does eating bananas and chiles boost confidence?
2006-04-08 00:06:09 UTC
does eating bananas and chiles boost confidence?
Nine answers:
2006-04-08 00:14:33 UTC
Only if your a gorilla seeking burning hemaroids.

If you want confidence then you have to know who you are and be cool with that, no matter who or what you are. Now how about a banana!
2006-04-08 07:12:11 UTC
Bananas boost your potassium level which gives you energy. I think chiles help you ward off colds and the capsacian is good for joints. Feeling better might add to it.
2006-04-08 07:09:55 UTC
No. Confidence is a psychological result of the belief in your self-worth. Chili gives you gas and bananas are for monkeys.
2006-04-08 07:12:01 UTC
i agree with dizzydebbed, they will boost your toilet paper need, and probably a gas mask
2006-04-08 07:10:29 UTC
not sure, but it'll probably boost your need for toilet paper ;o)
2006-04-08 07:15:39 UTC
i dont think so
2006-04-08 07:14:47 UTC
no. i dont think so.
2006-04-08 07:10:40 UTC
i do not know lol
2006-04-08 07:09:48 UTC
i dont think so..

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