i don't wanna die, but i don't wanna live anymore?
2015-04-19 12:50:03 UTC
i need help. i feel like i don't belong anywhere, not home not at school not anywhere else. i just feel so lost and sad all the ******* time. and i don't know what to do.
I just feel like there's no meaning for me to be here anymore, everything's so ******* horrible. people, including me and everyone I know, have completely ****** up this world.
there's no point for me to live anymore. I don't wanna die, but I don't wanna live anymore. I just don't know what to do, please help.
471 answers:
2015-04-20 06:24:45 UTC
HEY! There is no answer that you can find on the internet that will make you feel entirely better about yourself. I suggest you give up trying to find it. Through your depression you've stumbled upon the question which is both unanswerable and also pointless.

It's completely stupid to think that you have a certain purpose for this world. You're life is more insignificant than you could ever think BUT that doesn't ever mean that you have an excuse to suicide and it doesn't mean you'll never be important to somebody!

There's no point for any of us to live really. The difference between you and most other people is... Everyone else is keeping themselves busy, tricking themselves.

You want something to do? Find something/someone/somehow to occupy yourself. Something that you love and could never let go of. And just do that! It can be a hobby, a job, a love interest, even just spending more time with family. JUST GET OUT THERE AND DO IT. Nothing is stopping you really...

Also, when you think of suicide. It's gunna hurt the people you love a lot more than it'll hurt you. Don't runaway from your life just because it's insignificant
2015-05-01 19:26:31 UTC
Every person is entitled to whatever they want to feel for themselves, but if you feel like you don't wanna live anymore is a sad thing. There's a lot of things for us to be happy about and appreciate life. Most of it are those little things that we do or we use in our daily lives

For example, be thankful that you woke up today or for the hot coffee that you finished drinking. You can be happy just by doing simple things and sometimes people forget that. Whenever you feel lonely again, call a friend, go to a family member's house or go outside appreciate simple things and surely you will not feel that feeling anymore.

I know you're feeling really alone right now but always remember, you are alive because you have a PURPOSE. All the trials you are facing are just challenges that will make you a better person. Don't give up.
2015-04-22 20:27:24 UTC
I've felt like this and I can tell you it won't get better nor easier, at least not for a long while. Even then, you might still feel apathetic and think "why the **** am I doing this??? There's no point. People will eventually forget about you. Unless you leave behind a legacy like the cure for cancer you won't really be remembered. You work so hard in this life and you may just be rewarded when you're dead and buried and you may not. I imagine you don't want to die because you truly fear what happens after you take your life? Do you get tortured in a fathomless pit in hell, do you simply become some noncorporeal form like a "ghost", or do you simply become nothing. As obnoxious as human beings are they cannot fathom a world in which they cannot exist in one form or another. So random person, I wish you the best. Try striving for realistic goals to keep your mind off things.
2015-04-22 01:37:32 UTC
Okay, I'm going a little into my past and hopefully telling you this might make this feel a little better. Around Grade 5-8 I had severe depression and I had suicidal tendencies near the end of this problem. Nobody liked me in school and I was used for helping with schoolwork and then embarrassed in front of everyone because I was smart, different from everyone. One day I woke up and just told myself to be positive, to take everything I can with a smile and just ignore all the people who were hating on me. And now I'm happy where I am, and I'm a person who's tough to break. Everyone has those phases where they're confused about where they are at some point or another and yeah, suicide seems like an easy way out. But there are always people who love you for who you are and you're going to leave them behind. I dunno if this helps but music always seems to bring me up when I'm feeling down. If you're into rap, listen to Kendrick Lamar's "i". When a girl rejected me, I entered depression for a while but I kept this song on replay and I bet it will help you. Just remember that there is someone who loves you and they don't want you to go away from their lives. Keep on going and never look back. Never give up and face the day with confidence and courage. And if you need to overhaul your life, do it. Anything to make you happy again.
Asim Iqbal
2015-04-20 07:11:26 UTC
Suicide is not the way to go my friend, no matter how bad you feel. Think about the mark that you will leave for yourself behind in this world, you are young and will be perceived as a person that never lived up to their life potential.

You only have one life so is this kind of legacy you really want to leave behind?

Also think about your family that you will leave behind, killing yourself will affect these individuals also, so why be so selfish?. I am sure your parents didn't spend their time raising and loving a child just so he could turn around and top himself off.

Trust me when I say that this phase your life will suck because you are young and still in the development stage of your life and because of this you can't be in control of the choices in your life per say. As we get older our choices become more broader and we will find that socialising and mixing with people becomes more easier and that people can be more pleasant than we first thought.

The grass is always greener on the other side and please hold out and give it some time and I promise you everything will be better. I may not know you personally but don't deprive the world and yourself of a wonderful individual with a chance in life to go many places.

Oh and sorry if I came across a bit too harsh I guess its just the wake up call that most people need.
2015-04-25 17:25:56 UTC
I'm sure a lot of people had this feeling too. Just question yourself this: Do you really want to waste that one live you have just because of friends or looks or something? I wouldn't. I don't have a perfect life and neither does anybody else in the world. Try doing some activities or making new friends, trying new looks (I'm not saying you should Change your personality or something like that), just please don't think of wanting to die it's not worth it. In the future you will grow up with great possibilities and just so you know this is life. Ups and downs and don't take the road where deep inside you don't want to go.
2015-04-21 22:22:06 UTC
Well, I've thought like that--a lot. And I've never tried to kill myself. To me it just amplifies the notion that we're all alone and don't fit in, and that life is meaningless. And I see that there's a core of activity in the center...where the beautiful people have prepared for themselves, and now and later. And that's such a tedious contemplation, a nerdy, tiresome, boring, and unsupported point of view. And gets old quick.

Solution for me was don't think like that, be positive, meditate to manage stress, exercise.

The point is, you have you and need to make something out of this exterior, this shell. Most kids in school never get it and a small number live mindlessly. The rest are so confused they make everyone feel better. And I fed right into that weird, quirky way of life, never changing, never noticing. You must realize you are not alone in this life. The least you CAN do is talk to an adult, like a councilor or teacher. Or a clergy person. Growing up is f***ing the worse and we all stand outside this imaginary line, and watch others that aren't real, but represent. Well, have I said enough? It's an act of self-will, trust, and intelligence. You're at a funky age, so get over it, LOL, don't be so sensitive you can't laugh at yourself. Know what I mean? You can write at my email.
2015-04-20 23:58:29 UTC
I began to experience depression very young. I was as young as twelve years old when I first had suicidal thoughts. It worsened much through my early teens. That I could be clinically depressed didn't occur to the people around me. They assumed it was based on life issues and I tried counseling. Eventually I was diagnosed with clinical depression. It requires medical care just as other biological illnesses. The brain needs help to function as it supposed to, like diabetics need medications to keep their blood sugar at a normal level. It is no ones fault.

As an adult, I still have the illness and have tried several antidepressants to find whats work best for me , along with regular counseling to help manage it all. I am stronger and rarely feel like giving up.

I don't know that you have clinical illness (which is not that uncommon in any age) or issues in your life that you can and will work out on your own. Maybe both. I would seek counseling wherever you can find it. Professional. I don't know how old you are, or what kind of school you go to but if there is a school counselor, go to the them and don't hold back. You can even look up counseling services in your area yourself. When they ask what kind of counseling help you are looking for, just tell them, 'I've been really depressed and I don't really know what to do about it.' They will guide you from there.

Whether this is something that will simply pass by as you try to make your way, or suffer from clinical depression, guidance and someone to listen without judgement can be a good thing.

Never feel wrong for needing others to help lift you. You are not strange or weak.

Good luck and peace to you.
2015-04-20 13:15:55 UTC
I can't tell you to not feel that way, 50% of the time i feel the same way. I understand the pain and I want to die 50% of the time. But there is that 50% and you just need to find things you enjoy doing so you have something to live for. Then over time the pain will subside, i can't say it won't come back or bother you in the future. I can just promise you that if you try it can get better. And if you want to talk there are lots of people in the same situation on the internet. ( just obviously don't meet up with them or send nudes... pretty sure you understand e safety) and yes... the world is a bit of a crap place and when you realise it life gets hard... but ah well, life is short. If i can get through it so can you. x
2015-04-19 23:53:30 UTC
Well, looks like you've gotten yourself into quite a conundrum there, haven't you? Trapped between a rock and a hard place, as they say. And I know exactly why that is. Surely, I am conning you, right? That's what they all say, they have the solution. Except I don't get your money, so why would I lie? Here's the deal. Alice and Bob want to send a secret message to each other, so they go for a drive. Using their fancy-dancy brand new Global Positioning System gadget thingy, they get the route for, "Answervile" and follow the turn-by-turn directions. Well, this leads them to a nice few roads, but after a while, they are on some dark and bumpy roads, with fewer and fewer cars passing the opposite direction, and obviously, no streetlights at all (not like Alice or Bob would bother to look for road signs - DEAD END). So, after roughly 666 feet, suddenly their car goes off of a cliff! They both die crashing into some abyss, and their bodies are recovered. Turns out in the meantime somebody realized a way to read the last thoughts of a person, and both Alice and Bob knew that they had meant to type, "Answerville" instead of "Answervile"! Alas, they meet a vile fate and the answer to their little journey is death.

Evidently, we as a society are raising an entire generation of children similar in spirit to Alice and Bob. Kids who spend more time touching capacitors and staring at bright lights than playing in the grass and smelling the roses.
2015-04-20 21:45:20 UTC
I've never met you and I don't know you, but I am You. When I was a young man the world was a scary place, and Vietnam was also a scary place, just when I was suppose to be having the time of my young life everything changed, I was told that I was going to fight for my country, but I was sure that I was being sent to die for my country.I decided not to marry the girl I loved because I didn't believe I would ever return home. But I did, but she married someone else,and my life was over or so I though,

a couple of years later I met and married the love of my life and after 45 years of living and 15 grand and great grand children life changes again and I'm an old man and I wouldn't have missed it for the world and I hope you will one day be able to say the same. God be with you!!
2015-04-20 07:52:17 UTC
I'm sorry that you're feeling this way. You mentioned school, let me tell you that you have your whole life ahead of you. I can understand what you mean about the world being a mess, just looking at the news could depress anybody but you have control over your own life. Focus on yourself, do well in school and find a hobby that you can enjoy.

Maybe religion would be of help to you because a lot of people believe that this is not the end and things will get better one day. I hope you'll feel better :-)
2015-04-20 19:55:39 UTC
Life sucks. i'm sorry. I am in the same boat. i wish hypersleep were such a thing because trust me, id sleep until everything got better. Life is hard. But imagine it like a video. You just gotta keep clearing those levels until you pass to the ultimate level. You're always gonna have obsticles in your way. The best heros in history do. And maybe one day you'll be one of them. Don't sit there feeling sorry for yourself though. You should get up and do something about it. Life is meant to take action. And no matter how old, you have choices. You have options. You can change yourself whenever you want. I suggest reading the book " oh the places you'll go" by dr suess. it makes me cry everytime. Because there's so much truth behind his words. Life is your own book and your own game. You have to figure out how to beat the stages and write the chapters. However, if you terminate, you have nothing to gain. The game might get harder, sure, but you'll never gain anything from just locking yourself up and stopping it. Life is hard. So are video games. Imagine this is portal. You just need to try. and keep at it. You'll be fine.
2015-04-30 05:56:02 UTC
I've never met you and I don't know you, but I am You. When I was a young man the world was a scary place, and Vietnam was also a scary place, just when I was suppose to be having the time of my young life everything changed, I was told that I was going to fight for my country, but I was sure that I was being sent to die for my country.I decided not to marry the girl I loved because I didn't believe I would ever return home. But I did, but she married someone else,and my life was over or so I though,

a couple of years later I met and married the love of my life and after 45 years of living and 15 grand and great grand children life changes again and I'm an old man and I wouldn't have missed it for the world and I hope you will one day be able to say the same. God be with you!!
2015-04-22 09:13:01 UTC
Hey I know that there are a lot of answers on here already, but I hope you find mine. Look I just went through this about a year ago. I wanted to die because life sucked so much, but obviously I also didn t want to.

Life seems like it never ends with tradgeties and only gets worse and worse. Most of the time it seems like no one understands and honestly sometimes I cannot figure out why I chose to stay, even the moments where it is not being a complete pain, it can be dull and lonely. I have to say that I am a Christian and I believe that after I die I will go to heaven, which is MUCH better than the world, so there really seems no point in staying.

But if you stay and you look around a bit more you will find that there are things worth staying for. Whether it s for someone you love, saving other people who are more helpless than you, gaining friends (which you will and some good ones too), or just the beauty of everyday life. I know it seems nothing bu hopeless right now, but you will get there.

I don t know what else to tell you,honestly I m not sure what else I d tell myself if I were to go back a year. But you just have to trust me when I say that if you hang in there that you will find that moment, those friends, those days, that make you say "I m glad I m alive".

I m sorry that sounds really stupid, I just don t want you to die, nor do I want you to exist while you find no meaning in living. here s my email if you need to talk and trust me I know many people that feel depressed also, I ll give you the link to the website (no it s not really for depressed people but we all kind of are). Just keep going and trying you will get there evencually I promise.
2015-04-22 11:36:13 UTC
I am so sorry to hear you feel that way. Grant it you are not alone, there are thousands who suffer from depression or have some sort of feeling they do want to be here for one reason or another. True life is hard, we have to remember who the ruler of this world is; 1John 5:19.

Death can seem preferable to life when you feel that there is nothing you can do to improve your situation. But consider some avenues of help that are available to you. There is Prayer, People who Care, and Professional Assistance. REMEMBER THIS: It is usually not possible to climb out of a deep pit of depression by yourself. With a helping hand, however, you can succeed.

Maybe take time and focus on something positive, confide in someone you are close to.

The most important thing you can do is read the Bible. God's Word has all the answers to life's big questions. You don't want to die because we all have an innate desire to live forever, that's how we were created, turn to God. You will find joy and happiness when you begin to study the Bible, I really believe this..... Please take care and I hope you find comfort soon.
2015-04-24 09:23:33 UTC
look anyone can tell you something and try to make you feel better. but your the only on that can change your life. I know you have gotten lots of advice, but just read what I have to say. read the bible, if you don't have a bible go online to once you get there read john 3:16 and understand what that says. also read psalms 3. and read psalms 9. and don't feel like that's all you need to read keep reading the bible every day and don't stop.

if you do not believe in Jesus the messiah, think about those scriptures that I put up for you. ask the lord God into your heart and he will be with you forever. Deuteronomy 31:6
2015-04-19 17:58:22 UTC
Same with me.

You're going to die one day, anyway, so that covers that.

Until then, if you do the one thing you have always wanted to do in life, you will feel like living again. That thing, whatever it is, that's on your heart to do before you die, is your calling. Nothing will get rid of the desire to do it except for the completion of it. Nothing will make you as happy. If you do whatever that is, you will have lived. Only you know what that thing is. It could be writing a book, starting a business, having a child, anything. If you can pin point the one thing you have a huge desire to do, do that thing. That's how you will no longer have the feelings you have right now. It's the only way to alleviate the current feelings.
2015-04-30 23:18:51 UTC
You don't say what age you are but I'm guessing young. You haven't lived yet. No ones life is insignificant. Instead of focusing on what's wrong with your life focus on what's right with it. There is something to the old saying...stop and smell the roses. Next time you buy a 5.00$ cup of coffee buy one for the person behind you. You may make a new friend or at the very least you did something nice for a stranger. You never know what kind of opportunity may come from such a gesture. Good luck
2015-04-20 10:03:47 UTC
I was on yahoo to check and see if anyone answered my math question. After reading your post, I would have to say that to feel like you don't belong anywhere is sad and could make anyone feel sad. However, just because you can't find where you belong in school, your home or anywhere else doesn't mean you should kill yourself. It's tough to find out where you belong in society and sometimes question our worth. You, just like me or anyone else do matter. Our voices, in this case our messages can be heard by anyone. Don't believe me, look at the comments posted here. Around 70 or more people have came to say that you do matter (of course with some people that might post something rude or mean don't count). Anyways, right now you are sad because you feel insignificant, right? Some people might say that we are all insignificant and as individuals we don't matter. Not true, look at Martin Luther King as an individual he inspired many people to treat each other as equals.
2015-04-21 20:22:25 UTC
Honestly, in the big grand scheme of things few of us are all that important to the world, but that doesn't mean your not really important and special to someone. Nobody knows their purpose, no nobody is sure of anything. But you should still go on living, and try to find it.

I'm guessing your either in high school or collage? Let me tell you now, that is a hard time in anyone's life, and nobody feels like they belong. And maybe you don't, maybe you never will belong at your home or school, I didn't, but you do belong somewhere. Go on living and find that somewhere. I was just like you once, and I'm fine now :) always remember life is worth living and seeing where it takes you. You don't want to die for a reason, so go find what that reason is!
2015-05-03 14:09:48 UTC
There is never a true answer to these types of questions, but I can tell you this: you can only find your happiness if you try. Sometimes things like this is unfix-able because life isn't a movie where your bad relationships dissolve into good ones and all those rose colored scenarios. As much it hurts me to say this, life IS **** and that's not going to change and sometimes nothing in your life will ever get better...

But so what? If your parents can't give you happiness. Or your friends. You still have yourself and you can build yourself up. Learn to become independent and thrive. Live for yourself, and nobody else if there isn't anyone who'll be there. Everyone has their own definition of happiness and it's up to you to find your's. You need to start from scratch sometimes- start with your confidence in yourself.
Valen Dreugh
2015-04-20 18:11:51 UTC
Note: Please read the whole thing before assuming I'm about to go on some ramble, insulting you.

This is called being a teenager, it's not unique to you, it's something almost everyone goes through (if you're not a teenager, then you're just a late bloomer). We can't give you help, you can only help yourself. You seek others to help you when in reality no one can do anything. It will stop when you get past this phase of your life.

Ignore all advice people give you in regards to this subject, it will only impede you. You will naturally get over this, because you are going to learn more about yourself as you get older. Other people's advice is worthless, because they can't teach you anything about yourself as a person. No one can tell you what you should do, no one can tell you what goals you should have, no one can tell what to do with your life, no one but you.

I experienced this issue as a teenager, which was relatively recent, I realized that all I needed was to figure out the answers myself.

Along the way, you'll learn many things about yourself, you will learn what you want to do in life, you'll learn the things that are great about yourself, and what you need to improve, as well as the goods and bads about other people (Don't worry, the bads suck, but the goods outweigh it by far).

People will naturally dislike you because you are naive. That's not an insult, it's just something we all go through. Keep living, and it will be over, and this stage of your life will seem very silly to you, and others will learn to like you.

Basically, don't keep trying to get help, and don't accept help (unless you are SERIOUSLY contemplating harming yourself and/or others, in which case yes, please seek help). Other people will give you advice, but the reason you should avoid it is because they cannot possibly know exactly what YOU need to do in order to make yourself feel better, not even a psychologist can do this for you. The only one you should seek help from is yourself.

I've told many people this advice, often I've actually been a lot more direct and harsh with my words, but I've frequently heard that it helped, even though it can easily be seen as insulting. My advice isn't perfect, but it's not wrong, either. I wish I could word it in a way that would make everyone understand, but that's something I personally have to work on, is communicating it to others properly.
2015-04-26 05:51:34 UTC
Hey, everybody goes through this kind of feeling. I'm telling you now that things do get better, I promise. Suicide is not the way to go. It will only cause pain to those around you. I know it may sound hard but you need to try and be positive and happy, it can change things around you. Please suicide is not the answer. I know I don't know you but I don't want you to do that, just know that there are people here trying to help you out. Also you should try and talk to someone and see if you can get any other help. To keep your mind off things you should get into some sort of activities like sports. Best of luck to you! Remember suicide will never ever be the answer and only causes more pain!
2015-04-23 23:28:58 UTC
I think everyone goes through this "phrase" in their life. Whether the depression is after a breakup or after realizing you are just another simple person with no "real" purpose in a planet which is populated with 8 billion. I think you need a purpose to carry on.

For me it was 1 simple goal. When I got really depressed I said to myself, "Hey, if I'm going to suicide or not want to live anymore. I would do after completing 1 goal. It's not like I am in a hurry or something."

That 1 goal was to get some friends.

And that's it. I don't think that my life is boring or nobody likes me. And I never want to suicide until I get the 10 bucks my best-friend took as a loan last month and didn't gave it back. And I'm pretty sure he's never paying me back and for my sake let's hope he doesn't.
2015-04-21 03:19:33 UTC
Okay. I'll start from here, If you think you're worthless, compare your self, your life status, your positive experiences, your looks(I know you're attractive) to the low-class ones, the poor ones, the poor people living in Africa without sufficient food and drinks. Good for you, you can use and have your own computer and enjoy the social media world meanwhile other people doesn't have their own Personal Computer. It's just a matter of perspective. Focus on the positive side of life, don't overthink too much on your flaws, it doesn't help at all. Socialize more, bond more with the family and most importantly ENJOY AND LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST! God bless bro!
2015-04-24 20:27:09 UTC
Hey! Dying is not the answer. So what will you gain from dying really? Nothing. But you will be hurting your family -relatives- friends etc. As they will all grieve for you and make there lives miserable because you died. Quit feeling sorry for yourself. If your unhappy about your life. Change your lifestyle they way your living. And find something you like. And try and get someone else's attention who likes what you like. and walk up to them and say hi. And then say you know we have the same likes. As I enjoy that too. That will inflict a conversation between you and him. And maybe you and him can be friends and be more evolved with having more friends then. If you don't try ideas. You never will succeed. Because you already gave up and never tried to begin with.

