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2006-05-02 18:14:52 UTC
I know United States of America (USA) is the land of white americans and this is their land now whom they get from native americans before, just like many countries the land were conquered and inhabited by people who are civilized and developed the countries and teach people how to developed the country. I give credit to those people who are intelligent, wise, and civilized because they use God's given wisdom not only for themselves but for all. If tribal people still inhabits the land we have no roads, buildings, and perhaps we are still living in forest like mostly Africa not fully developed and still there are many tribal people and still no food and clothes to wear. But because white are naturally intelligent people and God chosen people because they naturally good people they help many countries like my country Philippines since I was a child I know white Americans are good people because we are surrounded by US Bases in my hometown Angeles City. I’m a Filipino, married to a Black Man now. I have cultured-shock. My husband tells me about racist against white Americans, he always tells me that white people are no good people and racist. They enslaved Black people and hated them. I don’t want to comment about it because he is my husband and I respect his heritage and culture. But sometimes I’m tired of listening to him and told him to stopped unraveling the past instead of trying to deal with the present. I know the history of the world like between Black (African) and white (Americans) people. In my opinion and observation, white are not racist to me. It’s all in their mind. I noticed, Black people are treated differently unlike many other nationalities because of themselves too. They didn’t respect themselves and other people, and like going to school to uplift themselves and reach their ambitions, personality (like clothes they were) instead of wearing decent. I’m not comparing black to different nationalities; but I know they were oppositely different from the other nationalities. And I think, Black people instead of thinking they were enslaved by white people just thank them and our Lord for they were out of the cursed land and have a beautiful life in other countries like here in USA than with their own country Africa. And I think black people must removed the hatredness, naturally jealousy & envious, arrogant, boastfulness, and being luxury lover, uneducatedness. BE HUMBLE AND GOD WILL BLESS YOU!!! You are lucky here in USA.

I wrote this because I want to change my husband who is Black/African American and the other Black people too. I love my husband and I love Black people. I treated everybody the like; but I dislike people who are bad, lazy, and don’t nothing to themselves. I noticed now my husband dislike me and tells me that I act like white Americans because he hated white Americans. I asked him why he married like me Asian. I don’t act like white America nor act like everybody. I act what I am. I am a Filipina, naturally born in the Philippines. Our ancestors teached us respect to others and ourselves. Education is number to us. I speak and act with humility because we, Filipinos are naturally like that like Asian people. We are God-fearing, family oriented people, hospitable, humble, honest, helpful and respectful to others. I guess my husband just don’t like white people because I noticed black people character is opposite white people. Whenever people act good, my husband thought we are acting as white Americans. I’m proud to be a Filipino (Asian) and never will forget my heritage.

My question is what can you say about many immigrants here in the United States (USA) like Filipinos people (Asian); Black people (African), Latinos and others.
Fifteen answers:
2006-05-02 18:17:15 UTC
that ????? is 2 long
2006-05-02 18:28:56 UTC
I understand your concern and agree greatly. I am a white american and I know what the past was. It was rough for those that were enslaved. The issue is some people can't let go of the past and actually end up trying to reverse the effect by being on top. Realistically, nobody will ever be on top because of their color or origins. White people are no more intelligent than blacks or asians.
2006-05-02 18:20:50 UTC
The USA is a land of many immigrants.

I think that once everyone stops identifying everyone by their differences and starts looking into their sameness, that we all will start to understand each other better.

It is easier to assume things about a group of people than to take the time to get to know the individual. We all have to start taking the longer, harder road in our communications with others.
2006-05-02 18:29:08 UTC
"My question is what can you say about many immigrants here in the United States (USA) like Filipinos people (Asian); Black people (African), Latinos and others."

i like immigrants, as long as they're legal. i like them even better when they're like you and appreciate america. :)

i think you're right about your husband, he's definitely racist. he should remember that hate begets hate. i know a number of disillusioned white people who were never in any way racist, but after being exposed to the rabid racism of the majority of black people in my area, they have begun to hate and fear black people in return. it's a vicious cycle.

the injustices of the past are no reason to hate all white people. white people today can't help the actions of their ancestors.
2006-05-02 18:25:25 UTC
I am white and I am married to a Filipino woman. She is the greatest girl in the world. She is from Agusan Del Sur. I am sorry to say but you should leave this man. He does not respect you or your culture. Find someone that will love you as much as you love them. He will never truly love you. You are his possession, not his wife, as he sees it.
2016-12-13 16:45:35 UTC
My cat's call is Joan. when I moved into my dwelling house the carport storage door replaced into open. I closed it. numerous days later i spotted a scent. I opened the door and there have been 5 lifeless kittens interior. when I circled there replaced right into a black cat at my ft. I promised that if she had yet another muddle i could look after them. She had yet another muddle. All yet one walked off into the wooded area (next to my dwelling house), all excep one that stayed. She continues to be with me immediately. She is now +/- 22 years previous in human words. in basic terms a passing thought
2006-05-02 18:20:49 UTC
I have found that all races and religions and social standing have "Hangups". No one is perfevt or has a perfect life. Just live you life the best that you can rvery day. Don't worry about other people too much.
2006-05-02 18:21:03 UTC
I didn't read your essay (as an African American, I guess I was too lazy - since thats what you are thinking about us)...anyways, why did you marry your husband? Why are you so ignorant??
2006-05-16 16:34:14 UTC
why are you making up some kind of book, on nationalites. i's nice to feel the way you do i guess, but this one should get 20 points!
2006-05-02 18:34:06 UTC

Wow! The situation you are in now must really be bothering you heaps to post such a long Q!

