2008-11-21 16:13:04 UTC
Im 22 years old and having worked since the age of 15 under 3 devious managers in factorys I decided that i will give it a go myself,Its something i have wanted to do for a long time but the last 6 months ive taken a course on starting a business and am really going gung ho,the recent credit crunch has affected it for now as if all was right with the world i feel i would have my investment now but as ive spoke to my bank,they cannot give anything towards it now,which is a shame but it wont stop me,its a great idea and something sligo will really benefit from i feel,i suppose watching my brother who owns a successful bar and restaurant in sligo town for over 10 years now has made me want it a little more thats not in doubt,but theres a element in me that wants to do better,not to be spiteful or anything malacious its just a personal dream of mine to be very successful in what i do and make my late father proud also,alot of people have asked me "why dont you ask this brother for the investment" well without boring you all silly,my family is very odd,we get on great and always look out for each other but my brother made his success from nothing,and really i mean that,our family home which i still live in with my mother is just your average house in a estate that has the worst reputation in sligo,which doesnt help but ive grown up with good people there so i cant knock it,its my home always,so since my brother never offered me anything and he knows my ideas for this but hasnt offered help as such,i thought "you know what,he did it alone,i will too" so at the moment as banks are a failed option for now,i might look down the road of a angel investor,a guy who will see the great idea and potential for massive profits and help me,thing is,where are these guys lol .. i`ll keep looking and i`ll never stop trying to be successful,who knows i could have a business this year coming,it could be 2010 or ever 2015 but i will one day open a business i can call mine,and not work under any devious inept boss again. Actually recently the sligo enterprise board got in touch with me and said they like the idea and think it will be great for sligo so who knows what will happen,hopefully sooner rather than later eh. thanks for reading if you have and good luck on your own venture,never stop trying,you never know.