Hi there. First of all, you are not alone in having not traveled much, especially at such a young age. Sure, there are many people who have had those experiences, but in the bigger scheme of things, far more haven't. Traveling is fun and exciting, and i personally do think it can have the affect of making people more open-minded and understanding, because they get to witness so many things outside of what they are used to. But in and of itself, traveling doesn't make someone better or more interesting without them having the mindset and personality to back it up. (Among the more privileged of the Western world, it's become quite common for people to view traveling destinations as notches on their travel belt. This is fun and all, but it can become a bit like collecting for the sake of collecting. Remember, the majority of the world does not have the opportunity and privilege of being able to travel at their every whim and desire. In fact, this includes a large proportion of the United States population. (Im not sure wher eyou are, but that's something to keep in mind).
So, I am sure you are just as interesting as these people, and not boring by a long shot. You have goals in mind that you are clearly striving towards, and just by the way you write and express yourself, you are clearly intelligent, and so i'm sure your goals are worthy.
Just be sure to stay aware of the things that motivate and ecite you in particular, whatever that might be. Maybe it's gravitation to a particular type of music, or you play an instrument, or you love the outdoors, or you have an interest in cooking. Whatever it might be, and nurture those interests. Because ultimately, you're going to be attractive (to friends and lovers) to people that admire and share some of those interests., and these are the little things that really make a person interesting. Not just that they've been all over the world and got a bunch of passport stamps.
I understand though that you are missing out on the fun aspect of being in a new environment, and getting away from it all, as so many of your friends are. Maybe you should set a goal for yourself, that you will go on a trip in the new year 2015 or something. Start saving a little each month, and start researching places you might want to go. My stepmom hadn't ever left the country or been on a plane by the time she was 35. Now she's been everywhere.
I'm an adult woman, and I've felt similar to you at times, as an adult, even though i traveled a lot in my youth.
Here are some things that impressed me about people i've met recently, and i envy the time they already spent developing these interests:
- A guy a met recently hadn't traveled much abroad, but hiked a lot in California. He knos so many amazing hikes in and around the West coast, and goes on lots of camping and hiking trips, and knows where to go and what peaks are what for beginners or more advanced people. I felt completely safe and impressed being with him, because he know so much about camping and the wilderness.
- My ex boyfriend played the guitar,and had been playing since he was a kid. I've never played an instrument, and i thought it was a corny thing to do when i was younger. Now i'm jealous of everyone that can play an instrument and has that skill to entertain themselves with, make music, and even impress the rest of us with. So jealous. But from when i first admired this trait, i could have learned my own instrument by now, but i haven't :)
- One guy i know just makes a point of going to live music gigs all the time in his home town. He goes to pretty much any gig he can afford, and it doesn't have to be his preferred style of music. He has such a wide circle of friends because of this, and is so fun to go out with. He knows a lot of the live music venues and has a great appreciation for so many styles of music. I was embarrassed that i had rarely gone to see live shows, and was a terrible tour guide when people came to visit me in my town. Made me wish i hadn't wasted 20 years not going to small live gigs.
And i doubt you are average. As i said, you have a goal in mind, and i'm not sure what it is, but you seem on track to pursue it, and I'm sure you will.
Just remember, keep a sense of confidence about you, and be secure in who you are and where you are at. Don't let anyone makeyou feel less than for not being able to do these things just now, and at the same time, be happy and genuinely interested in your friends experiences, without letting it take away from who you are.
I hope you I've helped you maybe see that you're not in an unusual spot, and that there are plenty alternatives to travel, until you have the means to get there. We are more than the stamps n our passports :)