I got in a fight at school?
2015-11-10 10:56:02 UTC
Hi I'm a 16 year old girl and I'm in 6th form. For the last 5 years this girl has been bullying me relentlessly. She's beaten me up on so many occasions that I have lost count, she's tied me to a pole and thrown eggs at me and she's also called me every name under the sun for no reason at all. Don't get me wrong, I can look after myself; I have 3 older brothers that are 24, 22 and 20 who I always used to wrestle with. I never fought back because I didn't want to get into trouble as many of my friends did get into trouble for sticking up for themselves. Anyway yesterday after school she just came up to me and started cornering me and calling me names for no reason so I ask her nicely to stop and to leave me alone. She doesn't and she starts shoving me, I again ask her nicely to stop and she refuses so I flipped. I hit her as hard as I could and I beat her up. My 24 year old brother had to lift me off her and calm me down (I was crying whilst hitting her). As far as I know she has a black eye and a split lip and she also gave me a black eye and a bloody nose. I feel so bad because I'm not normally a violent person I have never hit anyone in my life. She just pushed me to breaking point. My oldest brother and my mum who know everything about what this girl has done to me says that she deserved it and had it coming. Do you think this girl will now leave me alone? Should I feel guilty or was I justified?
41 answers:
2015-11-12 19:14:29 UTC
Good on you, girly! She absolutely had it coming. You've proven yourself to be a tough chick. I wish I had the your courage when I was in high school (which is 6 years ago, damn). Back then, I didn't do anything and let my bullies step all over me like a bloody steamroller. Nothing physical was involved, but they were practically b*tching about me every single day and making my "close" friend join the dark side. And she kind of did. So, I had the bullies and my friend bad-mouthing me together. I felt...Hurt. Angry. Betrayed.This went on for a few YEARS. These people and their despicable behaviour really diminished my already low self-esteem and I was lucky enough to not dwindle into depression. If I could turn back the time, I will not hesitate to use violence to retaliate. Some good ole' slapping (or punching) would be well deserved.
2015-11-10 12:29:31 UTC
Although I don't agree with violence, you have nothing to feel guilty about. You were provoked and you defended yourself. You tried your best to reason with this bully for years, but obviously she couldn't be reasoned with, so you did what you had to. I don't think she will bother you again, bullies prey on those who look unable to defend themselves, and she thought you to be like that, but what she thought was weakness in you was actually your restraint and your good heart, which is actually your strength. But now this bully knows that, and knows that you were strong all along. Your too hard of a target for her now, so she will keep her distance from now on. If not, well perhaps rely on the teachers to sort her out this time instead of having a boxing match with her.
2015-11-10 21:14:06 UTC
You did what you had to do and congratulations first of all! I too was bullied mercilessly in School and back then they didn't have anti bullying laws like they do today. And for future reference if she or anyone try's to bully you again, you do have legal recourse if the school doesn't do anything to stop it. They too can be held liable if they don't do anything to stop bullying. I'm guessing you're in the UK since you call your year 6th form and you say "Whilst" instead of "While" So here is a link that will explain your legal rights there and what you need to do if you ever are bullied again. And again I'm sorry you had to go to the extremes that you did to save yourself and stop this and I hope your eye and your nose heals soon :( I'm actually shedding tears right now imagining you with a black eye and bloody nose and I don't even know you yet :'(
2015-11-10 15:53:46 UTC
I definitely don't think she will bother you again after what you did. She now knows that you are a strong person and a force to be reckoned with. I personally don't think violence is the answer, but in this situation, she provoked you and ignored you when you told her to stop, so you had a right to. Plus she's done this several times so you definitely had a reason to do this.
2015-11-12 20:24:15 UTC
Something had to happen sooner or later. You were brave knowing you could fight her and decent also knowing that you would hurt her.

This person drove you crazy in your mind for months and now this has happened she will feel silly as the other girls will be talking about her i.e. "X got her *** kicked.

