Will I always have no friends?
2015-09-09 14:58:46 UTC
I'm 15 and just moved to a new high school. I've been there about 3 weeks and still have no friends and sit alone at lunch. I have a couple of slight acquaintances but that's it.

I don't know how long I can do this. There's a part of me that's okay with not having a bunch of friends. I'm an introvert. But then there's another part that's not okay with this, because in class I don't have an obvious partner or group for assignments. I have no one to talk to about my interests at all. Then I'm also sitting alone at lunch looking pitiful.

I feel like I can't relate to anyone. No one is like me. I've tried talking to people but it never goes anywhere and is pretty much pointless. I try to chime in to table conversations sometimes so I'm not labeled as the quiet kid (like at my old school) although I think it's too late in like half my classes.

Now I almost dread going to school... I've never been this lonely because I always had my best friend, it was one of those "once in a lifetime" friends. I hate how I'm shy and awkward and socially anxious.

What should I do? Is there no hope for me now? Everyone already has friends. I don't fit in anywhere and at this point think that I'm going to be alone... everyday... for the rest of high school.

I hate myself... This is my fault and I've done this to myself. And it's not like I'm whining about being alone the first few weeks of school... I just know that it will always be this way because I guess I just deserve to be alone.
148 answers:
2015-09-10 08:25:21 UTC
First of all you have NO REASON to hate yourself. Sometimes people have to change directions, especially parents. If its something where your parents weren't happy where they were they have to move. If they are offered more money or opportunity somewhere else they have to move. You can't be complacent where you are and not be open to other people because God teaches us to love everyone. There are others where you live right now who feel the same exact way. Maybe your there to make someones else's life better. So dont be sad. Get out there and do something whether its taking a photo class, drawing, drama and theater, join an after school activity and see what happens. Just say hello and keep it moving. I was the same way: very shy, very observant, slow to speak or speak up, but slowly I made a good friend. And it takes more than 3 weeks to make really good friends. It takes years. In the meantime stay on top of your studies and your dreams. Friends will come and go. I haven't seen my best friend in years but that doesn't mean I don't speak to others. It will be okay, ok? God Bless.
2015-09-09 17:26:46 UTC
No. I'll tell ya how it went for me and for 2 of my kids: we were alone without friends for so long, we got used to it. Then some more outgoing people started to befriend us and we were suspicious and weird about it. Confused. And resisted those friends. Sometimes you just gotta take a chance. Swallow your fear of rejection and ask to sit with someone. #With a group. Or start sitting somewhere and offer input at some point. See if you're well received. I know it's hard. It's new. It's scary because you don't know how the other person will react. You can do it. I never had a TON of friends. But I've made some of the best friends of my life. I have a friend I've had since I was 13. I just turned 30. And whenever we see each other (it's kinda rare...adulting is hard) we seem to pick up right where we left off. Like nothing changed. It was worth the wait. I didn't meet him until 8th grade even though we went to the same school starting in 6th.

You should check out the library. They often have groups. Anime fan group, general teen group, twilight fan group...things like that. Great place to meet other kids with similar interests.
2015-09-11 17:25:05 UTC
YOU ARE NOT ALONE-I can definitely relate to you- I'm a freshman in high school, and semi-recently moved from my home town in Nebraska. So far I haven't managed to find anyone who I like and can relate to- I'm also very introverted and slightly awkward. Back in Lincoln I had an awesome friend group and was doing pretty well- now I often find myself alone and pretty down. So here's my advice for these trying times. Take comfort in your family- Moms are AWESOME for comfort on the tougher days, and some good music can never hurt. Also, find a hobby. Find something that makes you happy, and can connect you to other kids with the same interests.Remember that high school is only four years long, and kids, (especially girls) can be brutal. You can do this! And btw, this is only your 3rd week. I'm going on my second year without friends that I can really relate and connect with. You sound like a perfectly nice person, so I'm sure things will work out for you. And if they don't for a while, like me, then just remember that you're a super strong person, and don't need a clique to make you happy. Anyways, just know that there are so many kids going through the exact same thing, and that you've got a whole lot more time to figure stuff out. Keep you're head held high! You're Awesome!!!
2015-09-11 20:30:17 UTC
Look, loneliness anyway happens to EVERYONE at a certain stage in life.

Loneliness is not only about having not one to talk to or such circumstances. I suppose it's about how alone you really feel inside based on some expectations as well as personal preferences even though you might be in a group, a family and even in a company with hundreds of employees.

What I'm trying to point out is consider loneliness as a disease which should be cured using certain medicines. Sooner you look for the solution or the medicine, sooner you get fine and forget about it.

Well, first of all, you must believe that although loneliness is hard, it's not really a big deal. There are millions of people all around the world who are fighting with this damn thing every single second.

Can they all just sit and suffer from that?! NO. There is always a solution for every hardship. ALWAYS.

Believe me, I myself many times feel much more introverted than you. Although I'm a 28 year old working guy with no serious social communication barriers, I can tell you I've still not been able to find someone who I can truly call a friend ( with my own expectations) OR I've lost them somehow. Although there are some around me who might even consider me their close friend however I don't find them really friendly.

You said at the beginning you had always your best friend which MEANS you absolutely got no problem in finding a friend. So. It's just that you'd have a very short hard time like one or two months getting used to the new environment. Give it time. Be sure someone of your type will soon be your friend.

I'm pretty sure you are lovely girl who never stops FIGHTING with this loneliness :)
2015-09-11 11:10:18 UTC
First of all, you sound like an amazing person so I don't see why you hate yourself.

And let me tell you something, you're so not alone. I was just like that when I started school. I'm the same age as you and found it extremely difficult to find a social group which I could belong to.

What I suggest is that you participate in class more, that gets you noticed.

Don't feel like you're 'pathetic' or 'not good enough' because you are.

Try getting involved in school activities. After school clubs and etc.

When I was new, I felt as if I would never get anywhere.

I'm the most awkward person you can come across but guess what? I grew out of my shell and embraced who I was and am.

Yes, I'm quiet, but so what? That's just who I am. And nothing major has changed about me, except that now I have a group that I can belong to.

Start talking to someone who seems like you. And maybe you guys can become friends and hopefully your social group will begin to grow.