I know people and kids can be mean and all. But you have to ignore the bad ones. And just work with the good ones in this world. Give it a try. And see if it works. Suicide is not the answer. I guarantee you that 100%.
2015-04-20 08:36:17 UTC
Well i know how you feel and its a horrible feeling. Im gonna go with a guess that you are always feeling sad and can't even feel when you are in physical pain, for example if you were to cut yourself you would not feel any pain. You need to remember that everything gets better with time. Its hard for me to say these things because i feel this way also. I don't understand why I feel this way and why you would feel this way also. Just remember that things always feel better. If you are a Christian then know that God made you to last a certain time and God would not have given you something that you can't handle. Just try to think of the positive things in your life and things will get better!!!!
2015-04-28 23:39:20 UTC
I have some of the same feelings. I've been depressed for about 1.5 years now, and have gotten a bit suicidal. I keep hanging on, because I know that some day, things will get better. People always say that, and sure, you get tired of hearing the same thing over and over again. But things do get better. There's so much for us to look forward to, and it won't happen if we commit suicide. To help you feel better, I recommend talking to your parents and friends. Meet new people. Learn new things. Pray. Change your scenery, if possible. Listen to music. I recommend the band Twenty One Pilots; they've really helped me a lot over this time. Look up Addict With a Pen, Anathema, Blasphemy, Fairly Local, Forest, Friend Please,Guns For Hands, Holding On To You, Johnny Boy, Lovely, Stressed Out, Taken By Sleep, Tear In My Heart, Tonight, Truce, and Whisper. The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance is also great. Draw, paint, write, or do other cathartic exercises. Run. You might also want to see a therapist. Talking things out will help. I hope you feel better, I'll pray for you. Please don't kill yourself, friend.
2015-04-28 12:19:09 UTC
If you don't want to die then find a reason to live. Try to make the world a better place. You start with yourself first.Do self evaluations on how you act and why you do the things you do.One you understand yourself better, you can discover where your talents lie.If you find yourself feeling better when helping people, maybe that will be your calling? Talented in music,writing,or art? Maybe you can bring divided people together by having people of all walks of life enjoy your art. Like to laugh and make others laugh? Give others a reason to laugh. After all,it is the best medicine.As my mom taught me growing up, you can't just sit there and cry about your problems all the time.
2015-04-25 00:23:51 UTC
I've been feeling the EXACT same way a lot recently! Believe me, you are not alone. Just yesterday I was horribly depressed. I felt so depressed that I thought that I was just going to die. I didn't want to live anymore, and yet I would NEVER kill myself. I just didn't know what to do with myself. I felt like all my hope was gone and all my dreams were crushed. It feels as though my life has just been completely shattered and everything is going wrong. Today I'm not as depressed as I was, but every so often I do feel really depressed again. We just have to keep reminding ourselves that things ALWAYS get better. And that suicide is NEVER the answer. Even when you feel like everything is hopeless and it's never going to get better, it will. Just be patient.
2015-04-22 08:04:13 UTC
I have a suggestion for you, it may seem stupid but it may not there is a book called the secret by rhonda burns try it out honestly it gave me some inner peace. When I was at school I was a lost soal and after a while you realise there is no point feeling this way. People who you feel have messed up the world - should make you want to strive to make your world a better place. As much as there are many bad things there are an equal amount of good things. New born babies - family friends a loved one in general the connection between a women and a man all the things that you will get to experience that make you realise there may be a purpose to this messed up exsistence.

No one ever teaches you at school life isnt easy and to be fair how boring would life be if life was to easy. Why not look at these feelings as a challange to make yourself a better person and to do things for other people and to do some things for you?

You seems farily young judging by the fact you said you were at school. Things will get better and remember IT CANT RAIN ALL THE TIME :-) Best of luck
Raymundo Rivas
2015-04-20 22:04:03 UTC
just live your life out till like everybody your time will come, do what was meant for you to do in this world we all leave our mark whatever and whenever it is it will just be the next come up to what is a part of you

some people live like it don't matter so that's a choice life don't have to end but since it wont gotta live with not wanting to die also! bye guy with help needed
2015-04-27 16:57:48 UTC
Friend, please don't commit suicide. These guys are right; suicide will hurt your friends and family (trust me, you have them, whether you realize it or not) a helluva lot more than you. I know this because a friend of mine, Izzy, committed suicide on May 8th of last year. I didn't know her too well, but the night she died, she messaged me on Facebook. She seemed incredibly sad, and she seemed to be looking for anything to save her. I realized only that first half. It hurts me so much, knowing that I didn't do anything to stop her. Of course, I didn't know what she was planning. But if I had been more inqusitive, or SOMETHING, she might've still been alive. Everyone you know will hurt. More than you can know. And trust me, this pain gets better. I feel like this all the time. It is a terrible place, this messed up world. It brings you down. But don't let it.

And yes, the world is a bad place. But it's also been much worse.

I don't know if this helped. I really hope it did. People love you more than you know. They're worth staying. So please do.

God bless, friend.
2015-04-22 19:57:35 UTC
YOU are very important to this world, and the world would be a very different place without you, although you may not know it yet, God has an amazing plan for you! :) Turn to the Lord, and allow him to lead you though or world today! I know that our world i in really bad shape, but it's important that you continue living to make a difference! :)

Life is a fragile thing, so nurture it, give your life new meaning... learn something new or try something new! :)

Have it it, the world has been waiting for you, so don't give up. People are influenced by other, there is nothing that you are doing wrong, you are just unique, and special, your peers may not know this, but it's those people who separate from the world that do great things! :)

2015-04-23 18:26:50 UTC
I have felt this way before, I just found a hobby that I fit into. I'm sure there is one for you! I found music and now I am starting youtube. Trust me, once you stop feeling this way, it feels so much better. I used to starve myself to fit into groups, I changed my appearance and the real me was leaving. Don't lose yourself in this! Another thing is that death is inevitable, but that doesn't mean you should kill yourself. let your time come whether it is an early accident or old age, but don't suicide! There is definitely meaning for you in this world, there is meaning for everyone in this world. You said that there was school problems, well a quote from Andy Biersack that played into my life was "When people hurt you over and over, think of them like sandpaper. They may scratch and hurt you a bit, but in the end you end up polished and you end up useless." You also mentioned home, if you don't like your house what I suggest doing is going some place else, I used to do this a lot. I would stay at a friends or go to youth/support groups. I'm sorry that you are depressed, but like Gerard Way says, "Everyone gets depressed.. it's normal." And believe me it is normal. So try a hobby, forget the things you are telling yourself, and enjoy life. Go on walks, pick up an instrument, try new things! I hope you feel better and I hope this helps. I bet you are a beautiful person inside and out (sorry if that sounds weird it's just no one ever said that to me when i was depressed no matter how much I wanted them to). One more quote that helped me before I go, it's from Gerard Way, "I am living proof that no matter how bad life gets, it gets better. I am Gerard Way, and I survived." I hope this helps! Be positive! Life Johnnie Guilbert says, "Life's a ***** don't quit, stay happy thug pugs!"
2015-04-21 11:05:07 UTC
Dude/Dudette ! I learned from life to not care too much about BS stuff. Crap will always happen. Just do what you have to do to survive and make sure you sneak in a bit of time to pursue your passion. 1 hour, 2 hours or whatever. My job sucks I don't like it but when I come home and watch movies, youtube or try to learn something online. Like right now I am trying to learn programming to make games and I really suck at it. He he. The thing is death will eventually come anyway. So try to get the best out of life. Your odds of being here on this planet are like winning the Lottery twice.

Scientists say that the distance of our planet from the Sun is one in a Zillion. If we were any closer we would fry and if we were any further we would freeze!. So, keep fighting life is up and down. There are bad times and there are good times. I am saying this from experience. If life was always good you won't appreciate it. So just wait and good things will come your way. Peace.
2015-04-22 10:06:05 UTC
This is natural and very normal. There comes time when almost everyone feels in the same way like you do. Whenever you feel like this, stay still, and stop doing social activities. Stop everything you do.. Don't rush for anything you want.. Stay in silence.

Try to write your feelings everyday.. free poems or any thing you like.

Take interest in arts/ nature/photography/music.

Forget about the world. Love arts.

Remember you are in this world just for once. You will never get this gift again. so don't waste it for some idiots who don't give a damn.
2015-04-22 21:58:40 UTC
I know what you mean I sometimes wish that there was a pause button so I can take a break from this world but sadly the only break I found was when I'm sleeping. So I savor each time I rest but each time I wake up I get things done even if I don't want to.
2015-04-21 12:32:27 UTC
It could be worse, my adopted sister was found deaf and half dead in a park her brother had no eyes and was found dead in another square, what do you have that these people don't? A loving family, a house to live under, somewhere that you don't fall asleep in fear of never waking up, look forward and have fun with your life, go,make some friends, and go be the best Pearson you can be

P.S if you need someone to talk to, email me. I'm not a rapist
2015-04-30 21:22:09 UTC
There's a clothing company that I follow. One of the things I love about them is their story.

On every item they sell, they have the following imprinted on it:

No matter my history, past mistakes, relationship status, or career choice, I am worthy of love. I am not defined by my past. I am prepared because of it. While my own voice and others may tell me different, I will lean into the safe people that affirm this way of thinking. When I encourage others to love themselves I am encouraging them to treat themselves with kindness, patience, respect, and all that embodies love.

We live our life knowing we have worth.

So Worth Loving. It's a lifestyle.

Lastly, I just want to say... you may be feeling the way you are... but NEVER give up.

The fact that you are breathing and here right now means a lot.

There are so many reasons to not be here... the world is scary and can be lonely...

but you're not alone and you can overcome the things and feelings you are going through.

If things don't get better... I recommend you to see a counselor or someone who can help you.

Find someone who is nonjudgmental and caring.

:) I love you stranger.
2015-04-25 19:35:18 UTC
start by eating good and taking a multiple vitamin with minerals daily for a while. If you're lacking the B vitamins you'd feel low all the time. Also get some sun and fresh air, get out and walk, and do some fun things outdoors, maybe even bicycle ride. That should help. If you still feel low then go to your doctor and ask for the specific test that tells what vitamins you are lacking, gives your blood pressure (which could be low), cholesterol and such and will give you a starting point.
2015-04-22 17:55:16 UTC
Everyone has a purpose i life. Don't give up on yours.

Everyone goes thru that type of phase and feelings. dont worry, it gets better.

If you feel like you don't fit in, then maybe you need a change: your daily routine, the friends you hang out with, or maybe the school you go to.

do you feel like your life is just boring, because sometimes we over think things and then we start thinking how **** life and the world is.

so just stop. Stop looking for a purpose, and start living, and soon, everything will fall into place.
2015-04-24 01:57:49 UTC
Some people can really get on your nerves in life but I think the key to it is to try not to let them. Don't ever let yourself be bullied either. Take the power back, ie your personal power.

Remember that you have as much right to be here on earth as anyone else. You are special in your own way as everyone is.

consult a doctor and discuss how you are feeling. You may need some counselling help and/or some meds.

Another way is to put yourself out life. Join some groups doing something that interests you.

Good luck hey.
Patti S
2015-04-24 19:24:48 UTC
Sweetheart. I know how you feel, believe me. But life is what you make it. Counseling might do you good. Didn 'do well for me buy you are young. I am 60 yrs. old. I lost my life partner a year and a half ago.. I feel like I have no purpose in life because Im disabled and not able to work anymore. I worked all my life. Now High School I didn't fit so I hung out with my boyfriend and his friends in another town. Life will never be a bed of roses dearie. After the bullshit in school comes the work-place. It ain't no better! same trifling people in High School has to have something to be going on about somebody or something that they are jealous of so they got to make it rough for you. I say FK them people and find a place in your heart and mind and go with it. You got to find you and fix you and learn to love yourself. How are you going to love anyone if you can"t love yourself first. Put yourself first-figure out where you wanna be and go be the best that you can be child. Learn to love yourself first. And fix you and don 't worry about the others. You will find people that feels and likes the same things you do. You just got to look for it. Its not going to be handed to you on a silver platter
2015-04-29 17:11:12 UTC
I think there's no point in life. It's you the one who gives it a meaning, a purpose. It wasn't your choice to come to this world, and you'll die someday for or against your will. Most people are absolutely selfish and narcissistic. They only care about themselves. You can't trust anyone but you. Yet you are as precious as any other human being, so if others find life meaningful and beautiful, why don't you? If others would fight to make their dreams come true, why wouldn't you?
2015-04-23 07:48:12 UTC
Hey honey! I understand why you are feeling that way. It is not about living or dying but it is all about finding who you are. I used to be as confused as you are but when life gets rough you will suddenly learn to love yourself and do things that are good for yourself. Start accepting yourself, learn to make relationship with people who are real and not the ones who will just ruin you. There are so many people out there that could be a good influence. Just let things be and happiness will come to you. Satisfaction in life doesn't come naturally, it takes a lot of work. Love yourself and forget about the people around you who are not doing good things. That is what I did. I started building myself and now I am very successful and satisfied in life. I embraced the world's imperfections perfectly and that helped. This world is not and will never be perfect, that is part of living. You can always reach me through my blog at I give advice based on my life experience. You are not alone and you are not the only one feeling that way. You just need someone to talk with and guide you to whatever it is that you are looking and I am here for you.
2015-04-20 13:22:17 UTC
I know the feeling pretty well. Where you don t want to die or kill your self but you kind of just want to cease to exist for a while. I don t know how I ve gotten through it each time but it always seems to work out in the end. I just focus my attention on something that can t really fail me (personally my horse riding). So I would suggest going out there and finding a hobby that you enjoy. It could be a sport or music or literally anything! A great part about this is you also get to meet people who enjoy similar things! :)

I hope you feel better soon and if you ever need someone to talk to, I am always here x
2015-04-20 06:55:08 UTC
Linda, honey, just listen. You create your own world. If you want something different, if your current life is too restrictive and monotonous, create a new one that interests you. The concept is simple, the implementation of the concept takes discipline. Whatever your current situation, if it turns out you truly love to write, for example, and always have, or if there is anything that you have always found some amount of pure joy in, immerse yourself into it, find out ways that people make money in fields related to it, around it, and then do whatever you have to do to slowly redirect your life path into revolving around the activity you love.

If you don't love anything, learn to love learning. There are many skills, abilities that you may not have currently, that you can develop if you find yourself bored or unchallenged. We don't know what happens after this life, it's so worth it to say to yourself 'I will accomplish this thing that I have love for', and then to do whatever it takes, and to take as long as necessary to accomplish it.

Force yourself into new experiences, if necessary, I promise once you find that thing on this earth that interests you enough to spend time learning about it each day, your life will develop a true purpose. This new found purpose will make the little things in life that are so hard right now, life family gatherings, whatever it may be, a lot more enjoyable. Live the life that you want to live. Be kind to others, always communicate, but live your life exactly the way your heart tells you to, and never give up.
2015-04-26 10:47:56 UTC
I felt the exact same way a couple years ago. Don't try to end your life, I did, and I know now it would've been a mistake.

Use one of your dreams in life to work hard at something, find something to be passionate about, and go crazy for it. Don't use the feeling of not feeling important to keep you from getting out and trying new things. By going to concerts, or going on a road trip, or finding a job you love, or even just have a goal for yourself like graduating high school or college, or getting your dream job, and working towards it step by step each day, you'll learn new things about yourself that you would miss out on if you didn't put yourself out there.

Bake, find cool DIY projects to do, go to antique stores, go to the zoo, try exercising more, I know that for me, physically working towards become a healthier and stronger me has helped me focus on my own happiness.

create a bucket list for yourself. Take a few minutes to expand your mind and open your eyes to all of the great amazing things there are going on in the world that you could possibly be a part of. Don't give up though. You have so much to do for yourself in this life, don't limit yourself.
2015-04-19 23:09:07 UTC
Believe me, I understand your pain. Sometimes the world is extremely stifling--it seems like horrible stores are coming down on all sides. But here is what I would recommend. Volunteer. I know it sounds cheesy, but if you volunteer at an animal shelter or an old person's home or a soup kitchen, you can see people surrounding you that are truly good. You can find a place to belong while realizing that there is a different world from the one we see every day. A better world.

I hope that you can feel better, and realize that there is so much to live for.
2015-04-21 00:13:00 UTC
You're not completely alone. Maybe you are more intellectual than your relatives/peers. I like to educate myself about all things science and nature. It gives me meaning to life that can't be found from the morons i am surrounded by. People really are so ignorant and naive where i'm from. Maybe Smoke weed and become an artist of some kind. If it's legal where you're from of kowrse bwamahhwa aha.
2015-04-21 09:09:19 UTC
Because you feel like there is something out there great waiting for you, because you have a wonderful life ahead of you. Because you have a mission, a purpose. Because there is no one in this world so intricate like you.

Heard those before?

I hear them all the time, but no matter what, I can't change. No one can save me from this depression, these horrible thoughts in my mind. Perhaps, I should leave here, go far away.

The only thing we can do is wait, so that time washes all the pain away. Only time, and one day, you and I, we'll be living, laughing, with love at it all.
2015-04-19 21:40:25 UTC
Your skin is not paper, don't cut it

Your face isn't a mask, don't hide it

Your size isn't a book, don't judge it

your life isn't a film don't end it.


wow sorry got a little carried away there but mark my words you do this i don't think you want to go down this path just look at this picture hopefully it will change your mind (;
2015-04-22 11:47:25 UTC
You are not looking at the world correctly. You are looking at the world from the currently popular paradigm, and with a very limited framework of information.

The world is not a horrible place. Surely, it's not hard to find places where dreadful people do dreadful things. You can only expect to make a little space on this planet where you can affect things and make them better for you and yours. That is all you need to worry about: Making a space for you and yours.

As you do that, you can expand out further and further. Eventually, you will find others like you who will want to live like you do (let's call them friends and allies). Perhaps your space for you and yours will become so large, it will improve everyone's lives. Yay!
2015-04-21 12:04:23 UTC
There's a reason for why we're here, you need find yourself. Learn how to love yourself first. If you don't love yourself how are you gonna know why you're here? Life is beautiful even if there are so many bad things going on. We're here for a reason. You do belong here and you have to overcome every obstacle that's making you think all those negative thoughts.
2015-04-28 16:10:29 UTC
I don't know you but I also felt like there was no meaning to life. But one day I decided to do things I wanted I hanged with friends and family,Went out with the dog soon I realized that life has no meaning but It's up to you to find something don't let any one tell you what to do. Just live your life and do what you love.
2015-04-22 11:39:39 UTC
Well i have depression too,i'd felt like this multiple times and i even cut myself once just because i was so sad and stress.If you don't want to die and you don't want to live ,you're really saying what you want to be in a hospital or somewhere kidnapped.That didn't make sense ,it's going to be things in life that you're going to have to deal with.I have depression i know how it feel
2015-04-21 18:22:43 UTC
Hi there, My name is Jessika! And I'm here to help you figure this out... Just calm down and breath. Even if you don't want to live anymore but you also don't want to die. You think you don't want to live but sense you don't want to die either that means someone out there is telling you to stay! I may not know you but your special in your own way. Nobody is perfect.
2015-04-24 20:51:31 UTC
As I have read all the other honest posts, it pains me to know that this is the truth and most will not tell what they feel but thru a mere anonymous text. I am a war vet from Desert Sheild/Storm and have suffered immensely in different ways. I wasn't and am still not understood. I feel I am a stranger among those I knew. However; what has really helped me was the power of prayer. I have found peace where there was none, let go of all the mean, vengeance in my heart and have found joy, real joy. Try it.
2015-04-20 07:00:45 UTC
If you.need a to.listen I'm here. Its not a good thing to.go.through. I to know what's it like. everyone is something in this world. Don't speak I'll of yourself. Your perfect your you.
2015-04-20 22:39:30 UTC
How about this instead of whining about it go take of people who make you feel like this. Or just don't listen to them. I go through this **** all the time I usually just play soccer or hang out with people I feel comfortable with. Or alone. You could also cry.... I know it sounds like a pu$$y move but its a natural reaction. Punch a wall do something but stop feeling still have a porpose in life .if its the loss of some one who loved you they're following you and leading the way to success . Just remember life isn't always easy
2015-04-26 09:26:36 UTC
Suicide is the worst idea ever. .. trust me it can never be the solution. NEVER! !! It's like you are leaving... giving up! !

Your problem is I guess inferiority complex. Try to get out of it by having a positive attitude towards life. Increase self confidence. ... well its not as easy as it sounds I admit. Yet u must try. Belive me ur family loves u and have faith in urself.

U can consider visiting a psychologist. Try doing things that make u happy (that doesn't mean u can gulp bottles of beers or smoke like hell). Polish ur positive sides and don't corner urself. Talk to

Others. Try to give your opinion and go for a short trip. U can read inspirational books.

