What can I do if my middle son dosen't let me see My Frist & Only Grandson?
2006-03-27 18:32:31 UTC
I know U will ask why dosen't he let U?? I swear I don't know I need to have a Bond with my first grandson. on Sept 10, my older son was Murder. I wanted to die but my grandson is the only one who kept me together, now I just wish I wasn't alive
Four answers:
2006-03-27 18:39:27 UTC
Well depending on where you live....In Canada we have a law which revolves around Grandparents rights. Just type Grandparents rights into a search engine or call your nearest lawyer.
2006-03-28 03:33:40 UTC
Do not sneak into the house of course. You could be arrested and have serious legal issues. The additional stress is not needed.

There are many Grandparent's Rights programs if you search. That would probably be your best bet. Just talk it over with someone. I'm sure they have free consultations.

Also, maybe you haven't asked your son the right questions about why he won't let you see your grandbaby. I don't think e-mail is really the appropriate place for that type of conversation.

Good luck.
2006-03-28 03:46:10 UTC
I know here in Florida grandparents have rights and you can legally get visitation. You probably have similar rights there so you should see an attorney about getting your rights.
2006-03-28 02:53:04 UTC
Beg him and sneak into his house er something

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