What's more fun than hanging out on Yahoo! Answers?
2006-03-08 03:17:24 UTC
I really need to know that!
Five answers:
2006-03-08 03:59:43 UTC
having a life..

people who hang out here r either bored @ work, not in their school or cant sleep..

who said its fun??? its a mere time pass
2006-03-08 11:26:22 UTC
Doing your homework or studying for your term paper or minimizing this window and go back to work...

Fun than Yahoo Answer in a relative term is to hang out in a chat room or be in a HOT PM box with a HOT chic with cam... hehehehehehehehe
2006-03-08 11:25:58 UTC
NOT hanging out on Yahoo answers!
Dr Dee
2006-03-08 11:22:36 UTC
Going on a date.
2006-03-08 11:24:54 UTC
lol i dunno bout fun but it f****** addictive lol i want level 7 but that life ill get there eventually

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.