Again I'm ssaying killing urself is a bigger crime than murdering. Have faith. Believe u have a purpose to serve. I'm suggesting u a movie ""The gifted hands"

As it inspired me a lot. All the best dear :)
2015-04-20 20:26:11 UTC
This is a good start-- to voice your truth to a mostly anonymous, safe and non-judgemental 'cyber therapy session.' But I agree with some of the other posters-- you need another human being, another soul on this Path of the Riddle of Life, one who can look into your eyes with some sincerity that yes, you are going to be alright. There are people who die each day in this life, and the transforming back into Light is not the problem; it's the feeling of being trapped, having to suffer in this state of being that is truly unpleasant, even hell-like for some, myself included. It may be a good thing to have encountered this seemingly non-negotiable state of inner unrest however. You may find some peace underneath it all, again with the help of a compassionate guide; someone who like you has had it with trying to make sense of a world that seems to lack it, and yet still derive some meaning and purpose from of it all. You may be called to embrace, inquire about spirituality. This is not to be confused with religion. You need a realization of peace not just an idea of it. "Religion is for people afraid of going to hell; Spirituality is for people who have been to hell." That my friend, is where it sounds like your are at the moment-- the mind is very convincing with a loud booming voice of conditioned judgement. But try not to believe everything you think. In the meantime, make a simple intention to draw close to/attract a person to share with, in person this pain. It will surprise you how powerful you really are. I personally have learned, that Life is not for the purposes, reasons and dictates that society and conditioned learning place on it-- it's what YOU make of it. It's like a playground/classroom all rolled into one. When this class/play ends you will move to the next lesson. No one judging you but ultimately yourself. And if you are dissatisfied this is good news. It means you are not just ok with what the world thinks is ok--- you are could be a pioneer with the heart/passion for resolve and real positive change. Just gotta get plugged into the right 'light socket';)) Will be thinking of you Friend-- don't give up yet! xxxooo
2015-04-22 18:33:20 UTC
The most important phrase in your intro is "don't wanna die". That means you wanna live. Yes the world is a horrible place. But it is also a wonderful place. the pain and the pleasure are both inevitable. We too often see the nasty people and don't see the decent, fun people. There are people who will accept you for what you are. A human being with the ability to laugh and cry and sometimes f*** it up and sometimes to get it right. You are just one of us mate. Just one of us.
2015-04-20 23:39:22 UTC
Please get help. That's your depression talking. Your depression isn't you. It's a sickness in your brain. There is a way out though. A therapist could help you. Meditation could help you. Helping someone else, like volunteering for a charity, or at a hospital or animal shelter, could help you. There's plenty of life left to live. You can still find what you're looking for- or find something even better! Don't give up! Please!
2015-04-22 09:30:25 UTC
Life is full of opportunity, by ending it you end the possibilities that lie before you.Sure life looks grim all around you but you can turn out to be one who makes a difference in the world. Whether it be helping others be happy or just genuinely being there for others. I have the same issue as you do. Look for things that are meaningful to you and do them more often. Find what makes you happy and hold onto it, whatever it takes. Things will become better. The people you know now are not infinite, school is temporary. Why end your life when you don t even know what you ll become yet. You will meet newer and better people that may turn out to be life-long friends that are there for you. Just hang in there and find what you were meant for. Focus on becoming the person you want to be and just find things that make living worth while, even if they are small little details.
2015-04-25 23:11:00 UTC
Ok I have no idea who u r but I'm want to tell u my story I was in 6th grade now I'm in 7th but during that school year I went through some tough times I runaway from home because I hated my aunt (I'm adopted by my aunt) and all I had was a pillow and I sat under a Bush and thought to myself why did God bring me into this world if he loved me so much I thought for along time and I realized I didn't need anybody so I went back home a few months after that my other aunt went missing and soon after she had passed away under a Bush and I started cutting myself and tried to hang myself I just couldn't find a quicker way to get out of this world I eventually got caught by my aunt so I stopped but in the middle of 7th grade in January it was the anniversary of her finding I started again I couldn't find happiness anywhere in my life so I thought I should give up so I was about to kick that chair from under my feet when my little brother comes in and asks way I'm doing..... so here I am today
2015-04-19 18:22:36 UTC
By giving to others (compassion) and not giving up on yourself, great things will happen to you. Think positive or the negativity will eat you up. Be happy... also don't kill yourself one day you'll be thankful that you didn't die. Life is a gift and you should live in happiness. you have the right to be happy and so does everyone else.
2015-04-19 20:53:28 UTC
I don't have any useful tips, but once I got past the point of not feeling anything. I started cutting and self harming. Don't let it get that far, find something that makes you feel. A new hobby? Religion? Make a new friend? What ever you do, just don't do something that will hurt yourself. Its adictive.
2015-04-29 10:27:56 UTC
'Suicide is a permanent answer to temporary problems'. I too once before thought like this and had no one to really count on, no one that I considered a 'friend', but PLEASE do not do it. I'm about to go onto A Levels and I've got a fantastic group of friends. Do you really want to be remembered as the kid that passed so young and never lived up to their full potential? Do you really want to hurt all those close to you by taking your own life. Think of your parents/carers. How upset will they be? Things get better my friend, make sure your around to see it :)
2015-04-21 08:42:42 UTC
Don't kill yourself. You are not thinking of how many people you will hurt. People love you they just have a funny way of showing it. If your problem is money go join the Army, or Air Force. The army pays a $20.000.00 sign up bonus to you going in the army, air force, or navy, but know this you will have to go in. Girls join the,Army, and the Air Force all the time. My son is in the Army National Guard, and he has been around the world.You also get to pick your own job. You don't have to be on the front line shooting at the enemy. You can be working as Ƥ driver, mechanic, become a pastor in Military. There is a list of jobs to choose from. Go in a recruitment office near you, and tell them you want to go in the Air Force whether you pass the test or not.
2015-04-21 12:23:32 UTC
I get very depressed very often and doctors just want to put you on medication to either numb the depression or take it away with pills. I found that in order to feel better within my own self is to get out of myself and do something that may sound totally stupid but, to others would find very rewarding. That

"thing" I am talking about is Volunteering somewhere. A community center for those affected with all sorts of issues such as depression. Or a place that you already have experience in doing on your own to help those who don't have experience.

I am here to tell that by my doing volunteer work. My self esteem rose tremendously! Which helps take away the depression. Also, gives me motivation to do other things I have never tried before.

I had to go outside of my little "box" to find what it was to be a part of or to just experience. In order to see what will be something I want to pursue. Isolating at home by myself, feeling sorry for myself, only gets bigger and harder to get out of. Anyway, I have tried suicide a few times. Now, when I go "there", I think of what would happen if I wasn't successful at ending my life and wake up paralyzed from the neck down. Imagine that? Humm!!
Alvin B
2015-04-22 06:58:35 UTC
I don't know. I am almost 70 years old and I have often felt just like you, except I sometimes did want to die. Over the years, i've learned that the only time I am happy is when I am working on some project that I imagined and means something to me. Sometimes I just go out and start doing things. One thing leads top another and i lose my woes in the movement. I forget all about feeling lost and forsaken with no one who gives a krap about me. When i was young, i wuld gt down, and i would just run myself into exhaustion.

Two general reasons for depression: Either you are not doing enough, or you are trying to do too much. We need direction with goals and focus. If we lack that just start doing constructive things and direction and focus will emerge. My uncle commited suicide. My mother commited suicide. My father went off of his blood pressure meds whe he was ready to go. All three of my sisters were sometimes suicidal. Almost 70, and I'm still here. I am going to get something done today. My grandkids don't like to come to my house, because I work too much.

Social media, and video games can kill ya. If you are able, socialize face to face with people. I am not very social, so I work. I really did not want to post this, but posting on the net is like a job to me. Keeps me alive. But you have to be constructive to feel constructive. So get off of your "poor me" duff and get to crackin. Create! You will feel great!
Liberty F
2015-04-20 10:49:29 UTC
you were born for a purpose. You don't want to die, but you probably don't want to live anymore like this, then you need to do a change. Change something, what you do or where you live. And eat better, to improve your mood.
2015-04-22 13:48:45 UTC
You can't just let go your life. You are young and there is a lot of things you haven't seen yet. Think on your family, how would they feel... I know how are you feeling now but ask for a help. This doesn't seem like something what will just disappear.
2015-04-20 11:49:47 UTC
I was close to where you are in many ways, except for just wanting to LIVE! I didn't know how. I was bullied constantly till I was doing my post grad work and later on a couple of jobs. I was lucky to have a 3 really good friends and a few more casual ones.

I came from a village with a culture that caused me not to fit in anywhere "normal" (Woodstock, N.Y. It's more than a dumb Rock Orgy!) where many where exceptionally humanistic and creative individuals (the norm there) and my parents were both a bit unsane and creative people. Even with my friends I had to hind the creative part of myself (A literary scholar said "I have the soul of a poet," but I can't write creatively = a pain) from everyone and show only parts that others could except (I was also born a gearhead!). Most of all I just survived till I happen into a couple of situations where most were and are appreciated for who they are. One was a tiny village in far northern N.Y.S. and the school there and the other was becoming part of the auto "Racing Fraternity. These all treated almost everyone as they should have been - very rare in this world.

Explore your interests. If you don't think you have any, try a bunch of things (not drugs as real life is a far "better trip") and you will very likely find some tings you are drawn to and some people who make you feel at home. I used to be welcome in my village and at work and with my few friends and around the oval race tracks (till I drifted away from that due to time and $$$), but truly belong nowhere.

When I was 40 I met a lady who made me feel wanted for who I am (still does despite being severly disabled now). She filed a serious emptyplace in my life despite my loosing my job and my real home. It's ok where I am as loong as I pretend to be "normal," but I can get to my old village in 1/2 hr and it's the same place I stopped living in 28 years ago despite many changes on the surface.

There is a place for you.

Life is never easy, but the struggles can bring great rewards (on occasions). It's sure worth going on.

Some of us need to change where we live and how we live and what we do for work so we can feel healthy (So many of those who crave power and money die young!). College towns and campuses can be good places to find a purpose in life as can hanging out with people who do something you find interesting (carpentry, computer science, work with people, work with dogs - list is endless.

Oh I have always loved animals (especially cats, dogs and horses. For practical reasons I can only have a dog. I found a puppy in the road nearly 36 years ago and kept her. I've had a dog in my life except for a total of 9+ months since. Each has been special and 2 amazing with one incredible. I loved her as much as my wife (That's a L O T!), but in a different way. Dogs fill a certain emptiness in me nothing else can. Of course they can't replace the truly rare humans like my wife would be, even, if we did not "hit it off." So, just keep on and don't believe any of those with simple, easy "formulas." They only work for simple problems, like phobias (I had one once.).

I wish you good luck, the chance to let good luck happen and inner peace, who and weehre ever you find it.
2015-04-20 18:58:18 UTC
I've been going through this recently, today actually. I stayed home writing suicide notes and letters and what I wanted to say and who I wanted to say them too. Then I looked at myself in the mirror and really looked at myself, truly looking at myself. I said, "Nothing matters. Just ******* do it." Then I looked out a window and focused on the outside. Without you the world it would become imbalanced. Every piece of your being has a point and a purpose. Don't become another statistic towards suicide. Become something that you don't think is ****** up and work on bettering yourself into a person that you want to see.
2015-04-21 03:27:42 UTC
I'm sorry you feel that way and you're not the only person who feels like that. It sounds like you are depressed and should probably be seen by a doctor. I have felt the same way and was able to get on an antidepressant. I also helps to have someone you can talk to that isn't going to judge you.
2015-04-26 13:10:32 UTC
Sometimes you feel bored, but you continues living anyway because no matter how far we went we will not be able to kill ourselves eventually because we are coward.

I'm going to talk to you in an honest way. No one will care if you sad, or you want to kill yourself; because they all have theirs matters and concerns. We came at a time where no one cares about the other one. Peoples nowadays are selfish, and I don't know blame them, it's just how the things works in this world that forces them to become selfish.

Complaining about how ****** up this world is not going to change it. It's you that can change his life. It's you that can make himself happy (I'm not talking about the world I'm talking about you). Believes me there are a lot of things that we can do in this life. It's just us that we don't know how to find them, and you lives only once, so enjoy your stay.
2015-04-24 19:32:05 UTC
It greatly saddens me to know that you feel this way, because I know what it feels like, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies. Everything really is pointless, people create artificial usefulness by setting a goal to always strive for, but then feel devastated when they don't reach it. Even if they do, there's alway something else to achieve, something else to strive for. But you know what I've found? It's dangerous to place your meaning and worth in something that is unstable because if it falls through, everything you are falls with it. People put their worth in success, money, good grades, powerful positions, stable jobs, a significant other, or even health, but none of these things can be taken for granted. You could lose any one of them in a blink. All your life's strivings reduced to one decisive momentā€¦ okay, I think you get the picture. But picture this: what if you could put all your trust and worth in something that will last forever? Something that, no matter where you are, who you are or what you've done, you will still have infinite value? Well I've discovered that it is faith in God.

I'm currently a college student at a prestigious university, but I found myself on academic probation and at risk for loosing my scholarship money which was the only way that I could attend. Faced with possibly having to leave the school, simultaneously leaving behind two years of hard work, and abruptly loosing friendships that I had just began to develop, of course I was devastated. But I didn't stay that way for long. While I was toiling away at the books, I had also been doing work for God's Kingdom, and what I had learned through serving God while at school was something that would stick with me no matter what happened. What's even better, is that I realized that I can serve God no matter where I am. So I was at peace with the possibility of leaving. However, that was not God's plan! This semester I'm off of academic probation, and will pursuing a medical degree! It's something that I never even thought I could do, but with God, everything is possible! Imagine what would have happened if I had decided to stop living, it may be an attempt to escape the painful things, but you miss out on all the blessings as well.

Please reach out to someone you trust when you're feeling down! You can make it! You are a special person, and you know what, no matter how many times you f'd up God still loves you! It's crazy, I know I've disappointed Him (as well as myself and people around me) so many times, but His love is limitless! He loved us so much that he sent is only Son Jesus to die and pay the penalty for our sin and what we've done wrong so that our relationship with God can be restored. So don't give up, keep fighting! I'm praying for you <3
2015-04-20 07:58:39 UTC
you belong somewhere you are amazing you have started your life i'm having the same problem but the best thing i have done is not harm myself and tried everyday to get on with ting try to find out why you are feeling like this tell a family member or close friend to help you it's a hard time of your life if you can make it through it if somebody is making you feel like this go to a much more postive envorment maybe therpey or doing something you enjoy will help

i care about you

2015-04-21 15:50:46 UTC
I feel the same way sometimes my friend. The world is quite cruel and yes, I admit, that I think about suicide, but I think again. It is not an answer, it will not make it all go away, so just keep your head high and don't look down, cause you know what? if you look down, it's easier for others to bring you down, and I learned that lesson the hard way. Keep your head high and keep it going! :) I hope this helps at all! ;) :) (With lots of care/love [not in a creepy way ;)] )
2015-04-20 09:07:25 UTC
Something people forget is that taking your life is permanent, no coming back, no "oh I'm kidding", no start overs. Please do not take your life, your friends and family do not deserve the tears. Just remember that. I say just get out there, you might have forgotten that there is a whole other world than what you are viewing right now. Finding new friends is hard but you should give it a try, and maybe talking to your family might benefit you in the long run. I know easier said than done but trying never hurt anyone. :)
2015-04-20 13:33:57 UTC
I am sorry you feel that way. But just hold on, put one foot in front of the other. If it persists you MUST go see a professional and see what they can help you with. Don't give up. Seek help immediately. Don't let it get bigger than it is now. Ask an adult, please do not suffer anymore.
2015-04-21 09:17:15 UTC
as a young man I lived in a house where my mom was a boozer

I didn t know she was until she got sick and went to hospital when she came back she was not drinking anymore she had a stroke and only remembered before I was born crazy as it was , I still had love for her I still think about her and all the terrible times she went through after joining the Army during a very long peace time it was fun for a while I learned a lot hanging with great people, many who were the same as me didn t have an idea of what I should do for the rest of my life I finally found a man who I could really learn from he gave me help when ever I was confused as you are now, they call it a mentor when I wanted to know what my next move would be I could call him and he would give me a bunch of different choices but all in the right direction , I had the same problems as you are now but I lived through all the crap life would hand out . I hope your not lazy or just saying this stuff to get attention because your problem has many hundreds of thousands of Canadian youth are saying just what your saying , my suggestion to you is if you can get school counselling don t wait just do it if your friends think your nuts that to bad by getting counselling your headed for the rest of your life one day you will look back and laugh but right now you have to get off your *** and quit complaining about what others are doing to you make your own life and if it doesn t suit you then move you get your own food get a job and get moving your just waiting for a hand out grow up life sucks only if you let it suck
2015-04-20 18:21:45 UTC
It will get better I promise! I'm 18 and I was in the same position until I opened the bible, it may seem cliche but if you live through Christ that will bring you true happiness, you are worth something don't ever give up on yourself
2015-04-20 14:13:40 UTC
I know exactly how u feel.Its like nothing you ever do is good enough, its like your a waste of space and you keep on taking wrong turns that leads you to dead ends.I just want to tell you your life is precious, you are here for a reason and you have a purpose.No matter how small you feel never forget that there is someone looking out for you always.You are important, remember that.There will always be people who bring you down even when you have done nothing wrong, unfortunately we live in a world full of people like that, they are the ones that **** up this world, not you.I think you are very brave to open up like that and if you open up to your family or close friends they will surely support you and be that shoulder you need to cry on, be that voice to tell you to keep on going even when times get tough.I dont know what exactly has happened to you to tell you this but i know for a fact as soon as u open up, life will get better!

Chin up beautiful

You're a star in someones eyesšŸ˜Š
2015-04-25 21:00:47 UTC
Someone, something, got u in this world for a reason so you have to live. Many people have a rough childhood. I had no parents, no friends and I lived in a foster home The place was owned by a drunk man I had no friends and no one told me violence was wrong I punched every kid in school Bcuz that's the way I knew to deal with mean insult kids I had 2 sisters, which were afraid of me for that But I went through Unfortunatly my life was in the army I shot and killed people for a living I feel bad for that At that time I wanted to pull the trigger on me Then I thought of my sisters The one which I stole food with (we had no money in childhood) who I cared for The only family left The girlfriend I had that I loved The niece that I had that was about to turn 2 was I going to leve that behind?

Watch this, this is what guidid me should guide u 2

Remember, there are people that care, ur gonna have a family, and a destiny awaiting, God knows, u could be the man that leads the u.s out of debt, do somthing, don't mourn about ur feelings, get stronger from it

In the army, every time my opponent got me, I got stronger, every time I got stabbed, I learned, every time I got shot, I grew.
Marie Pansino
2015-04-25 20:55:27 UTC
There is always a reason for a person to be living. You need to find something you love. When you do you will never wnt to lose it. Now matter how s**tty you feel, you always look forward to it. Options; reading, art, writing, blogging, youtubing, and/or watching a person on youtube who makes you lagh and makes you forget about the world. As for people making the world crap, you can't do anything about them. Their minds are already made up, they keep doing what they do. You can only worry about yourself. Just stribe to be the best you can. It is not always going to work but you only learn from the mistakes you made. You know not to do the things you did before. Hope this helps.
2015-05-02 18:59:58 UTC
You can try very hard to force yourself out of depression, but people don't understand we are not in control of these sad thoughts. Please get medical help. Don't be hard on yourself. I have tried for a year to get the right medicine. Finally this month I got the right combination. So don't give very hard at finding the right psychiatrist. It's not your fault. It's not your fault! Happiness is around the corner.
2015-04-20 12:59:48 UTC
Hello i'm 19 years-old and i'm like ya,everyday living but don't want to stay alive,you need hold tight in this life man,i know it's hard.What i want to stop feel this things a little and get over my mood is Code,read,learn languages,create games etc,do things that you really enjoy to do,'cause it makes me happy.Beyond create thing is nice,it's not only good for me but other people can enjoy it.One thing that i love too is help somebody or be handly.

On average we became stay sad when we are a teenagers,this phase show us the people,who they are...

Please hold contact with me if you want

ericmatheusdias type it on facebook,first that appears with a wolf picture is me.
2015-04-20 18:24:22 UTC
Pick up a book on Buddhism. It will totally change your life and you will appreciate every second you spend meditating on the philosophy. Just don't worry about rebirth (reincarnation). That stuff will make your head spin and throw up a bunch of questions that can't be answered. Just learn to meditate and ponder the teachings of the Buddha and you can finally achieve REAL peace of mind.
2015-04-19 14:12:54 UTC
I know how you feel. I think what helps is to aim for something far away and still achievable so you've got something to wake up to. Like a degree you want. In fact, it doesn't have to be ideal. Just smth that you can at least glimpse a future you doing.

I know the world seems f*cked up but maybe there's a way to help unf*ck things? Idk, just smth to look forward to.

Besides that, get help. Counsellors - online, on the phone or just face-to-face. Don't just depend on them though, you've to convince yourself you want to be alive before they can help. You're halfway there so I hope you keep going forward :) It might be scary to talk but damn, it sure is a load off.

