If you are starting college then you can get ahead by taking summer classes at a community college. They can be fun things like learning guitar/piano, Painting/Ceramics, Drama, Ballet, or learning French/Spanish. Things that are useful, but fun. Look in their Physical Education/Recreation section for things like Kayaking, Backpacking, Surfing (depending where you live), Scuba Diving, or Hiking to explore the outdoors in a safe and fun way. It takes out all the organization, but you can enjoy the company of your friends in the classes.
You can make a goal to try to go to all the theme parks/lakes/rivers/ beaches/deserts/mountains in your area/state.
If one of you has a good car, you should definitely make a roadtrip. Depending on how much money and time you have you can do a city/state/national roadtrip.
Some other great things that will help you be a better person is to volunteer at a soup kitchen, orphanage, vacation Bible school, or animal shelter.
If you really have the funds, take a trip out of the country with your friends and guardian/parent to Canada, Mexico, or Puerto Rico.
Don't get drunk, drunk girls are pathetic and don't have sex, you don't need an STD.