2013-10-22 16:16:33 UTC
Cos on my first day of school i walked in and in my class (almost) everyone had unnatural red hair and i was just sitting in the middle with purple.
In the holidays i got bored so i drew a cat nose and whiskers on my face and went out with a 'Neko' snapback and one of the girls saw me and said 'why the hell do u look like a cat?' and i said 'how many people do you see with cat faces?' she didnt answer so i said 'exactly' so she called me crazy and told everybody.
Back in school they were discussing boys and singers (were teenage girls we cant help it!) and they were all like 'JB!' and '1D!' and I said 'union J' they asked me why and i said cos theyre not that popular so they called me weird.
When i wear eyeliner i always do a swirls instead of a flick like oter girls or just draw a small heart or star.
So am i crazy/weird?