2012-04-30 21:21:10 UTC
We're almost done with our sophomore (and freshman) year and have decided to "get jacked." Our current plan is for all of us to get ripped and go to the wisconsin dells to show off our awesome bods. We'll try to go to as many water parks as we can, and try to start doing op's training. 3 of us want to go military, 1 wants a aprentince ship, and the others undecided. We all play sports and are the best of freinds. A few years ago one of my close freinds, Henry,got diagnosed with diabetes. He has type 2 or whichever the one that isn't the fat kind. He had to drop out of most of his sports(oh and btw Henry's homeschooled but still an awesome kid) and just works out in his own. He can still do everything we do, he just monitors what he eats.
Anyways, this dosen't phase our plan to go to the dells after we're all done detasiling. The thing I wanted help with is: What are things we can do that would be awesome for us to do as 16 year olds to keep the memories that were making keep rolling( we live in upper Illinois). Also, This is the question that I hold dearest, how can we all keep in touch when we're all going down such different roads?
Ryan- Marine or Navy
Henry- Artist or Small business owner(can't join army any more)
Justin- Coast Guard
Collin- Carpenter
Raul- Undecided
I know there's Skype, facebook, and others, but what's a good way to keep each other as freinds and stay in contact for the rest of our lives.