Sorry if my English is not up to your standards, it's just not my first language.

And Good Luck!
2015-09-09 20:05:31 UTC
You start to learn that life goes in waves - high and low points; you're going to go through times without friends and stuff, but to answer your question, no, you won't always have no friends. Even if things continue be this way for longer than you'd like, at some point it will turn around. Then you might go through another friendless period, then it'll turn around again. It can be really difficult because unfortunately you never know how long the high and low points will last. You may make some friends tomorrow, or maybe in six months, but I guarantee, everything about your life will keep on changing and there will be more high points - that's why it's always worth holding on to :)
2015-09-10 19:49:59 UTC
Nah, you'll have friends but it comes with time. I was quiet and sat in lunch last year at a new school looking pitiful and it was embarrassing for a week but then a girl who has a locker right beside me came up and talked to me out of curiousity when I was sitting alone in recess.

People's personality can be friendly and are curious ones.

people will be interested and you won't know when but things are unexpected. Just be friendly or have a nice atmosphere that wanna makes ears perk up.

I always had dread it every time when everyone had a partner and I didn't and it was horrible because I didn't want to bother people and I always thought ppl would treat me badly.

But all you need to do first is probably find a friend, just do something interesting that you like and people will flock out of curiousity.

It always happens when I'm drawing in a random place. ^^
2015-09-10 14:09:11 UTC
No, there will always be people like you who are desperate for a friend, so at the very least you can be that person's friend. If you keep making effort and you are friendly towards other you will find friends eventually, it's just hard to enter a into a group of people who have known each other for years. Just make opportunities to get to know people and you will make friends eventually. High school can be difficult socially but just remember there is always someone else out there that needs a friend just as much as you do.
2015-09-10 15:18:28 UTC
Dude, I went to eight different schools in twelve years of public education. Be strong, suck it up, drive on. The purpose of school is education, not making friends. Friends are incidental, and if you're an introvert you shouldn't be distressed. What social networks do you have outside of school? Family? Sport teams? Work? Church? Join a club. What do you like doing? There's a club for everything. DECA business club, Future Farmers of America, hunt clubs...

You mention you've been at the new school three weeks. That's not really long enough to form a deep friendship, distinguished from a shallow acquaintance. People bond when trust forms over the course of shared experiences. Give it time. As long as you don't have hygiene issues you're going to gravitate towards people with like interests. Lastly, make an effort to remain in contact with the friends you just left. Stay on their distro lists, Skype, whatever. You really only need a few confidants.

Millennials have a reputation for unsociability because they're over reliant on electronic gadgets. While at school commit to scholarship. The worst that will happen is you'll get smart, get into a good college, and get a high paying job or one that's meaningful or both. Plus it'll help your esteem. Don't wallow in self pity.
2015-09-09 23:17:48 UTC
I moved a few times when I was still in school. I understand how you feel about not having friends at school.The first time I went to a new school, I stayed in the bathroom and cried during lunch. Here is what I learned and what I wish someone had told me... everyone loves the new kid, they are all bored with the same people they have known forever, you are new and exciting. Everyone is wondering about you and what you are like. The great part is, you can be whoever you want to be! You can even just act confident and go to different lunch tables and just say " hey, is this seat taken?" and then just listen or make small talk like " how long have you guys lived here?" or "man, i get so confused in these hallways!"... I promise people will offer to help and they will try to be your friend. Now, the honest and sad truth... the first group of people you meet probably wont be long term friends. That is okay! take any friends you can and then once you find people you like, just invite them to anything you can think of or at least ask for their phone number. You can say that you want to have help on some project.
2015-09-13 03:48:57 UTC
For the past year or so i've been feeling the same. I guess it's just the age we're at. I'm hanging around fake friends and i don't get invited to parties that all my classmates went to. I just feel so alone and it's just the way things are. I do have friends in this school but we all have our friend groups. My true friends live on the other side of the world and it makes me happy just talking to them even if we haven't seen each other in 3 years. I want year 11 to be my best year and i know only I can make that happen. I'm intorverted too and I have to make that step up and talk to people. Join clubs, meet new people, do what you love, find a hidden talent and show that off! Be yourself. Just know you're not alone and you shouldn't hate yourself. trust me, i've been to several schools in the past 8 years and i know it's not easy. You have ages to make friends if you're new. Make the most of high school. If it helps, talk to someone about how you feel.

Hope this helped xx
2015-09-09 23:30:26 UTC
I was the same way at that age and I hated school because of it. I always felt left out and was a loner and felt bad because I thought I wasn't likeable or that there was something wrong with me. And believe me school makes this much worse because you're surrounded by cliques and all kinds or politics and people put into categories . Once you grow up and mature and you're out of school you begin to know yourself and your qualities that make you different . Someone told me when I was young that I'm a very wise and creative person which makes me a little eccentric and introverted. I didn't understand then but it's very true and you should listen to this advice. I'm 30 years old now I realize I am very different and never fit in because I think independently and I'm very intelligent and creative and I've been a success and being different made me surpass the normal ones. I'm stil a bit of a loner in my own way but I also can fit in with many people and I'm out of my shell.
2015-09-11 17:21:59 UTC
I feel ya girl. If you look at my last question about my friends, I would know what you're talking about. I don't even go to lunch (habit), and I just go and sit in the library and study and read and try to forget the world. I have two "best friends" which I am starting to doubt, and anyone else isn't really a real friend to me. So, personally, in my opinion and emotions, I really don't have any friends. And I know it's lonely. I'm a serious introvert as well, and I know I wouldn't be able to handle a big group of friends. I've had those acquaintance, too, and I actually became just the tiny bit closer to them by smiling a bit more when they talk to me and trying to blank out my social anxiety and pretend it's not a big deal I'm talking to someone. Just keep trying! You may surprise yourself!
2015-09-09 22:23:41 UTC
WelI I feel u I'm about 2 go to a new school in a few weeks n I'm the same age. However in my experiences of moving to a new school I would look around the place. Like get 2 know the school more & check where the more friendly & unfriendly kids hang out. If I were u I would try to hang out with people u think are similar 2 u. U can also join a club or activity to be able to meet new people. If all else fails just remember that u came 2 school mainly 2 study n build ur education. So have fun & best of luck. :)
2015-09-09 20:27:45 UTC
It's okay to not have any friends. You don't really need friends because some of them you will never see again. Your family is where it's at. My family has always been there for me and my "friends" haven't. As life goes on you'll realized that the only friends you need are your family and yourself. First to gain friends you must learn to be friends with yourself, by that I mean you must like yourself before liking others. Things do take time, don't jump into things but do be open to new things.
Shannyn :D
2015-09-11 01:39:19 UTC
Trust when I say this won't last forever, I'm homeschooled and I spent half my life having no friends what so ever, I suggest finding a common interest straight away, ask questions, people's favourite topics are themselves so it's a good place to start, join clubs, get closer to those acquaintances you mentioned because they must be at least willing to talk to you so get to know them but one thing, no matter what, don't settle, if you start a friendship and realise you don't truly like that person or want to spend time with them then stop, that's a rabbit hole you don't want to fall into.

