Okay so today at school we we're on the computers and every student at my school has an email thing and it's like msn but not if that makes sense, We can like instant message each over about homework and other stuff, I was talking to one of my friends on it just the usual stuff like ''hi, how are you'' etc! So my other friend was like ''can we swap laptops so I can read your story?'' so I agreed to it, when we swapped back the chat was open and she said to my friend ''you fxxking bxtch'' and my heart dropped i tried to reply saying ''I'm so sorry that wasn't me'' but it was like ''You have been banned from making any further actions'' so i took the laptop to my teacher and he said that I should go to see my head of year, but he wouldn't let me go until the lesson ended, so I asked ''do you think he's going to believe me that it wasn't me who did it?'' and he was like ''probably not'' When the lesson ended I ran straight to see my head of year and explained the situation and all he said was ''just don't worry about it and i'll have a word with your english teacher about it'' so I went to have my lunch and all my other friends were laughing about it and stuff and I got really angry and said ''well i don't think you would like it'' then they were all saying how my english teacher is going to tell my head of year that it was me and stuff. I'm just so scared cause theirs not really much evidence and I'm in something called the ''bully book'' which was again for something I never done, which was spread a rumor about someone. I'm so angry, i'm now off school for a week as it's half term and i'm scared that when I go back i'll get excluded or something?