Where do you live? I get harassed sometimes. No. Not really. I just had to put that one in.

Best of luck Rocky
2015-11-10 11:40:34 UTC
No you should NOT feel guilty. You gave her what she justly deserved. Hopefully she will now leave you alone. My bully did. Like you, I flipped out one day and went for him with a tennis racket and sent him to hospital. To be fair he had pushed me in front of the bus the day before and was trying to stick his hand up my skirt and pull my knickers down at the time. I don't regret attacking him at all. You have to hit bullies back or they just keep walking all over you.
2015-11-10 19:05:26 UTC
You should have done that long before, no need to feel guilty- I understand where you're coming from. Some people don't learn until you get strict with them. I had a much milder situation with an old friend who would always take advantage of me and have me do all the work on our projects- I never yell (unless it's my siblings), but once I yelled at her after being sick of it she did the work. You might feel bad, but understand that you can't let people walk all over you and sometimes the only way to stop them is to do something you don't want to do.
2015-11-12 15:13:36 UTC
I wish I had the balls to punch some of the people who bullied me...although my school was so small that barely anyone ever tried to get in a physical fight, it was usually verbal. Actually I almost got into a fight when I was sick of a girl and her friends messing with me and my friends during lunch. One day I basically snapped and grabbed her neck and shoved her back when she got in my face but like I said, it's a small school. The lunch room went silent and we had 3 teachers staring at us so that was the end of that.

Although her and her friends did try to report me and one of mine who was cursing at them to the principal but I saw them and more or less marched up to the principal and said "These bitches are ******* liars" which of course ended up in all of her friends, and me and my other "in trouble" friend to be called in to the office. I'm actually still surprised that the principal just let me off with a warning when I admitted to giving that ***** the red marks on her was probably because I was a quiet student and it really takes a lot to make me lash out at someone.
2015-11-12 11:46:42 UTC
There's no reason to feel guilty. She deserved that and I'm pretty sure she will leave u alone from now on since you defended urself. She will probably think that if she bothers u again you'll hit her again which is good tbh. ALWAYS defend yourself if a person keeps bothering you
2015-11-10 11:00:43 UTC
Props for you, keeping it up for so long and having the patience.

I, myself, would've beaten her *** the second she touched me!

With that being said - no, you shouldn't feel guilty. And I'm pretty sure she'll leave you alone, because now she knows that you stand up for yourself! Also the reason why she may have bullied you for so long; you never did anything about it.

I hope you don't get into trouble for standing up for yourself and that she leaves you alone!

And just like your mom and older brother said: she had it coming.
2015-11-11 09:06:57 UTC
Even if she still bothers you, think of this - one day she will go too far with someone else and gets killed or she will go to jail for something. She is obviously uncontrollable kid that will end up in bad place when she grows up. And you - have really good manners and heart if you feel guilty after she has done to you. You will do good in your life. And don't you worry about her!

Good luck!
2015-11-12 20:08:04 UTC
That girl is a b***h!! She deserved what she got and good for you!! It was totally justified what you did. You are the person who's right and the other one should feel bad because she is an a*****e. If she bothers you again report her. That girl disgusts me. Do not feel bad for giving her what she deserved.
2015-11-12 06:21:14 UTC
I used to get picked on in grade school (6th grade mostly) I was the biggest kid in the school but very timid. One day I got pissed off and kicked the schit out of 2 of the bullies who were bothering me and I mean I kicked the schit out of them. Johnny D and Wayne S. two azzholes.