Keep being you, friends will follow, don't lose hope either, I'm sure there are plenty of people that feel a similar way in your school whether they choose to stand in a group of others or choose to sit alone at lunch, keep on looking, good luck, I hope you find some BFFL's to hang with soon hah.
2015-09-10 15:38:14 UTC
Don't give up! I think it is great that you reached out, it takes a lot of courage to ask for help. It can always be hard being the new person at school or work. Just keep chiming in or finding individuals with your same interests. Friendships take time to develop, they do not happen overnight. Have you tried joining a sports team or extracurricular activity? Sometimes joining a club helps, and it also puts you in contact with individuals that have the same interests as you. Keep your head up, and stay positive. There is most likely another student that is feeling the same way as you are now! Just keep going, you'll be okay. :)
2015-09-09 17:25:27 UTC
My friend no need to hate yourself I think you should keep in touch with your bestfriend I am also a person who doesn't have friends at school they don't talk to me I actually don't want to talk to them too because they are kind of guys only extremely kinky and extremely immature person would like to be with I'm not happy with that situation but I move on I don't care if they'll be friend with me I think for a while you should start to

Hangout with your best friend outside of school or Start to Play basketball football what ever your hobbies are you could go for their course and make friends from there Don't care about school friends You can make from outside of the school I think being a Lone Wolf in the school is cooler by the way :) but if it bothers you a lot I think you should talk to someone you feel close or a psychologist this would help you alot to feel better
2015-09-10 09:42:55 UTC
I felt the same way at your age, I was transferred to a new school and I sat in the LIBRARY pretending to do homework, so that I wouldn't have to sit alone at lunch. It was horrifying. Soon though i made a lot of friends. I'm an introvert too, always have been, I'm never one to start a conversation. To be honest, I only made friends because one guy sat next to me in class and we started talking, he introduced me to his group of friends and I kind of blended into their group until we all became friends.. But take the chance!! Ask someone you feel you could be friends with for a pencil and then carry on a conversation, "sorry I didn't get your name" "nice meeting you", etc., anything simple like that could lead to a friendship. Good luck, and don't give up! <3
2015-09-10 16:04:49 UTC
I kinda know what you mean. Last year I came from a private school to the public high school, and pretty much didn't know a single soul. I wasn't in any sports, and even though I had kids from my other school, I was part of what you call the "outcast" group, for lack of a better word. So when I went to class, I would just sit and doodle and feel so awkward and alone. It took a little bit, but once I got more familiar with everyone, I would pinpoint the ones who didn't have friends really to talk to and start a conversation. And when I mean start a conversation, I mean I just asked, "What are we doing today?" or "Did you get this?" It got me even more familiar with them, and before long, we were having other real conversations. You have to remember that you are probably not the only one out there who is friendless or unpopular. My suggestion is to find those people and start small talk with them, because chances are they feel just as lonely as you do. Its scary I know! You won't find very many diamonds in the rough, but I know you will. Also, have you joined any clubs your interested in? That's a sure way to meet people with the same likes as you, and force ya guys to talk! :D Lastly, please do not hate yourself! I know I could go on a whole lecture as to why not, but you just have to learn not to care what the shitheads called people think about you. I know its not gonna happen like THAT, and it would help to have a bff beside you, but that attitude is admirable and attractive, and ppl like to be friends with those kind of ppl right? Just know that high school is only 4 yrs, and so when your done you can go out and become famous and say to all the losers who were to stupid not to be your friends (who are now fat and work at burger king for their full time job) suck it motherf*ckers!!!! :P or something along those lines...
2015-09-10 18:05:25 UTC
no you will have friends. Just give it time.. being early in the year everyone is a little on edge. Seniors don't know what the future holds for them. They miss the classmates that graduated they are more adult than kids now. Juniors are in limbo about being closer to graduation over half way through. Sophomores are trying to impress upper classmen as they are no longer the newbies All freshmen are just trying to find where they fit. You are all in the same boat trying to maneuver a new schedule find classes adjusting to change.

Just hang in there Keep your eyes open see if any one else is alone and join them.

Find a club that you might be interested in. Seek out the people that make signs for upcoming events. See what is going on in theater (you do not have to act to be involved) .

