I have a friend who is a compulsive liar. She lies about everything from a make belief boyfriend, to calling me and pretending she is high. She comes from a pretty strict family, she normally ever leaves her farm besides school and to a few of her activities like piano lessons, etc. I became her friend in Grade Eight, when she was the nicest and kindest girl you would ever meet. But I went away the summer before Grade Nine, and when I came back she was different, which is fine because were growing up. But it's pathetic, her stories are so fake. She goes so into the lie, that it gets bigger and bigger and when I try to catch her, she'll just add more stuff to it. Then she changes the subject to another lie. I mean, I can't have a relationship with her if she is only going to make it bigger and bigger. I never thought she wasn't cool when she wasn't saying she was getting high, having sex and drinking, so why is she playing me like this? I don't do any of that. It's quite pathetic. She called me today, and my mom answered. When my mom talked to her she said she sounded fine and completly normal, but when I was on the phone, yikes she just had to "pills" and it was starting to kick in. Right. I don't want to say anything because you can only have so many friends, and she really is a great person. But I don't know, I mean this girl can't even come to my house for a sleepover on the weekend because her room isn't clean. I just don't want to be played like some stupid idiot anymore, and I don't want to say anything because it causes bigger lies and I don't want my friendship with her to end. What do I do? This is way out of hand...and I am having trouble believing other peoples stories because they sound like hers, but the other peoples end up being true. Hers are not true. I could go into detail about some of her lies, but I choose not to post all of them on the internet. Please, what would you honestly do if you had a friend like this.
Tamara. ♥
Any advice is greatly appreciated. I can't take it anymore.