2011-08-13 14:43:40 UTC
Here are some examples:
"I'm so amiable! Yay! :D"
"I got 3 dollar tip at work today because I was really nice to the customers! YAY!"
"I got an A+ on my paper when I did it at the last minute! YAY! (he gets more excited by jumping up and down and I'm like inside "STFU!" and laughs)
Also, he has a tendency to think he is always right. As a roommate of him last year, I know that I am not a perfect roommate nor will I ever be. I do try my best to make sure our friendship stays. There are days where I come home really stressed out from school and I express my rudeness towards him and my other roommates. I apologize to him thereafter, feel bad, and I take it into consideration of the future. However, when I talk to him about issues I have in life (I'm sure everybody does), I thought he would be approachable to talk to. But no, he just makes me feel really bad and lowers my self esteem even more and thinks that his methods are right. I called a service center yesterday to ask about the cost of something to repair and he's like "you're not going to get anywhere in life if you are going to jump directly into pricing like that. I get whatever I want by bit**ing at them". I was like "you know what? how about I just not get anywhere in life" and I shut the door on him. I was pissed and I thought he could've just said something else rather than make me feel really bad. He then publicizes it on Facebook that he's "beginning to lose faith in me", etc.
From my understanding of him, he didn't get along with his dorm roommate after spring quarter of first year because his dorm roommate thinks the way he acts and how he makes people feel bad. He made his dorm roommate feel bad and when his dorm roommate talked to him about this that he's makign him feel bad, he got all personal with him and eventually they didn't get along anymore. The guy was feeling bad that my roommate felt bad and wanted to express his feelings but it seems like my current roommate doesn't even want to listen.
My roommate has a high self esteem and I don't. He has told me to improve it and I'm gradually improving it. Honestly, with his arrogance, he's just making situations around here worse. I don't express things directly like that because I fear that would create conflict. He thinks he's an absolutely good roommate and thinks that I am a rude roommate because I've been rude to him a couple of times and I haven't been rude to him since then.
How should I talk to him about his arrogance and how he shouldn't make people feel really bad in real life like that when he doesn't really realize that he's doing it. He's stubborn according to his girlfriend and I just want to solve this issue without causing conflict like his first year roommate. I'm not the like of person that would get like tell him off like his previous roommate. Is it best to leave him alone and just ignore and wait or someone else to tell him off?
This situation is driving me crazy...