family doesn't understand me, and I feel like a nobody. I don't think I should exist at all🙁😥
2016-10-08 18:37:18 UTC
My sister sent me a long message telling me how much of a piece of **** I am and how much I make her sick. I'm sad because I had a very close bond with her and she basically said everything in the book of how to make me feel like absolute ****.
2016-10-09 09:52:09 UTC
I am sad because their is a person who means the world to me but I'll never ever be brave enough to tell them😭☹️
2016-10-07 20:54:00 UTC
I'm sad because,in my life everything is negative.I love my family so much but,i can't do anything for my family.

When i do something for happiness it always make me sad.I don't know what is the happen.
2016-10-08 15:12:31 UTC
Imagine e yourself inside a white pyramid tgat keeps away from the darkness of the sadness, if you have no reason to be sad.

Change your temperament, try either immerse in sport or sit by your self in quietness.

Try. :(
2016-10-07 10:29:46 UTC
Krista W
2016-10-08 09:15:08 UTC
Alexandra B
2016-10-08 10:32:51 UTC
There are many different reasons why some people are sad.
2016-10-07 14:46:13 UTC
Because life is very difficult when you're shy, anxious and a worrier :) < pretend that's a sad smile even tho it looks quite delighted
2016-10-10 14:54:00 UTC
It's a cold world . I have been hurt so much , now I'm just trying to learn how be happy with myself . Maybe if my self esteem was not so low sometimes i would have see bad things before they happen. But anyway it's life , sometimes things happen to us so we could learn from it and be even stronger.
2016-10-10 10:36:25 UTC
I'm stressed to the point of wanting to scream everyday to the top of my lungs. Overdue work, unsatisfying college, want to transfer, mom isn't okay with "change".. plus most of my friends have sky-high expectations of me and want me around all the time when I have a lot of sh*t going on and they won't even feel me. Everybody's just selfish and no one truly cares, each has his/her problems and when it's more than they could handle they JUST won't be there! You know, everybody sees things from their own narrow perspective and it's just getting too exhausting to have to explain sh*t to every passing person. I'm sick of relationships, emotionally and mentally drained, and as an extrovert it feels awful to just want to sit by myself all day long.
2016-10-09 13:02:39 UTC
I am sad because a lot is happening in my life right now :(
2016-10-07 12:23:42 UTC
You can make mistakes that ruin your life. I have and may rebound, but until then I'll be sad as a rule.
2016-10-06 11:56:25 UTC
I'm sad because my best friends are leaving me. It used to be us 3. Just us. I'm bi and I've came out to one of them. She was fine with it. But now this girl has started hanging out with us and now its them 3, and me. She always says homophobic stuff and the friend who I came out to just laughs when she knows it hurts me. She was the first person I opened up to and trusted and she's just throwng it in my face.

I tried to be friends with the girl who started hanging out with them, but she literally pretends that she can't hear me when she can.
2016-10-06 15:50:03 UTC
School stress and junior exams in June 😭 I'm not even smart and sadly I just moved to a new school and I have no friends 😭😭 add me in sc : belieberlover63
2016-10-07 00:21:33 UTC
i get sad because sometimes i feel lonely although i know i'm not and i know people love me and i'm pretty attractive, but after highschool all my friends moved out to other country , my ex and i broke up as well for far distance after serious relationship. so yeah i'm pretty lonely here but i'm happy sometimes ^^
2016-10-07 21:49:46 UTC
Reality set in that some people don't care for me the way I care for them, the world is cruel, I'm always extremely loaded down, I don't know what I want to do with my life, I'm insecure and unhappy with myself. I just don't know. God gets me through it all
2016-10-09 18:07:33 UTC
Reasons I get sad


