Help I have ZERO friends!!!!?
2015-12-29 18:09:16 UTC
I'm not even joking I mean literally exactly no friends. None at all. Not even one in my pathetic life. I used to have a close friend but not anymore. My life just is horrible. Going to school is like emotional torture. Every day I don't know where to sit or who to sit with because I have no friends or what to do during recess. I cry over this many times and it's making me very depressed. Everyone is having a great time while I'll always look back on my adolescence as the worst years of my life. People have talked to me before but I've pushed them all away. I'm very quiet, not shy just quiet. I'm not into groups or cliques I just wanted 2 or 3 close friends. That's ALL but nope instead everyone thinks that just because I don't talk means I'm not interested. I just don't feel a need to blab my mouth pointlessly all day long. It's almost like everyone just knows this secret to making friends that I've never learned. I'm so depressed it gets me every day and makes me cry. No one will give me a chance. I'm in middle school btw writing from my moms account. How can I make friends and not be a total loner like I currently am?!?!
302 answers:
2015-12-31 14:29:37 UTC
It's okay I only have one friend. My main problem on why I don´t have more is that I don't talk enough. Nobody will know you exist if you don't communicate. Just fine a table of nice looking people and see if they share any interests. If they don´t try and crack a few jokes (not puns plz) and move on. If they do you can mention that you like that whatever too and ask what they like about it and say what you do. Also, you can say ¨hay did you see the game last night?" if you're into sports. I think you can make friends by joining a club and you don't have to be good at the thing the club is about to make friends. If you find mean people, which you probably will then there are different ways to deal with them. A) You can tell them that they don´t define you and you are your own person. B) you can cuss them out when there are no teachers. (Also this will put a lot of attention on you. This will take the ¨popular¨ group´s notice but i don't recommend joining them). C) do a combo of both. Good luck!
2015-12-30 22:03:37 UTC
I felt the same way as you when I started high school. I almost didn't know anyone and felt anxious during the first few weeks upon starting. I was a shy, quiet person during then and I still kind of am today, to a lesser extent. But during high school I made friends and became more confident but I wasn't one of the popular kids. Now I'm 21, at university and I have even more friends! I know high school can suck while you're growing up. I'm sure at some point you will make friends but don't think you'll never have any or that could become a reality. I'm not saying you should become one of the popular kids because they're usually the ones that end up less successful later in life. Just try to talk to people more like you and you can befriend them.
2016-01-03 01:38:27 UTC
Honestly. It's ok. I don't know what grade your in but trust me things get better! When I was in high school I seriously only had one close friend. High school is so small compared to the whole world. To me finding friends come from similar interests. In college it is so much easier to make friend atleast to me. All these stupid stereotypes go away and you are surrounded by so many people. Putting yourself out there is a must! You cant just wait for someone to come up to you. Talk to people. Connect with someone on an interest you guys both share. Exchange numbers. Also finding real friends can be really hard. That's why I only have like a few close ones. A lot of people I hang out with I dont really like. I just learn how to tolerate and how to be and act around certain people. Hope this rant can be helpful lol
2016-01-02 09:53:12 UTC
Depends if ur a girl or a guy, guys tend to deal with lacking friends better cuz they just found something else to do like video games for example, but not all guys deal with it that great so voila. Girls on the other hand have an harder time dealing with it cuz they girls and unless a girl is a tomboy she just cries and eats a lot so i'll assume ur a girl. Well it depends on ur personality too, i think you should talk to guys or girls like your that don't have many friends, cuz hey u gotta start somewhere and u can't just approach a bunch of friends and say "Excuse me, can i be your friend ?" I also think u a bit different from other people like u see society and the world in a different way than other people do and that's why. But the good thing to do would be stop worrying about being a loner, cuz if you do u'll just make the wrong decisions in the crucial moments like someone smiling at you and ur just too scared and/or don't know what to do. SMILE, just smile, hiding your pain can help you a lot instead of acting like a complete weirdo in front of people just smile and make it look like ur an happy person and you enjoy life. That's the key to social rehab ;)

Good luck =)
2016-01-01 13:00:11 UTC
First of all just be your own friend. There is no better friend than ourselves. You know that you will never betrayed yourself haha. Then, I know how you can feel cause me too I had no friend in a time but that's life. Some people have friends while they are a.s.s.hole or bit.ches and other don't have while they (we) are very nice and honest and it has nothing to do with the fact to be "cool" or interesting or something else. You know, people are rude, that's how human is and will always be. So it's hard right now cause you feel so alone but one day it will pass, you won't stay at school all your life and when you will have your job you will find friends who will be your own colleagues. Friendship comes and leaves. You will meet good friends in your life and then they will disappear cause maybe they will move in another city or maybe because they will change and start to act like a retard but someone else will come. In fact things arrive when you don't expect, in every situation. Even love is the same. So please don't cry cause it has nothing to do with you, nothing is wrong with you, it's just them. They are too stupid and they don't know what they miss by not being your friend.

Take care (:
2015-12-31 09:02:58 UTC
Hi. You are young. I recommend you change this situation you have found yourself in. If you know you are not shy, it's just a matter of pulling yourself together and reaching out to people. Believe me, I know what I am talking about being a lot older than you and also, being totally without friends and all alone and I too, am not a shy person. I live all on my own in a flat which may as well be in the middle of no where, even though, it's in a village that is full of people that would be only too willing to talk to me and even form friendships with me. Being alone, can become a nasty habit and it doesn't do you any good. You can take my words of wisdom or not, but hopefully, you will. Take care.
2015-12-30 13:42:35 UTC
Stopping and thinking about these things is sometimes the worst thing you can do. I have never had massive amounts of friends but I have always had close friends who I see all the time. As you get older, life isn't about who has the most friends or who is more popular. All those things change when you get a job and begin to start your life outside of school. Friends will come to you, just don't feel alone, because you are not, even some of the most rich and famous people have no real friends. You could go to clubs, talk online, even smile at a stranger (someone your age) and you never know what could come from it! Good Luck.
2016-01-01 07:21:51 UTC
GURL I had your same situation but I fixed it a month ago. I would stand alone in a corner at recess and lunch, staring at groups of friends and thinking "I wish I could have friends" and "if only people didn't hate me. I wish I had a friend." I am rather shy and quiet. I used to cry over loneliness every night before sleeping. Even teachers felt bad and came over trying to have a conversation with me. The reason I didn't have friends was because I was shy and thought I wasn't good enough for anyone. Just do this: Find the nicest girl in your class. Then, start talking about music, movies, etc. . Be nice to them. Find them at recess and let them do the talking. Make eye contact and smile when they're talking to you to show you're interested. If that doesn't work, find other people like you ( alone and quiet ) and talk to them. They'll probably be grateful and you'll find a new friend. Don't go towards the popular, start small. Also look for new people and welcome them. I hope I helped :)
2015-12-29 19:49:37 UTC
I used to get very upset over having no friends too. I am very shy and people always avoided me, it made me mad... I would ask myself, "Why does everyone HATE me?" It gave me pretty bad anxiety until I realized something... The number of friends you have or how popular you are doesn't determine your future and isn't essential to your life. I'm a junior in high school and people my age are still concerned about popularity so I guess I realized early. Your education, work, and career is important. Work hard and get a good education, show people you're smart. Make a lot of money and find a job you love. That's success. Work your way up and don't even care if you don't have any friends. Okay that sounds a bit cold... I guess it is nice to have a few good friends, so I would say just try and be social and be yourself, never consider popularity. It's so immature. I'm sure there are others like you, but still, put school first. :)
2016-01-01 06:28:28 UTC
Hi there, I'm so sorry that this is happening to you. I know exactly how you feel right now, I felt that way in middle school to. All I can do is say that it honestly gets better, yes sometimes your gonna have to try and talk to people and start making friends and I know that's hard trust me i'm in high school and I have to do it all the time when i'm alone. Every time you do it, it starts getting a litter easier and easier not a whole lot but it helps. Just take one step at a time and when you feel like you should try it and give it a chance then end up not just remember "ten seconds of courage". That's how I became friends with my best friend. I know its hard but it will get better for you love, promise.
2015-12-31 01:38:55 UTC
Hi. I'm 14, and I am in your position. I have social anxiety disorder (as well as depression and other mental health issues), and I must say I feel quite hopeless at this point. I have no friends, and I know why, of course. I am scared of people and they are scared of me. I have thought a great deal about my future, and it seems pretty bleak. I don't think I'll ever have love, simply because I can't be close to people. I can't even make eye contact with my parents, let alone anyone else. I used to think I'd go to college and be a psychiatrist or psychologist, but I don't think I can do it. I get great grades. It really is a shame life sucks so bad and I just have to get through it for everybody else.
2015-12-30 21:31:40 UTC
I feel so bad because I was in a similar situation in high school. I would walk home for lunch because I literally had no one to talk to, I even felt awkward being in class because everyone would be talking about what they did on the weekends and I would have nothing to say. I know how you feel, there are lots of people in the same position as you. High school and middle school absolutely SUCK!!!!!!! I hated it and so did my sister and we're both so extremely content now that we're out of school now :).. But my suggestion to you because you're still in school is that you should join a team that you're interested in. Are you interested in any sports?? If so then join a sports team. Its very scary at first opening yourself to new people but you will sure grow as a person and there will be that one kind person who will open themselves up to you. If you don't like sports then think of any other after school activity you could join.. Maybe find a part time job in a restaurant as a hostess/host or dishwasher? You can meet friends from work as well. Doing these kind of things will help you in ways you could never imagine! I can tell by your post that you seem like a wonderful person and there is no reason why you shouldn't have a friend... Unfortunately people like you and I have to work a bit harder to make friends because we're both quiet but you certainly can :). Be patient please!!! There is so much life to look forward to after school, and even during school if you take my advice. You must work on yourself as well!! Good luck to you and I am completely confident that you will make a friend/friends sometime soon.
2016-01-01 15:23:18 UTC
I was the same way before. It wasn't that I was shy or anything, I just didn't have much to say to anyone.

Don't push people away. that's the first thing. try to engage in a conversation with people whether you talk about weather, how much homework sucks, or how bored you are. When standing in line, turn to someone and try to talk to them about something. I gaurantee you for a very long time you will find this to be very awkward. Just try to have a brief back and fourth before turning away, let it play out as long as it naturally does then turn away.

Something I saw at a novelty store was this thing called "chat pack" it just has a bunch of questions that are supposes to lead to a conversation. Grab you one or two of those on Amazon and carry a few around you. When next you're finding yourself searching for something to say to get a conversation started, discreetly pull out one of those and ask.

It's like learning to play a musical instrument. it won't happen over night and there will be a whole lot of times when it seems like you're getting absolutely no where.

Pull off the whole, "cool guy who doesn't give a damn about anyone or what anyone thinks" This will stop you from appearing weak, which will push people away. And for some reason people are attracted to that type of a persona. Just kinda do your own thing and don't worry about others. Do not distract yourself with your cell phone or a book or visibly listening to music. These things are good when you are making progress but hit a few walls EVERY NOW AND THEN, but done habitually, will close you off to others permanently.

Look into some books at your library about shyness and social anxiety, I found a few and they taught me a few neat tricks and quite a bit about the social sciences.
2016-11-15 03:26:56 UTC
I Have Zero Friends
2015-12-30 20:25:49 UTC
That use to be me, until I figured out why. Most ppl talk about uninteresting things. Simple things. You are probably way smarter than the simple subjects they talk about. Maybe it bores you so you just sit there thinking about more important things. The problem is that, the pressure of society makes you think something is wrong with you. Nope! You will find your group and when you do, you'll be like dang! These people love me and I don't mind being around them, etc. it's going to feel like no pressure. Right now, just chill. Wait and you'll see. Don't worry too much about it. It's just for now. Don't look at what everyone is doing and what they have. I bet more people in that school/surroundings feel the same. You just have not noticed because they're so quiet. Good luck!
2015-12-30 19:55:57 UTC
You are in middle school. Believe me when I tell you this is the hardest time of growing up. Emotions and hormones are out of control. I was extremely shy too and didn't like talking to people. As an adult I am still this way but I have two or three friends that I can count on. My advice is don't push people away. Join a club or activity outside of school. You can make friends this way. But remember to have friends you also have to be a friend. Good luck sweetie!
2016-01-01 11:19:46 UTC
If you have intrest in a particular musician or sportsperson , find people who like them too . Its a good way because the more the similarities the better it would be . There would be more people like you in your area . Try finding those who talk less and make friends with them . You can tell your classmates about your situation and tell everyone that you dont like talking . You can participate in your school band or school sport teams , if you have intrest . You might feel nervous at starting , but you will find people to talk with . You can even take part in different coaching classes . You will find some friends there too and another advantage is you can sharpen your skills . And just stay who you are . No need to change yourself unless you understand you find some bad qualitys in you . You can even try making friends online , on any social medias and all . Social Media is a very powerful thing . Even I used to face such difficulties but now I have plenty of friends , just because of Social Media . And if you want ,I can be your friend , I like being friends with new people . You can message me if you want . Also try going for walks in the park . You might find people there and also it will improve your health . You can also go to parties , beaches , and different tourist attracting locations . Who knows may be you will find a friend there . Try getting in touch with your neighbours . Your neighbours may turn into your best friend . And also go for 'Public Speaking' classes to lose fear of speaking to others . And be a little funny person . Everyone loves to be friends with someone who makes them laugh . You can use any website to find friends . There are many websites available . Stop overthinking and be more patient . And to remove your sadness , listen some motivating songs to cheer you up and get motivated . For example , Eminem has great motivating songs like Beautiful , Sing for the Moment , The Way I am , Rock Bottom , Lose Yourself etc ... I recommend you to listen his songs

If you need , I can be your friend . You can send an email to me if you want a friend .
2015-12-30 18:42:00 UTC
Well if you push people away but cry that you're all alone. That sounds mental. If you want friends you have to put yourself out there. The ability I developed is being able to blend into many clicks.

