I have Asperger's; am I really as creepy/hideous/weird as everybody always said I was?
2011-12-29 04:47:41 UTC
NOTE: I'm re-posting this because some answerers were immature morons, please, if you want to be a jerk for no reason, go work out your issues. Thanks.

I was diagnosed with Asperger's recently, and I have been bullied horribly my whole life. Girls grabbed my *** as a joke on me, people threw things at me and called me all kinds of horrible names, I had absolutely NO FRIENDS at all, and I'm scared of socializing because everybody thought I was a nerd/loser/geek/freak/retard/psycho.

I'm 6'3, I'm pretty thin, I have black hair down to my shoulders, I like Horror/sci-fi/comedy/comics etc. and I write almost constantly - stories, novels, screenplays, etc. I like Nirvana, Led Zepplin etc. and I live with my Dad/step-mom/siblings (I moved away from my Mom's neighborhood after I graduated from HS to avoid being in that town). My room, albeit a basement, is twenty feet by twenty feet and has a bathroom, refrigerator, fishtank, futon, bed. and carpeting/widescreen TV (considering the economy, I don't think that's that bad The reason I threw in stuff about my room is because the most persistent 'loser' stereotype is living in your parent's basement =:P).

Haven't had a GF in a looooooooooooooooooong time, starting to get scared I'll never find somebody. =(

If a pic is necessary email me, don't be afraid to tell me I'm ugly (I've heard it before). :D

I'm 19 years old and, most importantly, I am an Atheist and very serious about it. A Girl who believes that her Religion might not be wrong (because ALL of them might be right, and might be wrong) is kind of a killer - I've dealt with a LOT of discrimination from Christians, particularly Catholics. Thanks.

Also, above everything else, I am respectful towards everybody, I do not go around mocking people - but others do it to me for having very particular interests and assume I have no life because my fiction is so incredibly complex (At times). I'm afraid I'll never find a girl I like (Cute, affectionate, pretty, sympathetic and intelligent) and that I'll die alone?
Five answers:
2011-12-29 05:11:14 UTC
First thing, you will NOT die alone. Having Asperger's is one bit of who you are, and if people cant except that then to the hell with em'.

To me, you seem like anyone else; you like good music, you write, you believe in whatever you want; you are completely normal; your human. You seem like someone I'd want to hang with actually, you seem absolutely awesome! And I find it cool that you live in a basement.

Now I don't have a clue what your life must be like having Asperger's, and to have to put up with the constant put downs and discrimination, but the best thing you can do is try ignore it. If people can't treat you like a normal human being- that you are, then they are simply not worth your time and effort.

One day you will find a girl who will love you unconditionally.

I know I cant say I know exactly how you feel, but I've been discriminated against, and teased and put down for no reason at all, and my advice is to just ignore them. Put your chin up and show them that what they say/do does not faze you.

Hope I helped a little? :)
2011-12-29 22:00:46 UTC
That all sounds pretty great to me.

Checklist for if I was single:

6'3" ~ Nope, I'm 5'2"... you'd be able to sit on my head LMAO. But tall is sexy.

Thin ~ sure... maybe you can give me some pointers on how to get that way LOL

Long, black hair ~ I'm drooling now, Thanks.

Horror ~ Check

Writer? ~ OMG, Marry me, I can't afford to buy as many books as I read LOL

Nirvana & Zep ~ You rock!

Basement? ~ OMG too cool. Dark, dreary, and perfect for movies, jamming out to good music, sex, or whatever else you can come up with to do down there. :)

Fishtank? ~ Marine or freshwater? I prefer Marine, but hey, whatever, fish are fish.

Ugly ~ You don't seem ugly inside, and that's what really matters to real people.

Athiest ~ Eh, I'm a Christian, but think each person is entitled to their own beliefs.

Also, then again, I'm a suspected aspie as well. So I'm weird too LOL But I found someone, and I'm sure you will too. Don't be so afraid of what people will think of you that you hold back on the one girl who thinks you're the best ever. She's out there.
2011-12-29 05:15:05 UTC
Are you kidding? You sound awesome. You also seem very smart. I don't know what you look like but you can't be that ugly and tall is good. So just ignore those people or if all else fails, hit them.

Cookiemonster - "Get a haircut?" What a f*cking square.

I don't think you will die alone, I think you want to BE alone because of all the idiots putting you down. I'm a girl and I like the weird guys :)

Show us your pic!
2011-12-29 04:54:53 UTC
Those people are jerks.First get a haircut.Not to be mean I just don't think long haired boys are appreciated.Then stand up for yourself be really strong.Hopefully you make friends and fing a girlfriend good luck.
2011-12-29 04:49:53 UTC
I know what you mean.

I bought a boat the other day and named it relation. Its going to be the closest thing I ever get to a relationship.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.