Most of all be available be seen and have fun.
2015-09-09 15:14:04 UTC
You won't always be alone, sweetie. I promise you'll make friends soon. why don't you join some clubs and get to know ppl in those clubs. Join clubs that you're interested in. Being shy does make it hard to make friends. I'm a suuuper shy person, but i try really hard to just say hi, I get nervous and over think But don't let that stop you from making a few friends. All it starts with is a simple hi, then maybe ask how they are. Get to know them a little bit. :) but you won't be alone :) you're beautiful and amazing<3 I hope i helped :)
2015-09-10 22:55:21 UTC
There are two principle just the opposite of one another. the first one is that man is social being and needs companion either outside or inside the family. the second one is that whether there is any to be companion or not we will survive and win the race. Usually most end up in finding companion and as quick they found so quick they would be to loose it. and eventually they run from one end to the other to find best and at the end they end with none. the best side is that we continue in life whether there is any friend or not and should set our eyes on goals of life and meanwhile the hard effort of our survival would bring many around us and we can get along with the one that will last long with you. And G_D above will not let you down, but do not sit waiting for any friend, they will come when right time comes.
2015-09-11 11:57:09 UTC
Okay well i'm in your same shoes but i just started at a university like 800 miles away from home. when i first came here i knew no one. its the third week of classes but i still feel alone even though i have made just a few friends, but i rarely see them. just try to join a club or something. i know at my high school we had clubs and social organizations. I know its easy to make friends but even tougher to make a best friend. I'm saying is you don't want to rush into friendships because the worse feeling is actually being surrounded by a bunch of friends and still feeling lonely. So theres absolutely nothing wrong with you. Making chit chat with others is a great start to friendship. if those people you tried to talk to don't want nothing to do with you just let them go theres no point in trying to connect with people like that if they can't hold a conversation. just keep trying though. and make sure to be observant of the people in your classes. so if you happen to see them in the lunch room or something you can try to strike up a convo with them about the class etc. i wish you luck i know its hard but you'll get through i know i once did.. just gotta believe!!! take care
2015-09-10 16:11:20 UTC
I have the exact opposite problem! I've always been a loner and a recluse and I never talk to anybody. Yet I can't get people to leave me alone! I'm not bragging or exaggerating when I say everybody wants to be my friend. I don't even know why. People just can't seem to stay away from me. Is it because I'm a very beautiful woman???
2015-09-09 22:12:44 UTC
No man, the reason why you don't have friends is simple, you moved to a new school, you don't know these people. BUT that does not mean you can't be friends with them. what you need to do ,since you are not a talker, is to join some after school activities like sport or clubs, since its only few weeks, i am sure a lot of activities are open.
2015-09-09 16:31:04 UTC
Don t feel upset! I m moving to a new highschool soon in a couple months too...and I m super scared because I feel as if I won t have any friends either. But try talking a little more! Observe who you feel are nice and go up to them and say hi! If you hear someone shares the same interests as you, stop by and start a conversation with them about it! And if you want, join some clubs you like and hopefully you ll find a few people who you can really connect with. Remember, you have to be consistent and talk to them as much as you can. And as time goes, you ll find yourself with a bunch of good friends :) Lots of kids are probably in your school, remind yourself there has to be at least someone who wants to be friends with you, right? All it takes is making one friend and hopefully that one friend will introduce you to their other friends who are quite similar to them self. Trust me, it takes a little time but you ll be okay <3
2015-09-10 06:31:31 UTC
You will be surprised at how the world will open to you when you accept your "temporary" situation and just go about your day. Join groups at your school, meet with your teachers if possible about your classes and how you need to be introduced into a group you can interact with when there are projects. Also, I was a Girl Scout. We use to sing this song about friendships: Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold. Keep in touch with your longtime, cards and postcards, phone, texting. It will work out. I am 76 years old so I speak from some experience.
2015-09-11 21:16:48 UTC
It's ok. I spent 3 months at a new school before getting good friends. I was a loner for 3 months! I hated it but people get over it and it will change. But even if you don't get new friends just remember that God loves you and is always there for you even when no one else is.
2015-09-09 20:57:38 UTC
Don't worry. You'll make friends in no time. Just try having a conversation with the others and a act of kindness can help too. Let them think you're a kind of person they'd like to hangout with^^
2015-09-11 20:40:41 UTC
I know how awkward it is to be in a new place and try to make friends. You have to become an extrovert. Don't wait for people to start talking to you. Talk to them. Of course you might run accross some mean kids, but eventually you will find someone who is probably also an introvert waiting for someone to talk to them. IF you can't find kids at school, then start talking to people in the neighborhood. You could always pray for God to send you a true friend, also. Keep your head up. It will get better, if you think it will get better.
2015-09-11 16:47:52 UTC
At my first high school I knew over half of them and was one of the popular kids lol that pretty much knew every girl at that school I moved to a new high school and knew nobody! I did make friends quick but it just wasn't the same and they didn't feel like real friends I did chill alone half the time on my phone or with some one dude but yeah. I got over it and just did my work and now in college having great time. High school or middle school is nothing. College is where the life really starts.
Kayla Bauman
2015-09-13 00:34:51 UTC
I am in your exact spot. I'm 15 and just moved to a new school, have no friends, and sit alone at lunch. Like you, I have a few aquaintinces in some of my classes but no where near close enough friends with them to sit with them at lunch or to hang out outside of school.

I totally understand where you're coming from and how you're feeling. I relate to you so much. This is my third week of school as well, and I still have no friends. I sit alone at lunch, have no one to talk to in class, have no one to go to when we need to choose partners, etc..

My advice to you is to be as open as possible at making new friends. I'm shy as well, and it's very hard for me to change my personality and be an outgoing person. I've tried my whole life to be more outgoing, but it just doesn't work. I am who I am and you are who you are. Embrace yourself and just try your hardest to be nice, and smile at people. Give people compliments and tell them about where you moved from, what you miss about your old home and that you miss your friends. The right people will take the time to get to know you.

Also, to make friends all you need to do is be OPEN. Be open to doing whatever, and don't hesitate to ask people in your classes if you can go to friday night football games with them or ask them if they can show you to your classes. It just takes someone to spark up a conversation.

Hope I helped :)
2015-09-10 10:46:54 UTC
Nobody is truly alone, I know because you sound just like I did when i was younger. You shouldn't hate yourself either, that never helped me and will certainly never help you. Just believe in yourself and a friend will come :) I know how hard it can be to introduce yourself to other people but I've found that just doing what you like to do will attract people who also like to do those things. for example, i liked reading in high school so i started spending my time in the library. and eventually someone came and asked me about the book i was reading. it can work the same way with other hobbies or interests too :) but my closest friends iv'e met at church its a great place to be when you're feeling down. your heavenly father loves you and i know that he will help you find good friends just like he helped me :) I hope that this helps, you're an amazing person and you deserve to have friends that love you, Good luck :)
2015-09-11 14:04:10 UTC
I dont understand... I joined my secondary school on Monday (I'm in year nine) I dont have lots of friends or a bf and I live 150 miles away from my old school so don't get to see anyone from my old school but already I have a group of friends at this new school. You've just got to talk to people
2015-09-11 05:26:44 UTC
I have been to 7 schools so far and 12+ (don't wanna give my age). I have experienced this situation once- except I was bullied by other kids. Well what you have to do is talk more; engage in more conversations- but never hang out with the Queen Bees, they will destroy you. Find someone who is like you- quiet, shy and talk to them. Never follow kids around they will think that you are weird. Yet try not to go on your own anywhere. Start slowly and you might find some friends in a week. Also if u get lost ask someone and try to start a conversation with them, no what you are going to say.

