Is it inappropriate to wear a khaki suit to a funeral? (Even if it is the only that you have..)?
2006-02-23 06:45:10 UTC
Is it inappropriate to wear a khaki suit to a funeral? (Even if it is the only that you have..)?
Seven answers:
2006-02-23 07:25:27 UTC
if its all you have you havent a choice, but its not the clothes that counts its the person. clothes dont make the person the person makes the clothes,if clothes were that inportaint why did god let us be born nude?
2016-05-20 07:05:26 UTC
Wearing a dark suit is perfectly normal for a funeral. Even if many of the other people don't dress up quite as much, they will of course understand that you looked your best as a sign of respect so you needn't feel awkward about it. I've been to several funerals, and saw plenty of people wearing full suits, though there were some men in a nice shirt and slacks which also looked fine. The only thing that really bothered me was seeing young people show up in jeans and a shirt like they thought they shouldn't be asked to go to the great trouble of looking presentable. :/ Anyway, either option will look fine I think, whatever you feel comfortable with, but I wouldn't find it odd for you to wear a suit as long as it's dark.
2006-02-23 06:55:37 UTC
Nope. If it's the best you have then that's all there is to it. Don't go out and buy something special for a funeral. The deceaed won't care so you'll only be catering to the whims of the others at the funeral. A funeral is not the place to care about what other people think of what you're wearing. It's a place to pay respects and say goodbye to a departed loved one. What other people think of your fashion sense is irrelevant to the occasion.
Guerilla Bros.
2006-02-23 07:52:01 UTC
I have been to many funerals in my life, and it's not about how you look. Everyone in that funeral parlor will be in the middle of their own emotional tornado. It is a time to recognize. A time to remember, and in some churches a time to celebrate their life. Just being there is what counts. They say you will live forever on the lips of others. Meaning as long as your memories live with others and your name is spoken by others, you are not truely dead. You live on through them. Not trying to get religious, so I won't even go there. I think black for the family is still customary, but with guests not so traditional. If you feel uncomfortable, go early and say your goodbyes one on one. The parlor is not going to say no. They try their best to accomodate everyones grief.
2006-02-23 06:59:54 UTC
I don't think so at all.

I don't try to dress especially somber for a funeral, especially when it's a dear friend that I know would not like people to be overly mopey like that.

Of course here in TN many people show up in jeans...
2006-02-23 07:01:01 UTC
yes i'd suggest you rent a suit. you need to always remember the funeral isn't really for the deceased it's for those who are left.
2006-02-23 06:52:33 UTC
The deceased will be somewhere out there looking at your heart.

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