2011-12-29 04:47:41 UTC
I was diagnosed with Asperger's recently, and I have been bullied horribly my whole life. Girls grabbed my *** as a joke on me, people threw things at me and called me all kinds of horrible names, I had absolutely NO FRIENDS at all, and I'm scared of socializing because everybody thought I was a nerd/loser/geek/freak/retard/psycho.
I'm 6'3, I'm pretty thin, I have black hair down to my shoulders, I like Horror/sci-fi/comedy/comics etc. and I write almost constantly - stories, novels, screenplays, etc. I like Nirvana, Led Zepplin etc. and I live with my Dad/step-mom/siblings (I moved away from my Mom's neighborhood after I graduated from HS to avoid being in that town). My room, albeit a basement, is twenty feet by twenty feet and has a bathroom, refrigerator, fishtank, futon, bed. and carpeting/widescreen TV (considering the economy, I don't think that's that bad The reason I threw in stuff about my room is because the most persistent 'loser' stereotype is living in your parent's basement =:P).
Haven't had a GF in a looooooooooooooooooong time, starting to get scared I'll never find somebody. =(
If a pic is necessary email me, don't be afraid to tell me I'm ugly (I've heard it before). :D
I'm 19 years old and, most importantly, I am an Atheist and very serious about it. A Girl who believes that her Religion might not be wrong (because ALL of them might be right, and might be wrong) is kind of a killer - I've dealt with a LOT of discrimination from Christians, particularly Catholics. Thanks.
Also, above everything else, I am respectful towards everybody, I do not go around mocking people - but others do it to me for having very particular interests and assume I have no life because my fiction is so incredibly complex (At times). I'm afraid I'll never find a girl I like (Cute, affectionate, pretty, sympathetic and intelligent) and that I'll die alone?