You see there are already heaps of different answers. Those who wrote 2long, haven't seen such a long Q ever, etc. etc. This demonstrates that this world is full of individuals. So just to say all Blacks or all Whites are bad is wrong. We should not generalise. Every persona and every story have its own merits and demerits, like anything else.

And you get one like me, who sees it differently.

You have put in this much effort, I will return the same effort and I hope my time is paid off.

That is, you staying in your marriage, and that he sees the racist in himself, when he hates the white for being racist.

I think changing husband should be your last option. There is no guarantee that a new husband would be better. Try to work on your husband and hopefully with a new approach things might change. Leaving him will add another COLOUR to his HATE CHART, the brown colour - Filipinos/Filipinas.

The problem with the human race is that we tend to hang on to the past.

History is good if it helped us be proud of our heritage and to learn from the past. The memory of what those people did that were good and that brought about the betterment of today.

But History becomes ugly when new generations harp on the wrong doings of others towards them. Usually not even have an understanding to the full story. One broom doesn't sweep clean, so to speak.

Generalising is a darn sad thing, and a tool used by the gullible.

We are living in a modern world. We don't walk for miles on end, we don't pump water from the well, we don't use the pigeon to carry our mails anymore. Why? Because we all choose to live in a new modern world.


PEOPLE is a bunch of ironic creature. We want the new and yet we keep much of the ancient - eg. the wars between nations, between races back dated to our great grand parents' days!

Imagine a piece of painting without colours. Just Black and White. Just red, just blue, just yellow, just green. When colours are mixed, we get a secondary or even tertiary colours, a new dimension making colours more vibrant and more interesting. We should do this with race.

I think the solution is inter-marriage on international scales. Let the new generations of black and white, red & yellow, brown and black, white & red, yellow and black all bring forth a NEW GENERATION of one colour. ONE NEW RACE - call it the "BORDERLESS RACE", the ONE COLOUR-less RACE. You, I, We are many individuals, but the ONE, and just one COLOURLESS RACE!

If they do fight, they are stupidly fighting against one another.

Blood sheds happened in Yugoslavia - over some bloody 500yrs ethnic history! Move on! The new generations won't know any difference if the stupid past (probably started by some arrogant eggheads!) were simply forgotten - esp. bad past where people hate one another.)

Older people, you are only causing more hurt for your own new generation if you taught them to hate for something they don't even personally experience. And even if they do personally experience some form of discrimation or injustice, what gain if they habour hate. Yes, some deadly diseases like cancer can stem from the stress of hatreth!

Embrace in the good things. Show the other colour that hates him, that black is good, Black can forgive!!! Reverse psychology, please!!!!

Ask your husband is he going to be alive forever to hate the white people? Are the white individuals who hated the blacks going to be alive forever to hate the black people?

Once we are dead, nothing matters anymore. We take our hates and our loves, our haves and haves-not to our graves!

Look at the long dead, are they not all just one colour - the BONE COLOUR? No black bones, no white bones, no red or yellow bones!




Ask your husband to play a part in his own racial justice. If he is willing to forgive, others like him will forgive. If he is unwilling to forgive, then others also like him with not forgive. Then it becomes a damn vicious cycle.

There's one thing thought I need to CORRECT YOU - you wrote 'white people are born intelligent'. Wrong! So wrong! God gives every race its good and its bad. He is our fair God. You do see intelligent, successful, compassionate and intelligent people in the black race - Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Oprah Winfrey.

You do get the down syndrome and society's pest in the white as well as other races.

So in summary, ask your husband - "How do you expect the white to be non-racist, when you yourself are racist. Doesn't matter what your perspectives are to justify your attitude, in the end it boils down to one word - racism. To hate the white is the racist in you. You want to stop the white hating the black, START IT WITH YOU."

Ask him to think about the whites who help liberate the blacks. But simply hating all the whites are doing no justice and honour to those whites who are against racism.

Ask him to take his WHITE BOOK out, and ONLY note all the good things that he experienced with the white - say a hello, or a smile. A lending hand, a courteous move.

Then take his BLACK BOOK out, and ONLY note all the bad things that he experienced with the black - say a rude behaviour, a frown. A inconsiderate action, or a disgusting action.

Then over time he will keep an account of the good in the white, and the bad in the black - this will allow him to see that there are some whites are there who are good, and there are some blacks (like him) out there who care not a damn that he is also a black!

Sometimes it is the focus on the colour when one is being wronged. If the focus would be shifted to the person itself, then the colour hate becomes non-issue.

If he still isn't convinced, maybe he should check out the world map, and find the most populated Black country and return there live for the rest of his days!

Say that to him and see what he says.

Last but not least (i know its cliche, but quite effective here?), tell your husband, if he wanted to do a favour for the black race, liberate them. LIBERATE THEIR HEARTS. Help them free their hearts from hate - starting with him.

Turn his hate for the White into something memorable. Lead the camp, the movement in liberating the hearts of his own men by accepting, forgiving and moving ahead. He may be remembered in history! Would he rather go to his grave some day, remembering himself as one sour sad black with a rotting heart of hatreth? OR he rather go to his grave some day, remembering himself and being remembered as a Liberator of the Black - "Liberating the Hearts" movement of the 2lst Century? Believe in the fact that some good can come out of some bad!

I hope these thoughts are empowering.

USE HIS WHITE AND BLACK BOOK faithfully everyday, and maybe share the results with me. I am happy to follow this up and see how it goes.