nobody bothered me after that. Soooo do what you gotta do.
2015-11-10 22:21:49 UTC
No need to feel guilty. You were defending yourself. If you fought her unprovoked, feeling guilty would be necessary. But, sounds like this girl needed to be fought a lesson. There's no reason to feel guilty at all. You defended yourself, and that was the right thing to do. It takes guts.
2015-11-11 13:55:02 UTC
If your mom is ok with it, you have nothing to worry about. If you truly feel guilty or wrong for beating her up, at least keep in mind that she will most likely leave you alone from now on, unless she is stupid or likes pain. I know that if I ever get into a fight, my biggest fear is my mother getting me in trouble.😊
2015-11-12 13:26:14 UTC
I personally believe that this is totally justified self defense. If your teachers are so incompetent that they couldn't stop her then I'm glad that you gave her what she deserved, seems like she's had it coming for a while now so please only feel bad for harming someone but don't regret standing up for yourself and defending yourself.
2015-11-11 18:05:09 UTC
sounds like it finally came to mutual combat. I don't always say you did good but in this case you did good for getting it over with. there were no winners It is my hope she will now see you as something more than a door mat.
2015-11-10 11:00:17 UTC
Well done! Sounds like this girl needed someone to put her in check and you did a fine job of it. My experience says that she will respect you and leave you alone at this point, knowing that you will not take the bullying anymore. I see no reason for you to feel guilty at all!
2015-11-13 08:45:42 UTC
No need to be guilty ! She deserved that, there you go girl! You teached her a lesson and im pretty sure she will never dare to talk to you anymore. Be nice but violent when you need to, because violence solves everything.
2015-11-16 18:51:08 UTC
HELL TO THE YEAH!!! You kicked a bullies ***!! Don't feel guilty.She should leave you alone. and if she doesn't then spray perfume or something in her eyes and kick her *** again.. Bullies are cowards and need sorting
2015-11-10 14:01:15 UTC
Are you fighting because someone is picking on you
2015-11-11 15:53:25 UTC
she has now lost face so she might try to regain her standing by calling you but she will not push you again

don't go back to being a victim, stand up to her
2015-11-10 12:36:33 UTC
Fighting is not a key but i assume you had to
2015-11-14 04:02:11 UTC
She had it coming love. if she comes after you again, which I doubt, beat her up again.

Some people simply don't speak any other language but violence.
2015-11-12 17:40:39 UTC
Why start fighting and not tell the teacher if it's been "five years?"
2015-11-10 22:44:45 UTC
You have nothing to be guilty about, she defiantly had it coming. Also, thats pretty brave of you to do that, nice one! Im pretty sure she will leave you alone now.
2015-11-11 19:07:32 UTC
Literally nothing about what u did was wrong. The fact that you feel guilty about it shows what a nice person you are.
2015-11-10 17:05:31 UTC
You did nothing this person may think twice before saying anything to you.
2015-11-10 17:39:49 UTC
Lol you shouldve beat the **** out of her earlier dat ***** need to learn that bullying aint cool.. So who gives a **** if someone talks **** beat they *** simple..
2015-11-12 06:39:52 UTC
Instead of saying stop, you should have told (saying I love it) her to continue it until she will be frustrated enough to leave you alone
2015-11-12 15:03:00 UTC
you go girl, that girl definetely deserved it, dont feel guilty at all, if anything feel proud of yourself for finally standing up for yourself and beating the **** out of this ***** lol
2015-11-13 12:24:28 UTC
there is no reason to feel guilty, you did what you had to do. I hope she leaves you alone for now on. Please defend yourself. I couldn't defend myself because i was weak.
Hayden Scott
2015-11-11 22:48:00 UTC
Sounds like she deserved it
2015-11-12 11:13:00 UTC
Yes . It is a long story .
2015-11-11 11:22:02 UTC
You go girl! If she comes up to you again... make sure you blacken the other eye!
2015-11-10 11:00:44 UTC
you shouldn't feel guilty, she deserved it in all honesty. way to go girl!
2015-11-12 18:11:32 UTC
Kick her add for me also
2015-11-14 08:09:33 UTC
She tied you to a ******* poll?

What are you? some weak *****?

2015-11-12 08:16:26 UTC
Violence is the answer in this case
2015-11-13 02:07:50 UTC
that's it?

you didn't RKO her?
2015-11-11 05:19:09 UTC
show wont bother you again :)

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