Change the way you think about yourself. It is ok to have a few close friends but why not have many general friends. If you don't like yourself how can you expect others to like you.

I know you can do it and have fun in the process. If people get mean just shake it off. I know it is easier said than done but mean people don't matter.

Be the person you would like to hang out with.
2016-01-01 09:47:37 UTC
Being a leo, I have to constantly be surrounded by people to talk to or else I can't think straight. But what I do is try to be friends with everyone, and make sure I talk to lonely people from time to time, whether I want to or not. People like me will never leave anyone alone, and I'm the type of person you should aim for. I'm not trying to brag, but if there is someone that is like that, go for it! People like that will help you and basically be your social sibling. If you can't bring up conversation with anyone however, I recommend talking to people on online games for your age. Talking online socially will possibly make it easier to at least attempt talking to someone. If there isn't anyone that I described previously at your school, find someone closest to that or try talking to someone that may be lonely as well! Just remember you're not the only person that was put in this situation! Ciao!
2016-01-01 15:22:14 UTC
Well you can't have very close friends right away. It's a matter of time. First just talk with people, you don't have to like them. Since your quiet then just walk over to people say hi, how are you. Listen to what they talk about and eventually you will know what they are interested in. Look up some things on internet maybe. Like about celebrities, funny videos or some good books(I love hunger games, best books ever). Just listen. If they ditch you than it doesn't matter cause you tried. Show them your nice. Best is not to ***** about others. Remember what you say will be spread, that's just what school is like, well in my area anyway. So as I said, show them your a nice person, it's never too late even if they have a bad opinion of you now. People change their opinions. And if they don't like you or ignore you than you will know that they have no reason not to like you and they are horrible people and you deserve better.
Teresa Vargas
2015-12-31 18:52:12 UTC
I'm like in the same situation as you right now. I used to have a lot of friends in middle school till I got homeschooled in my freshmen year. I'm currently a high school senior and I have no friends at all! Sure, I'm still friends with my old friends on Facebook and they sometimes like things that I post, but that doesn't mean that I still talk to them. When I was in middle school, half of the students in my grade hated me because to them I was ugly, fat, dumb, shy, and a problem maker. If you feel down, then do something that makes you feel happy. It's okay if you don't have friends right now. Probably when you go to college you will make new friends. I have high hopes that I will make new friends in college. I'm also a quiet person like you. Try to say hello to other students and they will probably want to have a conversation with you. Good luck.
2015-12-31 19:58:39 UTC
I know a bunch of people on here will just say be yourself. Unfortunately, that doesn't always work. Sometimes people just want to be friends with people who are interested in similar things. Find out what especially interests you and try to meet people with similar interests. Please just don't be afraid of new people. I just stand amazed sometimes at the fact that they're so many people in the world and they all have their own lives and families and ideas. People just amaze me sometimes. They're very complex and everyone is different. Ask potential friends questions about themselves and really get to know the person. Don't be discouraged by the fact that they might seem uninterested. They might just be quiet like you. Really open yourself up. I am friends with many of the people in my Jr/Sr. High School (It's a Catholic school so its SUPER small. I'm talking 12 people in all of my grade!). People sometimes just need a little nudge to make friends. Good luck! You can always message me and talk whenever you'd like. Hope you make some great friends! Much love <3
2015-12-31 00:42:01 UTC
Btw I would totally be you friend you sound awesome. Maybe ask a quiet, small, friendly looking group if you can sit with them at lunch and try to include yourself in the conversation and start topics, e.g. did you see that new movie, what do you think of .... I know it'll be hard to get out of your shell, but it'll be better in the long run that you start making social confidence skills when you are this young. Also, when you go into high school, there will be plenty of people in the same boat as you and looking for friends. Don't let it get to you if they reject your request at sitting with them - they obviously weren't nice anyway - but they probably don't know the true you!! Good luck and best wishes xx
2015-12-30 23:13:23 UTC
I feel you, we can be friends. I have a few close friends, I just read what all you've wrote now, and you're in middle school while im in highschool, so there'll be some differences.. if you'd like I can be your mentor! :) just leave a comment and I could give you my email! ^^

Love talking to new people, anyway right now you're only in middle school, you'll definitely find a few good friends in highschool, don't worry too much, just try to open up a little, let it happen naturally. I used to be really shy in middle school as well.

Well goodluck, and I hope things get better, don't be too negative now, and cheer up, I'm sure you'll make some friends!
2015-12-31 08:40:23 UTC
You wrote:

"People have talked to me before but I've pushed them all away. I'm very quiet, not shy just quiet. I'm not into groups or cliques I just wanted 2 or 3 close friends. That's ALL but nope instead everyone thinks that just because I don't talk means I'm not interested. I just don't feel a need to blab my mouth pointlessly all day long."

1.) You've pushed them away. BIG mistake on your part.

2.) You're quiet, giving the wrong impression about yourself and what you're after.

3.) Making friends requires you to talk to them about various things. And when you're friends with them, then you can be quiet and not have it count against you.

Look, as someone who's had no friends myself and then suddenly I do, I seen how things work. I pay attention. I see the mistakes I made. And you're making the same exact ones. Change your ways and you'll make friends.
2015-12-31 17:03:14 UTC
I know how u feel. I am also in middle school so I get how it is too. You have to give people who try and talk to u a chance. Trust me, it'll be alright. Hold up head up high and try and socialize. I'm a complete dweeb so if I can weirdly keep friends u can certainly make some. Join some clubs or something too if u want. Once you hit high-school there will be a whole bunch of new people to meet and befriend. It WILL get better u just got to stay positive and hope for the best. I wish you luck :)
2015-12-31 19:13:15 UTC
There are some wonderful answers on this page:

Go to a church: join the choir, youth group, volunteer to help the unfortunate.

Learn about a subject you know nothing about (sports is a subject where a lot of people join into the conversation). Do as much as you can to stay active and busy.

Everything here is easy to start. Just put 1 foot in front of the other and 2 hands together to pray to GOD, your 1 True friend 4ever!
2015-12-31 20:30:00 UTC
I don't have any friends either. It's best that way. People only want to be your friend if it benefits them. They will screw you over the very first chance they get if they will get ahead by doing it. Wives and husbands will cheat on you while you're out working trying to provide for them he'll probably with one of your "friends". People will steal from you, snitch on you, talk **** behind your back to other friends which also talk **** about them behind their backs and so on and so forth. Honestly you do not want any friends or a girlfriend ever. Never tell your secrets to people, never trust anyone, never help anyone, never let anyone take advantage of you.

In today's day and age the world has become a bad place with bad people nearly everywhere you look. No morals anymore.

Just be yourself by yourself and **** everyone else that exists.
2016-01-02 11:14:12 UTC
I feel you. I moved a couple hours away a few years ago and I didn't have any friends. I still barely have any. Where I used to live I had almost 30 friends and now I have none. I'm going through depression and I know how you feel. It absolutely sucks! Just go up to someone and find something to talk about. Say "Hi, how did you do on the test last week?" or just go up to someone who looks alone and start a conversation. I know that it seems old fashioned but it works.
2015-12-31 02:11:40 UTC
I can tell you that friendship is very simple. Where it doesn't work is when it's forced or unnatural. I can also say that how you view you situation is down to you. I barely talk to anyone, someone may consider me friendless, but I choose to be solitary at the moment. I know that if I wanted to meet up with someone I could arrange something pretty quick, I have my 2-3 besties that I can call up even if we haven't chatted for ages. The point I'm making here, is the way you choose to see your situation is upto you. The grass always looks greener, if that's your viewpoint. If you're ok by yourself for now forget others. If you're not ok then do something about it, but like I said it has to be natural. People like people, we are the ones that mess things up by overcomplicating or forcing. Every sort of personality has like minded people, you've just got to find them. There's no trick, you just be happy with yourself and you'll find people that are happy to click on a level with you.
2015-12-30 19:42:38 UTC
I was in the same situation. I didn't have any friends for about 5 months. But than acouple days ago I met this great guy. U just have to keep pushing through u will be ok I promise. It might seem like ur worthless or something now but I promise u it gets better. Just wait because obviously those people are a bunch of jerks and assholes in which u don't need in ur life. Stay true to urself and u can make it farther than u think. I believe in u
2015-12-31 23:05:30 UTC
I also had little to no friends, but that was in my kindergarten-2nd grade years. All you have to do is say hi. You can't expect anyone to start a conversation with someone who doesn't say anything. Just say something, anything. Maybe raise your hand when no one else is. Just little things. Say thank you, or people tend to get the wrong impression. Middle school is a pain in the butt. I know. Listen before you speak. People like listeners. I understand middle school. It's not fun finding out that all the people your trying to become friends with are taking advantage of you for homework and organizing their trappers. (I'm getting to off topic, like I usually do) But you just got to let them know that your not just a grump locking the world. Usually people find you 20% more attractive and interesting than you find yourself. So if think your a 0, then you ATLEAST a 20, and ATLEAST that's something
2015-12-31 06:07:16 UTC
Do ur parents know? If not tell them. Let the school know. To make friends why don't u try to talk to some girls who are maybe sitting in a 2 or 3 or even on there own, just sit by them and try to make up a conversation ask them what they do at break/lunch if they don't seem intrested try with so other people and in the end someone will talk to u and just ask them if u can hang around with them maybe at break try talking to someone in your lessons though and then they can introduce u to other friends if there's and then u will have friends if u don't really know what to say search it on the Internet or ask them about some work that ur doing the more u talk to them the more u will get closer to them. I hope this works and u get happier at school. Good look X
2016-01-02 02:56:47 UTC
Same, I'm in middle school too, and I used to have a lot of friends but all they wanted to talk about is drama so I started to stay quiet and not get involved. Then we kinda just drifted apart, even though it's lonely sometimes, I feel better. Trust me, having no friends can be so much better than having friends. Think about all the drama and friendship problems. Also, once you make a friend, that kind of means you have to blend I. With their other friends too, it's not that great...
2016-01-02 16:48:25 UTC
I've always been a quiet girl. I still am and now I'm an adult. I only have 3 friends, but they are my best friends. It's a slow process for quiet people. I met one in middle school, one sophomore year of high school, and another after high school who was a classmate of mines. You shouldn't feel pressured to make new friends, but if you want to make friends quicker, you have to leave your comfort zone. Play sports in school. Join clubs. Find other quiet people and talk to them. Have hope. It's not easy making friends. Be patient. Sometimes it's also good to tell a teacher because teachers notice when other people are having the same problems.
2015-12-30 19:38:20 UTC
You know why you have no friends??? >> " People have talked to me before but I've pushed them all away." YOU have caused your dilemma, and YOU are the only one who can change it. First, I would go to your guidance counselor and ask to be screened for depression. You look to me to have several symptoms of depression. Please don't feel bad about my saying so either. MANY people have depression. And in most cases steps can be taken to remedy this problem. Your Guidance Counselor can help you with that. Then, hate to say, but if you really want friends you will have to teach yourself to be more outgoing. This means TALKING to people! Start out slow. You can say HI! to someone at lunch, and ask them how their day is going. Do NOT complain to them about how awful things are for you - FAKE being happy. If you do this long enough (And it won't take too long.) you will start to BE happy and won't have to fake it. Unfortunately in school some people are mean. So they might treayou rudely when you start this. - Ignore it. Their snotty comments have NOTHING to do with you, and EVERYTHING to do with their own lack of character. After a couple of weeks of 'practice' of making small talk with people I'm betting you will start making friends. Remember, a great conversationalist listens more than they talk. So let other people hog the convo, and you just respond nicely and sympathetically - Even if you hate doing it at first. Things will get better, I promise!
2015-12-30 21:31:56 UTC
When people talk to you, instead of pushing them away, try to say something back. You can't expect others to make all the moves, you have to put yourself out there. I know this is difficult in middle school, but it gets better. Don't try to make friends with the most popular kids, make friends with kids who are quiet, just like you. The best thing to do it join an activity that you think you may like. There must be a few clubs at your school that interest you. Get out there and try. And try not to let mean people bother you.
2016-01-01 04:28:05 UTC
Let me give you some advice, EVERYTHING IS GOING TO GET BETTER AND TRUST ME, YOU DO NOT WANT TO HANG OUT WITH THE PEOPLE AT SCHOOL! I finisher high school this year and I was exactly the same, no friends, would cry, try to make friends... Nothing would work. But now that I have graduated and I look back at how things were, I WOULD NOT CHANGE A THING. The people who I wanted to be friends with are viewed now in a different light. They are backstabbing snitches who dont care, and now that I think of it, I am glad I didnt have friends. And it wasnt because there was something wrong with ME, it was THEM. I know how you feel, I want friends too, but it doesnt mean not having friends in school will make it hard to find friends out of it. Dont worry, you'll see one day that you will regret ever saying or thinking " I wish i was friends with him/her"
2015-12-30 21:02:32 UTC
Well, for one thing, you say that nobody gives you a chance, but from what you said, you didn't seem to care that much either. Try doing what other people want to do, even if it isn't necessarily your 'thing'. Once you do some things to try to make friends - within reason - you may find that the things that they like aren't so bad and maybe you have more in common than you realize. Just try it.