A good step is to take an active part in an Amnesty activity.

We can share this further (if you like - just visit my blog).

2006-05-02 18:21:00 UTC
Too long........U might av to edit it and make it shorter so that lazy pple like me can read your question.
2006-05-16 17:56:45 UTC
dont wright such long q's and more people will help u with ur q
2006-05-02 18:18:00 UTC
i don't have a problem with immigrants. i have a problem with illegal ones. they should be kicked out or thrown in jail
2006-05-02 18:16:31 UTC
i have never seen such a long question
2006-05-16 11:13:29 UTC
Science Kits and Science Toys

Home > SHOP BY CATEGORY > Biology Life Science > Visible Cow Anatomy Model

Visible Cow Anatomy Model

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$32.95 $4.55


Visible Cow Anatomy Model


The Visible Cow Model is an anatomically accurate scaled-down version of a cow. This science kit provides a challenging way to understand the cow's anatomy.


The visible cow may be made into a permanent display or an educational aid with removable parts.

Ideal for studying the skeletal and vital systems of the cow.

Perfect for school assignments.

Authentically scaled-down version of a cow.

Highly detailed plastic parts representing the structures of the skeleton and vital organs: skeleton, heart, liver, stomach, spleen, esophagus, aorta, diaphragm, kidney, lungs, intestines, pancreas.

Each vital system part may be painted to create more realism.

Each skeletal frame part is distinctly pointed out on the top of the box lid; as well as, throughout the assembly instructions.

Fully illustrated guide explains the cow anatomy in detail.

Ages 10 and up.

Does not include paint or glue. Those can be purchased at your local hobby store.

Note that this item is oversized and so express and international shipping rates are calculated using the dimensional weight.

Product Dimensions: 16.75 x 23.5 x 4.75

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I know United States of America (USA) is the land of white americans and this is their land now whom they get from native americans before, just like many countries the land were conquered and inhabited by people who are civilized and developed the countries and teach people how to developed the country. I give credit to those people who are intelligent, wise, and civilized because they use God's given wisdom not only for themselves but for all. If tribal people still inhabits the land we have no roads, buildings, and perhaps we are still living in forest like mostly Africa not fully developed and still there are many tribal people and still no food and clothes to wear. But because white are naturally intelligent people and God chosen people because they naturally good people they help many countries like my country Philippines since I was a child I know white Americans are good people because we are surrounded by US Bases in my hometown Angeles City. I’m a Filipino, married to a Black Man now. I have cultured-shock. My husband tells me about racist against white Americans, he always tells me that white people are no good people and racist. They enslaved Black people and hated them. I don’t want to comment about it because he is my husband and I respect his heritage and culture. But sometimes I’m tired of listening to him and told him to stopped unraveling the past instead of trying to deal with the present. I know the history of the world like between Black (African) and white (Americans) people. In my opinion and observation, white are not racist to me. It’s all in their mind. I noticed, Black people are treated differently unlike many other nationalities because of themselves too. They didn’t respect themselves and other people, and like going to school to uplift themselves and reach their ambitions, personality (like clothes they were) instead of wearing decent. I’m not comparing black to different nationalities; but I know they were oppositely different from the other nationalities. And I think, Black people instead of thinking they were enslaved by white people just thank them and our Lord for they were out of the cursed land and have a beautiful life in other countries like here in USA than with their own country Africa. And I think black people must removed the hatredness, naturally jealousy & envious, arrogant, boastfulness, and being luxury lover, uneducatedness. BE HUMBLE AND GOD WILL BLESS YOU!!! You are lucky here in USA.

I wrote this because I want to change my husband who is Black/African American and the other Black people too. I love my husband and I love Black people. I treated everybody the like; but I dislike people who are bad, lazy, and don’t nothing to themselves. I noticed now my husband dislike me and tells me that I act like white Americans because he hated white Americans. I asked him why he married like me Asian. I don’t act like white America nor act like everybody. I act what I am. I am a Filipina, naturally born in the Philippines. Our ancestors teached us respect to others and ourselves. Education is number to us. I speak and act with humility because we, Filipinos are naturally like that like Asian people. We are God-fearing, family oriented people, hospitable, humble, honest, helpful and respectful to others. I guess my husband just don’t like white people because I noticed black people character is opposite white people. Whenever people act good, my husband thought we are acting as white Americans. I’m proud to be a Filipino (Asian) and never will forget my heritage.

My question is what can you say about many immigrants here in the United States (USA) like Filipinos people (Asian); Black people (African), Latinos and others.

Your Answer

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Science Kits and Science Toys

Home > SHOP BY CATEGORY > Biology Life Science > Visible Cow Anatomy Model

Visible Cow Anatomy Model

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$32.95 $4.55


Visible Cow Anatomy Model


The Visible Cow Model is an anatomically accurate scaled-down version of a cow. This science kit provides a challenging way to understand the cow's anatomy.


The visible cow may be made into a permanent display or an educational aid with removable parts.

Ideal for studying the skeletal and vital systems of the cow.

Perfect for school assignments.

Authentically scaled-down version of a cow.

Highly detailed plastic parts representing the structures of the skeleton and vital organs: skeleton, heart, liver, stomach, spleen, esophagus, aorta, diaphragm, kidney, lungs, intestines, pancreas.

Each vital system part may be painted to create more realism.

Each skeletal frame part is distinctly pointed out on the top of the box lid; as well as, throughout the assembly instructions.

Fully illustrated guide explains the cow anatomy in detail.