You might just be living day to day now but please do something! All the best!
2015-04-20 17:10:08 UTC
I've felt like you before. I've thought about suicide, I've been depressed, I've cut, etc. But it's not the way to love your life. Just think. When youre laying on your death bed, gasping for life, wanting more time, you wouldn't want to look back on this and think of all the time you could've been living. All the time you could've spent with friends, family, pets, everything. You matter. I know I don't know you but you matter to me. Everyone good matters. Your mother carried you for 9 months, and then gave birth to you. Your mom loves you. Even if you think she's mean, she still loves you. Someone in this would loves you With all their heart. Please stay strong. I doubted myself before. Everyone does at ome point in their life. But I've gotten better. It will for you too. And just remember This: suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I hope you learn to love yourself. You only get one life. Live it! <3
2015-04-20 00:48:44 UTC

I can understand some of what you are going through. I had a period in my life where I felt as though I had no one. I was tired of living the same routine. I would have lapses where I had to talk to myself to get out of bed, and brush my teeth. I would cry constantly and wanted to be alone all the time. I would try to talk to my mom but she didn t understand what I was going through. Until one day I realized that the reason why I was so depressed was because I hated myself. I believed that my living was ruining other peoples lives. Soon though I had come to accept myself and my flaws as a human. I have times when the stress piles on and the world does a flip, but I remember about my goals and the future that although I can t see is right there. Remember that although you find it so hard to go on and your just gasping for air, be selfless. We were made for a reason and that reason is to live for others, it might be difficult to understand, but you soon will comprehend. I hope you make the right choice and stay.
2015-05-02 23:58:03 UTC
Although I don't know you personally. Truth is there are time when we all ask ourselves why are we here, what is my purpose. But there is someone who loves you and formed you in your mother's womb. It was his desire that you come into this world however you did to do something. I have had many days I felt down, depressed, ready to throw in the towel. But there was that ray of hope when I reflected on who would I truly hurt. My daughter whom I adopted, My mother who carried me in her womb who is in her 80's caring for my dad who just turned 88 with dementia. I'm sure she's been ready to throw the towel in . Since she is still trying to keep her wedding vows, she dedicated to the end,. That's enough to make me shut up and pick myself up and know that there is someone who is worst off than me. Yes there were days I had to use a bar of soap to wash clothes and to bath myself. But I made it . Yes I was doing 3 jobs at one time, and had a nervous breakdown, but I lost my job. But it took me without food, money, to get up and put my big girl pants on and get a grip. Rent is due, carnote too. I may loose that within the week. But I got a new job this week. Wont get paid for another three weeks. But I know who is in control of this world and my needs will be met. We sometimes have to reflect and bless others while going through. Yes, I will be a teacher . I cant let my daughter down . At the age of 60 she's watching me, she's a college student and we are living in a studio apartment. We lived prior to this in a 3 bedroom home. Yes I am a adopted parent who adopted at 3 1/2 months a single parent. So through all this I have accomplish something. Im not giving up on my dreams and hopes, desires etc. Neither should you. God loves you more than that. Know I am praying for you to live, live the life you've been given to do in this world.
2015-04-23 05:41:59 UTC
They say idle mind is devils workshop . This is exactly what has happened to you .You should be gainfully engaged in some activities that will keep you bussy. At your age there are enough activities to select in addition to stuidies . With your present mentality you may not be in a position to concentrate on your studies even.As a result you may still get frustrated .Select an interesting hobby and mix up with girls and boys engaged in simillar hobbies .Take to a strenous sport like Judo or Karate that will teach you skill and dscipline .If you master the art of self defense you will be well recgonised by rest of the crowd and there will be a follow up as well .This is the best way to overcome your loneliness and be happy.
2015-04-24 09:12:03 UTC
I went through a period like this as well. I saw that there was no point in living when in the end we will all die. However, through my own maturation I have learned that there is a lot to live for, and while the daily struggle s can be disheartening, there are also many beautiful things that life can bring. I would recommend starting a workout plan, and spending more time outside to help improve your mood (and these habits helped bring me out of depression). We all have so much to offer, and I hope you realize your potential.
2015-04-27 09:26:38 UTC
You can enjoy a youth group. Participate in a YMCA program. Join a gym. Go bowling with friends. There is so much to do. You may just be lonely and need to date someone be in a relationship.Join groups that share your interests. Find a forum online. Easy do a Google search i.e cars forum. You need o be around people with like interests and don't do drugs or be around negative folks.
2015-04-21 17:35:31 UTC
Drugs, sleep, rock n'roll , exercise, spend time with/meet new people. There are people out there who are going through the same thing that can relate to you.

Find god if that's your thing.

Become immersed in something to give your life meaning.

Pursue a career/passion that you love.

Treat life as a one of a kind gift that you will only experience once.

Create something special.
2015-04-21 15:00:24 UTC
If you don't mind me asking how old are you?

There is a place in this world for everybody including you. There is a lot of people who are suffering worse then you. If you feel like you have no life and it's just boring, make it interesting, go to clubs, dress up, ect, ect. Make your life worth living for, cause' trust me it is. <3 #LiveLoveLaugh
2015-04-20 20:09:41 UTC
Take a break from trying to live by the expectations of others. You need time to figure out what you really need. The struggle you find will refine your values. If you think you don't have time for that now then heed my warning that it doesn't get easier to find a break later.
2015-04-24 05:29:03 UTC
I had this same thought last year at school. Now that I'm at uni I feel so much better about myself. What helped me was leaving behind everything bad in my life and brought in newer, happier things: friends, hobbies, a new place to life. Just change up you life and you'll feel like new! That's what helped me!
2015-04-20 23:00:06 UTC
Understand me that your demons are corrupting your speech. Listen to me for I have once been like you too.

God has a plan for you but if you don't search for it your demons will taunt you to quit.

Meet other people

Improve yourself

Don't bow dow n to the clown

Don't be like others

Go towards religion

Maybe smoke weed
2015-05-03 08:10:38 UTC
I thought like that a little bit too. I wanted to take my life but I didn t know why. I had this feeling like Why not? But it turned out all that I wanted was attention, love, and recognition that my family knew I was there. As soon as I knew that I meant something or had a reason to be on the Earth, I felt fulfilled. Think more about those feelings and try to figure out what you really want and see if it is possible for you to do that thing. This weight will be lifted off of your shoulders just like all of the others. You ll be okay, just don t do anything stupid.
2015-04-21 17:26:23 UTC
You need a reason to live. Only a higher power can give you that kind of purpose. I'm a Christian, and the only reason I'm still here is because God has given me a purpose in living. Message me if you want to know what that is.
2015-04-20 05:32:42 UTC
I dont like people a lot, but they are around. Read Danny Robey above. Your supposed to enjoy YOUR life as best you can and your not doing that. So it is time to make a start. Don't like you well do something you might like never mind how yor feeling about you.
Blue Meanie
2015-04-22 15:05:47 UTC
Many, many people have experienced what you're going through and the best thing to do is try to seek professional help. I know many people who did just that and it has helped them through a lot of issues. I'm not going to tell you not to feel that way or that the way you're feeling is wrong, because I think that's dangerous and unhelpful.

My suggestion would be to give this game, Depression Quest, a try and see what your experience is like. It may help you understand yourself better.
2015-04-21 05:27:13 UTC
Everyone goes through bouts of depression at times, some just get stuck in it longer than others because they feel a comfort in the pain of their experiences. My best friend and now husband once told me: "You are in control of your own mind." This is the best advice I can give anyone struggling with depression. You control what you feed your mind and what you allow to affect it. If you continue to absorb negativity and darkness around you and repel positive light energy, the darkness will eventually engulf you like a black hole. Don't let your own mind defeat you- You are in control. Remember that.

Try surrounding yourself with positive people, sunshine, and bright energies. There's so much to see, do, and learn in this world! Whatever you do, don't surround yourself with other dim energies that just stroke your ego and tell you they understand your depression and they feel the same...that will get you no where. Try reaching out to people through social media (kind of like you're doing now) and try connecting with someone. Though there are evil people in this world that will bring you down, most of us enjoy helping others achieve their goals and happiness.
Danny Robey
2015-04-19 22:35:59 UTC
I struggled with this problem for years and years, and still do from time to time. There is a purpose for you to be alive, it may be so hard to find that it may seem non existent to you, but i assure you that it is there. Just be patient with finding who you are. I have seen a lot of suicides, lost a lot of people and even close friends because they felt the same way and they just gave up. Never give up. Find out what you enjoy doing, and do it. Live the life that you want to do. I found out the best way for me to feel like I belong is helping people. Since then I have become a volunteer firefighter and Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) or (First Responder). I love who I have become since I have joined in serving my community. You just need to stay strong, no matter how hard it is. Being strong willed is a persons greatest achievement, once you have achieved this, you will feel like you can conquer the world! Its all about determination, just never give up
2015-04-21 16:14:12 UTC
Suicide is not the way to go my friend, no matter how bad you feel. Think about the mark that you will leave for yourself behind in this world, you are young and will be perceived as a person that never lived up to their life potential.

You only have one life so is this kind of legacy you really want to leave behind?

Also think about your family that you will leave behind, killing yourself will affect these individuals also, so why be so selfish?. I am sure your parents didn't spend their time raising and loving a child just so he could turn around and top himself off.
2015-04-22 12:02:46 UTC
i can say why this is happening as some days ago this kinda strong feeling came which was almost gonna make me kill myself...see all's becoz your mind not engaged & not excited hope for tomorrow...u must be having less friends...what i will say is bring love for life...keep passions,keep creativity & curiosity...& pls don't be from the guys who say psychiatrists r only for retards...even i needed,if previously i would have gone i would never would have had such pain...your case is another type of depression...tablets will help where u can't control...& join any class,have a mission..go on a trip as soon as...& read...i will say books which quench curiosity...i have religion history & astronomy related books in which u get excited!really as some people before have made these subject's image like boring!but u can get like new mission to know!i learn languages too...a person can't be normal if kept in the same place for long find something YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to do!:)
2015-04-22 07:21:01 UTC
Life is difficult sometimes especially when there seem to be no one else out there and no family nor a friend to reach out for. It is important to take a moment to reflect and to look at your personal goals and find out what are things you like to do in order to accomplish your goals. Finding enjoyable activities you enjoy doing, interests that you feel like to further pursue for. Sometimes it is just as important to stay positive and think about the bright side of things that had happened and let it go not to be bothered by what had happened in the past.

We can not change what had happened in the past and we have no control of what had already been done wrong, what could have been or what should have been. There is no absolute right or wrong answers to a certain extent of what people do in these days when mixed standards and different conflicting values of the world illude us what to do and how to think. It is important for you to figure out what is the most important thing to you in this life and believe that you have the ability to accomplish what you want and achieve your goal. You are full of potentials of capabilities and accomplishments and you have what it takes to complete these goals it is in your control and your ability to fulfill them. If you still feel very depressive, perhaps seeing a professional such as a therapist or a psychologist would be a good option.
2015-04-20 12:01:11 UTC
Sore wa subete daijōbu saigo ni umaku iku shinpaishinaidekudasai :) It means don't worry it will all be okay in the end (that's my motto in life anyways haha). Seriously though, I myself have gone through these states of feeling constantly low and it's a tough task to knock that wall down and think about happiness, but you will get through it. å¹ø運
2015-04-28 07:18:25 UTC
I'm gonna keep this short. I feel the same way (Or maybe not, I can't know).


I don't usually like going to the gym (cause I can't lift that much), but I learned that I love to Box, Kickbox, and Spar with my friends. I started going all the time (i even let my grades slip. worth it!) and I feel so much better about myself. The world is still shitty but I do FEEL BETTER

I know you may not have the same opportunities to take advantage of something like this or maybe this just isn't your thing. But exercise is CONFIRMED to treat depression better than psychology or medications.
2015-04-20 01:44:44 UTC
I used to feel the same way and im not going to lie, i some times still do. Its just a matter of time before you'll realise things. Sometimes im really happy and nothing matters to me and other times im really upset and everything matters to me. Life is so hard that it makes you question such things like this. You just need to over come this by saying to yourself that you can do this. I know its hard to read messages that arent fit to your opinion but one day you will think back to this moment and realise that you dont want to go back there. You need to do stuff to get your mind out of this. Go to the gym or play sports or even draw just to relieve your anger and emotions inside of you. If you think that you dont belong in this world then you are wrong. Obviously there were many opportunities where you may not have even been born... but you have been which meant something right?

If you believe in God or if you dont... there is a reason why you were brought to this world and brought up in the family you are with. We all question things as to why we are doing this now and when will it stop but no one has the answer to it. If you want to make it stop then only you can do it. You just need to think that one day you will meet people who encourage you to do things rather than people who bring you down.

You will find your reason to live one day but right now make this your reason : that you want to know what the actual reason is in the future. Whether it may be the one you love, a child or even your job.
lost 1
2015-04-26 17:39:19 UTC
I ve been and still am living this, you do matter, everyone is coming up with this tough love kind of answer, I will give you mine, yes if you kill yourself you will hurt others, in my case I don t have anybody to hurt, but I still push on, I know some day my life will return to a good time, till then I push on, you matter to me and others like us, don t forget that, forget the god thing, if there was one you wouldn t be in the current situation you are now, there would be no wars, no famine, no hate etc, so you are on your own, but never forget there are people out there like me and other how care about you and you will become better, keep fighting!!!!!!
2015-04-20 10:39:02 UTC
I have learned from experience to take every single one of these absolutely seriously. I know that 99 out of 100 are trolls or cries for attention but what about the 100th? A life is often at stake. Clinical depression is caused by both psychiatric and psychological issues. The brain is not functioning properly and cannot handle the psychological issues it faces. Often medication can help calm the brain so that the psychological issues can be addressed. Many are afraid to take medication because they think that it will get them high. It will not. It will help you feel normal. There are many different medications and it may be a matter of trial and error to find the right one at the right dose. Seek out professional help now. Its there. It could save your life.
2015-04-20 13:06:36 UTC
So if you don't want to die but you don't want to live anymore, well you could be a zombie, but thats dead, so maybe be a vampire and there you go! >.< But seriously if your like depressed or something like that than just watch a crap load of anime and there you go!! Than you got something to live for, like finding out what happens next and etc. You should watch One Piece, Naruto, and Naruto Shippuden, Fairy Tail, Bleach, and Inuyasha!!! But you can just look up really good animes to watch, and you can find what kind of animes you would like!! Hope this kind of helped!! >.<
2015-04-21 17:12:24 UTC
I'm just like you. Except I've dedicated my time to learning and virtually nothing else. When there's knowledge there is hope. It may sound pathetic but its the truth for me. I don't go to school I just read. Try it sometime.
Erica Ballard
2015-04-23 06:02:27 UTC
I have come among this thought a lot in my life, but for many years. I know how it feels to feel like you dont belong... I have been there before, and I still finding my way through this world but the thought never crosses my mind anymore. Go to church, just listen to what the pastor is saying, the lord works in mysterious ways, he will work through the preacher to preach to you. You are on this earth because God placed you here, dont ever forget that, even if you have to tell your self that every morning, I dont care. I did it, i'm not perfect but I am no longer lost. Remember be patient, you are human so it will take time. I know you can do it, and you know you can do it, just dont go to the internet next time for help, just please talk to a close adult! god bless you love, I will pray for you! God loves you, dont forget that.
Amit Singh
2015-04-20 06:06:59 UTC
I have no idea how you're feeling. I don't mean I've never felt like : "I don't wanna live any more, but I don't wanna die either", I have, many times, but everyone's different. We all have different weaknesses and specialties. I can't just give you a formula or something to make you feel better.

But what I can do, is tell you that posting your problem on yahoo answers or any other forum is, in my opinion, not gonna help. First of all, get away from your PC, go out, do things that are not wrong, help others, do something that takes courage, do something that makes those who love you proud instead of just locking yourself in a room and crying "oh my life has no meaning what do i do"

Get out of your fantasy world, get out of the fairyland where everyone's sent for some specific purpose. We define our own purpose. Get real.

My words might sound harsh, but trust me, even if whatever I've said is useless, you need someone who loves you but doesn't pamper you, who is harsh, for your own sake.

Consider yourself lucky that you have a family, that you go to school, that you have friends, that you are rich enough to afford a PC. Compare yourself to millions of those people who spend their whole life without any of these, and yet thank God for everything they got. Never say "my life has no meaning", their are countless people who are need of help, if you don't wanna live for yourself, live for them.

"There is no value in life except what you choose to place upon it and no happiness in any place except what you bring to it yourself" - Henry David Thoreau
2015-04-30 14:58:59 UTC
Why life is precious gift for human being form God. If you really wanna live you must live. but do not think about die. Every single human being will die will of God. In this case i can suggest one think.. There is a great destruction has been occurred in Nepal recently. You just gather the News of present condition of Nepal. One more think In you region find homeless people and stay with them a day along. I hope you will find the source of being alive in the world again. You think that you are in pain, I over sure that you will find plenty of people, those who are in pain more then you even multiple time more.
2015-04-21 17:31:07 UTC
Aw. Baby girl or boy please do me a favor and go take a walk. This will get better for you I promise you this. Just clear your mind of all negative thoughts and breath. Go for a walk. Go on good reads .com. Try making curry. Go on an adventure with a friend. Just please don't feel like you don't have meaning in this world because you do. You have so much affect on it. And the thought of you being sad makes me feel uncomfortable. I wish the best for you. You can talk to me anytime.
2015-04-24 07:09:45 UTC
Life is not easy and most people hit this point in their life. When we are born we are not born to belong somewhere exactly, no one will ever "belong" because everyone is different we ourselves have to make a life for ourselves and be able to live freely as we create a future for ourselves and keep pushing and fight through any hardships that we may find. Since your in school it's hard because everything is stressful and everyone makes you feel like you have to do this and that but in the end you do things for you and your future. YOU WILL AND ARE GOING TO MAKE IT THROUGH! It's never gonna be easy but if you keep trying it will make you stronger I promise. You want to find purpose in your life than you do the opposite of what you want to do now. YOU LIVE.
2015-04-19 16:22:31 UTC
Ok so first know that even though this is gonna sound really corny its true. Everybody is special in their own special way. Life sucks your right about that. I have been there. you just gotta find some hobbies that you truly love to distract you from hurting. and eventually hopefully you will stop hurting and learn to try to see the light at the end of the tunnel even if it seems SO dark right now its there. you just need to turn it on look a little closer read inbetween some lines. There is more gray in this world than black and white for sure. You got yourself to look after try not to worry about too much about negative commentary from others focus on you. In the end all you have is you anways.
2015-04-23 05:09:33 UTC
I have been where you are now. I am in a much better place in my life. Please, please get some help. Do you have a trusted adult in your life? A parent, friend or maybe a teacher? You sound very depressed. There is so much help for that now. Yes I take antidepressants. I am now able to live my life the way I should. They literally saved me. I also had some therapy. What I learned from that is not to be so hard on myself. Please understand that you can feel better. When you're depressed everything seems overwhelming. you have so much living ahead of you. Please get some professional help. It's not something you can do by yourself. God bless.
2015-04-24 17:08:23 UTC
There are only two options - living or dying. There is no third alternative.

You're right, this is a hard world to live in, but it is the world that we live in. There's no alternative place to live.

It will help if you quit feeling sorry for yourself and try to help other people fix their problems.

Remember that problems in life are temporary, but death is permanent.
2015-04-22 01:51:35 UTC
Aww man, cheer up! nothing is that serious to were you don't wanna live anymore. No problem is that big, tough it out and keep going.
2015-04-25 15:34:04 UTC
Hi, i apologise to know you're feeling this way.

Life is tough, yes. But there will always be positive things.. Think about it.. a good example is ying yang. Balance.

For every good thing, there has to be a bad thing, and for every bad thing, theres a good thing.

Talk about it to your parents. I remember going through alot of this myself.. I told my mother and it helped MASSIVELY. Get something to keep you occupide and something in which will let you meet more people!

Go attend a club, or find a hobby. Such as... Dance, basketball, art, photography,, etc etc.

But in all seriousness, please don't think about bad things.. If you're feeling down, take yourself to your own place.. Listen to your favourite songs, play your favourite games.
M Shafiqul
2015-04-20 21:32:11 UTC
HEY! There is no answer that you can find on the internet that will make you feel entirely better about yourself. I suggest you give up trying to find it. Through your depression you've stumbled upon the question which is both unanswerable and also pointless. It's depend upon you.Think's about your life ok.
2015-04-20 03:45:46 UTC
There's purpose for you or you wouldn't be here. You're just going through a rough path; hang in there. We all get down sometimes.
2015-04-20 20:46:48 UTC
You must see an experienced mental health professional. Don't look for correct answers to a person without the necessary training and experience.
Martha M
2015-04-21 08:42:48 UTC
Wow! I felt the same way but in the answers you have received so far, I dont see where anyone has mentioned you go seek help, I did! There are incredible meds that help you with all those feelings you are experiencing.It took me a couple of weeks for my brain to accept that I felt better, so, I told my doc. I was ok, didnt need the meds anymore. He kept me on them, I feel like brand new person, who has so much to live for. Family, friends, new friends, I also have FAITH, LOVE AND HOPE. Yes you are here for a purpose, only God will decide when its your time. Not you! Believe! Just BELIEVE!
Joe F
2015-04-27 18:28:30 UTC
I felt the same way at your age.You have much to live for.Work at getting your grades up try to figure out what you'd like to do.Try being nice to others, especially the outcast at your school.Get in church, it will help.GOD loves you and has a plan for your life.You'll also meet a nice group of people there as well.
2015-04-21 21:48:47 UTC
This will sound dumb but trust me on this. Go buy a guitar. Youtube videos make learning easy. A bass guitar will work too. Immerse yourself in that instrument. Trust me. After a few months of really working at it you will find yourself being invited into circles of friends who don't care if you are white, black, or blue, gay, straight, or trans. Open yourself to the love and performance of music and your world will change.
2015-04-20 03:52:26 UTC
You sound young; things will get better for you; you have potential; you haven't even really tried or lived yet.

I know that I've tried and I've rightfully had enough; I've already arranged and paid for my own funeral, so it's all good.