Also, side note that is completely unrelated to your question. You have recess? In middle school? Sorry, but I'm in 8th grade, my last year of middle school, and where I live, 5th grade, which is the last year of elementary school, is that year that we have recess. Now, I just have study hall. Man, to have recess again...
2016-01-04 12:47:30 UTC
Hey there! I m 19 and I know making friends can be hard, especially making true friends who stick by you when you need them the most. Something that helped me? There s this book called Questions Young People Ask-Answers That Work. And yes, these answers do work! It has a lot of different topics, including making friends. It talks about building your self-esteem first and being the kind of friend you want to have, among other helpful tips. Don t just take my word though, check it out for yourself:

There s other articles too and a video I really liked: What s a Real Friend? It s only 4 minutes but its really good. Don t give up sweetie, you can do it!!! ^_^
2015-12-31 15:00:18 UTC
High school gets a lot better. People in middle school were rude to me because they were immature and I was different than most. I'm in 9th grade right now and I have a lot of friends because people are more mature and more open to others. It's also good if you go to a high school with people of more your type. For example, I go to a technology high school and therefore I meet people that have the same interests as me. It's easy to make friends if you ask people questions about themselves. People love to talk about themselves, as I've noticed. In middle school, I had a small friend group, but trust me. It gets much better later on. You will also develop more confidence. I had low confidence levels in middle school and it prevented me from being outgoing. I found a few things in my life that give me self esteem and make me really happy. For me, playing my instrument, hanging out with my pets, or playing a few video games just makes life great. I hope you find your interests that give you confidence and that you meet new people!
Matthew Coffy
2015-12-30 23:49:21 UTC
Here is a great way to make friends: Act interested in what they have to say. Ask questions and then ask more detailed questions. Relax and breath and remember everyone has the same feelings you do so there is nothing to be afraid of for sure if that is your problem. Be honest but remember that there are certain things that we do not say which may be offensive to others such as racist comments. And always remember not to gossip about your friends. You can let other people gossip but that will ruin relationships. Ask people what they are interested in, ask questions about their family, friends, pets, discomforts, if they are feeling ok.....all that. Don't talk about you too much and if they ask keep it short and sweet and to the point. Keep up with whatevery spritual guidance you use such as God which is mine. Always remember He is there looking out for you best interest.
2015-12-30 22:30:42 UTC
I know how you feel. I did not have any friends at all until recently this year. It was depressing and lonely without friends, but you survive. Observe some people in your class and see who you like the most personality wise. Try talking to them, ask to sit with them during lunch and try to do class projects with them. I know it can be hard to get through middle school without friends, but it is possible. Try to focus on your school work, as it will ghelp your future.

I will be your friend if you want :)

Also, I found that reading was (and is) a wonderful pastime. Especially fiction, as it takes you to a new world with new adventures.

Hope this helps

Edit: okay maybe don't observe them as they might think you are a creepy stalker. Just find someone with similar interests and talk to them
2015-12-31 04:45:45 UTC
You sound very intelligent. I hope you find a way to make a few close friends. I know how you feel, it's hard to be with those blabby talkers and when you're not like that, people think you DON'T WANT friends. It's hard! Maybe go up to another quiet person and strike up a conversation? Best of luck to you.
2015-12-30 21:22:33 UTC
Middle school is by far the most difficult period of growing up. I'm 32 years old and I still vividly remember how much I hated middle school. I also didn't have many friends at all. I was a chubby girl with freckles and braces, obviously I wasn't popular. But I would occasionally talk to a few girls in my classes and make jokes, eventually we started hanging out and they became my best friends. But the key is to just go out on a limb and talk to people, maybe make them laugh. Just put yourself out there. Good luck! :)
2016-01-01 13:04:25 UTC
I'm your friend hahaha

No but seriously every single person has felt like that when I was going into secondary i new absolute no one but in my other school I was the popular no I was down the bottom when I went in everyone seemed to have there own little group what got me to have lodes of loving caring nice funny friends was unfortunately my accent cause it's very country i tought they would talk to me for a while but once the got sick of me but they didn't and all because I talked

🌟The trick is go to one person the most popular person in a group talk to them ask them there name where they live hobbies any bros or sis fave subject stuff like that then your in the whole group wats the point pushing everyone away cause if you keep doing that your obviously not going to have a friend
2015-12-30 05:58:58 UTC
the first piece of advice is to absolutely know you are the coolest person in the world and if it you by yourself alot just realize you're already hanging out with the coolest person ever, next if your not shy its very obvious theres a much deeper reason, you, as well as i do may have a social disorder, not a bad thing necessary, i just don't care for ppl and senseless babble that comes with a very high percent of ppl, if you really wanted friends or a friend you would absolutely have one/some, mext go take that long look in the mirror, many things that can come to realize ,you may realize you have came accustom too being depressed and in a way are beginning to get very use to it and subconsciously like it(some absolutely deny liking the feeling, and some notice that being depressed isnt all misery and get so use to it thats all they know, to be depressed constantly is about the same as being non existent, and also a bery big cop out so knock the **** off,
2015-12-30 15:58:28 UTC
this exact thing happened to me to last year. depression is a dangerous thing and you shouldn't let it go any further. in my case i had friends but then they all left me and started to bully me instead. my solution was to move into a bigger school where there would be more of a chance to make friends. and it worked, with a bigger school there are more people to talk to and that understand you. besides sometimes all you need is a fresh start to make some really good friends.

don't listen to the people that tell you you don't need friends and that you can just tough it out because i know from experience that being alone sucks and specially in school having a friend is very important. don't get me wrong, your life shouldn't revolve around your friends but being alone isn't the answer either.
Truth Warrior
2015-12-31 03:08:35 UTC
Some people were not meant for public school. There are many options for homeschooling now- so many that your parents don't need to be any more involved than they are now. You can take the classes online. Schooling at home can pull you out of a situation that is triggering depression and anxiety for you, and put you back in control of your time and education. It will also give you the freedom to choose your own surroundings, which will make it easier to find friends outside of the public school environment. Like I said, not all people are meant for the public school setting.
2015-12-30 08:54:26 UTC

I truly sympathize with you. I had the same feelings and struggled with loneliness growing up since I was very shy. A couple things that come to mind were some things I learned reading the bible. 1 I will mention is, I had to get out of my comfort zone. (Philippians 2:4 "as you look out not only for your own interests, but also the interests of others). So consider doing things with others you may think you have no interest in. Even if the actual event isn't your favorite you will likely enjoy the association.

For more and encouraging advice, visit I'm sure you will find help and comfort from what you find.


T. Sims
2015-12-31 07:49:39 UTC
I have experienced the same situation. To make friends you have to be more socialize. Just mix with the people. Find out what are their interests and talk about them. Share your ideas. But I'm telling you a real truth. Actually good friends are very rare. Most of the people give you something expecting the same or even more from you. In a real life tough problem, always you are alone.
2015-12-31 18:35:46 UTC
I don't either, but I have my reasons: I like solitude and most of the people at my school are fake. Sometimes it's better to be alone than with people who don't give a crap about you. If you truly are lonely, try finding a friend online. You two can message each other and stuff and you won't feel so lonely. Then one day you two can meet and go on from there.
2015-12-31 16:42:17 UTC
What you need to do is get good at something, hopefully something worthwhile. Once you do that, people will see that it helps them and they will seek you out because knowing you helps them. Then you will have friends. Keep expanding and you will have a lot of friends. The unfortunate truth about friends is that what comes first is a mutual need, then the love. Especially true for girlfriends. So, find something you like and get good at it (not computer games), something that will make you money, that other people can use. For example, start a business cleaning gutters of dead leaves. Go door-to-door and build a customer base. You will have plenty of people to talk to.
2016-01-02 21:13:20 UTC
Just wait until college if you plan to attend. You'll be with people who have similar interests. If you live in a small town like I do, move to a bigger city; for example, I plan on moving to LA for a few months to see if I want to live there after college. I'm a junior in high school, but since I'm in a small town people at least think they are my friend (I won't tell them otherwise) so I'm not quite in the same situation as you, but I don't have people that I myself would call my friend and I'm more on the quieter side. I can't wait to go to college (or LA for that matter) to meet people that actually are like me, and if I were you I would just look forward to the future. High school is one the worst times of your life in my opinion, no matter what other people say.
2015-12-30 14:12:22 UTC
I use to be the EXACT same way in 5th grade. I hated everyone and was so negative about everything . And you know who I ended up hurting in the end? Me. Take a look in the mirror and say idc if people don't talk to me . Hold ur head up high and walk with confidence bc if u don't I promise u people will c this and use it against u. Even if u don't have confidence pretend that u do and eventually u will gain it.i feel alone even when I'm with people. But I ignore it and make an effort to include myself in things and that's what u need to do, take a risk and talk to someone, if someone is talking ab something uk a little bit about, join in and say "hey are u talking about the so and so " and whoever wants to talk to u will and whoever won't then won't u can't force anything just try!
2015-12-31 20:01:26 UTC
Hey, I will be your friend. :-) But personally, I think this world is too social and friends just get friends into trouble. Be glad that no one is able to influence you into doing stupid things. I love to learn. Have you considered educating yourself outside of school, like the library? When you finally meet someone who clicks with you, you will be able to carry an exciting conversation with them. I can't stress enough how you should stay AWAY from drugs. Some people think it will help their situation but it makes it worse. Lastly, nowaday, everyone gets offended over ridiculous stuff, so saying anything could turn someone away. Just remember that they are the one with the problem, not you. You probably are so much smarter than everyone else!
2015-12-30 21:07:19 UTC
Keep your head up! I'm very quite too, but around certain people I can be the loudest person ever. Just find those people who bring that out in you. Start small, once you have the courage, go up to someone who you might be able to trust and simply say hi to them. If they talk to you, test the waters. If they don't, move on. Never let your head droop. There is bound to be someone who will talk to you, I know there is. Try going on a chat website. No one there will know you, so you can make friends there. Sorry if this doesn't help, just my opinion.
Ursus Particularies
2015-12-31 10:04:57 UTC
Become a friendly cat.

Join the Volleyball team. Bring four super homemade cookies with your lunch, and share three (you made these). Male or female anyone who is expert at ANYTHING becomes very popular.

Join a choir. Learn to write interesting stories using the humans and cats analogy.

Some people are Queen Cats, some 'fraidy' cats (not you I hope). Sometimes a cat is popular with all others.

Learn how to give happy-to-see-you greetings. Practice making friends with neighborhood cats.

Watch the video so that you can see that participation is required for true fun. Try hardier to be more adventurist. Be more willing to help others, especially someone you like.

Learn to love and believe in God the Father. Until you do that it will be difficult to like and love others.

Pity pot cats are often chased away, even cats do not like a wet blanket. Some cats are bullies, just as for people.

A self-motivated, DOING cat is always popular. Makes YUMMY homemade cookies and shares 3 occasionally in lunchroom.

