what happens when he says he just wants to be friends?
2006-02-16 17:29:26 UTC
what happens when he says he just wants to be friends?
Fourteen answers:
Khi ♥ Con
2006-02-16 17:32:43 UTC
be friends
Giggly Giraffe
2006-02-17 01:37:01 UTC
Georgy Porgy pudding pie, Kissed the girls and made them cry. When the girls came out to play, Georgy Porgy ran away.

Dispite what guys say, they hate being asked out!!! Listen to this nursery rhyme and remember the next time.
2006-02-17 01:32:42 UTC
Then he just wants to be friends. Be happy with that. Friends sometimes last longer than relationships do.
2006-02-17 01:36:05 UTC
Your asking him out makes him think that you are aiming for a relationship. Sure makes sense to me. That's what I'd think to....I think most people would.

He's being very direct, very proactive and doing you a *great* favor by telling you that he doesn't want a relationship....he 'just wants to be freinds'.
2006-02-17 13:35:33 UTC
He need a best friend. Later it could be more than just friendship. Who knows!
2006-02-17 01:34:05 UTC
that means he probably got what he wanted from you and you just got dumpped. so go find some ice cream and eat yourself out of your depression and go loose your self esteem and then go put out to all the guys so they will like you.
2006-02-17 01:32:19 UTC
he either doesnt like you the way that you like him. Or it wants to have a friendship and get to know you before you being a relationship.
2006-02-17 01:31:44 UTC
I'm in the same situation 2!!!
2006-02-17 01:41:45 UTC
he ment friends with benefits
2006-02-17 01:38:42 UTC
i think he is selfish and dont want you 4 you
la colombiana
2006-02-17 01:34:36 UTC
he might not want to ruin the freindship
2006-02-17 01:32:51 UTC
c'mon can convince got the power...
2006-02-17 01:32:20 UTC
your dumpped, you need to move on
2006-02-17 01:32:02 UTC
that meens he broke up with you

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