All the best.
2015-04-21 13:47:45 UTC
You don't want to continue living your don't. Live another life. Reinvent yourself. Pull yourself out of your problems now and then change yourself when you don't have anything tying you back to your old self.
Raymond Leblanc
2015-04-28 18:06:50 UTC
Hey. I am very sorry about your situation. If there is truly nothing in your life that you feel that is worth living for then by all means, keep on wasting your life. Even if you feel there is nothing you feel there is worth living for think about the future. Even if you decide not to off yourself or to just let yourself waste away, then what is the point? If you decide to get a positive outlook on life, then think about the future. Someday you could have a family of your own. There are religions that you might want to consider trying. I am a Christian and am devoted to god and to helping others. If that might be the path you want to go then, your testimony will be an inspiration to others.If not then you might find some happiness in some other religion. If you are interested in help or just to talk to someone to lay all of your cares in the world, or are interested in Christianity then please. By all means, e-mail me and we can talk. God bless you and i hope you may find happiness in this world.
2015-04-28 00:50:53 UTC
You basically don't wan to live like this anymore...

Don't worry, it's going to change. As you will develop, so will everything in your life change.
2015-05-04 11:23:42 UTC
There s lots of great answers on here, but I no one has given THE answer. THE answer is Jesus Christ for all of life s difficulties. The world is an awful place, no doubt about it. Sin has corrupted that which the Lord created perfect.

You were made for a purpose--you have a destiny. God created you for a very special reason, a reason that no one else can fill. Turn your life over to Him, get involved with ministry or service. Forget yourself--let you walk by, as the poet says--and immerse yourself in serving God. That is the only route to true and lasting joy.

I ll pray for you.

2015-04-21 14:37:00 UTC is hard and there is a lot of BS that goes on. That being said, there are also some AMAZING things you have to look forward to: falling in love for the first time, buying your first car, day trips with a lover during a beautiful autumn day, having a baby, retiring, grandkids, etc.

Most people suck tremendously. They are aholes and judgmental hypocritical dbags. BUT there are also soo many great people who you will meet and form connections to. You are young, give life a chance. Things will be okay. :)
2015-04-19 13:01:54 UTC
Find beauty life, do what you wanna do! You weren't put here to make everyone happy, if anyone at all, just make you happy

Go to the beach,shopping, amusement parks,fairs, whatever! Even take a road trip you might meet someone special
Alan H
2015-04-21 07:38:15 UTC
Sadlly, you are far from alone..or the first.

An old song taks about being 'tired of ling and feared of dying'

Reaching out to others may help bReak the focus on yourself.

I found real purpose in Jesus
2015-04-23 08:37:42 UTC
You are lost and sad because you have decided that you MUST have "X" and "Y" and "Z" in order to BE happy .. and you do not HAVE x, y or z.

You focus on what you do not have, and that is what makes you miserable.

There are two ways to get out of this:

(1) Psychological research has found that the more we focus on ourselves, the more neurotic and unhappy we will be. Conversely, the more we focus on pleasing others (even strangers), the more we care and share, the happier we are.

(2) THIS moment is rich and full .... you are not paying attention to THIS moment. Instead you are ensnared in depressing thoughts about things that are not going on right now in THIS moment. So learn to spend more of your conscious time in this moment. Learn how to do Vipassana meditation if you do not know how to be "mindful".

Just relax into whatever is happening, and understand that even if it is not something you care for, nothing lasts forever ... bad stuff changes and goes away.

Applying #1 and #2 takes some months, years .. and it works. Since you are going to be around for a long time you might as well work towards happiness.

It really does NOT depend on anything outside of you. It relies entirely on the non-conscious habits and patterns you have created in your brain. And those habits/patterns were created by what you consciously told yourself.

That means that you CAN "reprogram" your unconscious. Get some cognitive behavioral therapy to learn how to train yourself to be happier. It is up to you and it is NOT up to what happens IN your life .. just what happens in YOU.

Lastly, everyone feels alone. That is part of the existential angst of being a human. We try desperately to stop feeling alone through friendships and romantic relationships. Friendships are like the scratch that temporarily relieves the itch but does not make it go away. Romantic relationships turn out making us feel extremely alone at times .. they are not a solution either.

Loneliness is solved by

- relaxing about yourself and about life,

- by caring about others instead of focusing on yourself,

- by learning how to be aware of THIS moment, and

- by no longer feeding yourself messages that make you unhappy about not being with someone right now.
2015-04-21 03:54:08 UTC
Not a joke but if you can involve in something which you feel good, it is going to help you a lot!

I felt the same thing when I was around 16 years. I found a game called Dota 2 and it helps me to use my time on it and feel comfortable! I mean its more like a community where you can get people and get involved with them. I can concentrate in my studies too as it makes me feel happy when I have a bad day.

Good luck!
2015-04-20 21:40:07 UTC

I hope these suggestion s can help it s a "proven fact" it really works I tried it for myself. Get up 15 min. early before you go to work. Skip the restaurant and make a great lunch and it in the sun. Play patty-cake with a baby. Blow a few balloons and release them in the sky and watching your problems melt away. Dance to an oldie. Remember a joke to tell other s. Eat dinner by candle-light. Light a eucalyptus spearmint candle and take a hot bubble bath. Pop popcorn or pizza and watch a happy movie . Read your favorite book while curled up in bed. Last but not least... Love yourself as GOD loves you! See yourself as GOD sees you! Forgive yourself as GOD has forgiven you! Give yourself a chance. This season of depression will past!! Joy and Love is still inside of YOU!!

With the love of GOD be blessed my friend...
2015-04-20 05:26:32 UTC
you mean something to someone please do not take your life because of something that happened to you i understand that you don't want to die but there is so many things you can do with your life i'm here if you need to talk okay? i know so many people like that and it hurts me to know that god has giving you a blessing and you want to take it away we are here for you if you need 1 on 1 talking alright now put that grin up and put you chin up
2015-04-21 09:50:43 UTC
Ive been in that same exact position. Nothing and nobody could pull me out no doctors no pills, No matter what anybody said. The only thing that got me through was God. His love and his son that died on the cross so that I wouldn't have to. If you seek God and truly seek him and love him, he will fix your situation. But you have to let him into your heart. It sounds like you have already tried everything else so why not try God? What do you have to lose?
2015-04-20 13:19:49 UTC
Know that is always a better future that's waiting for you in the very near future. You never know what will happen tommorrow my friend. Never lose hope , because everything in this life pass and good thing happens to people that are patient.
2015-04-24 09:59:28 UTC
Don't you think the fact that so many people answer your question makes your situation far better than those who are also suicidal without as many people helping them on the internet? They are not only helped but also ignored or frowned upon. Your life seems to be better than theirs, because the warm side of life doesn't overlook you.
2015-04-27 13:17:44 UTC
Sounds like you need a drink.

Get a 6 pack, find anyone, sit down with them and let your feelings out after the first two beers. Make sure to drink them both within a 30 minute time frame for the best effects.

Just make sure not to make any big decisions too quickly. Sleep on them for a while.
2015-04-26 21:31:28 UTC
I can tell you, and I hope you will look into to. Don t put down the idea until you try. I think what you are missing is the gospel. God in your life. What have you got to lose? God loves you, He cares about you. There is hope for the world and He can show you. Go check out and you ll be able to read stories and even chat with people. I can t tell you how much having the true gospel in my life has helped me. I hope it helps you too. You are a child of a Heavenly Father who loves you, you are so special, and I promise you you won t be disappointed. Much love and luck :)
2015-04-24 06:14:41 UTC
Either it's just a phase, or you're immature. If you're still in school, your personality hasn't fully developed yet, therefore you might stop feeling sad after you grow up.
Penny Peterson
2015-04-21 22:54:51 UTC
Hey there, welcome to Yahoo, how can i assist you? My name is Penny, and I'm here to help you.

I have read what you said and can totally relate to you. Hearing from what you say, it sounds like you're suffering from self confidence all down to being lost in life. You've not found what you want to do and what you really like yet? It's a part of life when we grow up, don't worry and don't be panicked about it. :-)

You feel like you don't belong to anywhere, not home, not school, not anywhere else outside your home, it's because you've not found yourself. You need to find yourself, find what you like, and who you are, and practice meditation everyday, practice self confidence, be happy, day to day, and one day you'll eventually changed, This is not a one day deal, it takes time, some people takes 3 years, 5 years, or their whole life changing to become a better person. We're constantly changing, learning, and growing, be happy, all you ever need now is to start thinking about your purpose, what makes you happy? You need to start having things of your own, thoughts of your own, world of your own, and people you enjoy being around with. All can be sorted out. You can choose to write a diary and slowly discover who you are. In this process, it can be shitty because it's hard, but nobody else can do it for you, nobody can be confident or happy for you because it's you who own yourself, and you need to figure yourself out by yourself. :-)

Everybody is special and unique, this is why you can't seem to fit in the society, because you've not found what's with you yet, so you're not sure how to be, where to go, and what to do. So find yourself, and be confident to be who you really are, because you're special. You've the light and glimpse that no one ever has. :-) That's the meaning in life... you find your own meaning.

I hope you feel better now, all i know is that nobody can be happy or take care of you, you've got to take care of yourself and be happy for yourself, happiness comes from within, not outside, and remember, the external force can do us no harm.

time to start regaining yourself, and build a solid foundation of who you are.

It might take a long time, but it is the right way to be happy living, and it is the meaning of living.

Good luck and take care of yourself.

2015-04-19 23:41:17 UTC
Live your life to the fullest. Do things. Go to church. Every person is worth living in this world. You need to do stuff , get out of the house, go to places, explore.. Depending how old you are ? Find a girlfriend / boyfriend, go out with friends, meet new people.. There are a lot of stuff to do , Go to the gym. :) I know you have something in mind to do, You need to keep your mind occupied & busy. Pray to God and read the bible if you believe in that. Pray pray pray. God will find a way with you. Don't worry. be happy. :) God bless......
2015-04-20 13:11:48 UTC
Watch Rocky Balboa's Inspirational Speech here: and then tell me if you feel the same way? Don't forget nothing hits as hard as life.
2015-05-04 02:14:42 UTC
I was exactly like you a few years ago. You do have a purpose just like everyone else does. Maybe what you need to do is to move somewhere far enough to get away from what is causing you to feel that way so you can start over... have a second chance.

I did this and now my life is alot better, with people who care.

regaurding to home... maybe try to talk with whomever you live. explain how you feel so they get a better understanding so they can help you through this.

I hope this helps :)
great knight
2015-04-22 13:19:56 UTC
Get a kjversion Bible and believe. Here is wisdom: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."- The Word of God. You are loved. Here is wisdom: " Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.

But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.

Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows."- The Word of God. Follow God's Word. Everything shall be alright. " The wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth.

The Lord shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming.

The wicked have drawn out the sword, and have bent their bow, to cast down the poor and needy, and to slay such as be of upright conversation.

Their sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bows shall be broken.

A little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked.

For the arms of the wicked shall be broken: but the LORD upholdeth the righteous.

The LORD knoweth the days of the upright: and their inheritance shall be for ever."- The Word of God.
2015-05-04 16:56:45 UTC
Pray to God and keep living because you don't what the blessing God has waiting for you. The this world there will be hard times but gotta go thru them to get to good times.
2015-04-19 20:32:23 UTC
There is no life after death... There is no god, There is no heaven. Just blackness.

If you were to kill yourself and you succeeded then your done.


No more loved ones.... No more friends... No more animals... Nothing.

Your trapped in the black obis..

Just think about that.

Nothing but black..


You try to scream and yell for help but none comes..

Then you realize your stuck in this blackness for the rest of time..

So enjoy life..

Try to find something you strive for.

Try to find happiness.

Spend time with your family.

Keep Trying.

Keep Living.

(DAMMMMMMN That was deep,,, Sorry for the sad speech but it had to be said. It's all true..)
2015-04-19 14:49:48 UTC
believe me or not, i once thought the same. i couldnt take my own life , but i didnt know how to live it everytime im in the car going up the high way i would think, i wouldnt mind if this car that im in right now would just slip off and drop down that super high feet. BUT KNOW!!!!!! BELIEVE!!!! THAT YOU ARE BORN FOR A REASON!!!!! THERE WAS ONCE SPACE MADE ESPECIALLY JUST FOR YOU!!!! THE MOMENT YOU DROP DOWN FROM YOUR MAMA'S BELLY. you have a mission, and must you not ever abandon it!!! even if you dont know what it is that you have to do!!!! THATS EVEN GREAT!!!!! YOU are gonna go look for it!!!! more adventure and soul searching for you!!! that you who have no idea of what to do, that you who dont wanna die but dont want to live!!!! you know exactly what you want!!! and you said it yourself " I DONT WANNA DIE" you just dont know how to live your live yet. but its ok. i ws once there, and im pretty sure many others where there. DONT BE WEAK!! charles Darwinism survival of the fittest. fight with yourself to live. you can always restart yourself as a new person. so DO IT NOW!! FIND YOURSELF! FIND YOUR PURPOSE!!! so if you cant find it. SO WHAT?!! you just gonna leave it be?!! CREATE ONE THEN!! CREATE YOUR OWN PURPOSE!!! because that is part of your mission as a living human being who is every capable of many things. it is up to you and its your duty to live for yourself. and people will always help. okay? as you create yourself from this point on, i will too.
Alright alright alright
2015-04-20 10:58:45 UTC
your young and dumb you haven't experienced anything yet go travel the world and see if you want to live or die go skydiving and see if you want to live maybe thats what you need is to face death in the face and get a slap of disciplined reality get out of your room and get a life and do better for yourself no one is going to do that for you NOT mom or daddy.Give yourself credit and get off your ***! i don't feel sorry for you.
2015-04-29 09:18:42 UTC
life can make you feel this way when you look at the news and hear all reports of things happening locally and globally. Just know that your frustration is valid and it is something that you could feel like giving up on but there are better days ahead. History has always pointed to bad times that is what it is to live during these times. These "times" that we live are coined as the "last days" In the scriptures we are told at 2 Timothy 3:1-5 we are living in critical times hard to deal with then it goes on to explain the attitudes of people that would help us pinpoint the time period being referred to as this would indicate the fulfillment of what was foretold. We can definitely see we are living during these times spoken about times are critical. When we look at the physical part of what is happening we can see earthquakes, wars, famine etc. these things also were foretold to happen, Matthew 24:1-14. There we are reminded of how these times would be pangs of distress this is what you are feeling. You are not alone in the results of what is happening around us you are normal. Taking you life is not the correct solution though. Living and reading what is foretold as the hope we have that we can rely on is what keeps so many of us above ground. We are reminded of the time when this earth will be rid of all the things that are causing distress. Psalms 37:10,11 where we are told how the wicked will no longer be but he meek shall inherit the earth. This is to soon be fulfilled as we have seen the fulfillment of these critical times. So keep your head up and here is something that has helped me when I was feeling down trodden by the things we see happening around us:

I hope this helps. Just remember you are loved and given a perfect reason to continue living and wanting to see the fulfillment of what is promised to us.
2015-04-22 16:46:57 UTC
First, you should accept that you cannot control the condition of the entire world . Secondly, try to focus on your specific problems . If you review and prioritize your problems you will find that Ɲou have more control of your life than you realize. I suspect you are in your teens and life often appears to be more problematic than it is in reality . If you are not popular at school it is okay. Learn to value yourself and develop the inner you. Friends and love ones who do not value your inner self are not worthv the bother. Many kids who were isolated as teens turn into successful adults because they eventually became secure in being themselved. Talk to your siblings or your parents . It may sound corny but "Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all."
2015-04-22 23:09:28 UTC
Do meditation or Vipassana. Read Swami Vivekanand books. Go join some hobby /sports club to keep yourself busy. Try not to think to much. Believe this to be a phase of a life which will pass, you need to just hold on. All the Best.
2015-04-25 12:38:44 UTC
Go visit a Sick children's hospital and see the little ones. See how sick some of them are. Hold and cuddle them . See the gift of life you have and what they want. You don't know how lucky you are until you see these little angels.
bang b
2015-04-26 10:03:32 UTC
Just engage yourself in as many activities in daily/personal & professional life like Sports, Gym, Swim, Arts, cooking, study/work. This will enable your mind to avoid those reasons which are currently making your life hell.

Increase sociability via above activities. Join some NGO, help people etc. Stop expecting from others !

This is the practical way, so I hope it works out for you.
2015-04-22 17:43:58 UTC
hey there :) It makes me sad to see that youre feeling this way because Ive been there too. Just last year i was severely depressed and thoughts very similar to yours; not quite suicidal, but almost as if it would be easier if I didnt exist. I totally understand, so take it from me when i say this is temporary, I promise :)

For the time being I would see a psychologist just to have someone to talk to- it really helped me a lot. If money is tight (because a good psychologist can be pricey) just go to the school's, they seriously help. There were days for me where I was just too upset to go to my classes so I just went to the schools therapist for like half the day and talked to her. she helped me get out of my bed in the morning because it eased the pain of school for me. Its nice to have feedback that helps you help yourself, and from the sound of it, youre willing to try anything to not feel this way (props to you because it took me several months to get to that point) maybe even consider antidepressants? those can dramatically help too.

I really hope you feel better and im so sorry this is happening to you, but youll get stronger i swear! If you need anymore help feel free to ask; I was in the EXACT position that youre in and I really want to help others that feel the same as I did last year
2015-04-21 00:36:56 UTC
You have the answer in your question itself my friend. The world needs you. You are a brave person and I admire your courage for you admitted that yourself and everyone have messed this world. I am so proud of you and at the same time bit disappointed when you are feeling vexed. It is time you pull up your socs and tighten up your laces and get out to the same messed up world and make it a better place. You can initiate the change or you can be the change or even you can follow someone who can show you the path and in this process you may find your purpose of life.

Cheer up !!
2015-04-22 13:51:28 UTC
Take some time out, go somewhere you've never been before, you will see that life is worth living, but only if you make it.
Esme Masias
2015-04-19 18:21:17 UTC
I feel like I am non existent in school, I am literally quiet ALL of the time, when I go to my house and I try to talk my voice is gone, like if I forgot how to talk, I am not even lying, I know what loneliness feels for a shot amount of time for 5 days a week, what I recommend you is to find a hobby, find anything really like a sport, a craft, a video game, anything and set goals to complete so you wont feel sad,
2015-05-01 16:08:52 UTC
I know that in the words that you write, someone will read it and it may save someone's life.

Others have been through this. I hope that you can find others that can help you through this.

Talking to the Lord, finding a good doctor, and a support group can help.

One thing to remind yourself: "This isn't permanent."
2015-04-25 11:17:31 UTC
Basically.... This is either a shitty idea, or its an idea that's gonna blow your mind and help you solve any problem you have.... I'm gonna say one word, and since the disregard for life is so low anyway, it shouldn't be a problem, popped a molly you sweating... Whoo
2015-04-21 13:24:34 UTC
Look at it this way - at least you know that you DON'T want to die yet. So, look for what you DO want, and whatever it is you choose can be ordinary.
2015-04-22 14:19:04 UTC
I can't blame you. Life is a sexually transmitted disease and then you die. It ain't no gift! The more life haters the better. But understand that you could have it so much worse--you could be socially inept, which is a death sentence!
2015-04-20 22:46:15 UTC
'Hey if u don't wanna live anymore then don't waste your time in asking questions.These sympathies cant lessen your grief cuz they all belong to this world and u r done with this world.So it seem to me sort of insult to answer your question.
2015-04-20 14:05:12 UTC
If you don't want to die then struggle.