Ages 10 and up.

Does not include paint or glue. Those can be purchased at your local hobby store.

Note that this item is oversized and so express and international shipping rates are calculated using the dimensional weight.

Product Dimensions: 16.75 x 23.5 x 4.75

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I know United States of America (USA) is the land of white americans and this is their land now whom they get from native americans before, just like many countries the land were conquered and inhabited by people who are civilized and developed the countries and teach people how to developed the country. I give credit to those people who are intelligent, wise, and civilized because they use God's given wisdom not only for themselves but for all. If tribal people still inhabits the land we have no roads, buildings, and perhaps we are still living in forest like mostly Africa not fully developed and still there are many tribal people and still no food and clothes to wear. But because white are naturally intelligent people and God chosen people because they naturally good people they help many countries like my country Philippines since I was a child I know white Americans are good people because we are surrounded by US Bases in my hometown Angeles City. I’m a Filipino, married to a Black Man now. I have cultured-shock. My husband tells me about racist against white Americans, he always tells me that white people are no good people and racist. They enslaved Black people and hated them. I don’t want to comment about it because he is my husband and I respect his heritage and culture. But sometimes I’m tired of listening to him and told him to stopped unraveling the past instead of trying to deal with the present. I know the history of the world like between Black (African) and white (Americans) people. In my opinion and observation, white are not racist to me. It’s all in their mind. I noticed, Black people are treated differently unlike many other nationalities because of themselves too. They didn’t respect themselves and other people, and like going to school to uplift themselves and reach their ambitions, personality (like clothes they were) instead of wearing decent. I’m not comparing black to different nationalities; but I know they were oppositely different from the other nationalities. And I think, Black people instead of thinking they were enslaved by white people just thank them and our Lord for they were out of the cursed land and have a beautiful life in other countries like here in USA than with their own country Africa. And I think black people must removed the hatredness, naturally jealousy & envious, arrogant, boastfulness, and being luxury lover, uneducatedness. BE HUMBLE AND GOD WILL BLESS YOU!!! You are lucky here in USA.

I wrote this because I want to change my husband who is Black/African American and the other Black people too. I love my husband and I love Black people. I treated everybody the like; but I dislike people who are bad, lazy, and don’t nothing to themselves. I noticed now my husband dislike me and tells me that I act like white Americans because he hated white Americans. I asked him why he married like me Asian. I don’t act like white America nor act like everybody. I act what I am. I am a Filipina, naturally born in the Philippines. Our ancestors teached us respect to others and ourselves. Education is number to us. I speak and act with humility because we, Filipinos are naturally like that like Asian people. We are God-fearing, family oriented people, hospitable, humble, honest, helpful and respectful to others. I guess my husband just don’t like white people because I noticed black people character is opposite white people. Whenever people act good, my husband thought we are acting as white Americans. I’m proud to be a Filipino (Asian) and never will forget my heritage.

My question is what can you say about many immigrants here in the United States (USA) like Filipinos people (Asian); Black people (African), Latinos and others.

Your Answer

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Science Kits and Science Toys

Home > SHOP BY CATEGORY > Biology Life Science > Visible Cow Anatomy Model

Visible Cow Anatomy Model

Availability Price Sale Savings


$32.95 $4.55


Visible Cow Anatomy Model


The Visible Cow Model is an anatomically accurate scaled-down version of a cow. This science kit provides a challenging way to understand the cow's anatomy.


The visible cow may be made into a permanent display or an educational aid with removable parts.

Ideal for studying the skeletal and vital systems of the cow.

Perfect for school assignments.

Authentically scaled-down version of a cow.

Highly detailed plastic parts representing the structures of the skeleton and vital organs: skeleton, heart, liver, stomach, spleen, esophagus, aorta, diaphragm, kidney, lungs, intestines, pancreas.

Each vital system part may be painted to create more realism.

Each skeletal frame part is distinctly pointed out on the top of the box lid; as well as, throughout the assembly instructions.

Fully illustrated guide explains the cow anatomy in detail.

Ages 10 and up.

Does not include paint or glue. Those can be purchased at your local hobby store.

Note that this item is oversized and so express and international shipping rates are calculated using the dimensional weight.

Product Dimensions: 16.75 x 23.5 x 4.75

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I know United States of America (USA) is the land of white americans and this is their land now whom they get from native americans before, just like many countries the land were conquered and inhabited by people who are civilized and developed the countries and teach people how to developed the country. I give credit to those people who are intelligent, wise, and civilized because they use God's given wisdom not only for themselves but for all. If tribal people still inhabits the land we have no roads, buildings, and perhaps we are still living in forest like mostly Africa not fully developed and still there are many tribal people and still no food and clothes to wear. But because white are naturally intelligent people and God chosen people because they naturally good people they help many countries like my country Philippines since I was a child I know white Americans are good people because we are surrounded by US Bases in my hometown Angeles City. I’m a Filipino, married to a Black Man now. I have cultured-shock. My husband tells me about racist against white Americans, he always tells me that white people are no good people and racist. They enslaved Black people and hated them. I don’t want to comment about it because he is my husband and I respect his heritage and culture. But sometimes I’m tired of listening to him and told him to stopped unraveling the past instead of trying to deal with the present. I know the history of the world like between Black (African) and white (Americans) people. In my opinion and observation, white are not racist to me. It’s all in their mind. I noticed, Black people are treated differently unlike many other nationalities because of themselves too. They didn’t respect themselves and other people, and like going to school to uplift themselves and reach their ambitions, personality (like clothes they were) instead of wearing decent. I’m not comparing black to different nationalities; but I know they were oppositely different from the other nationalities. And I think, Black people instead of thinking they were enslaved by white people just thank them and our Lord for they were out of the cursed land and have a beautiful life in other countries like here in USA than with their own country Africa. And I think black people must removed the hatredness, naturally jealousy & envious, arrogant, boastfulness, and being luxury lover, uneducatedness. BE HUMBLE AND GOD WILL BLESS YOU!!! You are lucky here in USA.