Good at math or music. Comes prepared to school and blows all minds when teacher asks question, knowing amazingly detailed answer, even the full date, April 30th, 1669 or whatever..

These good cats keep room neat and tidy, have a smile and a friendly pat (shoulder only, eh?), and so on.

Cats also understand the trees, grass, bushes, stones and clouds are not evil, nor is Mother Earth. Necessary to repair self if that is your view.

Happiness is understanding all of these things, see?

Same world, others are happy, see?

Join volleyball team or choir. Have plans for yourself and do them. Gain SKILLS using native talents. These type are always popular !

You are moping instead of doing enough. Paint pictures and sell them for MONEY ! ! !

Leap out of bed in the morning to greet each New Happy Day, use timer and cassette player with this video's sound track: Keeps room neat and orderly, prepare for tomorrow each previous night, CLICKS things OFF continually. Clothes ready, check...

Same Olde Earth for everyone, see? Some have always been happy some not.

All those doing rule of fairness and reason of rightness are contented with self and most often God knowing, see?

What the unworthy cats (people) think is immaterial, even if they are a majority nowadays in some places.

Soon you will leave all behind on your ways to ceaselessly higher places, like those cats who watch all from the garage roof.

And One Day, Paradise. Voila !
2015-12-29 22:58:57 UTC
I used to feel the same before I moved to my new school. I think it really just depends on the people. Sometimes it'll feel like something must be wrong with you if people aren't friends with you, when in reality they might just be shallow people, or just don't realize that you actually WANT to make friends. Instead of pushing people away, maybe try to be more open with them, and give them a chance to get to know you (unless of course they're some crappy person who doesn't really care about you.)

But yeah, main thing is- you don't technically NEED friends to make it through Jr High and High School, but it sure will help. And if it seems like someone wants to talk to you just give them a chance. But hey, I'd rather have no friends than just be friends with people I don't like, or people who don't care about me :/
2015-12-30 14:05:41 UTC
I can sympathize you. When I was in elementary school, I was a complete loner. Even in kindergarten, no one wanted to seem to hang out with me. But I agree with Anya. The way I found myself making friends was to open up to others. That's how I made friends. I'm currently in high school, and popularity doesn't matter to me. But having a few close friends is. Friends are people you can trust, they become so close that they're like a brother or sister. If you push people away, others will see that and assume that's how you are. You have to be more open to hear what people are saying. Try to bring yourself out of that quiet state. You don't have to blab all day, but you can't force people who want to to just sit there in silence. Make small talk with the people next to you. If anyone says hi to you, smile back and say hi to them. After all, wasn't it Emerson who said the only way to have friends is to be one?
2015-12-29 18:35:44 UTC
You say that people have talked to you before but you have pushed them away. There is nothing wrong with being on the quiet side, but it's no surprise that because you don't talk, that people think you are not interested. So although you don't need to blab all day, you have to say SOMETHING. This is the key to having friends. It's about talking and communicating. It's not just saying something, but you also have to be interested in what others have to say. If you truly listen to others, especially people you have things in common with, you'll find that it's not so hard to make friends. Be interested, look interested, and be interesting too Make people want to ask questions about YOU, and don't be afraid to show your personality. Tell people about your interests, whatever they are. Try to open up, and not hold back. You say that no one will give you a chance, but YOU have to give yourself a chance.
2016-01-02 13:49:03 UTC
Well, my sister has always made friends like it was no problem leaving me in the shadows. Her phone would always blow up with notifications, mine wouldn't. I'd be lucky if I even got a text from my family. Even though we were twins people chose her over me! They'll only talk to me if my twin isn't at school. They use me like I'm there ******* therapist, they don't look at me as a human and because of it I've had many thoughts of killing them or shooting them and there family's. People used to call me bed wetter, or kid killer, or weirdo because of the things I've done in my last but they never let that go so because of it all I'm always having homicidal ideation and Ive even made plans on how to do it. Lol it's a miserable life
2015-12-31 09:24:19 UTC
Listen, it seems like you are going through a tough time with this. I can find ways to help you though. So first of all, you should talk to your parents or parent about this because they can also help you. I recommend a therapist because they can give you some profficinal help and tips so that you can suceed and make friends. You should also go to a guidence counsler because they know the kids in your grade/class who may be nice kids to try to blend into or the mean kids to stay away from. Are people bullying you? Are you being mean to them? What grade are you in? Are there any groups you want to be part of? Something that I found useful was just playing four-square. This will help you because it will bolster you to talk to other kids. You could practice at home and then people will see you as "The cool tough girl". People in other groups will want someone like you and will let you in to the group. If his happens but you end up not being the best four-square player then you could join a basketball, soccer, baseball, or football game (or any other sport that people are playing). You could just be friends with the boys who like to play minecraft and like computers. I would really love to help you through this. If you want to email me I can give it to you but also "orange" seems awesome and really nice so they could give you some pointers aswell. I hope things improve because this sounds hard. Make sure to talk to an adult about this.

Good Luck!!!!!!
2015-12-30 13:48:50 UTC
I know how you feel. I feel the same way too. Even though I have a few friends only because I've known them since elementary, I'm still bad at making friends. You're an introvert like me, you're not shy, but you like to keep to yourself. Honestly, I know how it feels like to be scared to talk to someone and make them think you're weird, but you got to try. If those people who attempted to be your friend just walked away from you because they didn't like the real, quiet you. Then they will not be the right friends for you anyways. You cannot always wait for people to talk to you first. A simple hello could change everything. Just be yourself and ask questions and smile!

I'm no expert at making friends, but I made a few just by saying hello and being nice. :)
2016-01-04 20:41:09 UTC
You don't have to blab your mouth just break the ice a little. I used to sit alone but I went up to a girl and I said hi and we introduced our selves. We said a couple things we like and we became best friends. Be nice, it's ok to be quiet just be nice and people will start to want to be friends with you because you are nice. I was quite but now honestly I'm the one that will blabber on and on because I'm the comedian. Once I broke the ice I learned about my comedic side and have tons of friends. You might just have a shy personality but what would the world be if we didn't have shy people?
2016-01-02 16:30:32 UTC
I have social anxiety and as a kid I was horrified to talk to people. Not even joking. I would only talk to my one best friend. But I figured a way to get over my struggle. Face it. Do what you are scared of. Every time someone would talk to me, I would try to continue the conversation. I would talk to new people. Force yourself. And I know dude, its not easy. Its probably going to be one of the hardest things you have ever done. But now I have SO many friends, and I am happy. I still have my anxiety, but once you start making more friends you start to get over it. I really hope you have luck with this and meet some new people, because I have met some of the best people I could ever wish for in the pas few years, so just go for it!
2016-01-01 02:25:46 UTC
you have to change ! you do not like to blab. Well if you want to make friend, well, I mean to try because the fact you will talk does not means you will make friend ! for myself I try to talk but I do not have close friend. You should be positive and you talking like a looser...why? do you think you can not exist without friend? you put yourself in that situation. because you appartently think you do not deserve to live without any friend ! you know human behave and relationship are really hard. You might be a very good person and be left alone ! I already knew in my life such person ! very king very very good but definitely alone ! so you want to make like everybody? NO fight that ! you do not have to change to fit with people in your school, life has to be made with a wife and make children, oh sorry I have not noticed you were a girl, so find a nice guy ! you can either talk to me If you wanna talk. Actualy your are just a loser who cry over and believe that she is left like a poor animal abandoned. You know what? adopte a poppy ! they deserve love and attention, and will give you back ! Dog is the best friend of MEN. and it is true ! I have a wish for this year to get my own dog ! and I will tell you that I am 32 years old ! do not be depressed ! you see you are far from my age...fight and move one !
2015-12-31 19:22:35 UTC
I used to have a friendship group, about 10 friends, I thought we were going to be bestfriends forever but they all went their seperate ways and I was eventually left with no one, I was so upset and I felt so pathetic and invisible and uninportant at school, I always wished for some friends but then I eventually grew into the habit of being by myself, I learnt to not worry about what others think about me and to do things by myself with confidence, I also became a Christian and I found it real easy to focus on not sinning since i didn't have any friends to bring a bad influence on me, I don't really think that having friends is important, just focus on your studies and you will go far in the future :) what always cheers me up is having quality bonding time with my family after a day of being invisible at school :)
Kevin John
2015-12-30 19:32:37 UTC
I really have the same situation and feelings like yours when I was in college. I am just a fresh grad but already working now. I really have few friends until now as in few, I only had one true friend in class and one is my boyfriend. I think its because of my sexuality (being gay and having a cute/friendly, adorable boyfriend) My boyfriend chose not to befriend most of my classm8s because they don't like me. So most of my classm8s and my schoolmates hated me thinking that I am the reason why they were not able to befriend my boyfriend. I am nice, I always want to have friends, not too many friends but I like to be normal as others having at least five or eight to ten friends or more in a class. But I was disappointed of myself for they are avoiding me. It hurts when people, many people you like to be with ignores you forever. Untill now I am trying to find new ways how to make friends but I think my face, facial expressions have great impact on communicating with other people. Maybe I have to fix something in myself. I am planning to consult a psychologist or a psychiatrist for good. I believe they can help me with this. I know they know more what to do than those people with lots of friends.
2015-12-30 18:15:57 UTC
Don't feel bad I know where you are coming from. I was in a coma shortly after I graduated high school while in school I had many friends however after I came home from the hospital I have no Friends now set in my bed play games on my Xbox very rarely do I go out of my bed with has a Television in it.
2016-01-02 02:42:37 UTC
ive learned that I don't function that well in large groups though I used to yearn for lots of friends but then when I would have more than 2 the drama began and I don't care for that so I have 1 good friend for most of my life since I was 14 I'm 60 now and I do well without a lot of friends sometimes that in itself makes you focus harder on other a hobby or a job or business..
Cyber Gem
2016-01-02 00:17:11 UTC
Dude, that's just insecurities. I feel like I have no friends too at some times but then I realize that I have. Just believe in yourself and act natural. Don't think that you're a nobody because you aren't.

Look for people that shares common interest with you. Good luck :>
2016-01-01 22:17:03 UTC
I was like you no friends. Now I have one but I am going back to zero because that friend is not worth my time. Dont be to hard on your self. A good friend is usually a bro or sis. If no siblings anotber fam member.
2015-12-30 19:24:01 UTC
Find a hobby and follow that. You will naturally make friends who share the same hobby, but if not, you'll still have a hobby. Also try gaming because my step son says he has made a lot of friends that way, friends from all over the country. Try Xbox live or PlayStation.
2015-12-30 16:07:59 UTC
Update: I have one pretty close friend that I just made up with since we got into a fight before but now it's over with and one that I talk to a lot in school and FaceTime all the time so it's a little better
2016-01-01 19:37:51 UTC
Talk to people

Look at people

Take your headphones out

Go places

walk with people

Wheather your sitting next to someone outside or are grouped together in class by your teacher.

Ask people questions

Laugh out loud when something is funny

Say hi to people in the hall

INTERACT WITH PEOPLE! If your sitting outside and their ball comes toward you, than pick it up and throw it back. Then take the opportunity to say or ask something.

Talk to boys they like it even though the pretend they dont

Mostly change it up everyday, dont get stuck in a schedule or routine.

Walk a different way

Stick around a little

I cant stress it enough: TALK YOUR *** OFF

Trust me things will get fun

And remember that you deserve to have friends!!!!!

No one can make friends for you
2015-12-31 10:29:54 UTC
I have felt the same way you do. I still kinda feel the same way sometimes. I mean I do have friends but hardly none of them live in the same town as I do and I can't drive so it makes it hard but just pray about this and God will help you. He is always gonna be here for you and he will never let you down. He loves you just pray to him and talk to him and also if your parents don't know about this then you should talk to them about it
2015-12-30 23:31:24 UTC
Okay. I might silly but make a facebook account, I've created lots of friendships with facebook. Try it. Message someone you know from school who seems, nice, an aqaintence. If they don't seem interested, don't keep buggin them. But message someone else who seems nice, say hi to nice people at school. Also pray to god, you may not be religious but really it helps. Don't give up!! And you'll make friends soon before you know it :) good luck!
Zulcan The Great.
2016-01-01 12:50:32 UTC
I suggest that you make an effort to make friends at school or get acquainted with as many other students as you can even if you don't like them. This is the only way to improve your social skills.

You must take the initiative yourself and start a conversation with someone at school. Get into the habit of talking even if it is to just to say 'hello' to someone. Strike up a conversation with anyone who has the same interests or hobbies.
Steve M
2015-12-31 17:51:52 UTC
At your age, I embraced my inner lone wolf.