I will live forever, in this ****** up world. And overcome all that it throws at me.
2015-05-04 18:27:56 UTC
You should talk to someone that is a professional and see if that can help there is always a purpose for every single person in this world good or bad . You just need to try and do things that make you happy make you feel something do you like music art sports ect. try and find YOUR happy medium and keep your head held high !
Robert A. B
2015-04-22 13:49:38 UTC
Life goes on even if you did but why give people the satisfation of missing you for short time them most forget about you later on. To live is ultimate revenge and to prove others wrong in making you feel unwelcomed. Life is hard and at times can be cruel but only one that can change that is you.
2015-04-22 22:59:19 UTC
I think emotionally sensitive people have it the worst. I wish I could hit a callous self centered button and shut out the world. I garden to find happiness. I enjoy my pets. People get me very down & out. I try and avoid interactions. It seems when I get let down I feel the way you do. Get a pet that's dependent upon you. My two cents.
rigomortisfx studios
2015-04-20 12:08:42 UTC
here we go again another cry for help video

your not going to get real help on a yahoo answers page you need help from a doctor

and some meds to get you thinking right again and get out there and get a job and make friends and pay bills , you have so much you have loved ones who love you .......taking your life will hurt the ones you love you have no idea how much you are really loved in this world and taking your own life have no idea how much pain you will give the ones who love you they have to be living with your lost everyday of there lifes wishing you where still here , dont give up get help , when you lose your best friend you have no idea what its like to not have them in your life, the hurt never goes away the things you use to do the movies you use to watch with them , the books you and your friend use to read and lol about , the songs you use to sing with them , the places you would go to the photos use use to take with them , the pain you get if you look at them and they are gone ........dont give them that pain dont end your life , but asking for help crying out on any page will not help , go get help now ! ! ! talk to a family member
2015-04-25 19:25:31 UTC
Calm down, and start looking at the world differentlly if you see it this way. Forget dying that's the worst way to go. Take some tike and shut everything out and do stuff you like to do.
2015-04-23 07:46:28 UTC
If you don't know what to do then start self-improvement and do things that you think will make you happy.
2015-04-21 13:08:08 UTC
One this that is always guaranteed is change. Let this fuel you. Even if you feel this way, your circumstances will not always be this way. Everything changes and you yourself can help force change along. Just keep on keepin on and ride it though. In the end it will usually have been one hell of a ride with lots of great moments in between. Just live life how you want to and keep striving for that great change that will turn everything around for you.
2015-04-20 14:41:16 UTC
dude i feel like this i have major depression i also have been through some pretty bad bullying through sexual experiences but then i found The Rastafarri way of life no i know what your thinking your not religious in that way or what ever, neither was i but listening to some tunes like reggae chills me right out and i have never looked back since BUT DONT smoke weed thinking thats part of being a rasta because it causes depression. if you want to talk about it in other ways because i was suicidal once myself just comment back i will give you a message back :)
2015-04-21 14:43:34 UTC
I felt like this once. Depression? when I felt like this I know i couldn't die and leave everyone bc something good wad going to come along, it will get better trust me. What I did was spend time with my close friend and spoke to her also had lots of time to myself and though.
2015-04-22 20:17:53 UTC
I've felt like this before. Just know that it gets better.. You can't give up.
2015-04-29 14:22:26 UTC
When my mother died, I felt a profound sense of emotional poverty because she was a priceless treasure that I was allowed to admire for many years. I later discovered that her presence in my life enriched me, made me a valuable human being, a person that is proud to be a reflection of her, so keep in mind that although life at times is bleak, it is also sometimes extraordinary; and that, if you choose to exist, you can find people that will help you cope with the inconsistencies of it. Read the non-profit article that I wrote at Beyond Grief. I hope it lifts your spirits.
2015-04-30 05:28:44 UTC
Talk to Somebody

ā€œWhen someone is alone with his problem, then he usually sees it as disproportionately large and as unsolvable,ā€ says BĆ©la Buda, the Hungarian health official quoted earlier. This observation underscores the wisdom of the ancient proverb in the Bible: ā€œOne isolating himself will seek his own selfish longing; against all practical wisdom he will break forth.ā€ā€”Proverbs 18:1.

Listen to those wise words. Do not allow yourself to flounder alone in a sea of overwhelming personal problems. Seek out someone you can trust and in whom you can confide. ā€˜But,ā€™ you may say, ā€˜I donā€™t have anybody to confide in.ā€™ According to mental-health professional Dr. Naoki Sato, many feel that way. Sato noted that patients may avoid confiding in others because they do not want to reveal their weaknesses.

Where can a person turn for a hearing ear? In many places he or she can enlist the help of a suicide prevention center or a crisis hot line or find a reputable medical doctor who deals with emotional problems. But some experts also recognize another source of helpā€”religion. How can that help?
Park Sang-Jun
2015-05-03 14:08:45 UTC
I don't wanna die, but I don't wanna live anymore. but time flows very quickly and death is coming. therefore do not worry that you don't wanna die, but you don't wanna live anymore.

Make patience. that make your time goes faster and faster.
2015-04-22 10:28:31 UTC
Get off this board and go get some professional help. You likely need medication. Depression cannot be handled with advice alone. How would your obituary read if you just read the crap on Answers.."Died following/reading advice on Yahoo Answers!" Now get to it and get some help. I'll send you my bill. I accept Paypal.
2015-04-22 04:12:58 UTC
you've got loads of good answers hear so I'm not going to answer you're question directly just want to tell you LOOK HOW MANY PEOPLE CARE! that's got to mean something :)
2015-04-20 07:36:21 UTC
Only by deep sadness will you truly understand real happiness.

Only through one will you reach the other with more understanding.

BUT death is final and forever, and what if by suicide your situation becomes worse?

Are you truly prepared?

Watch hummingbirds, kittens, puppies, and otters. Go ahead, do it. If you just sit there without any hint of a smile... hmmm.

If you so much as show a hint of a smile, you are normal as can be.

NOBODY is doing it for you, are you going to LET the world beat you down?

Life baby, make it please you. Then please it back. Go. NOW!
2015-04-22 00:07:38 UTC
I don't know how you feel about God, but that is what always gets me through times like this.

I often feel like I don't belong anywhere and wish I could just dissapear. I suffer from ptsd because

I was abused until I was 26. I suffer from a lot of anxiety because I never felt safe growing up

and have experienced some traumatic things aside from the usual at-home abuse. I failed at college

because I have severe learning disabilities. I have chronic migraines that hinder me every aspect of

life. I can't drive because I've never been able to afford a car or the insurance to drive it. I am in my

late 20's and still not independant. I've also never dated anyone even once. And apparenlty, no one

in the world communicates like me and I have all kinds of missunderstandings with people because

of it, and that makes me feel so alone. ;( ;( ;( I also can't ever hold down a job. I always get let go like

2-4 weeks in, so I have like no money. I feel so different from most people anywhere near my age.

But because of my faith (, I know that I am meant to be in this world. I know Ihere to learn and grow in whatever ways I can, so I can become more like God, and one day have all that He has. I think about Jesus Christ's life on earth. He was poor, misunderstood, and martyred even though He only tried to help people. He had a hard life too. He didn't really fit in either.

Even though it feels so lonely to not fit in, I don't think it's necessarily bad. God never meant for us all to live the same life. We all have unique things about us, which leads to living unique lives. One prophet of God, named John, lived a different life too. God has his parents raise him in the desert until it was time for him to go teach. He was kind of isolated out there, but still someone with an important work to do. Someone who definitley mattered.

I have a really hard time feeling so different. I am lonely a lot. And scared I wont be understood by others. I am often not understood too. But I know God understands. I don't know He has allowed me to have this kind of life even though I've tried to live like everyone else. But I know that because God is allowing it, He must be ok with me, and will make something work out for me someday. Perhaps I am just like John in a way. Maybe I am meant to live in solitude for some reason that only God knows for now, but because He cares about me, everything will be ok.

Please know that God loves you, and He will help you find out what to do for your life that is best, even if it is not conventional. He will take care of you. Ask Him for help and He will give you assurances of His love and support. I promise. The best of luck to you!! <3
2015-04-24 02:53:40 UTC
Keep sleeping. It's like between the two. I think it's most suitable for you.
2015-04-23 19:06:41 UTC
That's a contradiction. You just need to make up your mind, and get help, if you decide to live.

I once felt, bad, too. But through prayer and resistance, I overcame the problem, and chose to live.
2015-04-20 07:06:46 UTC
All u should have is self confidence.And always believe that u can do it. Depression or sadness should only be temporary feelings and shouldn't control your entire life. And killing yourself is not a solution to any of your problems.
2015-04-21 19:52:14 UTC
If you decide to die before the time that you are destined to, you'll become a wandering ghost, trust me I know some people who experienced this.
2015-04-27 03:29:15 UTC
I'm gonna be very blunt. You sound like you want to to slack of in life.

Write down a list of things you want to do with your life. Your dreams, your aspirations and your dream jobs. GĆŖt said job, make some money and go fulfill whatever dream you have.
Krishna Mohan
2015-04-21 13:56:17 UTC
Among all the lives, Human live is so valuable, because you have ability to think. You are intelligent. You can make your life interesting by helping your self, your family and others which will make you happy. Try to be positive. Do some meditation which will help you keep your ideas focused.
The Inquisitor
2015-04-20 07:07:00 UTC
this is perfectly natural and nothing to worry about, many issues of stress are in the perceptions that we haven't achieved our goals or that they somehow aren't our own, it's about ownership of what you can change and rising above what you can't, I hope this post is of help.
2015-04-22 23:17:45 UTC
we have all felt this way at one point "were all weak no mater how strong"-avenged sevenfold its how we deal with these feelings that determines the tipe of person we are and if you choose to live you will become a stronger person i felt like you before it was a dark time in my life my parents were split my mother was on hard drugs and being beat by her ex boyfriend i didn't fit in at school because i was fat and had adhd so i was weird and when i finally made a friend everyone told me he was my friend out of pity and didn't actually like me this was all at 8 years old it sucked i was forced in to reality sooner than i was supposed to at 9 i contemplated ending it all multiple times and just this past summer with in 5 months my first real gf broke up with me a week after my brotther tryed to kill him self then 3 months later my best friend the only person i could confide in overdosed on a mix of cocane and herroin but i used my passion in music and hockey to filter my emotions and shut it all out and focused on the goal of becoming stronger for my past friend and most impotantly for my self and i came out a stronger person so dont end it if you focus and find a way to filter your emotions without self harm you will be a stronger person and that new strength will make you friends and happyness lissen to this song it helped me through alot
2015-04-20 04:19:42 UTC
Why you didn't wanna live anymore
2015-04-23 14:02:12 UTC
Make a deal with yourself in that you wont kill yourself until you have watched every porn video on the internet. That will take up a great deal of time and you'll clean out the cobwebs in the process. I would recommend starting with bing videos.
2015-05-01 15:03:10 UTC
You are passing through a phase that most people go through in life, I would advice you to read self help books or get somebody close to talk to. You can choose to talk to someone dearly or visit a counsellor who will listen to you and give you proper advice to help you get through the depression. Understand that you are not alone and there are many people who go through even worse, so just smile and know that every other thing will be just fine.
2015-04-20 10:43:21 UTC
I m so world weary I can hardly stand it. I d love to get out of this sucky world and go to Heaven but I can t because it s not my time yet. The same for you. Like they said above this world is definitely not all there is. My advice is just to keep yourself busy and try not to think about it. Therapy might also help you a lot. It s helping me.
2015-04-24 03:01:54 UTC
I hope you take your time and read the many responses that your question has garnered. Learn to have faith in yourself. Please find someone to talk to either at home, school, or church. As a father I made it possible for my son to come and talk to me about anything. He still comes to me once in awhile for advice. Try talking to your parents, it may help more than you realize. Things are never as bad as they seem. If you take the time to think through the problems you are experiencing then you may find solutions on your own. Many problems can be resolved with thought and planning.I know you can get through this period and that you will move on to bigger and better things.
2015-04-20 11:50:56 UTC
You and everyone else! Get up off the pity pot; wash your face and hands; brush your teeth and go out to help others. I can pretty much guarantee once you're active helping others your own problems will seem miniscule!
joanie t
2015-04-21 05:43:08 UTC
Do you have some deep rooted issues that are bothering you? Things are embarrassing to you, AREN"T to a a professional. They have heard EVERYTHING. Seek help, it is out there!!!! You are so undecided for some REASON, you have to let it out. I cannot give you advise, but this is the direction I think you should take. You are in a lot of pain that is making you confused. Bless your heart and DON"T give up!! Please!!!
2015-04-22 00:08:25 UTC
It's ok. My wife felt that way so I just did it for her. Here in Oklahoma we like to help each other out when in need so I just think that for my wife that was the best solution.
2015-04-22 11:50:51 UTC
Becoming a Christian was the answer for me; You should also try. There is no sadness or pain that God can't take away.
2015-04-19 22:37:31 UTC
You know what? if you want to hate some one, nobody can stop you and for sure you will start hating xyz person. Same thing you made about yourself, you are blessed with many thing. Just try to find out the positive things and see everything will change.

And you know fighters always win and i think you will too.
2015-04-29 12:09:41 UTC
You need to watch some inspirational and motivational videos. It will surely help.

Few days before I was going through my Facebook news feed and I found the video by Lizzie Velasquez. You should watch her videos she is great Public speaker because she has gone through so much in her life.

And moreover, you should also get to know about yourself. What are you interested in ? What is your passion? What you want to be? What are your goals ? And try to pursue your goals.
2015-04-21 14:13:27 UTC
same here i don't wanna die or live... i wanna be loved and be happy nor i can do that
2015-04-20 16:42:18 UTC
I dont think killing yourself is going to solve anything because no one knows for sure what will happen when yoiu die. I think you should seek some help and just know theres people out there that feels the way you do so dont feel despaired
2015-04-21 10:01:08 UTC
Maybe get off the internet and seek help? Posting this shows your able. Please think of the time's before you felt like this.. If you seek help now trust me there's a 100% change you'll feel like that again. I've been there, and I beg you to please do this..
2015-04-20 20:07:39 UTC
The world has a lot of problems and they aren't being fixed. If some problems were fixed, people would feel better.
2015-04-19 17:13:47 UTC
When I left college to begin my first career, I moved to a town where I did not know anyone. After visiting several locations (churches) in the town, I selected one to become a regular member at.

Visit locations and meet other people.
2015-04-21 14:31:50 UTC
Just keep going,

I got bullied for years and eventually I came at the same point as you are now.

I just kept going and did everything for myself to make me happy.

I like videogames, fantasy, moevies, comics,... all the nerdy stuff.

So I started going to things like Gamescom and started feeling better.

Then after a while I met a lot of people who have the same intrests, and now I have friends who like me for who I am.

I know that in your possition this might not seem likely to happen but it will eventually. You just have to keep going.
2015-04-30 03:05:28 UTC
You are an awesome fellow, just remember that. Perhaps you should IDK join a club or band or something... But there is an abundant amount of reasons to live BECAUSE THOUGH YOU MAY NOT FEEL IT NOW LOTS OF PEOPLE LOVE AND APPRECIATE YOU, NO MATTER WHAT YOU'VE DONE BUT IF YOU HAVE DONE SOMETHING BAD, JUST REPENT, THAT IS ALL.

sorry about the caps lock.
2015-04-29 11:53:52 UTC
Everyone goes through stages like this in their life. You should focus on something that you enjoy and do more of that. Be it either watching TV or going for a walk around the city/town. Just focus
2015-04-21 14:30:51 UTC
Fenced. Got no friends. Truman is sitting there under the evil powers of Christof. Christ is sitting there with powers above Satan. God The Adam Eve Perfection is sitting there with uberest powers. For about 4 hours today I thought Adam & Eve were lions. Who hit me? God did. God is perfect. "Can't be rushed".

Thanks be to God. Let's all thank God in the good & the bad as Uber Risen Boy does in the Bible.
2015-04-19 19:13:57 UTC
time to invest in yourself. you are too busy worrying about the environment, and the people in it, to really invest in yourself.

try prayer and reading a few books. this should help you to relax and to refocus. it gives you the time and energy to stand-up and brave your life.

everyone's life has value. when you have to walk into a dreaded situation, think John Wayne, sashay-in, and sashay-out. you do have it within you to live your own life, and not that which the negative environment wants you to.

think positive and stay positive, take the first step forward.
2015-04-22 22:36:45 UTC
2015-04-23 00:39:56 UTC
Honey, If you learn a skill and make some money you can have a life worth living and make new friends. find the easiest career possible and get out of the current lifestyle. Everything beautiful will come your way.
2015-04-19 21:19:25 UTC
When I left college to begin my first career, I moved to a town where I did not know anyone. After visiting several locations (churches) in the town, I selected one to become a regular member at.
2015-04-20 06:37:04 UTC
Life is so amazing and beautiful; the joys completely outweigh the sorrows as i have learned. Donā€™t you want to experience true love? have a family? there is no better feeling then holding your child in your arms for the first time, it's completely worth it and makes all your other troubles seem like nothing. You just need to have courage. Just try,

be a good person and everything will work out for you. Thereā€™s always a light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to charge through it to get to it. At the very least you need to find a fun activity to take up your time so you push back your problems. Exercise is the best way, especially sports like karate or boxing that will toughen you up as a bonus. Else try video games or rock climbing or w/e. speak to a counselor, and talk to your family about this, talking makes everything better. Only a real human recognizes when they need help. What I always do when Iā€™m sad is watch vine or cat videos and such, or read mike Tyson quotes. The past is the past, wondering about it accomplishes nothing. Itā€™s the future that's important. Youā€™ll never get anywhere in life if you care about what randoms say about you; you need to ignore all haters. You need to stay strong and slam on, thatā€™s the ticket to success.

Youā€™re not a waste of space, everyone is special, and everyone has the potential for greatness, just like you. No one ever got anywhere by crying about their problems. Use your humility earned from suffering to be a better person. You are very lucky, you know what pain is, and you know how to avoid it. Looks are meaningless and can be changed with surgery or exercise, a good heart is what matters. Once you have that, youā€™ll need nothing else. Youā€™re just a person- everyone is just a person, yet many have done incredible things and lived incredible lives. You could be next, you just need to believe, and then achieve. All you need in life to succeed is willpower. If you donā€™t like yourself, CHANGE yourself. If you want something, TAKE it. Everyone is born with a unique range of talents different from others; you just need to find them and use them to achieve greatness. Ignore all haters; let nothing stand in your way, just like heroes of yore. If you want a purpose in life, try helping others for a change. Lots of people are suffering in the world- and you have the power to help them, itā€™s expected if you're religious. If you do good in the world, then everything will work out for you. Consider lions club international which is a great club where you get to not only help others out, but also meet new friends and potential lovers. Itā€™s great in every way. Or you could even join the police. Donā€™t be a random good for nothing anybody like everyone else. Be different, be superior. Donā€™t let evil win.

Remember that killing yourself is a selfish cowardā€™s act, and you'll go to hell for it. So many people are suffering in the world, are you just going to ignore them, and kill yourself? Are you so evil you donā€™t care about the suffering of others? What about your family and friends? Have some balls man. Or are you a little coward?

You think you have it rough? There are people with infinitely greater problems, take a look at these types of videos, theyā€™re guaranteed to cheer you up: , if theyā€™re missing limbs yet still get by in life, then you sure as hell can to! Cherish what you have. Most people donā€™t. As a last resort you could convert to religion, it usually helps. Priests do everything in their power to help others; youā€™d be among good selfless people who would only want the best for you in Christianity.

Donā€™t give up, life is so beautiful, so full of love and joy and purity, you just have to fight for it first. You are human, you are precious, you are beautiful, donā€™t let anyone tell you otherwise.

If you ever want to talk just email me, i'll help you in any way i can, i mean it. My email is
2015-04-20 18:18:20 UTC
God made you for a purpose. If you aren't feeling like you belong anywhere, then maybe you should read a Bible and try to understand.
2015-04-23 07:58:44 UTC
I went through this you need to find the better things in life you only get one life while people with cancer and diseases are fighting for theirs your not caring what happens to yours don t end your life find hings worth living it whether it be even netflix a person thats what i do
I Am Beyond Birthday
2015-04-22 02:37:55 UTC
Try and get some help from a mental healt worker. i have been feeling like that for a while. i decided i didnt give a sh*t anymore if i died but things got so bad for me that i needed help. Therapy does work you just need to find the right councillor. sometimes you just need someone to talk to.
2015-04-21 09:39:53 UTC
You're going to end up somewhere in life, and i can guarantee you that the result of your hard work will be better than death.
2015-04-21 13:21:06 UTC
You have to get out of yourself and do something for someone else. Always pray and ask god to guide you. Say the name Jesus from your heart. I'm praying for you and others like you.
2015-05-02 16:26:43 UTC
Get a Bible and start building a relationship with God. Tell him all your problems, worries and sorrow. He will be there to direct you in the right direction. He'll show you and tell you what you need to know & what you need to hear. Pray.
2015-04-20 17:43:33 UTC
Your complaining about the world, but what are you willing to change? People always talk about the problems of the world or what other people are doing without themselves doing anything to change it; just watching others live. YOU NEED TO WORRY ABOUT YOURSELF AND STOP GENERALIZING. School isn't ****, once its over, YOU ARE NEVER SEEING THESE PEOPLE EVER.
2015-04-26 11:43:01 UTC
Live positive
2015-04-26 21:14:45 UTC
Do a good deed for someone over and above the normal holding a door open or not parking in the handicap zone.

