2009-05-12 14:02:34 UTC
well i left her on my msn contact list, and i noticed something. when me and my other friend, hemisha, were talking, we made up the nicknames scummy and hoe (that's me!) and so i changed my status to 'scummy+hoe=besties!(:' and so she changes hers to 'george and porage = besties!(:' *she is george and her ***** of a friend is porage*
and the other day i told a different ***** the same thing i told my xfriend, that i didn't wanna be friends, *cause im trying to get rid of bad influences.* and so i changed my status to 'my day was 1000000x better without you!' and so she gets all p!ss3d and starts telling me off and crap and how i should stop hanging with my true friends and with her.
is she jealous?