social important is it...?
2006-02-04 22:59:53 UTC
social important is it...?
Ten answers:
2006-02-04 23:02:13 UTC
I think it depends from person to person. It's my opinion though that it's best to have about 4 people who you are really close to and then just have other friends cassualy. That's what works for me because when I've started over socializing I usually end up getting stabbed in the back. Ultimatley though I feel it's very important.
2006-02-05 07:02:39 UTC
Social Life Is Like A Social Rank..

If Your Social Life Is Low, You're Looked Down Upon..
2006-02-05 07:05:05 UTC
Social life is the most important thing you have. We are "social animals". We have been bred and evolved to always be part of a group. That's our weakness as humans, we cannot live without others. It's implanted deep deep in out psyches. You must learn about social life and cherish the people you know because they're all you have.
2006-02-05 07:06:59 UTC
Social life is very important. You learn how to get along with others and develop communication skills. It also helps to define who you are as a person. Others can learn from you and you can learn from others. So get out and enjoy like
2006-02-05 07:24:34 UTC
it is very important because you can share your feeling with people and you wont feel so depressed or stressed out..

~social life is very good for a person without it... it is very boring believe me~
2006-02-05 07:34:48 UTC
We humans are naturally gregarious and need others to assist us knowing who we are.Show me a person who is well liked and respected by others and I will show you a well rounded and happy human being.Just like yours truly ! That is why I call myself Brownsugar for I am natural and sweet lol
2006-02-05 07:09:34 UTC
it's important if you are trying to meet people or network. it will help you in many ways not currently apparent.
2006-02-05 07:05:06 UTC
it is as important as a salt on the meat
Red-Hot Redhead
2006-02-05 07:01:54 UTC
vital! where you are on the social scale determines your success!
2006-02-05 07:00:56 UTC
its quite important i guess....unless you're an outcast

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