The result will make you want to live again.
2015-04-20 22:36:38 UTC
I'm too weird to live, but much too rare to die
2015-04-20 08:59:56 UTC
Dont give up!! I too have been through horrible times in my life, trust me, it could be a friggin movie. But i didnt give up, you gotta keep going. These feelings WILL pass, and youll look back grateful that you never gave up!! Plus you are special and unique, God didnt put you here for nothing. You have a purpose and you are loved by God <3 And dont listen to negative people, they are just unhappy in life also, dont give up sweetie ((HUGS))
2016-11-17 11:34:37 UTC
But I Dont Wanna
2015-04-19 18:51:04 UTC
That is the devil trying to influence you to hate yourself. No mather what comes your way keep your eyes on Jesus because without him you will always feel like that. I dont know if your christian or not but i do know you need Jesus because without Jesus you cant do anything right. Always keep going. Go to a pentocostal church trust me i know what im talking about. listen to me the bible says "I can do all things through Christ who stengthens me" go to a pentocostal church and you will notice something and you must follow Jesus. Dont ignore this you must have faith in God without him you will go to hell keep going dont you dare give up pray buy a Holy Bible and read the word of God receive the Holy Ghost . Go to a pentocostal church no mather how far you have to travel go to one. You must have a positive mindset because what you believe effects your actions. God has not disqualified you do not disqualify yourself do not listen to that voice in your head telling you to do the wrong thing
Danny G
2015-04-21 11:23:50 UTC
Do what you love. When you do, you'll feel great about yourself and you'll love life again. Start today!
2015-04-22 09:27:08 UTC
I strongly recommend you to read a novel called "Veronika decides to die" by paulo coelho. The novel isn't as depressing as its name sounds.It will help you view life with a different perspective.
2015-04-20 13:09:59 UTC
Well you certainly can't not live whilst remaining alive, so you need to make up your mind.
2015-04-20 00:51:30 UTC
these people say they know how you feel.. **** them. i cant help much but i can say lifes been rough. im only 23 and i had them same thoughts as a youngin. life is hard man. when you grow a little more youll see that it is what you make it though. example is my fiance just got kidnapped and raped. tried to sold into the sex trade. cops cant do **** for a few reasons. i want blood. what do i do... did life give you this hand? i doubt it. it gave it to me. but im gonna find justice. im gonna let my nuts hang and grind this ****** out-whatever that entails. sorry if that didnt help. sometimes you gota realize whats important and who is watching and you gotta feel your nut size and realize that you are man and this is a burden that god set upon you. but he wont let you crumble. that goes for me too
2015-04-21 16:34:14 UTC
Dude, .......... people say "life is just one big game" no, no...... Life is not finally scoring a goal for your Sunday league team, faceing the bullie or even finally do a backflip of the trampoline, people are gonna say "spend time with love ones, go out with mates, that is all true but" ask yourself what do you wanna do? Think on that,........ Message me with Abby problems
2015-04-20 21:35:36 UTC
Talk about your problems, and if you don t want ot talk abput them with anyone, then at least express them. Keep a journal to a secret journal to express how you feel. I wen t through the same thing that you did and it really helped to get me out of the dumps.
2015-04-24 19:06:50 UTC
hey man its going to be okay. youre normal for thinking this way. im sorry the world gets load sometimes. if you have trouble calming down try to just sleep it off, drink water, take a shower. i promise this gets sooo much better.. it really does. just remember school is a very small portion of your life. kindergarten-12 grade is just 13 years of your 70 years of life. (about the average for us. its 77.5-80 but you never know) thats only 18%
2015-04-19 20:16:08 UTC
the sense of everythig being as it seems means somethigg had to change

I too have been there drugs didnr answer , trying to take my own life didnt answer

I Gave my life to Christ I still have down times but He is down there with me helping me

I learn to write poems about the struggles that was a way out

the things i sa like only i could see got me published 3 times that was not my goal but it showed me my worth

then being in God i learned so much more about His purpose for me now i help others through these times

I pray you use what you have even this trying time to paint,draw, scribble ....... something because YOU HAVE WORTH
2015-04-25 16:38:59 UTC
I'm here for you
2015-04-20 12:14:56 UTC
You need to go on a journey of self discovery. I suggest you backpack the Appalachian Trail, or canoe down the Mississippi River, live of the land, work for what you need and move on, live by your wits and by the end of your journey you will know what is important and what is not, what your life is all about and what it is not about.
2015-04-27 23:56:24 UTC
dude I think you are under a serious regret about your feelings... so dying isn't the solution always try to live overcoming those problems it'll make you the most successful person in the world.... world is always cruel but you have to gently deal with it and shouls turn the odds to favours...........wishing you a better future....sayonara...!!
2015-04-22 21:01:52 UTC
u know when i stop playing church and truly found JESUS, i found out three things rite away # 1 before i found JESUS . i was spiritually dead. HE SAID HE CAME TO GIVE ME LIFE . AND LIFE MORE ABUNDANT. see HE supply's all my needs, all i have to do is ask and do his will .#2 it was like a weight had been lifted off of me i was full of joy .#3 HE showed me that NOTHING and i mean NOTHING in this sinful world was worth dyeing for . HE WAS THE FINAL SACRIFICE .HE also said HE WAS NOT THE GOD OF THE DEAD, BUT THE GOD OF THE LIVING.u see ur not the only one in this fight . HE also said FOR ALL THOSE THAT DO MY WILL AND ENDURE TO THE END WILL FIND REST IN HEAVEN. he said things had to come to pass before HE comes again . . renew ur faith in HIM . ask HIM for strength to carry on . then ask HIM what HE wants u to do for HIM . and remember ur never alone in this fight . HE will give u the tools to do what u need to do. and knowledge HE will give will blow ur mind , god bless u and keep u
2015-04-20 18:41:47 UTC
My Dear Dark!

I too have gone though life feeling like "The odd one out",the one who didnt fit in with others! "The one who was left feeling "on the outside" looking in through a window !" Ive experienced this for almost all of my life, and I am 60 years old now! I have suffered depression and isolation because of these factors! I have also realized that some people have "pulling power" and attract many friends and are "people magnets" and enjoy a wide satisfying social life! Then there are types like you and me "Dark", we are nice people, we are kind affectionate and loving souls, yet we are "overlooked" and left out or "passed over" as not really important in todays society of friends . I am introvert and not especially outgoing! maybe you are the same as me?I had spent many years alone and friendless through circumstance. Then I heard the call of my Creator! He is looking for "outcasts" who are good people but feel they dont belong into todays society! These are the ones He is calling! Please believe me DARK! Gods true people are "outcasts" of society! If you want to learn more about Him then look up these various websites Yahwehs Sword. Nazarine Israel. Please start studying your Bible .Your Creator Elohim loves you and is calling you into a personal relationship with him!
2015-04-20 20:13:42 UTC
God loves you, he gave you life as a gift, he wants you to live and serve him. You will feel very happy when you give your life to him and just serve him. Read John 3:16, meditate it and start wondering how you have a lot more to thank God about than things to feel bad about.
2015-04-21 07:31:09 UTC
I believe in heaven and hell and I know that the devil comes to rob steal and destroy everybody and everything that we love so I am praying for you that you will find the help that you need and get r self into some kind of group that knows what you are gong through and ask God for help.
2015-04-22 20:50:01 UTC
alone in the house, I feel like hiding in one place in the house,

with the door locked my dog can hide with me but he hides under the bed,

we all are hiding, nothing happens then the next day I have to get out and go any place,

so i do i go any place and drink some water in a restaurant and drink some water,

no coffee for me yet, later on I try to talk to ever one in the place every where I go for no reason at all,

then I feel gooder for a little while because I'm talking and they are talking,

i keep going from place to place doing this listening to what people have to say,

what they do for fun or for the day, i need a hobby, a real friend, a buddy to hang out with,

i need a drink of water. 2 glasses of water

3 waters. now I'm full of water. it's almost time to do the same thing.

I just live and pray to Father God in Jesus name Amen.

soakin the spirit by laying down and put my mind on Jesus and

how i think he looks what is he doing now! where is he going can I help him some how?

peace out! oh church i go to church i pick a church to go to and just go.

every one is happy in that church so i go again.

i rode the bus a few times to get to work,

once a few months ago i woke up on the side of the side walk where was my bike at?

i kept dozing off, opening one eye for a short time,

seeing cars pass by, woke in ambulance listening to the alarm going of from both side of the ambulance, not noisy in rather the noise went out from the side of the ambulance a new thing I learned good to know for knowledge ha ha.

went threw (cognitive therepy training) for my knowledge from a teacher who I pray for now.

she is a blessing to every one she helps.

that is all I got for now it the therepy helped me open my mind

it can help you also. read a few words backwards...then forward again,

do this a few times in different places in the books. there you go. do it NOW! WOW come with me now song lyrics...

God bless you and all in Jesus mighty name we pray Amen.

God bless all in Jesus name Amen.
2015-04-25 12:41:14 UTC
You're normal.
2015-04-20 07:56:30 UTC
You "don`t want to live" , but then you"don`t want to die" either !!

Sounds like you just want to go through life as a LIBERAL ZOMBIE with no responsibilities and supported by being on WELFARE !!!

The "transition" is easy ........... simply hire a 700 pound Negress with severe Diarrhea to sit of your face and FART till you`re unconscious ............... and you`ll have your wish !!
2015-04-21 09:43:09 UTC
Jog or Run slowly.Eat your favourite food (for me silk chocolates... Yum yum...) ,watch a movie of your favourite genre.Go to Google images and search for any word meaning or simply see flower images.Think of love.(see how many people answered you!we all love you so much).See the songs of Indian movies in you tube.Think and come up with added new ideas to this answer and write to others.

.Repeat these actions when ever you can.Just chill.
2015-04-20 19:46:55 UTC
Don't kill urself, if you w8 the bad things out then happy things start to happen
2015-04-23 11:19:19 UTC
Hey you! Don't kill, harm, or abuse yourself. Try meeting people online. Thats what i did, i used to be like you, now im happy, start with me, add me on kik: aidan.walters
2015-04-30 12:17:16 UTC
All the time you feel pity for yourself and moan you will be sad...but you can change everything straight away by changing the way your life is. Get rid of all the negative people and learn to be independent and live your life how you choose.
2015-04-27 16:42:43 UTC
Find a hobby to get your mind off of life. Bike riding, games, hanging with friends. You could make new friends, or just sit it out until you are out of school and start getting your life together.
2015-04-23 08:23:12 UTC
If you don t want to die, then you want to live. Put some effort into your life. Help somebody else instead of brooding about your shortcomings.
Van Whitehead
2015-04-23 13:33:56 UTC
Watch the Tom Hanks movie " Joe vs. The Volcano" then City Slickers. Worth the fresh perspective.
2015-04-22 03:02:41 UTC
We are the same!!!!!



but hey... if you will stop to live.... how will you see its brighter side...

dont\'t loose hope....a and most important...LOVE

how will you see YOUR life depends on you :)

if you dont have any good to see in your life,,....

just PRAY.... and be positive....

BELIEVE.... and you will see things...

REALITY?!?!?! LIFE is unfair....

but these BAD stuffs that were happening???? it HAS PURPOSE ...

THESE will teach you to be a stronger person :)))

God bless you :)
2015-04-22 00:38:26 UTC
think of something you always wonder about and wanted to do keep you mind on constructive things, think happy thoughts of good one may of had in past word die= down inner eternal lives or right word down an use the weather and wisdom like so = die = done inner east-- wisdom = distance in eternal or the word hell= heaven eternal life weather (hell) hold east level long wisdom heaven eternal life and word kill = keep inner lives long write words down that make one gloomy use first letter of each word in wisdom words weather , as so it up lefts the heart releases tension and bad thoughts
Jeff Taylor
2015-04-22 10:32:22 UTC
Life with out Jesus has no point. The good news is is that he loves you. Whosoever calleth upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. When I was lost I found my self feeling that way at times. God made you and has a purpose for your life, but first you must turn your life over to him by repenting and asking Jesus in to your heart!!! May God bless. Please message me!!!
2015-04-23 09:42:23 UTC
Ooops ! Seems like you too have that Wolverine problem.Can't suggest you anything.Just keep one thing always in mind.

2015-04-21 04:47:43 UTC
surrender yourself to your creator. cry.....cry...cry and beg pardon for what sin you have committed in past. only your creator can heal your life . think "you were not owner of what you lost from your life. don't expect any thing quickly. observe those people having worse condition than you. may allah bless you.
2015-04-22 23:45:41 UTC
In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.

And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient, (2:155) Who, when disaster strikes them, say, "Indeed we belong to Allah , and indeed to Him we will return. (2:156) Those are the ones upon whom are blessings from their Lord and mercy. And it is those who are the [rightly] guided. (2:157)

Righteousness is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west, but [true] righteousness is [in] one who believes in Allah , the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets and gives wealth, in spite of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveller, those who ask [for help], and for freeing slaves; [and who] establishes prayer and gives zakah; [those who] fulfill their promise when they promise; and [those who] are patient in poverty and hardship and during battle. Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are the righteous.(2:177)

God Almighty has spoken the truth.
Karen W
2015-04-22 12:31:45 UTC
These feelings could just be your age,most teenagers get strong feelings about life,it is a confusing time and you will grow out of it,talk to friends and family.
2015-05-03 23:52:58 UTC
The fact that people are responding to your question shows that people care. You are not alone. That is just a lie from the devil. Please allow God into your life. I used to be suicidal, but when I found God (when Jesus found me actually). Then my life is way better. I hardly have depression now and my life is going unexpected places. Glory be to God! You can have a good life too. God loves you and cares about you more than you care about yourself. God loves you! <3
2015-04-24 08:10:49 UTC
I would just say is change you way of life. Go out and explore a different atmosphere and maybe you can change your mind about the world. Or go and be around nature, you can find out who you really are through that.
2015-04-25 00:42:45 UTC
try youtube or your Dr he'll help.Some ppl have problems dealing with things. If you are willing to try you can find your answer.
2015-04-25 15:05:53 UTC
stop thinking about how you feel and why GO OUT find someone to help - make it a better day for someone else - give yourself a reason to see that you are worth more than you will ever know.. look toward the future and wait to see what happens , hmmm
2015-04-22 20:52:39 UTC
Mira, no te conozco pero creo que esa no es una solucion logica a los problemas o cosas asi.
2015-04-20 11:41:57 UTC
Please. read this and remember !!.


I don't know how old you are but I'm 56 and felt JUST LIKE YOU in my teens.


Believe me !!
2015-04-20 16:13:44 UTC
the first thing that u should be happy about it is that u are abble to right this message you have your hands your eyes... think about blind and handicapped people who can give all what they have just to be in ur place,secondary if u dont pass from these moments you will never know the real meaning of happiness .you have to say that from these difficulties u can be STRONG!! Try to travel somewhere, meet people, do some activities...
2015-05-03 22:43:40 UTC
just expose your fear to the maximum extend.... live like its your last day... do what ever you like... and flirt with girl ... doesnt matter what you speak to them... some one might like the way you are.... and im pretty sure about that... just LIVE !!

or the best way is to shift your location to some other place... might help you getting new friends, and buddies.. and also... change your school/college. its your life make it more fun and exciting ..

what you need is a new environment. so go for it..
2015-04-28 19:17:10 UTC
The longer we live, the more we realize that nothing here can truly satisfy us. We look everywhere for satisfaction--relationships, entertainment, hobbies, careers, sex, food, and so on--only to be left empty. It's as if there were something perfect out there that our souls crave so much so that we will never be able to rest until we find it. Why is that?

Maybe it's because there is Someone out there that can quench the thirst of our hearts.

His name is Jesus Christ.

He's the One who gave you life, forming you purposefully in the womb of your mother.

"For You formed my inward parts;

You wove me in my motherā€™s womb.

I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

Wonderful are Your works,

And my soul knows it very well.

My frame was not hidden from You,

When I was made in secret,

And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth;

Your eyes have seen my unformed substance;

And in Your book were all written

The days that were ordained for me,

When as yet there was not one of them." -Ps. 139:13-16

He's the One who knows the truth about you.

" For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." -Romans 3:23

"For the wages of sin is death." -Romans 6:23a

He's the One that loved you anyway.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:16

He's the One who gave Himself for you.

"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." -Romans 5:8

He's the One who lives again to be your hope.

"For He was foreknown before the foundation of the world, but has appeared in these last times for the sake of you who through Him are believers in God, who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God." I Peter 1:20-1

Don't give up on your life. Read the Bible to see who God is, and what He's done for you. Making Him your Lord will give your life purpose and knowing Him will bring joy.

"Preserve me, O God, for I take refuge in You.

I said to the Lord, 'You are my Lord;

I have no good besides You.'ā€ Ps. 16:1-2

"You [God] will make known to me the path of life;

In Your presence is fullness of joy;

In Your right hand there are pleasures forever." Ps. 16:11
2015-04-21 17:01:08 UTC
Finding a passion and destiny for life is worth living for and dying for, I suggest you find it. Start with reading the book of John.
2015-04-19 21:23:47 UTC
Stay strong <3 Jesus loves you and so do I! I'll be praying for you.
2015-04-19 23:47:54 UTC
"As the vision,so the world".If you take the world around you will truly see pessimism everywhere.But if you go will see the new positive world.The result of what you receive in life is always and always.... directly proportional to the attitude you put in.No one in this world has reasons to live or die.....we all are similar to u....even though everyone is unique!Like everyone else finds reasons to also have to..!

I understand your pain....because all travel similar paths in life.But i also understand you have potential inside you to survive the present psychological trauma.Live your life your way...dear.Never give up!
2015-04-28 15:59:27 UTC
Same i feel like that too.. i just hope that one day i will find the my own group of people who like me for me and be a leader and forget those haters and worry about yourself... im still trying to find away out
2015-04-22 00:57:24 UTC
lmfaoo maybe you're socially akward because theres some people that people just dont like hanging out with.
2015-04-19 23:29:42 UTC
i know what u can do

you can blast music in your room

happy house music



text friends that you havent been able to talk to bc of this depression

i used to be like this

but i had a sleep over

and invited the most nicest friend i could be comfortable with, and talked and watched movies and ate

listen baby its okay

ask yourself

"will it matter five years from now?"

ofc not

bc u will get to college

get married

have sex



and what about family?

dont push them away

watch movies with them too

siblings? play with em

xbox , dolls , connect 4, haha idk


dont be sad

if its bad seek a therapist
Freedom Soars
2015-04-20 01:15:38 UTC
maybe a lot of people feel the same way, it's because we have lost touch with our inner selves...try to feel your impulses and follow what they tell you to do...spend time focusing on helping others more, it will give your life meaning...
2015-04-22 10:25:49 UTC
People in this world should never think like this, life onky comes one time. Try to enjoy it fully. Come out of the depression.
2015-04-25 09:03:23 UTC
Do volunteer work for a Church or charity and stop whining. Do something useful beside crying like a baby.
2015-04-20 04:49:33 UTC
You are alive now, it means you are lived by god. so you still need to survive. Good luck. Something good things happen during your life. Just be patient for a while.
2015-04-30 04:54:03 UTC
You should speak to family members and friends and let them help you. They'll help you find your answer on what you should do. :)
2015-04-25 03:09:53 UTC
Everybody has their own purpose in this world... donā€™t attempt to suicide because that will not do anything but harm you. Youā€™re very lucky actually... you got to live while others wish to live longer but tomorrow their life weā€™re taken. Killing yourself is just pointless... youā€™re showing everybody that youā€™re very weak and not the strongest army of God... please donā€™t take your own life :)).. life is precious if you take the time to appreciate it.
2015-05-02 04:56:01 UTC
Move alone to a jungle for few months and after passing at least 2 months in jungle take decision .
2015-04-21 11:12:29 UTC
Your mision is easy to find. Live, share (as you do right now), take everything life is giving, give, talk, meet, read, dance,feed, help, care, etc etc and wait your favorite song to come cause someone, somewhere is writing it for you.
Eric S
2015-04-22 14:29:26 UTC
Go the gym and get ripped! Your body is your temple do not put drugs or poison in your body. Getting ripped will give you a reason live everyday.
2015-04-21 01:43:32 UTC
Just one advice brother.You already Decided to Die. Then you have nothing to loose Just Live it.
2015-04-21 21:45:14 UTC
If you have a passion, make it your ambition. You will then get a purpose in your life and people will start following you. Go on with this. I wish you luck! :)
2015-04-20 20:28:55 UTC
How can you feel like there's no meaning for you "anymore" just havent found it yet.
2015-04-23 23:14:26 UTC
that's confusing.. just live your life.. I was feeling the same thing but all we have to do is live life.. be sad when you are sad.. be happy when you are happy ..just sail the boat
2015-04-20 09:05:38 UTC
Go into a's like half and half
2015-04-28 22:03:19 UTC

Second: Find something you LOVE to do and go for it with all your might!!!

Third: STOP torturing yourself with existential questions NOW!!!! & NEVER look back!

Then love & forgive as much as you can AND Enjoy your ******* life!!!!

That, simply put, is your job. Now, GET TO IT!
2015-04-20 17:35:17 UTC
2015-04-22 11:54:30 UTC
Naturally some time we feel we are weak and narrow and depression, but there is hope should be fighting for the one you love or have to fight in order to achieve your dreams
2015-04-20 03:03:09 UTC
Just live like the rest of us. Life is short enough as it is, so try to take steps to improve yours. The bad is usually not as bad as we think and it is only temporary, even if you think it is not.
2015-04-22 09:01:30 UTC
I [the Lord] will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you. Psalm 32: 8
2015-04-29 03:17:41 UTC
lots of answers huh. so let me try also. life itself is confusing. like how it started, how it will end. lots of question like "whether u eat to live or live to eat". why we r here? wat am i destined for? am i good for anything? i will tell forget all these things. i do not know wat ur exact problem is but watever the circumstances were, r or will be, u r here. and ur being here is important for us. because of u only we all r getting views of different lives. in the same way in ur home or colony or town or country, also i m sure u make a differnce by being there, that is y u r there. so forget bout living or dying, take watever comes in ur way, u r very usefull to all of us and enjoy
2015-04-25 08:53:01 UTC
this is an international problem ,but few have the carege to talk about ,and admeting the problem is half of the seliotion ,its all about your soul ,you feed your body with food ,but you have to feed your soul ,and soul food is Religion ,and knowing of good and why you ate created ,i Recommend you to study the islam religion get knowing of him ,it will help you a lot .

dont take you info from media its all rong i isure you
2015-04-23 16:02:19 UTC
I know exactly how you feel. I feel the exact same way. Try telling your parents about it or ask someone for help and advice. Keep your head up.
2015-04-21 09:34:57 UTC
Even i am going through the same situation as you. I totally understand the pain.

