Hi, im 13, and I need help, I'm one of thoses shy, quiet girls that sit in the back and try to stay away from trouble, the kind of girl who has friends, but not, "real" friends that are there when I really need them. I'm 2 weeks away going back to school. and all my friends are gone. ( there the only people who make me want to go to school, and ride the bus, and get through the day) its not that I moved to a diffrent school, its that all my others "friends" moved. You see I'm the kind of girl who gets picked on in every class, because, im quiet, tall (5'10), and im african American. And a little strange. But does anyone care. No, even my "friends". They don't give a damn. They are social, i'm not, they don't really invite me to hang out with them. They sometimes forget about me. Here il kinda word it out for you. My house is the first house on the block. They know where I live but they just pass it by like its garbage. Plus I can hear them out side laughing and playing, and il go outside to try and confront them. but its always the same thing. " Oh we didnt know you were home" usally my response would be. Well did you even bother nocking on the door? And I go back inside. I only have one best friend, buts shes still not a real friend (i'm not ganna say her name. so im just ganna say Her.) and we just have this little group me Her and some other girls, ok, and this is what the other girls do. Be reminded my house is the first one on the block, now they have to go. Past my house to GO to Her house, ain't that B****. Everybody likes Her. Why Idk? all the kids like Her, all the Parents like Her, some of the boys she talks to likes Her!! Always Her, But doess anyone give a damn about me?! no im like there second to last choice In everything. Hear il give you an example of what im talking about. Ok it was a long time ago. It was saturday, and as everyone was sopposed to go swimming at this guys house, for a pool party, so everyone wanted to go, but I didnt really want to, I just wanted to stay home with my bestfriend on saturday and we do watever we wanted on sunday. anyway So I called Her phone like idk 7 time no pick up, 3 more times she finally picks up I say Were are you?, did you wanna hang out, she tells me she wants to go swimming, and I say, well ok but, I wanted to just have a sleep over just me and you. She hangs up says she gtg, says shes going to the store, i'l call u when I get back. I waited 2-3 hours, I was so mad I went over to her house, she has 2 little brothers, I ask them weres Her, they say up stairs in her room, I'm thinking to myself well she might have just gotten home, I go up stairs, there she is in the bathroom getting ready, She look at me and said Oh!?! Hold on. (shouts the door) I yelled why didnt you call me?? I go over to her bed to sit down, and I start talking for about a min, soon enough she wasnt even in the bathroom anymore. She was running I had to catch her down the stairs yelling WAIT WAIT!, she left me in her own house. By the time I wen't outside she was with the other girls and the guys and she kept on screaming come on! ( now if I didnt say this im sorry. Its 12:00 p.m. on a saturday. I'm not dressed, and even if I was like I said I didnt want to go swimming) I tried running after her but, you know it wasnt even worth it. She got gounded that day. for God knows what for. and I didnt talk to her for a 3 days. I went home that day sad, and lonely all my "friends" were gone and know one to talk to. So I geuss what I'm trying to ask is. Can somebody please Help me, with some advice. Now that all my "friends are gone. Im ganna be riding the bus alone, going to classes alone, sitting at lunch alone. And I dont know if Il be able to handle it. So if anyones ever been in this kind of situation please help, or at least let me know so im not the only one out there, and if anyones ever seen some one like this before please tell me what they did. Thx for reading. :)) (((((Please no hate answers)))))