It wasn't until I got to college that I learned that the world is filled with lonely people just like me. They want to know you. They want to be your friend. All you have to do is reach out and reassure them. I learned that what they might think of me really didn't matter. If I simply thought about them, the rest took care of itself.

Helping others is a skill and it won't work right away. You have to keep trying and learn. But if you stop worrying about yourself and start worrying about others, you'll find you have a lot to give and making friends will be easy.
2016-01-01 21:44:18 UTC
Don't worry about it . I'm 18 and I have no friends at all .... and I really don't care about it ^-^ I can suggest reading .

I can also suggest sports like football , soccer , hockey etc.

knowing about sports saved my social anxiety.

I started getting into conversations about sports with random kids in class and I started getting friends ,but it does not matter .

Listen to music , write , read . Start a blog ? !

Don't need friends to be happy bro.
2016-01-01 13:13:06 UTC
I'm sorry to hear what you are going through, but believe it or not; there are lots of people that have this particular problem... not knowing what to talk about, afraid people will judge you.. that's been my problem my whole life.. It's extremely tough going through life without friends, they give you something to do, someone to trust and talk to, and just be plain ridiculous and silly with.... it's just something us humans need is friends to talk to or at least one really good friend, that's not a lot to ask.... here's what you need to try to do to not overwhelm yourself and just sit at a random lunch table and start talking to a bunch of people you never really talk to... at school when you have certain classes... I don't know if you mix classmates throughout periods in middle school but I know that's how they did it at my school when I was a kid, in your classes just start off with random questions and compliments with a person you feel like you can relate to that is sitting near by, like... how are you today? did you have a good weekend? I like your outfit today, where did you get it? do you know any good jokes? etc.... then day by day make little bit more conversation with that person... find out the interests you share and talk more about it, smile and be friendly... remember everyone loves a good compliment, and most people like a good laugh... if you're funny and nice there is bound to be a good deal of people who will like you.
2016-01-04 11:55:43 UTC
I dont have friends I cried Am depressed as f**k and try to be positive as possible actually am not yeah I know how u feel am facing the same thing but what the heck do u know how long I have been waiting to have a friend or friends for very long time ! They said be patient they say ! Not sure that right word .

now I feel like batman thats sad
2015-12-30 21:11:55 UTC
You should really make an effort. Talk to your mom and a counselor at school about your concerns. Try to talk more and research on improving your friend making and communication skills. The other children must think that you are very shy! Make a much stronger effort to talk more. Choose which people you world want to really be around and become friends with, and then approach them to chat.
2016-01-02 11:37:05 UTC
I'm so glad you brought this up. My life is horrible like yours. I have ONE close friend, however I don't really have fun hanging around him, because he is boring to talk to. I am actually a person who prefers to have a lot of true and fun friends.

My situation is different than yours:

The reason why I don't talk to people in school is because my neighborhood is very very cliquey, people are boring, and plus people spoke things about me behind my back ever since the beginning of high school. That's why I am so quiet in high school. I have a bunch of fake friends, which are my brother's friends. I only hang out with them only when my brother is around just so I could enjoy myself outside of the house.

My life is so boring and I am so happy to graduate high school. I am 17 and a senior in high school. I cannot wait for college just to make friends. But I am also excited to graduate college just to move out of my parents house.
2015-12-30 13:46:01 UTC
You don't need friends to be happy. I have Aspergers, I never fit in at high school. What I've realized, if you try and fit in, you're not being yourself. Fitting in is changing who you are to satisfy the wishes of others. I was shy in high school, I had a girlfriend who was exactly like me, that's why we bonded. I deeply regret messing up the relationship to this day but I'm more at ease since she has forgiven me. I've been out of high school for a long time, but I've been more at terms of who I really am since then.
2015-12-30 19:15:29 UTC
hey, I was quiet too. I wouldn't consider myself shy ( ok maybe a bit shy ) But more just introverted, and i learned that was ok. I was also lazy, and waited for someone to just come to me and ask me to be their friend, instead of me just going up to them. I often just blocked the world out too. I remember sitting alone every recces in middle school feeling bad for myself.... I know how you feel. I believe you WILL make at least one good friend. Because after 12 years of being a loner in middle school myself, I met two of my best friends in 8th grade. And I still talk to them now that Im a Junior in HS.

its ok to blab your mouth from time to time. As long as you mean what you say. And when you finally meet a friend, you can both blab together all you want ~ Blab your mouth off, and if someone is listening, they can be your friend. uhm, idk if that makes sense.. I hope it does :/

If you truly want a friend, you'd be committed to finding one. And being alone sometimes isn't so bad either (think that you're more independent and in control of your own, than calling yourself a "loner".

Good luck (v^_^)v
2016-01-01 16:39:43 UTC
When I was younger I was very shy and people I went to school with told me I came off as snobby, but I wasnt. I just was into alot of different thing than the typical teen. My parents shelterd me and I wasnt very up to date with things they were, or watched the shows they did. I really found myself after School. Where I was more free to choose my own classes and meet people like me. That made it more easier to approach people and strike up a conversation. :) Now a days there are many things you can get into that will give you more of a opportunity to step out and show what a great person you are. Just remember you are a great person and people deserve to know you and have you as there friend also. :) What are your interests and hobbies?
2015-12-31 17:51:23 UTC
I don't really have an in depth answer but the first step is you need to stop saying things like " pathetic life", "my life is just horrible". If you give off this negative vibe when you talk to people then maybe that's what pushes them away. Just try (at least pretend if you have to) to be more positive, and make a real effort to go out and talk to new people, even outside of school.
2016-01-01 16:19:45 UTC
As odd as this may sound the first thing you need to do is treat yourself like you are your best friend. It's not realistic to think others will like you if you don't like yourself. You have to stop all the negativity that your projecting and be positive, project a positive energy. Focus on the positive aspects of your life that you enjoy. Stop complaining about your life and be thankful for what you do have. Set goals that are achievable, make changes if needed. Do things you enjoy, things that make you happy. The more you like yourself the more others will like you.
2016-01-01 09:57:15 UTC
Trying to make new friends in school in your situation is not easy, I would suggest asking your parents to switch schools and you can have a fresh start. The new kid at school always has a short lived "Fame" and everyone will acknowledge you and it will be up to you to make friends, shouldn't be hard tho. Just remember school is a small part in your life so don't think you're current situation will be permanent
2015-12-31 23:44:09 UTC
Hello there.

Im sorry to hear your struggling in this way.

My advice is that you become your own very best freind, learn to fully love and accept and approve of yourself in all ways... Once you become so secure and comfortable withing yourself this will be reflected into your life and reality..

You see your thoughts, actions and words CREATE your life. Its now being proven by science such as quantum physics that our reality is subject to the observer. And that our reality is basically an optical illusion.

The Universe works in Energy. Everything in the entire Universe is made up of the same energy. I recommend you truly start to study this concept and become familiar with will transform your life! Because once oyu realize that YOU ARE THE CREATOR OF YOUR LIFE AND RELAITY, by virtue of your thoughts, words and actions you can start to manifest the life YOU want!

Reality and the Universe is NOT external to you, it is first WITHIN you... and you have the power to change and create anything you want...

If youd like help further understadnign this there are many people and documentaries that can help...Such as , Deepak Chopra - Eckhart Tolle - The Secret - Teal Swan- What the bleep do we know? (doco)-... and many more...

when it comes to friends and relationships you want to attract into your life - the key is to LOVE YOURSELF.. becuase once oyu do you will start to send out a really good vibe that people will pick up on and want to be around you. If you feel **** about your life and baout yourself people will pick up on that vibe and its not very pleasent to be around..

I am saying all of this form personal experience... high schoool can be the hardest part of our lives! and it was for me.. making freinds can be tricky especially at a new school... i feel its best NOT to force a conversation or to have superficial conversations that arent fun but to rather work of raising your our freuency of energy to one of a loving state and see who it will attract..

Good Luck!
2015-12-31 14:27:19 UTC
I know this may seem difficult but it's really not that bad once you do it. Talk to the person you sit next to in class or the person whose locker is next to your's or something. Figure out what they like and then see if you have anything in common. Sometimes you might feel like you need to change your interests slightly or the way you act to be friends with them. That's okay, just don't go overboard--don't do anything that you're going to regret. Good luck :)
2016-01-01 09:27:30 UTC
Anyone you have to force to be your friend wouldn't make a good friend. It's like everything else in life. Stop trying to force it and let it happen on its own. Besides, you're in middle school. Do you how many people from middle I still talk to twenty years later? None. Not a single one. I can't even remember their names anymore. College and where I started my career is where I began to meet the people who matter in my life. In the meantime, get a hobby.
2016-01-01 21:41:16 UTC
Join in activities that u like Sports, gyms, clubs, fishing, bingo, community service guarantee someone will click with you. The part, where you have pushed people away, sends me a single that maybe you should be more open minded or even see a psychologist. Are you picky on who you choose to be your friend? Seek professional help if need be. Free will to do what ever we want in life.
2015-12-31 19:37:00 UTC
you should be unconcerned by this dilema. The truth is you have more true friends that all the people who seem so popular. the sad part is that they do not know it. You need to understand that a friend will help you hide, but a true friend will help you hide the evidence. You will probably only find only one or two friends in your life. Go to a good Christian church and get to know Jesus Christ. He is the friend that will never let you down and never forsake you.
2015-12-31 06:11:35 UTC
You write really well to say that you're in middle schoo. By the way, your mom canread this question.

Anyway, all the friends you make at this age disappear. But you still need someone to bind with. Find someone like you and share a joke or two. We people are around you have to share something about yourself to allow them to get to know you or even remember you...example-I like weird smells, love gas. Laugh and see who agrees.

You'll get you
2015-12-31 20:44:23 UTC
I hope and pray things get better for you. I'm in you exact situation....I have no friends. Stay strong. I suggest you join a group or sport to have an opportunity to get friends. And if you're depressed, don't be to afraid to get some guidance or counseling.
2015-12-30 18:17:30 UTC
Duude!!! Just go and try and have a conversation with somebody! Go for it bro! It's okay to embarrass your self in front I of 1 person I mean, I'm a freaking social buttefly. Start a conversation, or f you're too shy, chat online like on forums and stuff or on Whisper (Get in on the app store or play store) good luck bro
2016-01-01 09:43:20 UTC
That used to be me, but I met a few people along the way and made friends with them. A few being like 2 or 3. Just start talking about more things people enjoy even if they may seem boring as hell.
2015-12-31 00:18:16 UTC
well im 14 and tbh I don't really know how the middle school thing works coz in Kent they don't have middle school we all just put in I haven't really had it like you but just try talk more or just do somthing funny Before you leave class I'm not saying don't work just muck about coz that won't get you very far but you can have a laugh why you do your work but as I said don't really know a lot about how the people are and that down your way just try make Conversation coz people won't know what to say to you either if they don't know your personality
Conan the barbarian
2015-12-30 21:26:22 UTC
The best way to make friends is to be yourself. Don't let any ridicule get to you. They either are jealous of you or insist that you be exactly like them. Be yourself and find out what interests your classmates. My dad travelled through eight States before I got out of eighth grade so my life interest is travelling, but your classmates.may be interested in American culture or paleontology or archaeology or science or technology or engineering or math. Some may desire to be novelists or journalists. Visit with those classmates who are interested in what interests you and be sure to listen to them because you will learn from them the value of critical thinking. Don't criticize them, but be aware that everything they tell you may not be true. Don't correct them unless their ignorance will cause a problem for someone else. Tact is the ability to tell someone to go to hell and have them happy to be on their way. Close friends will develop from those classmates who want to be with you.
2015-12-31 05:20:51 UTC
2016-01-01 16:04:44 UTC
I have barely any friends but Im a pretty controversial person. I suggest you start talking to people rather than crying. You need more confidence and I know it might be hard to hear but you just need to get involved with people. Find people with your common interests instead of sitting by yourself then they'll have friends and boom you will too.
2015-12-31 11:17:31 UTC
Maybe you have zero friends because you whine and complain too much and you have such a negative attitude. No one wants to hang around with a "Debbie Downer". Lighten up and become a fun person and then you will have lots of friends.
2016-01-03 05:06:43 UTC
Building self-esteem is probably one of the most important things you can do towards your own personal growth. This is because having high self confidence makes everything else in your life so much more pleasant!