If you ever feel like sharing something, I am always there :)
2015-04-23 18:47:42 UTC
it may seem like life sucks now, but believe me, it gets better, and i know everyone says that, but its true. the people you are with right now arent gonna hate on you forever, one day theyre gonna realize that youre beautiful and/or handsome through and through, and theier gonna be like "well s**t we really f****d up didnt we we shouldnt have done that" and you arent gonna be surrounded with the same exact people youll meet new people and move away from these one. as one of my faveorite songs says, darlin youll be okay
2015-04-20 09:59:18 UTC
become a christian and live a long better life. When you die you go to heaven.and it will be way better than this earth.
2015-04-21 15:09:13 UTC
Live then
2015-04-19 17:12:04 UTC
just live life ! you scare of dying and you are not going to kil you're self .
2015-04-21 19:07:45 UTC
its a thinking of a teenager that he or she doesn't want to live u should be able to control yourself on such time
2015-04-21 14:42:13 UTC
When you get older you are going to realize that everyone is scare and doubtful about themselves at a point of their life.
2015-04-26 13:55:21 UTC
that is a phase we all go through in life some more so than others. i would remember the last time you felt happy and try to replicate that again
2015-04-20 04:52:46 UTC
Find yourself a purpose, something you would die for, live for and breath for. Then go from there.
rob m
2015-05-02 17:13:02 UTC
2015-04-29 02:22:52 UTC
Do not lose your condfidence. May be you can read a book or play a game to change your mood
2015-04-20 17:34:34 UTC
Get a loving dog from the shelter! Just make sure you do your homework!

Another idea is to voluteer!
2015-04-23 17:42:32 UTC
Enjoy and embrace's truly all we have!
2015-04-20 06:17:22 UTC
too bad one can't just request a medically induced coma.
2015-04-23 13:58:41 UTC
Hey, accept Christ as your savior and live your life for him. Serve him in every way by starting to go to church and find out what he has planned for you. love
2015-04-21 19:25:48 UTC
Suicide is not the way out. Improve your live and make tomorrow the better day to the point that you want to live in the world.
2015-04-20 19:29:08 UTC
you are unique.

you can do whatever you want to achieve as long as you set your mind to it.

nobody is perfect.

its never too late to change.

no matter what the circumstances, there is always a chance.


find your "WHY" in this world...why do you want to do what you REALLY WANT????

ive been there....gotten back changes, and you NEVER KNOW what tomorrow has stored for you!!

be honest to yourself.

forgive yourself, and others.

be grateful for what you have

but most important, VALUE your time....cause it goes flying!!!
2015-04-21 16:41:38 UTC
hi... you sound kinda young and im not gunna say i understand...because i hate when people do that to me... if your anything like me you wont want to listen to my advice... they have councelors at school and from my experience they are pretty nice.. you dont have to tell them everything... test the waters talk about anything and everything on your mind....maybe it will help wishing u the very best of luck hope and strength
2015-04-21 05:41:15 UTC
u have a life as a healthy one if I am correct see the world where there are lakhs of people suffering from crisis and you are lucky .... live your life dedicate it to a thing and then see
2015-04-22 10:07:33 UTC
you can't do both, so you need to make up your mind which one you want to do. you need to get professional help, so someone can give you guidance. you need someone to listen to you and give you good advice.
2015-04-26 11:35:00 UTC
DO NOT kill yourself. go to a therapist admit you need help. thing will get better i promise you that, pray to God. i will pray for you. i attempted suicide and i am now on meds for depression and things are going a lot better
2015-04-19 17:45:26 UTC
Time for you to get into an activity. Create your own band or artwork and sell it.
2015-04-20 09:58:46 UTC
well i think u need some advices and a good listener so i'll tell my my whatsapp and u could tell your problems
2015-04-20 15:17:56 UTC



2015-04-20 16:34:51 UTC
I think you are just confused a lot. Life is very complicated to understand. try asking a psychiatrists and tell her all about what you think. that should do it.
2015-04-22 05:03:31 UTC
Make a girl/boy friend and enjoy life.
2015-04-28 19:14:51 UTC
simplest advice:suck it up and push on through. Things will only get better if you do something about it (we were all put on his earth for a reason)
2015-04-24 12:56:59 UTC
Find a good hobby to do for every time you feel that way
2015-04-20 06:47:05 UTC
I know how you feel. I get this way at times. I have attempted suicide twice since the beginning of the year.
2015-04-27 22:55:38 UTC
OH, never have this kind of idea, your parents love you so much, and you have so many friends, you had better have your own world
2015-05-01 13:13:03 UTC
Just bring few new changes to your life and make yourself happy. It happens sometimes in our life we just have to know how to handle it.
2015-04-26 20:56:56 UTC
I recommend kicking a mountain lion in the balls.

You will die immediately
2015-04-21 16:13:58 UTC
well im sure at sum point we have all felt depressed and worthless.listen its taken a while 4 you to get to this place and its gonna take you a while to get from this place. but remember we all have a purpose in this big ol cold.unforgiving rock we all must share.but in time your path/purpose will b clear.and you are stronger than u think..hang on and oneday you will look back on these times..thinkin thats where it turned around 4 me been there ;}
2015-04-26 10:34:01 UTC
Dude I suggest that you should go to a psych ward and get help.
2015-04-21 04:15:43 UTC
You need God. You have no idea how much God loves and values you. Pray to God in Jesus name and ask him to help you find a church for more direction.
2015-04-22 00:54:27 UTC
I know how you feel about this and I think of this myself and I ask myself whats going to happen to my family and friends .
Carolyn Hoover
2015-05-04 11:38:45 UTC
You have to know things get better! Nobody should take their own lives.
2015-04-29 20:03:19 UTC
Find yourself, find something that gives you some joy and actually give life a chance.
2015-05-02 15:36:57 UTC
change the people you are around and hang out with people who help you grow as a person and share similar interests
2015-04-26 15:22:56 UTC
You should move..get away from anything vothering you start over. Try new things
2015-04-21 13:33:04 UTC
talking to people helps with problems, sounds like you may have alot of unresolved issues, and talking to someone you trust can help get alot of weight of chest
2015-04-20 11:25:06 UTC
Add your answer pls visit catholic blessed sacrament for ur present situation
2015-04-21 07:17:28 UTC
dude simple answer do yoga or better watch and feel the bluish sky which is mine favorite and also locked yourself in room feel your self or just break everything in your room it will split your all the frustrations out my favorite believe me
2015-05-01 12:09:14 UTC
that what i was like before having my kids now i have a reason to live
2015-04-21 18:28:51 UTC
I feel like that too. Life and people are evil. I hate my family too
2015-05-02 04:45:10 UTC
if you dont want to live any more there is easy way to die. dont act like a coward that you are afraid of die. boy
2015-04-20 16:04:41 UTC
If you are serious I think you should seek help at a crisis center.
2015-05-04 14:21:55 UTC
Just start smoking, eat all the food you LIKE (not need), and get a motorcycle. Life (death too) will take care of the rest.
2015-04-27 06:36:51 UTC
There is always hope. it will take time but you will find somewhere that you fit in. it may take time but I promise you. keep your head high and it will get better!
2015-04-20 09:58:58 UTC
I think you need to go see some one about that
2015-04-20 00:46:18 UTC
go to morning walk , visit friends house , go to gym , listen songs , sometimes dance with music , watch movie ,make new friend etc. try to gather knowledge from online , see you tube ... etc .
2015-04-22 05:08:39 UTC
JesusChrist filled my emptiness and made me feel loved and wanted; He can do the same for you all you need to do is just ask Him to.
2015-04-19 22:32:53 UTC
dont you are worth it, better days ahead i promise but there is no sunshine without rain.......try talking to a good person to get counsel hope it helps
2015-04-21 15:49:54 UTC
Dude dont kill yourself. If you do, it wont solve anything and also you go to Hell. Just try hard to find happiness. Its not hard but if you just try
2015-04-22 13:43:57 UTC
You r a great person and you should know that, you were not brought on this world for nothing.
-The Majestic Sloth-
2015-04-29 12:55:14 UTC
Your special to someone out there. Take time to realize that, suicide is not the way to go.
2015-04-22 06:55:25 UTC
stay away from people are hurt you ,you need too find love in yourself to be strong and stay with the ones who cares for you
2015-04-26 16:12:57 UTC
that easy you have your self on your mind to much me me me try this help someone you know you will see that it will make you feel better. it is easy to be bad try being good that is hard
2015-04-20 08:36:43 UTC
I feel the same and I understand what ur going through šŸ˜ž
2015-04-21 13:04:52 UTC
If you hold out long enough the decision will be made for you
Desert driller
2015-04-23 05:06:08 UTC
I find that prayer is great help when feeling depressed. It works.
2015-04-24 13:19:30 UTC
Hold on like the rest of you are--and stop being a coward.
2015-04-23 07:55:27 UTC
I will give you the answer "Buck up and deal with it" Life is not as bad as you think

No matter what...
2015-04-27 02:06:45 UTC
Mate, go see a doctor right now.
2015-04-23 13:32:26 UTC
As my daddy said before he kicked the bucket....

"Just can't cope? Get the rope."

2015-04-23 22:43:29 UTC
i also feel this but i'm still alive :-)
2015-04-22 06:59:55 UTC
Goto Syria/Iraq and join ISIS. They will give you what you seek.
2015-04-19 23:51:38 UTC
What ever the situation is no one should commit suicide.

Because your life is valuable for yourself.
2015-04-19 15:53:23 UTC
get in line and take a number. do you know how many people come to YA to announce their suicide? gobillions.
2015-05-04 09:42:23 UTC
i think you should seek professional help with this. You are not alone <3
2015-04-23 10:34:27 UTC
The title to my soundtrack of the story of my life
2015-04-21 11:17:17 UTC
Death will obiously come one day so you should not think of Death... Enjoy the little world
2015-04-20 15:01:59 UTC
Life can suck but you have to learn to absorb it, move on, and change what happens to you.
2015-04-20 00:46:18 UTC
you will die eventually everyone does i feell what you feel unfortunately in my situation nothing will get better
2015-04-22 18:41:51 UTC
Call any time..............

1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Reaching out and talking will do you alot of good.
2015-04-20 04:58:48 UTC
Help others
messenger of fire
2015-04-21 08:11:14 UTC
Call on Jesus and keep doing it until he shows up.
2015-04-22 14:49:13 UTC
Call the sucidial provention number
2015-04-21 08:45:41 UTC
Good luck man.
2015-04-23 18:50:20 UTC
You may take help from your religion.
2015-04-20 13:06:38 UTC
Go into a coma.
2015-04-21 10:22:33 UTC
Dont worry your not the only one i feel like that too
2015-04-21 04:53:49 UTC
Watch some p**n and ull get through it
2015-04-21 05:31:23 UTC
hi youre awesome
2015-04-23 16:13:55 UTC
2015-04-21 12:29:51 UTC
sorry do'nt tell it
2015-04-22 01:38:52 UTC
Sleeping pill will help.
2015-04-21 15:47:01 UTC
Life is what you make it.
2015-04-23 13:55:13 UTC
go to middle earth

2015-04-24 12:59:42 UTC
go to middle earth

2015-04-23 14:35:11 UTC
Only God can fill those deep dark voids.. nothing more, nothing less.
2015-04-23 09:23:49 UTC
choose to die thats what i did
2015-04-21 13:46:06 UTC
Sleep is like death without the commitment.
2015-04-20 20:17:34 UTC
Jesus is who stopped me from feeling that way.
2015-04-26 23:58:00 UTC
its better idea to make a new friend of genre you are.
2015-04-27 03:43:23 UTC
we are in purgatory, stick it out, get up outta these place, do whats right
2015-04-22 08:09:25 UTC
You need to find your goal.
2015-04-26 20:05:27 UTC
hi u ll be helping this world by something .i think u know the famous proverb "failure is the stepping stone......" u should remember that .hey change u can believe in
2015-04-25 11:36:09 UTC
But am sorry to ask you for what happened to you?
2015-04-22 04:52:04 UTC
Just deal with it you spoon.
2015-04-22 01:06:21 UTC
-> Buddhist monastry -> Silence -> Pleasure of being -> Joy of living -> Enlightenment ->

Real meaning of life and friends -> New life




EOF (End of file) ...
2015-04-21 19:19:27 UTC
ahh, ok kill half of your body, and let the other half live, that sure will answer your question
2015-04-22 22:31:35 UTC
2015-04-26 15:24:05 UTC
Praying for you
2015-04-29 18:26:58 UTC
I feel the same way
2015-04-19 18:21:05 UTC
see doc
2015-04-26 08:00:13 UTC
I feel the same way
2015-04-21 09:27:24 UTC
2015-04-20 04:21:25 UTC
just get out and do something that you enjoy
2015-04-28 19:06:42 UTC
this was the name of my jr high emo band we rocked
2015-04-22 04:30:11 UTC
Welcome to life, it is messy. If you feel that way you need to seek help. It is not easy for anybody.
2015-04-21 16:24:17 UTC has the best answers for life now and in the future.
2015-04-22 17:50:53 UTC
im sorry man take care
2015-04-20 15:13:00 UTC
live to the fullest ā–“ā–’ā”‚Ʀ{ƦEā—˜Mā™¦5+2ā˜»ā™„ā˜ŗā”‚āˆ™ā˜ŗĀ Ā°ā—™ā†ØāŒ Ī˜ Ā§+ā—™Ī˜ā•™Ī±ā•™Ā¢ĀŖā•Ÿā–“ā‚§Ć“Ā£{Āµā†Ā±Ā¢āˆž4ā•£\3XI65ā™¦489N54Ć„~)ā–¼@ƄX
2015-04-24 05:38:46 UTC
trust me i know that feelings. i send you many hugs
2015-04-20 22:26:33 UTC
haha too bad
2015-04-20 12:49:17 UTC
go watch chappie
2015-04-20 19:09:39 UTC
what you really want, is to start living.
2015-04-22 01:40:44 UTC
Damn yousa confused lil *****
2015-04-21 22:48:49 UTC
2015-04-21 12:53:42 UTC
2015-04-30 20:20:45 UTC
2015-04-23 09:51:57 UTC
get counceling

2015-04-21 10:31:47 UTC
have u tried speaking to a counsellor
2015-04-22 09:11:27 UTC
You are depressed
2015-04-23 22:51:54 UTC
Praise God. He is the only way.
2015-04-25 22:18:36 UTC
I feel the same too
2015-04-20 12:13:22 UTC
things will get better
2015-04-22 22:35:19 UTC
take morning swims.

will make the day better.
2015-04-28 07:25:03 UTC
just live
2015-04-21 04:46:51 UTC
struggle to be a Muslim, you will get relief.

try it.
Milana Diamandus
2015-04-23 17:16:07 UTC
You need Jesus Christ was your savior.
Trey Alderson-cloutier
2015-04-24 11:04:45 UTC
God has a purpose for you! This is why you have a heartbeat and a breathe in your body! Please watch this!!
2015-04-24 23:12:42 UTC
My heart to yours.
2015-05-01 01:09:44 UTC
living is better.
2015-04-25 15:35:11 UTC
stay positive
2015-04-23 23:22:47 UTC
U need serious help kid O.o
2015-04-27 02:13:16 UTC
2015-04-29 07:00:42 UTC
i cant say anything. i got the same problem.
2015-04-25 10:36:38 UTC
depends whts bothering u
Anthea D
2015-04-20 01:16:27 UTC
its the same thing what your saying
2015-04-23 06:27:02 UTC
same here
2015-04-26 03:17:45 UTC
listen to good music you idiot!
Kautilya Bhanwarayat
2015-04-20 04:37:40 UTC
have some music...
2015-05-03 14:36:57 UTC
then please allow others to live dr .. and continue breathing to ensure ur alive ;)
2015-04-21 03:35:33 UTC
Take it EASY bro. :)
2015-04-20 03:55:05 UTC
It is called dilemma. Please dial your Mom and find out.
2015-04-20 18:48:36 UTC
2015-04-21 18:31:29 UTC
dont do it
2015-04-22 09:35:59 UTC
would the person that posted this question please give an update
2015-04-28 18:42:50 UTC
same but u just ghot to moveon and make new friends thats wat everyone telling me
2015-04-22 05:57:13 UTC
Try meth.
2015-04-20 13:48:41 UTC
i feel you.
2015-04-23 03:53:17 UTC
kill yourself
2015-04-23 08:11:27 UTC
Hey dear boy or girl,

I don't know you personally and probbably can't guess what's going through your mind exactly but allot of the few statements you make hit very close to home for me. I've often felt, and sometimes still feel, pretty much the same. But hey! I already feel quite different and I'm only 22 years old! =) And still I am quite the person who needs ALLOT of time to figure everything out and get things going, so don't worry about that if you are ;-)

Also to me life is still pretty much difficult most of the time. But here's the thing that keeps me going: all the possibilities! Probbably they confuse you allot now you're young. And yes, they are very confusing if you take them too seriously, just like opinions and ways of life. You said that you don't belong anywhere: not at school, neither at home and that you feel lost all the time. Now, if you are in (your first years of) highschool, I can imagine that you have enough reasons to feel so. Youngsters at that age spend allot of time at group-formation and they tend to set the traits to "fit in" very narrow to feel strong as a group. If you happen to fall apart from that they will only underscribe that even more in any way to make themself feel stronger once again. Like evolutiontheory says: safety lies in numbers. And for being with a large quantity of people it comes convenient when they are much alike. Maybe not so much in talents but atleast in how they behave and how they think of the world and eachother. This is because thinking alike just makes it easier to coƫxist and less conflicts will arise. Now, when you come along and think differently then that is not neccesarily a bad thing as much as it is convenient for them to put you apart by. After all: your differance only underscribes their (often artificially manufactured) alikeness and if they put extra attention to it it will make them feel stronger and safer again.

But lett me tell you that you also have your own thing going for you! Namely to fitt in you have to putt aside allot of your own attributions to actually fit. You have all your colours and broad palet of who you are and that leaves open so much more possibilities. You seem like a very kind and especially very sensitive person. If you're a bit like me after many years people will eventually come to you because of your open mind they can be vulnerable. And then you will be stronger than any individual ever! I believe this because when you don't fit in you'll keep an open mind since from the side you'll be able to see all the possibilities. Just don't close your eyes and seek shelter all the time because then it will ultimately get dark and empty. Often the world is a magical, inspiring, entertaining and sometimes even beautifull place to look at. And if it gets too ugly just find a personal, but colourfull, space to hide in for the time being. "Another world" so to say. For me that are books, films and art but for some people that can be sports or science or craftmenship, music, intergalectic space role playing or anything you can imagine! Just search, you will certainly find something that "tickles" you! ;-) But don't forget to peek into the "real" sociable world from time to time. It is a world that changes quickly because of all the forces from opinions, goals, strivings and so forth happening in there and working on eachother. So if you hide for much too long you'll miss the grande spectacle happening there with quite possibly allot of things you wouldn't have wanted to miss! Hey, you don't have much to lose: if it still is to ugly you can hide again just as easily as before! After some years you'll find a group, place or situation which is not so threathening to you and you will feel somewhat brave enough to step in. If this happens be sure not to shy away; here comes your chance to make the most out of life! For me it happened when a girl, whom I had only befriended during our mutual last year of highschool, asked me to come along to a local pub. There I found the first place and people with whom I could really fit in and I made it my home for a few years. From there this possitive oil slick spreaded and I met more and more people with whom I could chare good times and more and more places where I could feel somewhat belonging. But I also discovered that for me there wasn't one place where I completely fitted and that for a great part I was actually glad that it was this way. I may not have a regular place at a secured dinner table but I do have multiple dinner tables where I am welcome to join the meal often enough. Ofcourse I stepped in at a few places on forehand of that experience that didn't do the trick for me and where I still remained too excluded to have a rich social life spawn from thereon. But looking back on those experiences I do not feel like I have lost anything there, in contrast: often I even gained something.Now I know that I don't have to lock myself down in some conforment or even ideals to be a part of something and that I don't have to renounce the prism of my personallity to be loved and to give love. And ofcourse, we all have our ugly bits and sometimes we just can't help but do bad. But to me it's like Kurt Cobain sang: "I'm so ugly, but that's okay 'cause so are you". If you keep your heart and mind open and remember to both have eye for the people and world around you and also for yourself uglyness may rise from time to time but will never overthrow your personal life. Remember: your bad deeds don't define you and your good will shall shine over the ugly marks you may have left if you just give it his space.

So ultimately, the conclusion of my advice is: keep your eyes open to all the possibilities because there lies some beauty in almost all of them and be approachable but at the same time don't feel obligated to ultimately choose one and pin yourself down to just one view, thereby confiscating your own person. Allot of people will tell you otherwise because they want to pull you in or have you take position in order to feel stronger themself. This is because allot of people identify themselfs with their view(s) and not with their person. So don't give in unless you feel completely belonging somewhere. And if you may not find that place then that doesn't matter either! But also make sure you create your own safe haven in which you can find comfort when the world becomes to heavy.

It is this duality between which the so called holy grail lies: keep your eyes open and don't shy away automatically because then you'll also hide for possible beauty, but at the same time don't be affraid to put people aside when they're being ugly to you and give yourself some safe-time whenever needed but make sure that this takes place in a colourfull room (which can also be black if you're into gothic sub-culture, it's just a metaphore, but I think you get the idea, lol)

Good luck!

ps if you have any more questions or need some more advice, don't be afraid to ask. I'd gladly help out where I can! I do realise that I didn't went into the whole thing of not feeling good and belonging at home but I figured that I already said allot and decided to leave it at that for now. I hope to have placed a seed of hope in your mind. Cheers and best of luck!
2015-04-21 16:29:10 UTC
DONT DIE SOMEONE LOVES U !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2015-04-20 18:34:48 UTC
Welcome to the real world.
2015-04-22 16:59:17 UTC
2015-04-21 02:48:20 UTC
2015-04-23 12:34:45 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.