2011-03-07 21:53:56 UTC
My aunt said that I am her goddaughter. The friend bit my head off tonight and said shes not your godmother. And like she can do anything for you now. This friend is really mean. SHe even rubs it in my face that she sees my aunt on a weekly basis. I said would i be nice if I told you that my aunt/godmother gave me free haircuts all the time. And that I didnt have to pay for it. She said well you should start paying for her to cut your hair. I am like no i dont my aunt/godmother said i dont have to give her money for the haircuts. All she wants is me to spend time with her. SHe said nothing is free in life. I am like well whats free is my aunts love for me. She said well you gotta pay her 1,000 dollars for her to say I love you. If you dont have that 1,000 than forget it.
How controlling is that? The friend is on meds for OCD. And told me that I am messed up? Hell no im not messed up. I have a job, I pay my own way. I give my aunt/godmother 20.00 a week. out of my pay checks. I got friends who love me. She thinks I am stupid. to have a job, and earn paychecks. She thinks that having job is stupid. and getting paid is worse. You get money you pay bills. she like yes i do and i am the only one who can have a job and pay bills. the other people can screw off.
I work Tues-Sunday. I get mondays off. So why does it concern her when i have my own job. Pay my own way. give my aunt money every week. I am supporting myself. Of course thats what adults have to do in life is pay their own way. Shes 63 years old and said she knows alot more than I do. She asks me questions in the past on how to do load a program if its not installed all the way? And she says I dont know anything. IF she know alot more than i do than why does she asks me how to install programs on a comptuer?
Tells me that she is taking me to court for contact my aunt/godmother and calling her my aunt/godmother. And yes I have been baptized. And my aunt was my sponsor. It says on my certificate that my godmother was there. I did send the friend a copy of the certificate and erased my name and put her name on it.