BTW never hate yourself, there is already too much hate in this world.
2015-09-09 15:08:48 UTC
I feel exactly like you. As a freshman in highschool starting this year, I'm left alone without friends. A lot of my friends moved away or don't speak to me anymore. I have the same problem and I wish someone can help me. BTW sorry this wasn't an answer
2015-09-11 07:35:08 UTC
Finding good friends is really a very complicated issue.. You can easily find someone to hang out with.. All you have to do is give sincere compliments, smile a lot and be open minded. That kind of approach was draining for me.. so at the age of 15.. I just waited for people to approach me.. It did happen since I was loud and sarcastic , but when it comes to making friends you have to make the first move. I think you are doing okay with talking and trying to socialize.. But I dont think you look pitiful eating by yourself. I believe you look strong. Does you school have any clubs that interest you? Maybe volleyball or.. a book club (Sorry.. When I hear introverted, I assume book lover).. You can bond with people through sharing experiences so dont miss out on school events too.. Um... Yeap, Good Luck!
2016-02-08 07:47:09 UTC
Literally I am in the same situation girlfriend, I moved to north carolina from texas and I have been going to school for like 3 weeks or so and it s been VERY difficult to make new friends I have a few "acquaintances" I guess you can call them but I am lonely too, and I find comfort in my family and I guess I kinda just hope that eventually everything will flow into place, it s only been 3 weeks, give it time. I am in the EXACT same situation so just saying you re not in this alone.
2015-09-10 20:26:40 UTC
Hello. You know, I really think you should talk to your parents about your problem. They're your parents after all: the ones who created you, took care of you, feed you, clothe you etc. Really, I think you should tell them everything you've told us. I mean, no one loves you as much as your parents, right? Of course! So how about some family-bonding and get-together, hm? (Btw, it's alright if you never knew all of this, You have to reach a specific age to undertsand or come to this; so you're fine! I'm just trying to help you :) ).

EDIT: But if that's just not cut out for you and you really just want to make friends, then... I really don't know =/

You know, I don't have much friends either, but my family is always there for me... How about just making friends with your sibilings (young or old) or sth? I'm like that you know. And I have a blast with them everyday! That's because, you know, they're related to me and actually have a real (and not superficial) love bond. It's the best. Really. I think you will like it as much as I do and everyone else.

Remeber there's nothing like your family :)

I hope that helps. I like to help :)
2015-09-10 10:33:19 UTC
No. You'll have friends again. It sounds stupid but not thinking about it helps. It helps because you're probably making your self anxious which doesn't help when wanting to talk to people.

I had this issue twice in my life and I got through it.

You can make friends by joining groups or clubs and trying to engage in a conversation or showing people your abilities. It'll come right, just hang in there.
2015-09-10 19:15:33 UTC
Here is the short answer sweetie... NOTHING IN HIGH SCHOOL MATTERS except education,It does not matter if your were popular or if you won homecoming queen... THIS IS THE REAL WORLD NOBODY CARES all the friends you have will soon lose interest in you the only time you can make friends you can keep is when you start working. in high school be yourself and don't change for anyone and listen to music it will help
2015-09-12 14:45:58 UTC
It's okay. I am a senior in high school, and you will one day learn that people talk about their "friends", and the people they were JUST being so friendly to last period. It is completely okay to "not have any friends". People say im one of the "prettiest" girls in school , and i CHOOSE to work alone and stay quiet. My lunch table has 6 people sitting in it, but this is my hometown. I do know what its like being the new kid in school, and all i can say is **** them, you DONT NEED them. After graduation, nobody actually sticks around. They're going to notice they only hung out with each because they went to the same school together, & i know this because i HAD friends that were seniors last year and everything changed after graduation. Anyways, I hope u one day, dont pay attention to how many people hang out with you, or talk to you, because theres much more things to be more concerned about in life :) <3 good luck
2015-09-09 17:12:07 UTC
What I have to say to you is, your not alone. Whenever you feel hopeless or defeated tell yourself "There is someone out there who has it MUCH worse than I do, so I can definitely deal with this if they can, because I'm strong." Keep telling yourself that, and if you actually break down the phrase, analyze it, and understand it for what it is, it can help you severely. The next thing I have to say is try to make yourself look approachable. I know how it is to feel like "the quiet one" or "the shy girl" who looks unapproachable. This is all because you don't have friends, which obviously is depressing you, therefore you come off as the sad and lonely girl in class which makes you seem no fun to be around. Because of this self defeating attitude this is how people will view you from now on unless you make a change. btw, I don't mean this in a mean way I would describe myself the same way a couple years ago! Just be brave, engage in conversations like you actually mean it, with a smile on your face! Take things other people are talking about and turn them into other conversations. People love talking about themselves!


You: Oh ya I love that show! Have you seen __________ ?

Person: OMG yes that show is so good I love ____________!

You: Same! But don't you hate _______ or do you like ______

fangirl together!!

stuff like that which leads up to other conversations

make it look like your interested in the same stuff they are!

Start wearing A decent makeup and following all the latest fashion trends (assuming your a girl, sorry if I'm mistaking!) Stores you should shop at for clothes: Brandy Melville, Pacsun, Free People, Abercrombie, Hollister, Forever 21, Topshop inside of nordstrom, exc. Try watching beauty gurus on youtube and you will get a lot of good tips! Try: makeupbymandy24, beautybysiena, summer mckeen, ex.

Not telling you to hide from your problems.... but until you find friends try to go to a private area where you'll go unnoticed and just play on your phone or something until YOUR ready.

Lastly your body language says a lot of you so don't slouch, and look like your actually happy to be sitting at school. Tell yourself this is how I will make friends!

My advice: KEEP BUILDING UP COURAGE!!! this will make u lots of friends!! Join clubs and ALWAYS ALWAYS smile!!