Building self-esteem begins with seeking your own Council when it comes to your self-worth. This is because no matter how hard you work to develop self esteem, there will always be external opinions or circumstances which will seek to tear down your self confidence. Think about it, even the most incredible people in the world are often at the butt of other people’s disproval. The difference is that someone who has unshakable self-confidence always makes sure that they seek their own council above anyone else’s. They never give exterior circumstances or other people the power to validate them.
2015-12-30 11:24:53 UTC
Don't feel bad, you're not alone. Being a teen is tough enough but to be a quiet type is worse. The way school worked for me was I was popular in grade school and painfully shy in JHS & HS. Now there was an UPSIDE, at least in JHS I had some of the folks I went to grade school with PRESENT and they remained my friends in JHS, but HS was a different matter, NOBODY from my elementary days went to my HS at all, I tried to transfer and the district wouldn't let me. Basically that left a SHY guy alone in HS. I remember it taking me the majority of a TERM to muster up the courage to ask out this cute gal in my HISTORY class. She rejected me and that was it, didn't try again. I had no real friends just a couple of USERS because I was 1st to get a CAR so they latched on to me to take them around. Both were on the VARSITY FOOTBALL TEAM which I went out for and was to small to play at that level so I made the JV Squad which I was not allowed to live down (never played, parents wouldn't sign the release). To be honest I was very, very alone in HS, but when I went on to Jr College it got a bit better particularly because a gal said yes to a date which opened me up some. She & I didn't remain together terribly long, I think it was 6 months but it was nice having her as a "friend". I found I was far more OPEN after that relationship and was able to easily make friends. When I transferred to the 4 year school I joined a FRATERNITY which provided me a social platform. Now, I'll tell you the brothers in my FRAT were just about ALL getting LAID left and right, I conversely couldn't get gals to say yes to me for a DATE let alone get any of them to sleep w/me. So I went back into my shell, not because I wanted to but because I needed to protect myself from the BS that was around me. I am still in contact with a few of the FRAT guys but we are not really close because they all MARRIED, HAD KIDS, etc long before I did. The moral of the story is you can have friends and you needn't worry much about the BS associated with friendship and trust me there will be BS. Just make sure that as you say you have 1-3 very close friends than a myriad of folks at the next level out. I know you can SMILE and using your SMILE goes a long way. Don't overdue trying to find a friend or you'll come off desperate (I experienced such desperation, and it's not fun). Just try to HAVE FUN with those around you and I think you'll find friends. See if you can find something you enjoy doing and meet others who like that activity. I was in CHESS CLUB in HS, BORING, but I did have a couple of folks there who at least knew I was alive though they were not my friends. GOOD LUCK
2016-01-01 16:08:14 UTC
Well I suggest you find someone similar to you or just someone who can relate to you and initiate a conversation. If you feel comfortable around them then there you go. And no matter who you just need to say that I don't talk much but I do enjoy your presence. Eventually you'll find someone. I have many friends who don't talk as much yet I know that it's just their nature to be quiet. Somewhere someone in the world will become your friend and maybe even your future partner. It takes time and confidence. I know its frightening to do something new but I always like to think Im fearless (except for bugs ofc. THOSE THINGS SCARE ME SHITLESS) and even if I say I'm not afraid of rollercoasters, inside I do panic and think about what if I die or what if it stops and other what if questions. That's just human nature. No matter how many or how frequently I ride rollercoasters I'm always gonna have those what if's questions. So always think confidently and don't be scared to initiate things. I got rid of my fear of speaking in public AND to just people on the streets by thinking so what if they judge me? I shouldn't care. All in all don't be afraid to do new stuff. Even if your heart feels like its gonna pop out of your chest, or if you feel like puking your intestines out (yeah thats gross but still :D) just keep talking and later you're going to be like I DON'T EVEN REMEMBER BEING SCARED TO TALK TO PEOPLE :)
2016-01-03 14:29:05 UTC
If you have no friends, it feels like you’ll be lonely for life. Of course, that’s not true. You can still make new friends, even if you find yourself in a situation with no friend in sight. This happens when you move to a new city, break up with someone that was your only friend and lover, or make important changes in your lifestyle.
2015-12-30 22:06:45 UTC
i think the problem is you. people gave you a chance but you just ignore and miss and psuh away those chances for you to make friends. since 1 friend is better than none, i would get a "school" friend. no matter how they look, or what they like to do, get someone you can at least talk to and sit in lunch with and maybe if that person is right, you will able to meet their friends and blend in.

but right now will be hard........ do you have a friend you specifically like? keep an eye on people who is quiet and calm and nice. if you have partner work, quickly go up to them and ask them to be your partner. ask them questions and try to help them as much as posssible, and after you finished your work or done little bit of your work, start a conversation. just anything that comes on your mind (but not personal) just comment on the weather, people, enviroment, current feelings, homework, teacher, outfit? and then try to keep the conversation going. smile and nod and look as if you are realllllllly intersted. and when shes talking be like "right right" "same" "ohhhh" and laugh. at first it will be hard and boring but after few weeks, it will get better....

good luck..
2016-01-02 21:16:44 UTC

During solitude - spending time alone:

Read books

Complete goals such as passing high school, driving test.

Watch TV series

Watch movies on TV

During time with family and friends:

Discuss shared goals and achievements

Celebrate milestones - birthdays, mothers/fathers day

Watch movies together
2015-12-31 14:18:39 UTC
Ayeeeee fellow teenager. I'm in 8th grade and 14. Im sorry what your going through. But it will get better. Try talking to people like in your classes. Like ask them a question or make conversation. Make a joke idfk but know your not alone. Peace and love~grace
2016-01-06 01:47:46 UTC
I've been the same way all my life until recently. I still don't really talk all that much, but I just show people that I care about them. Even if you don't know them that well, just care about them. One day, you'll be able to be show people that. It worked for me... Didn't really have a GOOD friend for 12 years. Love goes a long way. I wish you the best.
2016-01-01 17:31:00 UTC
I have two friends from primary school at my secondary school. Nobody bullies me, I'm just not overly attention seeking and popular. Don't worry, maybe try talking to a new kid that comes to your school as they won't know about your quiet background and just assume that you're not interested.

Don't be a class clown.
Ryo Osari
2016-01-02 06:07:59 UTC
Just hold on for little bit longer and believe me, true friends will come to your life. I was once in your position and I totally understand what you are going through. Few years later, everything changed and my best friends stay with me even though we don't communicate much because of our busy life.

Just hang on bud
2016-01-02 14:29:29 UTC
I'm a homeschooler. You think you have no friends? Try having no friends and never being near other people other than your immediate family for 15 years. Its not exactly fun.
2015-12-31 15:13:17 UTC
Why not just be yourself and keep it real, speak your own mind and don't give a damn about others, because cliques tend to use you, chew you up and spit you out when they have no use for you. It's like having to put on a facade just to get cool friends, nonetheless, life is overrated these days.
2016-01-01 23:02:55 UTC
Hey im in highschool to. Hard to fit in im not really athletic and i dont have very many social skills. But the one thing i do have going for me is my humor my jokes and various other querks have allowed me to get to know my circle of friends im around today. Although i only am close with maybe 10 people i know so many more remember that when you get to highschool the more people you know the better
2016-01-04 04:12:53 UTC
Im not sure how you feel, as I've never been in your situation , but I feel that joining a few school sports/ clubs would make you aware of the different sorts of people in high school. Or even just askin someone in your class how their day was always works - or ranting about how much you hate /love the assignment.
2015-12-31 09:28:16 UTC

friends are always with self interests, infact everybody even members in your family is after some interest, maybe mother, or father may truly love you but that doesn't happen in many cases

invest time in yourself rather than socialising is my philosophy, i don't have many friends either because most of the time i thing, they are making my brain curd, i get entertainment from reading knowledgable books and working for my career ahead

so my advise for you is make books your friends, they are the best friends you'll ever get

don't have inferiority complex, rather superiority complex

2015-12-31 13:01:05 UTC
Start socializing! It's hard to go up to strangers and talk but it's the best way to talk. An easy way to meet people is join a club or a sport
2016-01-02 15:49:19 UTC
Take up a hobby. I played Magic the Gathering and football in high school. While I was a quite person, I at least had something in common with several people that I could talk about.
2015-12-31 09:04:45 UTC
Honestly, my parents had always told me that "Jolly you have no friends, all those people are your classmates, when you grow up, find a job, and meet those people, those are your friends" I believe in that so don't worry, you'll get plenty of friends in the future, and besides you might even forgot your so call friends right now so don't worry.
2016-01-03 08:00:07 UTC
Hi there, I understand where your coming from. I am like you shy and quiet but I do have at least friends in my life. Mostly a lot of these friends are out of my high school as I only have like one good friend in my high school. People at my high school are nice and yeah I could strike a good conversation with people but yeah I still struggle to make friends. I deeply regret this and now I am approaching the end of my High School life going to college. I am scared about my future especially socially but this is what life is for me right for me right now. As for you, just try to think positive and make initiatives to make friends and your only in middle school. Staying positive in myself and looking at my accomplishments have helped me stay motivated in my life. You and I should both stay positive and we just improve on our problems.
2016-01-02 05:43:30 UTC
hi,its nice to find at least one person with my condition.even i am in your position. even i hate blabbing my mouth like nothing, and the only people i talk to are my sis and dad,because no one listens to me like them.due to this,people think i am not interested. They ignore me and ask me to move away. they talk to me only when they need something.i get very irritated at everything.

Then i decided,i should change myself.i did good study of my class and found out the silent ones.i slowly started to talk to them. now at least i have one/two friends. now i am the one who talks most in my group of silent lambs. and they have improved also. Just start a small talk,like"how are you doing", "you look really nice", and then like"did you do that homework?? "do you want help/ can you help me with this", keep them company during lunch.find out what they like and talk on that, they will surely be happy.

And always be in the habit of helping others!!!

just be happy,and remember, its better to be alone than with a bad company. and never lose hope because believe me, the only people who will be with you for everything will be your parents,so always treasure them. never feel depressed because the god inside of you is much stronger than the world before you! All the best!!
2016-01-02 14:04:29 UTC
Try talking to people, ANYONE you can. If you are in class and you sit next to someone, try asking them to borrow a pencil or something then spark up a conversation. For example "I like your shoes" Anything! Just talk to people and even if you don't develop close friendships, you will at some point! :)
2015-12-31 20:19:31 UTC
I don`t want to sound harsh, but it`s completely your fault that you have no friends. Those people talked to you because they wanted to be your friend, but you rejected them. You push everyone away and expect to have friends? That`s wrong. Instead, try developing a conversation when someone tries to talk to you. Be more socially welcoming instead of bluntly ignoring people. And don`t wait until people come and talk to you, but you talk to other people first. And if you want other people to change their thoughts, change your own thoughts first. Instead of thinking talking is a waste of time, change your thought to thinking that talking, or communicating is the only way you develop friendship. I wish you the best.
2015-12-31 09:32:25 UTC
Have a hobby you can collect shoes you'll make lots of friends play video games a sport talk more to people act dumb be funny
Valy jan
2015-12-31 20:58:28 UTC
Are you a student. You should get a job, make money, set your own life, be outside, and travel around. You will be surprised.

My cousin is so popular in my city. He used to go everywhere. He went to every beach in my city, you name it. He spent a lot of time outside. Now, he works in as a mechanic, which he enjoys, on top of that, he knows so many people, he is such a social person now. People talk to him. not the other way around.
Alisson Debiviski
2016-01-02 05:35:03 UTC
Im 13 and I feel the exact same way you do. I panic in class, i always try to get out of school by faking sick, i lost everyone that was close to me in 2015. in 2014 i was so full of friends and happiness!! Now 2016 im alone, depressed, always crying, and i have monophobia, even though its the school holidays, it still makes me cry. But dont worry it will get better, it hasnt for me but who knows it may get better for us both xxx
2016-01-02 13:29:21 UTC
I have zero friends also.

im not really complaining.

but I do get lonely.

and then I think about how

it would be a hypocritical relationship

so im still better off alone.
2015-12-31 11:06:40 UTC
I was the quiet kid in high school to and even today I would ignore everyone I don't like talking to anyone I would get yell at for no reason at all some who I think they in Joy it class mate and teacher alike
2015-12-31 13:49:18 UTC
You need to make sure your body language is open and inviting. Start off with small talk, asking them questions about themselves, etc. Keep your voice upbeat and friendly. One really good tip- keep an eye on someone who you would really like to know/be friends with then go talk to them! This is really effective most of the time.
2016-01-01 18:33:35 UTC
You can make friends by just having a 5 mintue conversation with them and telling them a little bit about your self and listen to them who they have to say about themselves. Also you can crack a joke or something or you can start helping your classmates with their assignments and become friends like that. Just start putting your self out their and talking more.
2015-12-31 15:33:09 UTC
If you want a friend, you're going to have to talk. Nobody wants to be friends with a silent person that just follows them around.
2016-01-01 23:50:28 UTC
try to start a conversation with someone you feel you'd get along with and have the same interests. And it doesn't matter how much friends you have as long as you know the friend/friends you will make aren't fake
2016-01-04 07:01:53 UTC
I had trouble with that in high school too. For some reason I just didn't attract friends. It got better once I graduated though. Life is better after high school in most cases.
2016-01-02 11:29:38 UTC
the fact that you have no friends kinda means you dont have anything to lose or whatever that means so go for it. watch the persks or being a wallflower and the main character goes and sits next to someone to make friends rather than typical films where they sudeenly have people who are interersted in them/ want to talk to them. you have to go find people,and if you dont like talking thats kinda a sacrifice you might have to make most people wont really see much point n hanging out if you dont talk at all, and if you do make friends you might find yourself talking more just naturally or because your comfortable around them. if your lucky you might find close friends like you , who mabye dont feel the need to make much conversation.
2015-12-30 10:11:39 UTC
I couldn't have said it better than Anya, for real! Give yourself a chance and strike up a simple small-talk conversation with someone you think has similar interests. I was just like you when I was in grade school~
2015-12-30 10:40:40 UTC
If you push them away then it's obvious that you wouldn't have them as friends. Also you say that you see people having fun and interacting with each other, and yet you don't want to interact with them? So I think the first step should be don't push them away if you want to be friends with them. Also, you got to interact with them if you want to be their friends. Not sure how many people would want to hang out with somebody if they just sit there and contribute nothing to the conversation
2016-01-01 00:22:28 UTC
oh you low life stop watching porn and go out roam around go for some random party you never noe when you cn get luck.

you ******* jackass friends dont come knocking saying oh i am bored lets be friends.

