When I was about 16 or 17 years old I asked my dad if it was a sin to think you were good looking, because I sure thought I was. He said, "Do you think it would be a sin for a rich man to think he's rich?" Nuff said. :) People who are really good at something, like singing, playing the piano, hitting a baseball, etc., have the same problem. But facts are facts. Young guys too often don't think in terms of beauty or pretty - they think in terms of sex. Be patient with them - believe it or not - they will grow up in time.
Here's the problem - or what can be a problem. When I think I'm better than someone else simply because I'm handsome - I've got a major character flaw. After all I had absolutely nothing to do with my facial features - how tall or short I am; for ladies - how nicely their breasts are formed - their butt - the curves they've got - almost all of that stuff was determined the very moment we are conceived. Be grateful for the good things you have including your appearance - respond to compliments with a nice smile and a "Thank you," but remember you didn't have a damned thing to do with it.
Really nice looking ladies and big strong guys often have a tendency to act and believe they are somehow better than others. That, my dear, is a huge mistake and reveals very poor character.
One time a guy was making fun of another guy because of something the second guy couldn't help. He made what he thought was funny - I didn't laugh. He did it again and looked at me as if he was wanting to show my approval of what he'd just said. I said, "Doug, you aren't funny worth a crap." He got mad at me and wanted to take me outside and beat the snot out of me. Doug was a great big man, and I'm small. I said, "Doug, I'll tell you what let's do - you name 10 things men do in competition and I'll name 10 - you can pitch out 2 or mine; I'll pitch out 2 of yours. Then we'll put up $100 dollars for each of the 16 which are left - and the winner of each thing gets the money. I'm not going to wrestle you and I'm not going to fight you. But I'm going to beat your butt at pool, at swimming, at one-on-one basketball - at golf - at tennis - at checkers - at chess - at running a race and two or three other things along the way. Tell me, Doug, what have you done with yourself since you crawled out from between your mommy's legs?" Was that a very nice thing to say? Hell, no! But it makes my point - what have I done - what have you done - with the talents given us.
You may find this hard to believe, but Doug didn't have much to do with me after that. lol