BTW what helps me if people are rude is focusing on my studies. Just think in _____ years I'll be smart & successful and they won't. Let that empower you to work hard and block out the haters. Remember its OKAY to be alone! And to answer your question, no I'm confident it won't always be this way for you! Best of luck ;)
2015-09-09 19:11:20 UTC

This happened exactly to me last year, the whole year, and I dreaded school everyday. Unfortunately I never did manage to find out how to get some good friends until 2 months ago, right after school ended. Go up to guys you think you could be friends with, or sit next to them at lunch. It's best to do this when they're alone, as they're more likely to start a conversation then. Ask them questions such as

- Do you play any sports?

- What do you do at home?

- Do you have any hobbies?

Unfortunately during this time period my mom who I am very very close to got in a bad mountain biking crash right in front of me. I thought she was dying, at first. Then it messed up my life, I got post traumatic stress, and because of that I stopped talking or making any attempt toward friends. I then wanted friends much like you, but had picked up a stutter, and severe depression. I probably would have killed myself if I hadn't had God to help me through.

What I'm trying to say anyways though, is you need to get this done soon or you could get depressed like me, and end up sad. Always stay confident, it'll make people more drawn to you. A way I do this is just think to myself, "What's the worst that will happen?"

Most times it is them not talking to you, or deciding your not their type, not bad right?

Once you've got this down, you need to take a leap of faith. Once you've found someone, even if you don't know them super well, ask if they want to hang out sometime. Most times they will say yes, you can offer them to your house or maybe you'll end up at their house. This is when you get to know a person best, once it's just you and them alone (not to sound creepy ;) and when you can both decide if you want to be friends or not, and often times it does result in a friendship.

Things to remember:

- Stay confident

- What's the worst that will happen if you talk to them?

- Invite them to come over or hang out, maybe go to a new movie. (A MUST)

- When it's just you and them that's when the friendship begins.

- Ask some questions (Ex: Do you play any sports?)

- Think about what group of people you like to be with.

- Lastly and most importantly KEEP PRAYING!!! God has a reason for everything.

Good luck buddy, I hope you can make some good progress. If you want to ask me anything special you can email me at

I have you in my prayers, if your ever feeling down just remember you can talk to me, and that someone IS thinking of you. (Btw if you do email me I won't bible beat you, I'm just suggesting the possibility, of course assuming you're not already Christian.)
2015-09-10 18:14:38 UTC
First of all don't ever think that you will not have friends. I mean that your current mindset is set on what will happen in the future. People who tend think in future tense will have a difficult time focusin on the positive and will instead overgeneralize everything and jump to negative conclusions. You have moved to a new school which means nobody knows yet. Therefore there is no reason to believe that people hate you, it justs feels like you are " hated" because people are not responding to you as you would like. Introverts will tend to also focus on how others will react to their responses so they will think things in their head first before responding. As difficult as this is, it is much better to be yourself naturally when you are in a new location because people won't judge you based on false impressions. Most of all, who gives a crap right now if you have or don't have friends right now. You need to feel good about yourself; love yourself and I am pretty sure that you have a lot to offer to people you will meet. I am sure you have friends before and this is what attracted them to you in the first place. Focus now on making conversations with others who you meet in class or outside of class. If one two or three people don't respond, move on. The most important lesson to take away from this is not to hate yourself, don't jump to negative conclusions about yourself and your future because you can't predict what will happen two hours from now let alone tomorrow and of course be yourself. People will be attracted to genuine people. Wake up each day and say to yourself " Today is a new day and I will continue to be the person who I like."
The Witch-king of Angmar
2015-09-11 10:44:20 UTC
Honestly, I feel the exact same way. For that reason, coupled with childhood abuse and a recent traumatic horse riding incident, I've decided to actually get therapy. I'm now seeing an EMDR-certified therapist, which will help me to normalize my life and stop feeling so out of place around everyone I meet. Perhaps that is something you could look into, as well.
2015-09-11 16:09:56 UTC
Hello dear,

you have to worry about nothing but study, be your own good self and you will make friends without even realizing! YOu can also participate to clubs or sports you like, you may meet like minded people. 3 weeks, that is nothing and nowadays people are more careful about making friends. Really making friends take a little time…relax and enjoy the ride.
2015-09-14 13:44:17 UTC
I've got a similar dilemma. I'm incredibly socially-awkward and can't sustain a conversation without it sounding disturbingly-cringeworthy. Just try and build on the acquaintances you already have or try and join a particular group - they don't necessarily have to be your friends, just people you feel comfortable with.

I tried asking a similar question but only got a semi-literate answer in response.
2015-09-12 00:40:21 UTC
You are not alone. It is nice to be loved by everyone bit that will never happen. You are a 15 year old female that is attractive. I say and not to be preachy but stay with your studies. Get a degree in which your profession will pay you a lot. People are fickle. Your friends today may not be tomorrow. I say become successful and independent. Guys may say anything to you just to have sex. Please become a doctor or something in where you choose your friends and people do not choose you.
2015-09-12 13:25:49 UTC
Thank God teenage years don't last forever..but on the contrary teenagers are the highest rate for suicides because of lack of emotional and mental development to handle emotional hardships..You will be just fine and later in life you can help another young person who felt they'd never have friends..when you are young or even depressed you feel hopeless and like you'll never have or do one thing or another...its an illusion and you have the power to change your situation.
2015-09-10 00:28:34 UTC
You could also try starting by looking after a pet.

Just have to look at lisa Simpson in the animation series the simpsons she just concentrates and does her work without being too confident and she eventually becomes the president of the united States

This just a scenario that might happen so the point I'm trying to make is that the best thing i can recommend to you is just be yourself, be good to your siblings, your mother and father
2015-09-10 17:24:18 UTC
Holy Crap This is just like me and I'm 15 too just moved to a new high school and I MISS my Bestfriend. and some other friends. I only have 4 classes at this school so I don't see more people and I'm seen really akward at school. And it seems like everybody already made their friends and they don't need me.
2015-09-11 15:27:23 UTC
Yes, I'm quiet, but so what? That's just who I am. And nothing major has changed about me, except that now I have a group that I can belong to.

Start talking to someone who seems like you. And maybe you guys can become friends and hopefully your social group will begin to grow.
2015-09-10 10:42:25 UTC
Anyone who has ever been 15 (as I was, in the last century), knows how you feel, because,

in spite of all the technology, there are some things that will never change.