NO! that not how you get a life. so just go and explore the world rather than being a pathetic loner who is going and seeing visual media to have fun
2016-01-01 11:50:12 UTC
I have a lot of friends, but feel like I don't have any, most of them are fake. I have just started to notice who my true close friend is, I'm happy with 1 close friend, as long as he/she is a true friend. It doesn't matter how many friends you have, what matters is how true these friends are. And remember, quality ALWAYS beats quantity. ;)
2016-01-01 10:43:09 UTC
You need to start talking to people. No person can read minds. People make friends by talking to others who share common interests. Once you find peop who like the same things as you do, it will be so easy to make friends
2016-01-02 06:04:02 UTC
I think that everyone experiences this feeling in at least one part of their life. For you, it seems to be middle school. For me, its high school (im a junior in HS right now). All i can say is that your not alone. If you want to change your life, only you can do that. Work on your social skills before high school starts. Talk to people you wouldnt normally talk to. Be brave. The rest will take care of itself.
2015-12-31 21:45:59 UTC
I feel you , I got homeschooled this year and lost pretty much all my friends . I just got used to being home and isolated myself from the world , if you're shy or whatever just talk to them or smile . Smiling will probally start a convo lol
2015-12-31 16:23:59 UTC
Me too. I have lost all my friends cause they found better friends. But there's a lot of people like us. Look for people who look lonely and can make friends with.
2015-12-30 00:14:40 UTC
It's fine not to have friends trust me being on your own can teach you independence and make you a stronger person. solo ride as long as you want. But if you want a friend get someone who can respect you and who you don't have to rely on.
2016-01-03 20:50:49 UTC
The best advice I can give you is to say hi to people or simply smile, this gives the other person the sign that she wants to be friends with me.Also, maybe try joining a club at school and meet people with the same interests.
2016-01-04 12:09:57 UTC
Look, no one wants to be friends with someone who doesn't want to talk. Sitting in a room not talking doesn't sound very fun. Go up to people, introduce yourself and talk (likes,dislikes,events,etc) it's really the only way. I would go more in depth but I don't know the rest myself.
2016-01-02 08:37:27 UTC
I'm in the same bout as you.It really sucks right!ive just kind of learned to be my own company it's actually not as bad as it sounds.People are jerks sometimes but when your with yourself you won't have to put up with jerky people!Try to look at it as a blessing
2015-12-31 23:16:27 UTC
In the middle of class, blurt out some obscene profanity, you'll get sent to the office and make some friends.
2016-01-03 23:48:42 UTC
First, go out. Talk to people forward. You could watch some books about how to make friends with people.
2015-12-31 04:53:59 UTC
it depend on how you present yourself to people the first time you meet impression are important and effect how people see you even if your quite you can still say hi or find a middle ground your life isn't over because of a few people not talking to you being cruel like that you have the right to pursuit happiness! you could speak to a counselor to find something you like to do find people who like the same things as yourself
2016-01-02 14:54:51 UTC
Well you should start finding fun hobbies and find anyone else who is interested in the same concept. You could also try just pretending to bump into some one and start conversation, but a small tug not a BOOM
2015-12-31 19:18:15 UTC
Go sit at a table with new people, be sociable, if they're a$$es well just f***'em and move on to the next table, your bound to find someone at some point.
2015-12-30 16:21:24 UTC
Hey, I think I understand. Just by reading your message, you seem nice. Usually we spend so much energy thinking about everyone else, that we forget to focus on us! Learn as much as you can about who you are and what you enjoy and then go do it. Trust me, it is easier to meet people and make friends when you are doing something you love. Remember, life is short and think positively. You will be fine.
2016-01-01 18:14:39 UTC
Well go on some chat programs. You can have some Internet friends. I'm sorry you feel so alone.
2015-12-31 20:35:30 UTC
It s okay, I understand how you feel, when I was in kindergarten, all the kids in the class hated me, at lunch time, I sat alone, for 3 and a half years, until I moved to a new school, which was worst, I got bullied by the boys especially in grade 4, even the girls wouldn t sit with me at lunch time, it made me feel really bad, I still remember the time when I got my lunch found an empty seat at the girls in my class who I call friends table and sat down, I was hoping that they would at least accept me but they all moved to another table, and I there I was alone in an empty table. At recess time, I played with a girl that was my neighbour, although she was 3 years younger than me, it was better than being alone. Even her and her friends would tease me and team up against me in games. As I got older the girls tried to accept me but still didn t like me, tried avoiding me and never invited me to any bday parties, I stopped having birthday parties too because none of them came to mine. I didn t know what was wrong with me, I was shy but I never did anything to them. I changed schools again and that was when I finally got two best fiends, though they liked each other better than they liked me, but they would invite me to their houses, but then one day they suddenly ignored me and pretended I was invisible, which hurt me a lot, I changed schools again, made a new best friend, we were close at the start of the year and fought a lot and were on and off best friends, my classmates thought I was weird because I would follow her around and do whatever she does like she was the only one I know, which was true like I said I was still really shy. I had to move schools again in grade 8, I went to grade 8 at a new school and for almost all of the year except maybe the last few months, I had no friends, at recess I didn t want to sit alone because I hated the feeling of being a loser, so I followed people around, which made me feel more like a loser because now that we re older it s awkward saying, I hate you go away I don t want to be ur friend, but almost at the end of grade 8 they gave me their number, and we got closer through text, and there I found my true friends, we are still friends till this day, and I know it s hard sometimes to find someone that you really trust, even if I m different, there are still people out there that can accept me for who I am and really find out who I am on the inside. Now that I look back at elementary, I should ve made friends with the other kids they so called losers, the only reason I didn t was because I didn t want to seem more like a loser than I already was, but I didn t realize that having a friend even if they are losers, it s better than having no firneds.

I am still shy talking to the popular kids in my high school, I don't know how to start a conversation, and don't know how to continue a conversation and it's awkward trying to talk about something, sometimes I don't know what to say and I just saying nothing at all which then after wards I really regret because I just pushed them away, I wish I could be like those poeple in the teen movies. I don't know if it is because I grew older or anything, but I am making lots of friends in highh school right now, although I still screw up and can be really really shy sometimes now that I've found my true friends, making other friends were much easier.

I hated going to a new school because it takes a while to make new friends, especially if ur the only new student. It took me almost a year to make friends with who I'm friends with now, and I think all you need is time and patient.

So here are some tips to making new friends:

Find someone that doesn't have any friends

Be nice and our going

If someone wouldn't be friend, forget about them

Be socialible start conversations, help others
2015-12-30 22:23:28 UTC
Even I don't have any friend but then I know how to keep myself happy:) Hey Idea! You have no friends and even I don't have so Lets be FRIENDS?? How's the idea?? Like it?
2016-01-01 11:39:55 UTC
I think having friends are overrated. They and family act like they all give a ****. It's always about what benefits them. When they say they care about you. What they mean is they care about themselves. Never met a person who helped me. They always end up fcking me over.
Karo Miyuki
2016-01-03 16:55:37 UTC
Try to focus on the things you enjoy doing. Often times, you end up making friends through hobbies because you have something in common.
2015-12-31 14:02:13 UTC
sorry.. happy new year friend........we all have bits that go the wrong way ,,I moved after getting married,moved away from good friends then over the years hardly saw them...every years worse..even my relations,brother/sister i haven seen for over 20 years... You need to get out disco /pub-bar, join a,table tennis something you have a bit of skill with..or work for a charity . you have to go out there and join in..dont get too low some of us get low too..Its not the end... cheers friend
Mr Twobit
2015-12-31 12:54:04 UTC
You whine about not having any friends, and yet you go on to give all the reasons why you don't want any. You need to pull your head out of your XXX and figure out what you really want.
2016-01-02 09:10:35 UTC
You know the nerdy kid who sits alone at lunch or goes and sits by themselves outside? They feel just about exactly like you do. Go find one and ask if they mind if you sit dont have to be a chatter box but you do have to engage them in conversation about class the teacher the soccor practice something you find interestngi
2016-01-01 12:43:24 UTC
You might have a mental disorder. Schizophrenia and Bi-Polar disorders, among others, often start to show up in adolescence. There could possibly many brain and/or mind disorders that have not been identified and documented.
2016-01-03 09:13:53 UTC
That's fine I only have one close friend that's a guy, I used to be that way too, but you just have to look around, my locker buddy, became my BFF, my guy friend, we both like the same thing, too
2016-01-03 10:17:49 UTC
Babe, if u know ure pushing ppl away by not talking then u know how to change i.. You don't need to pointlessly blab all day but offer ur opinion when they're talking or just smile and ask how they are or what they did over the weekend.. If u don't wana talk to ppl then u shouldn't wonder why u have no one to talk to.. Try talking to ppl who are just as quiet as you are. Good luck
2016-01-04 04:08:40 UTC
I lived with just 1 great true friend
2015-12-31 07:14:24 UTC
even though your question is too long that i did not read all of it

but i think i have the same problem, no friends out school but yes friends therein.

some tried to talk to me to be my friends but i throw them into back.

now i am crying for my beautiful life God has given me,
2015-12-30 06:05:21 UTC
You can get a lot of friends even if you remain silent. It means that you hate having friends
2015-12-31 16:50:09 UTC
just offer a coke zero to someone. especially one that has a "share with a friend" label. it will all make sense later
2015-12-30 12:08:58 UTC
Dear be stronge now a days in this mean world its really hard to find friends well.
2015-12-31 06:08:38 UTC
i guess you DO have a friend

this is YOUR question from yesterday

Is 5'4 and 98 lbs fat?


I have a friend who says she is fat and she's this height and weight! I'm the fat one at 5'6 and 115 lbs!
2016-01-01 18:27:51 UTC
My 1 close friend who lives next door to me does not want me to get any friends as she is very Jealous.
2016-01-01 06:05:20 UTC
well if u have an arch enemy u should use decent Banta or post a video of urself doing something swaggy or if that doesn't work just man up and ask someone to come round ur house
2015-12-30 20:09:50 UTC
Having one good friend can be better then having a 100...good friends are hard to find..jst cause u might not have any friends.. might not be bad ...might jst mean ur a good judge of character..cnt trust em.
2016-01-02 20:25:16 UTC
I can be your friend. I have some issues I need to work out and I need someone to talk too and I'll talk to you whenever you need me except nighttime because sleep unless you really need me I'm there. My email is we can share videos together. :) or talk.
2015-12-30 19:19:54 UTC
Quit being so uptight. Sit wherever you want and talk to the people around you. Make small talk, strike up a conversation. You would be surprised how easy it is to do.
2015-12-31 07:35:10 UTC
Are you waiting for someone to come up to you and be friends? Why don't you be that person to someone else?
2016-01-02 10:33:49 UTC
I've never felt this, but I know what it looks like. Just talk to more people and don't be quiet don't push people away pull them in but don't be to clingy let them come to you. Be the crazy wild child, be the cool kid...
2016-01-03 00:46:30 UTC
had i been in your school, i would definitely have been your friend :)

you dont have to be desperate to get friends,..... if those guys aren't willing, just let them **** off....i have dealt with the same circumstance while i was in my fifth to eighth standard, i didnt have friends, was bullied, beaten up in the toilets and what not, i have been emotionally devastated over a puny abnormality with me, believe me, if i can sustain all this, you are a normal human with no abnormality, you will definitely get more friends


2015-12-29 18:12:58 UTC
You should join some group that you like for example a reading one or a chess one idk something like that. That will help u to know more people with the same interests and hobbies.

