What should i do my friend is mean but still wants to be my friend?
2006-04-06 14:40:21 UTC
She be calling me stupid and every thing and she told a kindergartener that when she grows up shes oing to be a s-l-u-t (so much of doing community help) but i think my friend is going to be a s-l-u-t by the way do you know that everyone in school have some beef with her
Seven answers:
2006-04-06 15:05:50 UTC
well honestly i think you should begin by praying for her. she definitely needs some help. you should sit her down and talk to her and tell her that she needs to change some things or you will not be able to hang around her. never stop praying for her though. good luck, and God Bless you!!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-04-06 21:45:49 UTC
I think You Should First Punch her then Go away Forever. works all the time
2006-04-06 21:43:54 UTC
Tell her you are going to spend more time with your other friends until she can learn to respect people more including yourself and then walk away.
Are you There at All...
2006-04-06 21:58:24 UTC
well personaly i think you should not hang with her anymore being with people that don't think right or any of that stuff can harm you too just tell her you don't wanna be friends anymore and hope she understands that's all i got hope this was helpful
2006-04-06 21:45:06 UTC
Personally, I don't do females. I have two female best friends and thats it so I say leave her alone.
2006-04-06 22:07:24 UTC
With friends like that who needs enemies? Tell her if she can't be nice you can't be friends.
2006-04-06 21:42:24 UTC
Kick her to the curb.

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