2015-06-07 07:45:16 UTC
Me and this girl went to the same secondary school, for the first two years we were still best friends however we both went to separate friend groups and our friendships sadly faded. In 2013, the girl was bullied out of the school, this broke me because I should of been there for her, I didn't even realize it was happening because how distant we were.
We spoke to each other since over Facebook, I would check up on her to see if she was okay at her new school. I would message her every few months however the time between each message got longer and longer. We still message each other on our birthdays to wish a happy birthday or if something tragic happens in our life e.g. she messaged when my Nan passed away two weeks ago.
Basically, I really miss this girl, I miss her for more than anything. There is not a day what goes past where I don't think of her, I really wish things were like they use to be, we were so happy. The last two weeks I have felt down due to my Nan passing but when the girl messaged me, it sparked something in me, I felt happy. I'm just scared that I've left this too late, that is too late to go back. I have never stopped calling her my best friend. What should I do? Should I message her again? :(