How do I get this girl to leave me alone?
2012-01-06 14:26:42 UTC
I only created this back-up account for the sole purpose of her not finding out about this question. Anyway, this past December this girl added me on my other Yahoo! Answers account for what reason I don't know, and she started to message me on Yahoo! Messenger. I'm not going to say what her name is. It turned out that we were both from Illinois, and that we also went to the same Middle School, her being in 7th grade and me being in 8th. Right now, I am 17 and she is 15. She claims to be a "nerdy" type with very little friends. The messaging started to get a little out of control. On rare occasions it went on for 6 hours. I would repeatedly tell her that I had to leave but she would continue rambling on about random nonsense that I care nothing about, and tell me that I can't leave her. I was just to afraid to stand her up, because she seemed really dependent. She would immediately message me as soon as I logged on to Y!A, which leads me to believe that she is somehow obsessed with me. At some times I would ignore her, other times I would just play along. She's always complaining about how miserable her life is and how little everyone in school disrespects her, and I wouldn't blame them. She is probably the clingiest person I've ever talked to, besides my mom. She's always complaining about her boobs, and claims that she is also a victim of sexual harassment because everyone makes fun of her body and appearance. I don't think she has any idea of how boring she is, and how bored I am of her. The problem is that I sort of already started being nice to her and calling her pretty (We sent pictures of ourselves via email. btw she actually does look fairly pretty) so now I think she is sort of attracted to me, but the worst decision I probably made was that I GAVE HER MY PHONE NUMBER. At first I thought she was nice enough to have my number, and afterwards we had a very nice texting session. After that, I just started to ignore her texts because she is either asking random crap, wondering where I am, or just digging for attention (For example, she claimed that she thought her Ex- Boyfriend was dead and actually bothered to text me about it. And no, I didn't reply to it. It actually turned out he was fine.) I hardly ever text, so you bet my mom is going to be angry at the bill. It just seems like this girl feels very miserable in life, and she has nothing better to do with her time. I am also REALLY afraid that she might be suicidal, and I don't want to deal with that crap. I haven't talked to her since January 1st, because I usually ignore her or try to avoid being on Y!A at the same time she is. AND ANOTHER THING. She is on Y!A on almost ALL hours of the day! What creeps me out though is that she hardly EVER asks or answers questions (I'm looking at her profile now, and it says that she hasn't answered a question in 5 days, and hasn't asked any in 2 weeks, but she is still on.) I recently disabled my IM, so the only way she can contact me is through E-mail and my phone number.

I don't have a lot of friends either, so I hardly ever talk to people, especially on Y!A. Maybe I'm just not used to talking to people like this. Either way, I'm just weirded out by this whole mess, and I just want to end it now! I'm just too afraid to tell her the truth. What do you think I should do???
Five answers:
Scotty Pants
2012-01-06 14:42:41 UTC
1. She could be a possible danger to you or herself by what you're telling me, but loneliness sucks, so be kind. However, it's not up to you to fix people

2. If you don't mind still talking to her, be honest. Tell her this: "So NAME, please don't be offended, but I need to tell you something. I don't mind talking to you via messenger once every other day for an hour or so... but you're starting to be a bit too reliant on me for personal attention. My cell phone bill is going to be enormous, so please no more texting." I know it's a bit harsh, but it's necessary. And if she continues, tell her again...

3. Unless you just don't want to talk to her anymore or you feel things are getting a bit too strange, then tell her that you can't talk to her anymore, wait for her response. If she gets really weird then block her through your phone company or change numbers, block her on Yahoo IM and email or just change your screen names.

4. Go with Alii's answer too that's funny lol
2012-01-06 22:30:35 UTC
You need to tell her the truth before her obsession goes overboard !!! It seems like she is really into you and you are just not so just be blunt about it. You might hurt her feelings but it would hurt her even more if you told her a while from now
2012-01-06 22:37:41 UTC
Well you can go to your local phone store for whichever service you have and see if they can just block the number for you and just mark her address as spam or block her on email too. I'd suggest if you want to tell her just be blunt. Girls like that kinda need you to be if they're gonna catch a hint.
2012-01-06 22:32:09 UTC
Tell her to leave you alone a little because your getting annoyed
2012-01-06 22:30:21 UTC
Be honest with her. and ask yourself if you can or can't afford to lose her.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.