How do you tell your homegirl that you might be love wit her ex???
2006-03-30 14:41:21 UTC
Should you risk losing her frienship, just to have the love of your life?????
Four answers:
2006-03-30 14:47:07 UTC
I would seriously evaluate the love of my life idea. Then take a good look at how good of a friend you have. Most friends are gonna stick wit ya for a long time. Men see one thing wrong and hit the door.
2006-03-30 14:47:43 UTC
well i think that if she your real freind then should would not be mad but if she gets mad then she most not be a true freind and who do you care for the most your homegirl or the person you like so you might have to thing carefully
2006-03-30 14:48:39 UTC
u might love him but first find out if he loves u back and if he doesn't leave him alone and never mention it to ur friend, but if he does like u back then talk to ur friend about it and ask her permission to go out wit him, my friend liked my ex and he asked her out to get me jealous and she said yes without even asking me about it, now I just give her the evil eye when she tries to talk to me and I give her the silent treatment so talk to her first
2006-03-30 14:46:20 UTC
how can u say she is your friend if u have feelings for someone she cared about i would never touch look at or ever try to be with my friends ex anything

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