-issues with friends

-what to do in life

-meaning of life

-basically life

2016-10-07 20:34:21 UTC
My friend's verbally abused me for 3 years, I'm terrible in school, I have no special talent, my dad left when I was 2, so there you go.
2016-10-07 15:58:44 UTC
I'm sad because I feel worthless
2016-10-08 08:53:50 UTC
Because I'm mentally ill and haven't sought for help. I feel like everyone has let me down and I can't forgive anyone. I feel so alone but w/e
2016-10-08 09:19:30 UTC
sadness is the reality of life and it happens to everyone. Sorry that someone did hurt your feelings. But it happens in this world, it is one and only God who cares for you and loves you...again sorry if you are an atheist, its my belief. Whenever there comes a point when I think I am all alone I turn myself to God and I feel his love for me. :)
2016-10-07 20:22:51 UTC
I'm sad because I really miss my long hair after it accidentally gotten bleached :(
2016-10-12 09:13:24 UTC
u end up being sad, when u hv lots of expectations from yourself and from others. When expectations don't turn into reality, depression and sadness follows.
2016-10-07 23:42:37 UTC
you may not be sad but you will be sad because the action of others make you sad . and you will not be able to correct them..
2016-10-08 11:15:37 UTC
Sometimes people yoy care about say things to make us sad, hard to ignore but i wish you happiness today
2016-10-11 14:21:21 UTC
2016-10-06 22:00:43 UTC
I’m sorry about how you’re feeling. I really hope you find someone you can trust and share your feelings with. I just said a prayer for you. I don’t know if you believe in God, but I believe He loves and accepts you completely and unconditionally. Hugs to you, friend!
2016-10-07 22:07:57 UTC
because I Live in a world where women judge me for the mistakes of other men as if I'm going to do it as well when i am never and will never be the kind of guy to hurt a woman in anyway or cheat on one....yet women seem to think if one man does it all men will.
2016-10-06 19:51:00 UTC
fml everyone at school thinks i am annoying, none of my friends are popular and neither am i. people make excuses to ignore me and exclude me. i am like cassius, though (if you've read j. c. then you'll know) I will make it to the top. I will be the most popular. People will ask me for my autograph at my high school reunion. and I will spit in their faces. (jk) seriously though, I must be popular
2016-10-09 22:46:05 UTC
Because my husband knows I was raped at 13 and very inappropriatly touched at 8 by a man watching porn and still managed to get a porn addiction while I was pregnant with his third child...
2016-10-07 19:49:47 UTC
I'm disappointed because I've lost a friend since he's moved house.
2016-10-08 14:38:10 UTC
I recently lost every single one of my best friends and am now in love with the only friend that I have. He doesn't know that I like him that way, but it doesn't matter because I know he doesn't feel the same way.
2016-10-10 19:48:11 UTC
i m sad because i m madly in love with this girl who used to be super close to me. we ve been friends since we were 6 (i m 15 and she s 14 now) but over the years we kinda just went our separate ways. the thing that sucks is that we re both girls but i m bisexual and she s straight. it hurts to be in love with someone who doesn t care about you.
2016-10-08 18:18:57 UTC
Because my life is a fail, I have no friends. They left me. I'm so alone. I can't breathe anymore. My heart hurts I'm so depressed. (I have depression and suicidal thoughts)
2016-10-09 19:12:50 UTC
Because I don't have a girlfriend, and never been in a real relationship before.
2016-10-08 22:04:36 UTC
yea I love being rude towards girls as a result. That makes them sad and they will want you so bad.
2016-10-06 12:36:47 UTC
All of you people need to realize that each and everyone of you is beautiful in his or her own way. No human being is a mistake. Everyone of you is beautiful and put here for a reason.
redd headd
2016-10-06 12:13:25 UTC
I am disabled, in pain and medicated. It's cloudy and cool and I can't go out as it is a hassle.
2016-10-07 19:55:41 UTC
Im sad because you reminded me.
2016-10-11 01:18:01 UTC
I am sad because every day i live is a living hell.
2016-10-06 11:56:14 UTC
I'm ugly,I have no friends,I don't connect with anyone,I'm basically a waste of space :)
2016-10-08 07:33:00 UTC
Get a life
2017-03-19 13:55:38 UTC
a lot of people don't even know why they are sad... it can trail back to a childhood trauma, bullying, self esteem issues, literally anything can trigger sadness or depression in someone's life... for me, i had my daughter 11 weeks early and she was in hospital for a very long time... i was placed on a ward with plenty of new mums enjoying holding their newborns and i wasn't even allowed to touch my baby girl 'cause she was so fragile... i was so excited to be a mum despite only being 19... i fell in love with her but with her being born at 29 weeks i couldn't help but find every way to blame myself for her being in the condition she was in, despite doing everything right - eating well, taking all my vitamins and quitting smoking... i was diagnosed with post natal depression... my little girl is now a healthy 16 month old gorgeous little monster that i love very much and i although i have my bad days she never goes without... i've stopped taking my meds and we are both doing awesome...
2016-10-07 17:15:10 UTC
I'm not sad.
2016-10-07 12:05:12 UTC
I know I am sad on the inside too...
2016-10-06 20:10:06 UTC
Because I think me and my friend are going to get into another fight and she is moving to Florida next summer
2016-10-10 17:34:16 UTC
My gf of 3 years just dumped me :/ def bummed out
2016-10-08 11:53:08 UTC
i'm sad too, because of your retardness hahahaha
2016-10-08 20:30:33 UTC
because i am sad. i get depressed. some things go horrible. why r u sad?
2016-10-06 10:45:21 UTC
Because I can't have more than one boyfriend
2016-10-07 20:10:39 UTC
Loneliness. But I know it won't last forever, you meet the right people at the right time!
2016-10-08 14:50:28 UTC
Ahm sed bicus my mum ated mi nuw puppy :D
2016-10-10 10:50:14 UTC
1.i want to eat and I cant because I get fat.