I wrote this because I want to change my husband who is Black/African American and the other Black people too. I love my husband and I love Black people. I treated everybody the like; but I dislike people who are bad, lazy, and don’t nothing to themselves. I noticed now my husband dislike me and tells me that I act like white Americans because he hated white Americans. I asked him why he married like me Asian. I don’t act like white America nor act like everybody. I act what I am. I am a Filipina, naturally born in the Philippines. Our ancestors teached us respect to others and ourselves. Education is number to us. I speak and act with humility because we, Filipinos are naturally like that like Asian people. We are God-fearing, family oriented people, hospitable, humble, honest, helpful and respectful to others. I guess my husband just don’t like white people because I noticed black people character is opposite white people. Whenever people act good, my husband thought we are acting as white Americans. I’m proud to be a Filipino (Asian) and never will forget my heritage.

My question is what can you say about many immigrants here in the United States (USA) like Filipinos people (Asian); Black people (African), Latinos and others.

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Science Kits and Science Toys

Home > SHOP BY CATEGORY > Biology Life Science > Visible Cow Anatomy Model

Visible Cow Anatomy Model

Availability Price Sale Savings


$32.95 $4.55


Visible Cow Anatomy Model


The Visible Cow Model is an anatomically accurate scaled-down version of a cow. This science kit provides a challenging way to understand the cow's anatomy.


The visible cow may be made into a permanent display or an educational aid with removable parts.

Ideal for studying the skeletal and vital systems of the cow.

Perfect for school assignments.

Authentically scaled-down version of a cow.

Highly detailed plastic parts representing the structures of the skeleton and vital organs: skeleton, heart, liver, stomach, spleen, esophagus, aorta, diaphragm, kidney, lungs, intestines, pancreas.

Each vital system part may be painted to create more realism.

Each skeletal frame part is distinctly pointed out on the top of the box lid; as well as, throughout the assembly instructions.

Fully illustrated guide explains the cow anatomy in detail.

Ages 10 and up.

Does not include paint or glue. Those can be purchased at your local hobby store.

Note that this item is oversized and so express and international shipping rates are calculated using the dimensional weight.

Product Dimensions: 16.75 x 23.5 x 4.75

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I know United States of America (USA) is the land of white americans and this is their land now whom they get from native americans before, just like many countries the land were conquered and inhabited by people who are civilized and developed the countries and teach people how to developed the country. I give credit to those people who are intelligent, wise, and civilized because they use God's given wisdom not only for themselves but for all. If tribal people still inhabits the land we have no roads, buildings, and perhaps we are still living in forest like mostly Africa not fully developed and still there are many tribal people and still no food and clothes to wear. But because white are naturally intelligent people and God chosen people because they naturally good people they help many countries like my country Philippines since I was a child I know white Americans are good people because we are surrounded by US Bases in my hometown Angeles City. I’m a Filipino, married to a Black Man now. I have cultured-shock. My husband tells me about racist against white Americans, he always tells me that white people are no good people and racist. They enslaved Black people and hated them. I don’t want to comment about it because he is my husband and I respect his heritage and culture. But sometimes I’m tired of listening to him and told him to stopped unraveling the past instead of trying to deal with the present. I know the history of the world like between Black (African) and white (Americans) people. In my opinion and observation, white are not racist to me. It’s all in their mind. I noticed, Black people are treated differently unlike many other nationalities because of themselves too. They didn’t respect themselves and other people, and like going to school to uplift themselves and reach their ambitions, personality (like clothes they were) instead of wearing decent. I’m not comparing black to different nationalities; but I know they were oppositely different from the other nationalities. And I think, Black people instead of thinking they were enslaved by white people just thank them and our Lord for they were out of the cursed land and have a beautiful life in other countries like here in USA than with their own country Africa. And I think black people must removed the hatredness, naturally jealousy & envious, arrogant, boastfulness, and being luxury lover, uneducatedness. BE HUMBLE AND GOD WILL BLESS YOU!!! You are lucky here in USA.

I wrote this because I want to change my husband who is Black/African American and the other Black people too. I love my husband and I love Black people. I treated everybody the like; but I dislike people who are bad, lazy, and don’t nothing to themselves. I noticed now my husband dislike me and tells me that I act like white Americans because he hated white Americans. I asked him why he married like me Asian. I don’t act like white America nor act like everybody. I act what I am. I am a Filipina, naturally born in the Philippines. Our ancestors teached us respect to others and ourselves. Education is number to us. I speak and act with humility because we, Filipinos are naturally like that like Asian people. We are God-fearing, family oriented people, hospitable, humble, honest, helpful and respectful to others. I guess my husband just don’t like white people because I noticed black people character is opposite white people. Whenever people act good, my husband thought we are acting as white Americans. I’m proud to be a Filipino (Asian) and never will forget my heritage.

My question is what can you say about many immigrants here in the United States (USA) like Filipinos people (Asian); Black people (African), Latinos and others.