Of course you'll have friends--just find something you're interested in.

It doesn't have to be "cool"---just something that works for you.
2015-09-11 15:41:25 UTC
Were the same and Im in the same situation now, I think I dont need friends but there s a time that Im thinking I want a friend, I dont know if I can call them a friend but my classmates are kind to me, some of them are talking to me and in basketball club they are talking to me, because Im not talking at school because Im not good at their language, for me they are my friends but I dont know what they think, join some club activity, any sport, I love basketball so I join there even if Im not good at it, try any sports you like, or since you have the same language as your classmates, how about talking to them?
2015-09-11 02:26:53 UTC
You start to learn that life goes in waves - high and low points; you're going to go through times without friends and stuff, but to answer your question, no, you won't always have no friends.
2015-09-10 22:32:46 UTC
Friends will come and go throughout your life: when you go to college, when you change jobs, when you get married. Try joining a group that shares similar interests: sports, drama, art, etc. If you are surrounded by people that share your interests, you're bound to make friends. Just remember to be yourself, be friendly, and smile.
2015-09-10 07:19:03 UTC
Instead of "chiming in" or feeling like no one understands you, why don't you try starting a conversation.

For example what are YOU in to, if you are in to music, ask someone what band they like, if you know who they are agree they're cool, say you love a particular song. If you are in to sport, ask someone what is there favourite team.

Ultimately my friend, everyone's favourite subject is themselves, use that.

As a warning though, if you are in to microwaving kittens, probably best not to ask someone which setting they go pop quickest at....
2015-09-10 18:02:00 UTC
Sometimes it's better 2 have no friends than fake friends
2015-09-09 21:45:26 UTC
You will have friends ! Trust me I was in your same exact position when i transferred from a private to public school in 8th grade. Join some sports and clubs because you will sure enough meet people who have some interests just like yours. Making friends will not happen over night in most cases so please be patient ! hope this helped a lil
2015-09-10 16:54:19 UTC
Believe me, eventually you will find a friend, there are many people on this world and no matter how vague the friend ship is you're bound to make one sooner or later
2015-09-13 15:56:05 UTC
Friends will always come and go. You just have to find the right ones.
2015-09-10 16:24:12 UTC
hey my dad is in the USAF I have moved from Germany to California to Virginia to Japan To Germany to Texas to Georgia where I am now. I am also 15 and it was hard I moved 7 times, its hard. I know. Trust me. and all these people here are trying to help. We are your friends. Just keep your head up. Go to school, talk to people. A short, "How are you doing" or "How is your day" can make best friends. I have done it 7 times.
2015-09-10 06:13:37 UTC
school is a big place, im 15 and i go to a private schoo, with only max 25 people in each class, last year my number of freinds dropped bc i wasnt really interested in anyone, but that was bc i ddint know them properly.

all u have to do is seem interesting an happy, dont forget to look happy.

when everyone feeling dead you'll be the one they'll go to
Gary B
2015-09-09 15:18:02 UTC
If you don;t think the way you think and act --- yes.

Whether or not YOU haev friends is up to YOU,not them. CHANGE THE WAY YOU THINK AND ACT, and friends will be attracted to you.

And member, the "friends" you haev now may not be the BEST friends you need.

PH YEAH: Did you know that saying "I'm an introvert" is really just another way of saying "I'm too lazy to make changes to myself."
2015-09-10 19:21:01 UTC
Try getting involved in clubs and teams. I was in a similar situation, but I made a great number of friends by getting involved.
2015-09-09 23:44:37 UTC
I do fell not always have no friend human life have need friend.If we get good friend then he will have always or bad friend then he not allow.
2015-09-11 19:37:30 UTC
No, you will always have friends or a friend. Its only a matter of how many. But no one can have zero friends. Even you.

Your friend;

2015-09-11 17:21:11 UTC
Its okay ! Just start talking to people you sit around . Text people on Facebook , start getting out there . Don't hate yourself . I have been in the same position ! and well I'm sorry if your having a hard time.
2015-09-10 13:50:53 UTC
No... At some stage someone will mistake you for their friend for a brief moment. Then you'll have a friend
2015-09-11 00:33:32 UTC
well when i was your age i had some friends not much like 3 or 4 but when i went to the military i made tons of friends from all across the country im from israel
2015-09-11 20:03:15 UTC
Don't worry you'll be fine..i faced this same exact thing a month ago..go join clubs or try to sit with a group of people who seem nice

Good luck!
2015-09-11 15:47:47 UTC
I feel exactly like that. The boy I sit next to cheers me up though, because he's pretty nice. You'll find more and more friends. Heck, you might even be flanked by them, one day.
2015-09-10 08:56:06 UTC
15 year olds are not know for having much compassion for others. Develop some self reliance and if they stare at you or make unkind comments, return the favor. By their behavior they are telling you a lot about who they are and what bothers them. Dare to be a little obnoxious.
2015-09-09 21:47:22 UTC
You will get friends, my friend. You just haven't found anyone as cool as you yet but you will soon! Keep your head up and be positive (:
2015-09-09 21:17:02 UTC
I agree w/ Kate. Awesome answer: We will ALL go through phases with friends and without friends.

Everyone does.
2015-09-10 03:37:55 UTC
2015-09-10 22:15:19 UTC
Some times I will be alone in my school life..With out friends we feel sad, but in some occasion we want to consider some truth.
2015-09-10 18:53:04 UTC
2015-09-13 04:40:00 UTC
Go and sit with a group of people in your year and be like "how are you lot", etc.. Then you will start to speak to them more often. You best start practicing because in college it is 10x harder to make friends.
jeremy f
2015-09-11 21:35:59 UTC
There are two things to remember in life. There's what you do and what you don't do. You make your choice. The reason you're asking this question is because your in the middle. Stuck in Limbo so to speak, make your choice. And there's your answer. :)
2015-09-10 11:31:19 UTC
this happened to me when i started high school. after a year i made a friend and they arent real friends to be honest but they are friendly enough once you settle in you should make friends
2015-09-09 15:07:17 UTC
You'll make some friends, I did, just by simply talking to some people that seemed nice
2015-09-11 19:20:21 UTC
You can make good friends at school. Find someone who you can rely on when it's needed the most.

