Reasons to smile?
2006-03-08 12:35:14 UTC
Hold a door for a stranger,... call an old friend just to say hi....
Five answers:
2006-03-08 14:22:17 UTC
finding something that you completely forgot you lost, hearing a good joke, playing a new game, hearing your favorite song on the radio, seeing friends you haven't seen in forever, being silly, having fun.
it's my life...!
2006-03-11 14:23:02 UTC
To have a good health believe me this is a very important reason to be happy and smile for your life couse you have a lot of things to do...!
2006-03-08 20:50:57 UTC
Getting a present from a friend, a joke, a ecard that someone sent you, and thats All I can think of. Youre welcome!
2006-03-08 21:21:54 UTC
Being with people that truely care about you.
michael m
2006-03-08 22:27:30 UTC
hearing I love you form your gf

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