Your Answer

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Science Kits and Science Toys

Home > SHOP BY CATEGORY > Biology Life Science > Visible Cow Anatomy Model

Visible Cow Anatomy Model

Availability Price Sale Savings


$32.95 $4.55


Visible Cow Anatomy Model


The Visible Cow Model is an anatomically accurate scaled-down version of a cow. This science kit provides a challenging way to understand the cow's anatomy.


The visible cow may be made into a permanent display or an educational aid with removable parts.

Ideal for studying the skeletal and vital systems of the cow.

Perfect for school assignments.

Authentically scaled-down version of a cow.

Highly detailed plastic parts representing the structures of the skeleton and vital organs: skeleton, heart, liver, stomach, spleen, esophagus, aorta, diaphragm, kidney, lungs, intestines, pancreas.

Each vital system part may be painted to create more realism.

Each skeletal frame part is distinctly pointed out on the top of the box lid; as well as, throughout the assembly instructions.

Fully illustrated guide explains the cow anatomy in detail.

Ages 10 and up.

Does not include paint or glue. Those can be purchased at your local hobby store.

Note that this item is oversized and so express and international shipping rates are calculated using the dimensional weight.

Product Dimensions: 16.75 x 23.5 x 4.75

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I know United States of America (USA) is the land of white americans and this is their land now whom they get from native americans before, just like many countries the land were conquered and inhabited by people who are civilized and developed the countries and teach people how to developed the country. I give credit to those people who are intelligent, wise, and civilized because they use God's given wisdom not only for themselves but for all. If tribal people still inhabits the land we have no roads, buildings, and perhaps we are still living in forest like mostly Africa not fully developed and still there are many tribal people and still no food and clothes to wear. But because white are naturally intelligent people and God chosen people because they naturally good people they help many countries like my country Philippines since I was a child I know white Americans are good people because we are surrounded by US Bases in my hometown Angeles City. I’m a Filipino, married to a Black Man now. I have cultured-shock. My husband tells me about racist against white Americans, he always tells me that white people are no good people and racist. They enslaved Black people and hated them. I don’t want to comment about it because he is my husband and I respect his heritage and culture. But sometimes I’m tired of listening to him and told him to stopped unraveling the past instead of trying to deal with the present. I know the history of the world like between Black (African) and white (Americans) people. In my opinion and observation, white are not racist to me. It’s all in their mind. I noticed, Black people are treated differently unlike many other nationalities because of themselves too. They didn’t respect themselves and other people, and like going to school to uplift themselves and reach their ambitions, personality (like clothes they were) instead of wearing decent. I’m not comparing black to different nationalities; but I know they were oppositely different from the other nationalities. And I think, Black people instead of thinking they were enslaved by white people just thank them and our Lord for they were out of the cursed land and have a beautiful life in other countries like here in USA than with their own country Africa. And I think black people must removed the hatredness, naturally jealousy & envious, arrogant, boastfulness, and being luxury lover, uneducatedness. BE HUMBLE AND GOD WILL BLESS YOU!!! You are lucky here in USA.

I wrote this because I want to change my husband who is Black/African American and the other Black people too. I love my husband and I love Black people. I treated everybody the like; but I dislike people who are bad, lazy, and don’t nothing to themselves. I noticed now my husband dislike me and tells me that I act like white Americans because he hated white Americans. I asked him why he married like me Asian. I don’t act like white America nor act like everybody. I act what I am. I am a Filipina, naturally born in the Philippines. Our ancestors teached us respect to others and ourselves. Education is number to us. I speak and act with humility because we, Filipinos are naturally like that like Asian people. We are God-fearing, family oriented people, hospitable, humble, honest, helpful and respectful to others. I guess my husband just don’t like white people because I noticed black people character is opposite white people. Whenever people act good, my husband thought we are acting as white Americans. I’m proud to be a Filipino (Asian) and never will forget my heritage.

My question is what can you say about many immigrants here in the United States (USA) like Filipinos people (Asian); Black people (African), Latinos and others.

Your Answer

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Science Kits and Science Toys

Home > SHOP BY CATEGORY > Biology Life Science > Visible Cow Anatomy Model

Visible Cow Anatomy Model

Availability Price Sale Savings


$32.95 $4.55


Visible Cow Anatomy Model


The Visible Cow Model is an anatomically accurate scaled-down version of a cow. This science kit provides a challenging way to understand the cow's anatomy.


The visible cow may be made into a permanent display or an educational aid with removable parts.

Ideal for studying the skeletal and vital systems of the cow.

Perfect for school assignments.

Authentically scaled-down version of a cow.

Highly detailed plastic parts representing the structures of the skeleton and vital organs: skeleton, heart, liver, stomach, spleen, esophagus, aorta, diaphragm, kidney, lungs, intestines, pancreas.

Each vital system part may be painted to create more realism.

Each skeletal frame part is distinctly pointed out on the top of the box lid; as well as, throughout the assembly instructions.

Fully illustrated guide explains the cow anatomy in detail.

Ages 10 and up.

Does not include paint or glue. Those can be purchased at your local hobby store.

Note that this item is oversized and so express and international shipping rates are calculated using the dimensional weight.

