my friend hacked my msn and thinks its a joke?
2009-03-06 10:52:46 UTC
whilst our four families were skiing together, i lent my friend my laptop to use to check her email. her and my younger sister hacked into my msn account and left a rather in appropriate message for one of my male friends. she didn't tell me. on the last night at dinner, i was feeling really ill. at dinner, my sister and my friend were saying "you have to send an email" and stuff like that to each other, and i asked them what they were talking about. they didnt tell me exactly, but told me that they had done something on my computer, and were laughing and joking around. i was pretty pissed off at this point, as they had already hacked into my pictures and fiddled with my settings and stuff on my laptop. as the oldest kid on the trip, i did feel quite left out, and this was the last straw. I walked away from the table, and ran up to my room. my mum came up and i started crying. she eventually calmes me down and got my friend to tell her what had happened, and i went back down and sat with adults for the rest of dinner. i was really upset, because i felt like all six of the kids on the trip were ganging up on me, and that my sister, who i thought i could trust, and my friend who i was quite close to, were picking on me. my friend apologised, but now we are back at school, she has started telling all her friends (and a lot of my best friends) that I am a loser and that i started crying over nothing and making a joke out of it. I feel like she is in a slightly "cooler" friendship group than me at school, and i don'y what to do. should i tell her i feel she is picking on me? or should i ask one of my best friends, who thinks my friend was out of line, how i feel and ask her to help me? HElP!
Five answers:
2009-03-06 11:11:06 UTC
From reading your message, you sound like your fairly young. If I were you I would patch things up with your sister. Sister's are for life and it is important that you both forgive one another for both your parts in the situation.

As for your "friend". I am not sure I would call her a friend. I would hope any friends of mine would not get any sort of joy out of my hurt or pain. Not to mention spreading rumor's around about me. If you feel confident enough to approach her about it and have a decent conversation go for it. Explain how she is making you feel. From the sounds of things, I would just be happy that you have some people who care about you and some good friends at your side. If this friend of yours comes to you later on and still wants to be friends then explain to her how she made you feel about that incident and maybe you can patch things up.
2009-03-06 11:06:37 UTC
hey you need to chill.these "cooler" groups are just big show offs and this girl really isn't your friend.if it goes too far then you can confront her and tell her to keep her mouth don't need to care about what other people think.besides,if your "best friends" are really your true friends,then they wont care what the other girl says.people are hungry for gossip and they expect a reaction from you.ignore,an it will die down.
Emm <3
2009-03-06 11:03:08 UTC
Talk to your best friend cos she'll understand, she was out of line and by letting it get to you, shes getting what she wants.

Its hard, but try to ignore her and what she did because you and your true friends know what happened and why it upset you.

Hope this helps x

Good Luck x
2009-03-06 11:04:23 UTC
Tell her she is a ***** and an @$$hole. Try bringing to to court. Wait..send her this link, this will really piss her off!
Andres Gonzalez
2009-03-06 10:58:42 UTC
report her to the police and get her done for grade 1 hacking!

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