2.I want friends

3.I want sex

4.I want my degree

5I need more money

6.The above are too many
2016-10-07 19:04:41 UTC
Because Hillary may become our next president.
2016-10-06 04:07:48 UTC
i´m sad from time to time.
2016-10-06 17:17:21 UTC
My mom won't let me have a chupryna.
2016-10-10 12:44:54 UTC
Me 2 ..because unsupportive husband..have one kid and managing alone..nobody cares about my husband simply watchin tv and doesnt help me at all :(
2016-10-07 07:13:00 UTC
SAD.Get over it you slow loser, it was just a gift. learn how to manage your money so the derosa s can go on a shopping spree again and again and again.
2016-10-07 14:57:05 UTC
Tired, lonely, sexless
2016-10-06 08:16:34 UTC
about missing friends and family and having less and less of family as time goes on.
2016-10-07 02:04:25 UTC
2016-10-08 10:17:42 UTC
because I had to answer this question to get 2 points.
2016-10-07 01:59:02 UTC
I'm sad when something I love is not appreciated by someone I love or anyone.
2016-10-08 12:11:57 UTC
I was taken advantage of betrayed
2016-10-08 09:39:16 UTC
How about you become the person to cheer people up.
2016-10-07 05:32:34 UTC
the loss of the life I thought I had only to come to find out it was all bull
2016-10-06 13:55:00 UTC
The person I thought was my friend told someone my secrets.
2016-10-07 12:50:34 UTC
Because living is hard
2016-10-08 01:07:51 UTC
Because I always feel second best.
2016-10-06 10:06:34 UTC
He doesn't love me
2016-10-07 12:16:13 UTC
2016-10-07 03:51:50 UTC
Because the guy I love does not want to see me anymore....
2016-10-07 13:09:07 UTC
No friends, whatsoever
2016-10-07 09:15:14 UTC
because the older I get the more smaller things I notice bothers me
2016-10-06 16:00:47 UTC
My grades
2016-10-06 11:31:13 UTC
My dad
2016-10-07 11:15:02 UTC
The end is near, Repent, Confess ALL your sins !!!
2016-10-08 12:24:52 UTC
broke with a smoker
2016-10-08 00:01:37 UTC
2016-10-07 17:54:27 UTC
Because my 2nd suicide attempt failed (drug overdose with ibuprofen)
2016-10-07 01:55:10 UTC
because sometimes life seems meaningless
2016-10-08 20:27:48 UTC
because we are attached with them.. we care a lot.
2016-10-07 15:53:35 UTC
2016-10-08 02:13:12 UTC
i hate having boobs and being a girl.
2016-10-06 19:23:03 UTC
i don't know
2016-10-06 12:00:21 UTC
Robyn! I do love you!
sky l
2016-10-07 19:04:05 UTC
Death and loss
2016-10-06 04:24:32 UTC
dont say that

its hurting

do u like to hurt others?
2016-10-06 14:39:03 UTC
because i dont have the person i like the most
2016-10-07 20:55:17 UTC
2016-10-06 03:57:09 UTC
just be happy
2016-10-06 10:14:31 UTC
2016-10-08 17:00:16 UTC
Because people suck ***
2016-10-10 00:27:51 UTC
depression, just the way it is
2016-10-09 08:14:38 UTC
2016-10-07 12:29:10 UTC
2016-10-07 02:07:39 UTC
2016-10-07 05:24:45 UTC
Why not be ?
2016-10-09 12:29:41 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.