You should be more open to know people, its ok that after u get to know her u dont want to be her friend but eventually you will get to know people that will become your friends.

Hope That somehow I helped u :)
2015-12-31 18:10:34 UTC
Even you don't talk about a lot but people still can be your friend.
2015-12-30 15:40:00 UTC
I can't help you all I can do is relate.. I hope for both yours and my sakes that we can find friends and be happy
Vernon Rodriguez
2016-01-01 09:46:39 UTC
when you die, there will be exactly 25 instagram posts, 50 facebook posts from your 'friends' on how you were the most amazing person they ever knew and if that doesnt happen, you can come to my place and collect $10.000.
2016-01-02 17:12:47 UTC
You clearly stated why you have no friends so i'd advise you to not push anyone who comes into your life.
2015-12-30 22:48:39 UTC
I'd like to be your friend
2015-12-31 19:19:49 UTC
u mentioned u push people away and then u said no one gives u a chance.... u are the reason u have zero friends as of this time..... either be receptive to others or continue to be critical of others.... u seem friendly only picky
2015-12-31 11:30:32 UTC
I feel you. Not because I am in your shoe, but I do really feel you. I can be -at least- your e-friend. leave me your FB or number. I will text you, and we shall talk. Until then, have a nice day.
2016-01-03 03:56:14 UTC
Remember that one time that 'maybe i'll win' traded you off for a phone patch move and is hot on the trail of Entwhistle camper, n u just stood there, "there is a point a point to this," I feel so bad, thanks for commng!! : )
2015-12-31 13:50:28 UTC
Try to make new friends. I felt the same way as you when I started high school. I
2015-12-31 01:54:10 UTC
Wow. This exact same question has been posted so many times in the last 10 years.
2015-12-31 21:31:00 UTC
It's ok sometimes being alone is better than having fake friends that talk crap you when your not around.
2015-12-31 19:30:46 UTC
Friends aren't important as you think they are. Its all about family
2017-02-20 14:14:36 UTC
2016-01-02 08:30:36 UTC
its good you dont have a lot of friends. all they will do is try to get you into the habit of doing drugs, smoking, and drinking alcohol and eventually becoming a jackass who messes their whole life up. try to have a couple of friends, not a lot otherwise it will lead to bad things
2016-01-01 04:19:59 UTC
Be patient, and calm your self in anxious times. Try to view the hard times like its the flu or cold. Things are bad but they always change
2015-12-30 07:42:54 UTC
The best way to have friends is to be friendly.

Give it a try
2015-12-31 05:06:01 UTC
You need to make an effort to get involved in activities where you could meet others.
2015-12-30 10:57:05 UTC
Maybe there's a reason why you have no friends.
2015-12-31 11:29:34 UTC
Find someone who seems like you and talk to that person. Or join a club in your school
2015-12-30 22:09:24 UTC
I'll just tell you this. You aren't alone. You aren't alone. You aren't alone. - The world is a challenge. You are one of those it will be challenging for. Me too... I don't have all of the answers yet. I'm sorry. --------- You aren't alone.
Great White Shark
2016-01-01 02:18:33 UTC
What is your real interest?

First find your interest and then look for people who have the same interest as you.

If you love cars, go to car forums.

If you love music, do the same.

Good luck.
2015-12-31 20:51:16 UTC
If you have zero friends it is your lookout. I am also in the same pool,my friend.
2015-12-30 07:49:51 UTC
Are you a male or female? What school do you go to? How old are you? What state do you live right now?
2015-12-31 12:49:32 UTC
Honey, I feel the same way. But maybe you should try initiating a conversation with some one instead of the other way around.
2016-01-01 11:11:32 UTC
Try communicating with people think of a conversation
2015-12-31 16:50:46 UTC
Join a fandom
K S Lall
2015-12-30 11:14:46 UTC
I was very shy like yourself. I kept to myself in school. Now that I am an adult, I still keep to myself, but do say hi to neighbours. Trust me, it gets better once you leave school!
2016-01-02 02:04:44 UTC
Maybe you're doing something that you don't realize you're doing which causes people to not like you.
2016-01-05 04:03:55 UTC
got fb? reply here with your id link id help you out, it not difficult to make friends, just need some hobbies that are similar
Alan T
2016-01-02 01:01:23 UTC
depends on what you define friends as ...if I think life is suppose to be like to tv show "friends" wake up as none of them are even friends in real life.
2015-12-30 15:39:14 UTC
Oh what a friend we have in Jesus. Jesus is always there to help you and to inspire you, he will always supply you with help and advice!
2015-12-30 05:54:51 UTC
You can invite friends by being friendly to all. Try it now
2015-12-31 10:56:11 UTC
I can be your internet friend if you like.I'm always interested in making new friends.
2015-12-30 11:32:19 UTC
My only friends live 700 miles away, the older you get. The more independent and self reliant you get.
Elizabeth Reese
2016-01-04 18:20:11 UTC
Just be your own friend alot of friends are really shady
2015-12-31 22:37:15 UTC
lol same but you don't even ususally keep friends from highschool and all that so why waste the time and energy
2015-12-31 02:04:03 UTC
Find a peer coach
2015-12-30 13:31:41 UTC
Great, no discussions with anyone - ever thought of turning into a hermit?
2015-12-30 17:03:26 UTC
join a hobby club or enroll in a language course, you'll meet people there :)
Banana Registered
2015-12-31 09:21:10 UTC
It's simple no one likes you
2015-12-31 12:52:50 UTC
don't push people away and make yourself more approachable, smile and don't look mad and maybe even try to make conversation with another quiet person
2016-01-01 00:40:39 UTC
Make your parents your friend
2015-12-31 02:18:23 UTC
At lunch just find somebody else sitting alone and sit with them and start talking...not so hard.
2016-01-02 19:10:34 UTC
Try and join some clubs at your school
2015-12-30 05:29:13 UTC
If you change your attitude, you will get a lot of friends
2015-12-30 22:25:28 UTC
I understand where your coming next from if you want someone to talk to just message me 😋
2016-01-02 01:35:20 UTC
I can be yee friend 😁 kik:Itsgermany Lol

And also why am I putting my info here...
2016-01-01 13:52:00 UTC
Try to speak and see if you have any common interest with your class mates
2016-01-02 20:41:49 UTC
me too i hate my friends their not nice their not real friends want to leave them its so hard i might get a bf but i dont think his enough to replace them
2016-01-03 10:56:50 UTC
Volunteer in youth groups or go to the girls and boys club, you will meet noce people.
2015-12-31 12:55:53 UTC
Lie to them about being super rich. Trust me it will work
2016-01-04 05:12:17 UTC
Get good at life
2015-12-30 20:04:22 UTC
I need to put urself out there talk to people listen to them and most importantly. Be u
Jan C
2016-01-01 20:03:04 UTC
It is time you stop feeling sorry for yourself, learn to smile and say Hi.
Mr. Wizard
2016-01-02 00:03:42 UTC
You DO have friends; all you have to do is be your TRUE self---and THEY WILL find you.

Being your TRUE self is the best way to find your TRUE friends---and plenty ARE out there.
Paul B
2015-12-31 11:43:32 UTC
Try praying the rosary. Seriously. Look up how to do it on Google.
2016-01-01 14:49:58 UTC
why are you getting depressed?

I have no friends and i am perfectly happy all the time:)

i always have something to do & drama free.
Alvin Soehendry
2015-12-31 11:47:33 UTC
The easy way not think just go

Sometimes we do stupid things but everything is fun
2016-01-02 10:47:40 UTC
learn in 2016 to make some.
2016-01-01 06:12:57 UTC
Hi, my name is Mojo. I'll be your friend.
2015-12-30 11:26:22 UTC
Trust me your better of on your people walkout your life anyway
2015-12-31 18:01:03 UTC
I have no friends in my class and the friends I have from other classes can be dickheads
2015-12-31 18:08:29 UTC
Join my group.
2016-01-04 00:40:29 UTC
Compliment them and it will be fine, it will seem akward but give it a shot👍👌
2015-12-31 16:51:34 UTC
ur not gonna make friends here. real life is the place ur looking for. also dont do drugs
2016-01-04 15:00:00 UTC
Meet new people
2015-12-31 01:09:44 UTC
That is not really good, and try to make yourself happy, and attend the social activities. good luck
2016-01-02 07:19:18 UTC
same hav spent 3 years all by myself and now I hac social anxiety :c
2016-01-01 15:37:23 UTC
Talk to people
2016-01-06 10:28:18 UTC
How old are you? Do you practice an art (music, drawing)?
2016-01-03 18:57:57 UTC
Friends are overrated anyway!!
2015-12-30 15:04:30 UTC
i have no friends as well, cause i moved and i know no one where i live.
2015-12-30 20:42:24 UTC
This is great news. Now I know I am not alone~!
2016-01-01 18:27:24 UTC
You can talk to me ill be your friend email me :)
2016-01-01 00:33:38 UTC
Don't be afraid to be yourself and "reinvent" yourself; you can be anyone you want
2016-01-01 10:58:05 UTC
Made yourself as easy and friendly.
2015-12-30 06:37:09 UTC
Talk to everyone lovingly. You will have more than what you need
2015-12-31 06:20:09 UTC
We should get together cuz I have no friend ,
2016-01-02 12:25:57 UTC
Hey guys! Sorry for the spam, but I just opened a Youtube channel, to give advice to people like you. Please check it out!

Thank you!
2015-12-31 05:01:44 UTC
I am your friend
2015-12-29 18:22:34 UTC
find people like yourself maybe.... or try not to be so quiet.... i mean maybe just open up a little bit so people can talk to you.
2015-12-30 08:00:16 UTC
maybe it's your breath or possibly body odor.
2016-01-04 01:21:25 UTC
I'll be your friend!
2016-01-01 10:39:27 UTC
Drama queen :/
2016-01-01 04:44:22 UTC
The only friend you need is yourself!
2015-12-29 18:13:23 UTC
Ask someone to hangout.
2016-01-02 10:38:10 UTC
Maybe u need to put yourself more out there
2016-01-01 01:44:24 UTC
Why is this particular question so popular?
2016-01-03 17:18:14 UTC
Make more
2015-12-31 17:58:45 UTC
Be honest and make sure your better than other.
2016-01-04 07:11:39 UTC
Things will get better.
2016-01-02 10:08:37 UTC
Welcome to my world. Ah, who the f*ck needs friends anyway! >:( Sorry you're sad, but you can be your own best friend.
2016-01-01 20:00:55 UTC
It is totally fine.
2016-01-03 13:44:25 UTC
I'll be your friend :)
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-12-30 08:27:28 UTC
Well, YOU"RE the one that has to make changes !
2015-12-30 21:11:58 UTC
honestly...same... Wanna be friends?? *nervous laugh*
2016-01-01 21:04:10 UTC
-_- first world problems
2015-12-31 01:35:52 UTC
That sux
2015-12-31 12:29:22 UTC
maybe because there is no one ur type, different ppl only
2016-01-01 11:33:12 UTC
don't worry bro
2015-12-31 09:10:41 UTC
i onl have 3

2016-01-02 16:14:19 UTC
2015-12-31 07:36:22 UTC
talk to people
2015-12-30 22:38:00 UTC
give me your contact XDDD
2015-12-30 22:34:18 UTC
here is ur answer frend
2015-12-31 06:16:29 UTC
You will
2015-12-31 04:51:44 UTC
Same dude, same.
2015-12-30 19:56:48 UTC
you are ugly men
2016-01-01 11:51:47 UTC
me too
2016-01-01 12:51:10 UTC
u clearly have social anxiety
2015-12-31 21:35:43 UTC
i know how you feel
2016-01-04 12:52:12 UTC
take a sh*t and befriend the turd
2016-01-01 11:35:07 UTC
put yourself out more!
2015-12-31 06:21:12 UTC
I know what you mean :(
Guy Incognito
2016-01-04 10:53:51 UTC
the feel is known
2016-01-01 04:04:25 UTC
You sound like a d-bag, pushing people away and then whining you are alone, wtf are doing you ****!
2016-01-02 03:48:33 UTC
Tough life man, tough life. BUT PLEASE DON'T COMMIT SUICIDE. JUST. DON'T
2016-01-02 07:44:12 UTC
no idea but i do it ,
2016-01-04 06:28:22 UTC
are you serious?
2015-12-31 20:02:32 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.