Product Dimensions: 16.75 x 23.5 x 4.75

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I know United States of America (USA) is the land of white americans and this is their land now whom they get from native americans before, just like many countries the land were conquered and inhabited by people who are civilized and developed the countries and teach people how to developed the country. I give credit to those people who are intelligent, wise, and civilized because they use God's given wisdom not only for themselves but for all. If tribal people still inhabits the land we have no roads, buildings, and perhaps we are still living in forest like mostly Africa not fully developed and still there are many tribal people and still no food and clothes to wear. But because white are naturally intelligent people and God chosen people because they naturally good people they help many countries like my country Philippines since I was a child I know white Americans are good people because we are surrounded by US Bases in my hometown Angeles City. I’m a Filipino, married to a Black Man now. I have cultured-shock. My husband tells me about racist against white Americans, he always tells me that white people are no good people and racist. They enslaved Black people and hated them. I don’t want to comment about it because he is my husband and I respect his heritage and culture. But sometimes I’m tired of listening to him and told him to stopped unraveling the past instead of trying to deal with the present. I know the history of the world like between Black (African) and white (Americans) people. In my opinion and observation, white are not racist to me. It’s all in their mind. I noticed, Black people are treated differently unlike many other nationalities because of themselves too. They didn’t respect themselves and other people, and like going to school to uplift themselves and reach their ambitions, personality (like clothes they were) instead of wearing decent. I’m not comparing black to different nationalities; but I know they were oppositely different from the other nationalities. And I think, Black people instead of thinking they were enslaved by white people just thank them and our Lord for they were out of the cursed land and have a beautiful life in other countries like here in USA than with their own country Africa. And I think black people must removed the hatredness, naturally jealousy & envious, arrogant, boastfulness, and being luxury lover, uneducatedness. BE HUMBLE AND GOD WILL BLESS YOU!!! You are lucky here in USA.

I wrote this because I want to change my husband who is Black/African American and the other Black people too. I love my husband and I love Black people. I treated everybody the like; but I dislike people who are bad, lazy, and don’t nothing to themselves. I noticed now my husband dislike me and tells me that I act like white Americans because he hated white Americans. I asked him why he married like me Asian. I don’t act like white America nor act like everybody. I act what I am. I am a Filipina, naturally born in the Philippines. Our ancestors teached us respect to others and ourselves. Education is number to us. I speak and act with humility because we, Filipinos are naturally like that like Asian people. We are God-fearing, family oriented people, hospitable, humble, honest, helpful and respectful to others. I guess my husband just don’t like white people because I noticed black people character is opposite white people. Whenever people act good, my husband thought we are acting as white Americans. I’m proud to be a Filipino (Asian) and never will forget my heritage.

My question is what can you say about many immigrants here in the United States (USA) like Filipinos people (Asian); Black people (African), Latinos and others.

Your Answer

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Science Kits and Science Toys

Home > SHOP BY CATEGORY > Biology Life Science > Visible Cow Anatomy Model

Visible Cow Anatomy Model

Availability Price Sale Savings


$32.95 $4.55


Visible Cow Anatomy Model


The Visible Cow Model is an anatomically accurate scaled-down version of a cow. This science kit provides a challenging way to understand the cow's anatomy.


The visible cow may be made into a permanent display or an educational aid with removable parts.

Ideal for studying the skeletal and vital systems of the cow.

Perfect for school assignments.

Authentically scaled-down version of a cow.

Highly detailed plastic parts representing the structures of the skeleton and vital organs: skeleton, heart, liver, stomach, spleen, esophagus, aorta, diaphragm, kidney, lungs, intestines, pancreas.

Each vital system part may be painted to create more realism.

Each skeletal frame part is distinctly pointed out on the top of the box lid; as well as, throughout the assembly instructions.

Fully illustrated guide explains the cow anatomy in detail.

Ages 10 and up.

Does not include paint or glue. Those can be purchased at your local hobby store.

Note that this item is oversized and so express and international shipping rates are calculated using the dimensional weight.

Product Dimensions: 16.75 x 23.5 x 4.75

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SALE - Up to 40% off


as of: May 16, 2006

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Question Please comment, need help?

I know United States of America (USA) is the land of white americans and this is their land now whom they get from native americans before, just like many countries the land were conquered and inhabited by people who are civilized and developed the countries and teach people how to developed the country. I give credit to those people who are intelligent, wise, and civilized because they use God's given wisdom not only for themselves but for all. If tribal people still inhabits the land we have no roads, buildings, and perhaps we are still living in forest like mostly Africa not fully developed and still there are many tribal people and still no food and clothes to wear. But because white are naturally intelligent people and God chosen people because they naturally good people they help many countries like my country Philippines since I was a child I know white Americans are good people because we are surrounded by US Bases in my hometown Angeles City. I’m a Filipino, married to a Black Man now. I have cultured-shock. My husband tells me about racist against white Americans, he always tells me that white people are no good people and racist. They enslaved Black people and hated them. I don’t want to comment about it because he is my husband and I respect his heritage and culture. But sometimes I’m tired of listening to him and told him to stopped unraveling the past instead of trying to deal with the present. I know the history of the world like between Black (African) and white (Americans) people. In my opinion and observation, white are not racist to me. It’s all in their mind. I noticed, Black people are treated differently unlike many other nationalities because of themselves too. They didn’t respect themselves and other people, and like going to school to uplift themselves and reach their ambitions, personality (like clothes they were) instead of wearing decent. I’m not comparing black to different nationalities; but I know they were oppositely different from the other nationalities. And I think, Black people instead of thinking they were enslaved by white people just thank them and our Lord for they were out of the cursed land and have a beautiful life in other countries like here in USA than with their own country Africa. And I think black people must removed the hatredness, naturally jealousy & envious, arrogant, boastfulness, and being luxury lover, uneducatedness. BE HUMBLE AND GOD WILL BLESS YOU!!! You are lucky here in USA.

