am i this love or sumthing else????
2006-03-27 04:49:25 UTC
i love a 20 yrs old n he is 33.i dun kno whether i love him or not but he is da fisrt man of my life wid whome i get physically closed.i cant marry him ,but i want his child.i kno to hv a child bofore marriage is not accepted in our society .........!but wat shud i do .......i want his part ,dat wud b his baby ,wid me always ,no matter wat ever i hv to face for it.........!
Eleven answers:
2006-03-27 04:57:12 UTC
Sorry, this is infactuation! and it's being horny! He may be a good friend and great lay but if all you want is a child, build a relationship first and communicate. Children do better with both parents in their lives and not just child support.
2006-03-27 12:57:18 UTC
Decisions, decisions, decisions! Okay, you've taken the big dive and now you have decided to have his child. Don't be so concerned about what society thinks and says. Do what is right for the child, that should be your only concern right now. I would strongly urge you to consider the impact of a child father who is not married to his mother. You love him...does he love you? This will now be your family and will impact you for the rest of both lives.
2006-03-27 12:57:34 UTC
i dont really understand your question,.. i am sure there is one somewhere in there,..

All i have to say is that when you bring a child into this world it is no longer about you,.. its all about that child,.. besides you are only 20,.. you have your whole life ahead of you! remember you might not be feeling this way tomorrw

I know you really want one ( a baby),.. and with him,.. but why a child? why not a doll or a dog?
2006-03-27 12:55:28 UTC
Well if you are really sure about your situation I may say that, what you feel is really love, Love may be really weird yeah relly weird or sometimes misunderstood, so If you are really sure, I am 100% sure that that is LOVE...
2006-03-27 12:53:32 UTC
Hey It is not good thing to have a child without a father.Think about children feelings.What would you say to him....?He/she does not have a father?
2006-03-27 12:53:24 UTC
well no one can really answer if you love him or not because were not feeling what you feel for this guy but what i can say is that if you love him you want question whether he loves you youll just know
2006-03-27 12:52:47 UTC
If he is unmarried , better marry him .. love gets thick after marriage ..
2006-03-27 12:53:52 UTC
that's just stupid, wow i feel bad for that kid if you have it, you obviously make some pretty bad decisions, oh yea, learn to speak and write english
chiefof nothing
2006-03-27 12:53:40 UTC
Best to not have a baby so'll grow out of it.
Immortal Goddess
2006-03-27 16:33:40 UTC
Why be with someone you don't love..
2006-03-27 12:51:57 UTC
i dunno... ask another person

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