I hope, it help.
2015-09-09 15:45:15 UTC
Yes and no

Talk or don't

Best wishes
2015-09-10 09:41:37 UTC
I went America and I went middle school and whole year I didn't have nay friend
Elvin Rusty
2015-09-11 21:11:20 UTC
Don't hate yourself. Fitting in is when you express yourself in a crowd. You'll one day find a friend.
2015-09-10 12:21:03 UTC
How about instead of waiting for people to talk to you, why not start talking to people. Introduced yourself, say hi, try being more socialize, join clubs, smile more, do help yourself. You got to let the world know you are there.
marissas aunt
2015-09-11 21:16:37 UTC
Im the same way been my whole life and im 36 its rough i know even if u have no family your age to hang with calls for a hard existence
2015-09-10 20:16:45 UTC
Well, your kinda like me. It's hard to lighten up in front of new people. Just try your best to talk to people and try to also relate to new people by talking about what's kind of hobbies you like to do etc...
2015-09-10 20:48:24 UTC
Hey find your crowd that relates to your interests, don't let people get you down and you're going to be fine.
james applesauce
2015-09-10 06:23:56 UTC
Try asking people questions about themselves and showing interest in them. If they start to like you they'll probably start returning the favor.
2015-09-11 12:23:54 UTC
No, you'll definitely find friends with time.
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-09-10 08:56:12 UTC
It's up yo YOU; Broaden your horizons, talk to people. Try it, you'll like it ! Doesn't cost a thing; What have you got to lose ?
2015-09-11 00:24:27 UTC
Step up and say hello to other people are

friendly except for creeps,

So don't be afraid,
2015-09-10 17:05:54 UTC
No, you will have friends. It takes time. Try to find common interests that some of your classmates have.
2015-09-10 08:43:51 UTC
start attending a nearby church. Church gatherings are better places to make friends than at a government school.
2017-02-20 03:58:31 UTC
2015-09-11 02:51:11 UTC
No, you will get good friends
2015-09-11 13:22:23 UTC
Pray for true friends. You will always have God.
2015-09-09 16:44:33 UTC
no u will try to surround yourself with kids who like to do what u like to do like a sports team etc i moved to a new school a year ago and i have tons off friends from this
2015-09-10 22:15:25 UTC
I'm 31 and I'm still alone
2015-09-12 10:38:59 UTC
You will continue to be lonely until you do something about it. You have to do the work to make and keep friends.
2015-09-11 10:21:12 UTC
well i think 3 weeks is too short , i expected something like 3 years without friends, what i think is you can make friends in your new school in a while .
2015-09-10 21:13:10 UTC
I was a really shy kid. I had to force myself to try to make friends. It really helps to smile. It makes you more approachable. Good luck.
2015-09-11 00:25:32 UTC
Having no friends is probably better because no one can really stab u in the back
2015-09-12 12:36:44 UTC
Having friends is up to you either way you will be alright.
2015-09-09 18:51:10 UTC
No. You can make friends if you find people that have the same hobbies as you.
2015-09-09 19:35:03 UTC
Yes u william, filthy scrublord, u kant evn 420 noscop, how u suposd to get frandz wthot noscop skillz
Bobby Alexinas
2015-09-10 08:10:07 UTC
No u will make friends
Janith Weeraka
2015-09-13 06:09:04 UTC
Hi, I am Suffering the same thing. Can we be friends? contact me on kik, instagram,facebook : jweeraka.
Silver Sea
2015-09-11 10:24:47 UTC
You will make new friends.
2015-09-12 12:25:52 UTC
Try to get involve, even if it is against your nature.

you would regret thereafter later if you would not get involved with people around you, you have to establish connections with new people, this is the time
2015-09-10 06:41:56 UTC
Friends use and abuse. Learn to love yourself.
2015-09-10 11:03:38 UTC
No! Go out and make some
2015-09-09 16:17:16 UTC
Time will tell.

But most likely you will have a few, but they may not be close.
2015-09-10 11:11:00 UTC
I suggest you join a bowling league.
2015-09-10 14:49:02 UTC
Nah find a girl, get a relation with her and your set.
2015-09-10 12:48:30 UTC
I feel like I've just read my own life.
2015-09-11 01:31:47 UTC
Holy ****!! You are like me LOL! Only differenec is I'm a guy!
Alan H
2015-09-11 04:17:30 UTC
That is not unusual in a new environment . It will change as you get more involved in activities
2015-09-10 19:08:19 UTC
Don't give up
2015-09-10 13:23:24 UTC
sit and look out the window at lunch and change your point of view
2015-09-13 13:27:32 UTC
Dont spend so much time online youll be ok..
2015-09-10 02:30:05 UTC
everyone has friends
2015-09-11 22:30:26 UTC
You can make friends..... Interact, share and hangout with them... :)
2015-09-14 03:33:40 UTC
soz no friend 4 u
2015-09-10 22:57:30 UTC
dont worry when u get to college you will get friends
2015-09-12 23:51:42 UTC
Not much older then you and been in the same solution
2015-09-12 19:48:21 UTC
Live life with no worries :)
Md. Alauddin
2015-09-12 01:57:40 UTC
i have always friends.i need friends.
2015-09-12 05:03:30 UTC
not always
2015-09-15 00:12:15 UTC
I can relate
2015-09-11 09:53:09 UTC
try to socialize more, join interest groups, sports etc.
2015-09-09 18:13:56 UTC
obviously df
mr wenrich
2015-09-10 09:29:20 UTC
depending on how you handle the situation yes
2015-09-10 19:54:14 UTC
talk to girls...they love different dudes
2015-09-13 22:31:21 UTC
No..You're the best
2015-09-11 10:45:10 UTC
ur my friend
2015-09-10 15:27:33 UTC
be more happy and outgoing
2015-09-11 14:00:37 UTC
Neither do i
2015-09-11 08:47:42 UTC
of course not.
2015-09-11 23:08:44 UTC
2015-09-11 12:51:05 UTC
you will
2015-09-10 03:26:40 UTC
2015-09-10 18:59:01 UTC
I mean maybe....
2015-09-11 10:10:36 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.