I wrote this because I want to change my husband who is Black/African American and the other Black people too. I love my husband and I love Black people. I treated everybody the like; but I dislike people who are bad, lazy, and don’t nothing to themselves. I noticed now my husband dislike me and tells me that I act like white Americans because he hated white Americans. I asked him why he married like me Asian. I don’t act like white America nor act like everybody. I act what I am. I am a Filipina, naturally born in the Philippines. Our ancestors teached us respect to others and ourselves. Education is number to us. I speak and act with humility because we, Filipinos are naturally like that like Asian people. We are God-fearing, family oriented people, hospitable, humble, honest, helpful and respectful to others. I guess my husband just don’t like white people because I noticed black people character is opposite white people. Whenever people act good, my husband thought we are acting as white Americans. I’m proud to be a Filipino (Asian) and never will forget my heritage.

My question is what can you say about many immigrants here in the United States (USA) like Filipinos people (Asian); Black people (African), Latinos and others.

Your Answer

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Science Kits and Science Toys

Home > SHOP BY CATEGORY > Biology Life Science > Visible Cow Anatomy Model

Visible Cow Anatomy Model

Availability Price Sale Savings


$32.95 $4.55


Visible Cow Anatomy Model


The Visible Cow Model is an anatomically accurate scaled-down version of a cow. This science kit provides a challenging way to understand the cow's anatomy.


The visible cow may be made into a permanent display or an educational aid with removable parts.

Ideal for studying the skeletal and vital systems of the cow.

Perfect for school assignments.

Authentically scaled-down version of a cow.

Highly detailed plastic parts representing the structures of the skeleton and vital organs: skeleton, heart, liver, stomach, spleen, esophagus, aorta, diaphragm, kidney, lungs, intestines, pancreas.

Each vital system part may be painted to create more realism.

Each skeletal frame part is distinctly pointed out on the top of the box lid; as well as, throughout the assembly instructions.

Fully illustrated guide explains the cow anatomy in detail.

Ages 10 and up.

Does not include paint or glue. Those can be purchased at your local hobby store.

Note that this item is oversized and so express and international shipping rates are calculated using the dimensional weight.

Product Dimensions: 16.75 x 23.5 x 4.75

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I know United States of America (USA) is the land of white americans and this is their land now whom they get from native americans before, just like many countries the land were conquered and inhabited by people who are civilized and developed the countries and teach people how to developed the country. I give credit to those people who are intelligent, wise, and civilized because they use God's given wisdom not only for themselves but for all. If tribal people still inhabits the land we have no roads, buildings, and perhaps we are still living in forest like mostly Africa not fully developed and still there are many tribal people and still no food and clothes to wear. But because white are naturally intelligent people and God chosen people because they naturally good people they help many countries like my country Philippines since I was a child I know white Americans are good people because we are surrounded by US Bases in my hometown Angeles City. I’m a Filipino, married to a Black Man now. I have cultured-shock. My husband tells me about racist against white Americans, he always tells me that white people are no good people and racist. They enslaved Black people and hated them. I don’t want to comment about it because he is my husband and I respect his heritage and culture. But sometimes I’m tired of listening to him and told him to stopped unraveling the past instead of trying to deal with the present. I know the history of the world like between Black (African) and white (Americans) people. In my opinion and observation, white are not racist to me. It’s all in their mind. I noticed, Black people are treated differently unlike many other nationalities because of themselves too. They didn’t respect themselves and other people, and like going to school to uplift themselves and reach their ambitions, personality (like clothes they were) instead of wearing decent. I’m not comparing black to different nationalities; but I know they were oppositely different from the other nationalities. And I think, Black people instead of thinking they were enslaved by white people just thank them and our Lord for they were out of the cursed land and have a beautiful life in other countries like here in USA than with their own country Africa. And I think black people must removed the hatredness, naturally jealousy & envious, arrogant, boastfulness, and being luxury lover, uneducatedness. BE HUMBLE AND GOD WILL BLESS YOU!!! You are lucky here in USA.

I wrote this because I want to change my husband who is Black/African American and the other Black people too. I love my husband and I love Black people. I treated everybody the like; but I dislike people who are bad, lazy, and don’t nothing to themselves. I noticed now my husband dislike me and tells me that I act like white Americans because he hated white Americans. I asked him why he married like me Asian. I don’t act like white America nor act like everybody. I act what I am. I am a Filipina, naturally born in the Philippines. Our ancestors teached us respect to others and ourselves. Education is number to us. I speak and act with humility because we, Filipinos are naturally like that like Asian people. We are God-fearing, family oriented people, hospitable, humble, honest, helpful and respectful to others. I guess my husband just don’t like white people because I noticed black people character is opposite white people. Whenever people act good, my husband thought we are acting as white Americans. I’m proud to be a Filipino (Asian) and never will forget my heritage.

My question is what can you say about many immigrants here in the United States (USA) like Filipinos people (Asian); Black people (African), Latinos and others.

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Home > SHOP BY CATEGORY > Biology Life Science > Visible Cow Anatomy Model

Visible Cow Anatomy Model

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$32.95 $4.55


Visible Cow Anatomy Model


The Visible Cow Model is an anatomically accurate scaled-down version of a cow. This science kit provides a challenging way to understand the cow's anatomy.


The visible cow may be made into a permanent display or an educational aid with removable parts.

Ideal for studying the skeletal and vital systems of the cow.

Perfect for school assignments.

Authentically scaled-down version of a cow.

Highly detailed plastic parts representing the struct

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