Um... we always just snuck out and got into mischief. Nothing too bad, no illegal activity or anythiing like that, but we'd go wake up our friends at their houses and talk them into sneaking out with us and wander around town, find a pool at some apartment complex to go swimming in, or go hang out at Denny's or something. We thought it was cool at the time, but it hindsight it wasn't really all that exciting.
Then there was the time we got arrested for NOT shoplifting. Apparently AZ state law says if you "remove merchandise from a display without the intent of purchase" that is classified as theft, even if you put the item back and had no intentions of actually stealing it. Don't ask, it was stupid. But getting arrested and having to do community service sucked. And we didn't even steal anything. Anyway....
I'm going to answer this assuming that's not an option. You didn't specify male, female or whatever so here are a bunch of random ideas. Some you may not want to do if you're boys, some you may not want to do if you're girls.
Have a Mary Kay makeover party if you're into makeup. Paint each others nails. Do each others hair, that type of stuff if you're into that. For a twist, you could also give each other "worst makeovers ever" and make yourselves look really silly and have someone get a picture of all of you looking crazy. That creates a memory to keep forever. =)
Go to cosmic bowling if your parents are willing to let you be out that late.
Get one of those Host a Murder Mystery games where each person is a character in the story and you have to figure out which one of you is the killer. The store in the mall that sells board games should have several to choose from. Other places that sell board games will probably have them too. Each person could dress up and try to act like their character.
(There are lots of other board games you could consider also.)
Pick up some coloring books and markers from the dollar store that are in some other language and color pictures for each other. When you get tired of coloring pictures you can color on each other (use washable markers and don't draw on faces in case it doesn't wash off right away). You can color while watching movies or something.
Valentine's Day isn't too terribly far off, depending on when your sleepover is. You could all make your valentines cards together, to give to all your friends at school. This is especially fun when you're all too old to be giving each other valentine cards with superheroes on them. Use lots of stickers and tape to make them hard to open.
Have a scary/StarWars/comedy/clut classic/other kind of movie marathon with popcorn.
Video games:
*Hook up multiple TV's and Xboxes and have a big Halo tournament.
*Have a DDR, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, or Tetris contest.
There's a really fun card game called @**hole. You make up rules as you go along (Ex: everyone has a ridiculous nickname and you can't say their real name) and when people mess up and forget the ridiculous rules they have to do something stupid for punishment. If none of you know how to play it might be hard to teach yourselves though.
Have everyone bring their change jars and play penny ante poker.
Get one of those make-stuff kits from the craft store. You could all make tye-dye shirts, bedazzle some matching totebags or something, make sock monkeys, or even sock monsters. Buy some clay that you can just throw in the oven (fimo bead clay?), find a recipe online for homemade clay, make stuff and bake it.
Make friendship bracelets or beaded necklaces for each other. Design crazy hats with your nicknames on them.
Have a pizza eating contest.
Drink lots of soda and see who can stay up ALL night. You'll hit that point in the night where you start to get loopy from all the caffeine and lack of sleep, and then lots of things are amusing.
Make a movie with the home video camera (action, comedy, music video, dating game show, whatever). You can write a script or make up a bunch of stuff as you go. Find some silly costume props from around the house (garbage bag capes, collander helmets, aluminum foil, etc). If you're boys then one of you could put on a wig (or something that looks like it might be a wig with enough imagination) and some awful makeup, stuff a bra, and talk in falsetto to be the girl in the story. If you have any skills with computer programs you could make the next ridiculous YouTube movie that everyone talks about. You could be famous on the internet for a whole 15 minutes or so!
Video tape your entire evening and all the dumb stuff that happens, edit it, remix it, add music to it, throw some voiceovers in there for good measure, make the whole night seem like it was way more exciting than it was. Don't forget to make a copy for all participants, or email it to everyone so they can save it on their computers too.
Stage an Olympics outside and see who wins (wrestling, tree climbing, waterfight, etc.). If that goes by too quickly do an indoor one also, just try not to break stuff in the house (arm wrestling, see who can fit the most crackers or something in their mouth at one time, just make stuff up). Make a championship belt for the winner out of aluminum foil and duct tape.
Use your friends camera to take pictures of people they don't know. Or butts. Or random stuff so they have to try to guess what the thing in the picture is.
Have a scavenger hunt somewhere. If you all have digital cameras or camera phones you could say a picture of something, that way you don't have to buy the stuff just for the game. Or you could put on the list "a picture of a stranger pointing and laughing at you." That way the player has to talk some stranger into cooperating, for added difficulty since not a lot of people want some strange person taking their picture.
FYI: Malls are very anti-pictures. Something about the mall designs (architecture) being patented or something like that. Just so you know. It would be lame to have mall security ruin your scavenger hunt.
Make those paper fortune teller thingies. You know? They ask a question then they pick blue and you go "B-L-U-E..." and then a number, then another number, and the answer to their question or their fortune is in the middle when you get to the end. Those things.
Set up a tent and camp out in the backyard. Tell scary stories and toast marshmallows.
Play some kind of long drawn out game like Risk or Monopoly, or an RPG game like D&D.
Make your own crazy pajama pants. Either get pre-made ones and decorate them crazy or make some from fun fabric. Don't forget to make pockets.
Make your own personal pizzas/pancakes. With faces.
And if you do decide to sneak out, be careful what trouble you get into. If the cops arrest you, regardless of what you did and how funny it was, regardless of whether or not you think it was illegal.... if they're arresting you, it's because they know something in the law book that maybe you didn't know. If they feel like it, they can easily find an excuse to arrest you and give your parents the option of letting them hold you overnight to teach you a lesson, scare you straight, or some nonsense like that.