Everyday I go into school and I get made fun of or insulted, and I don't really understand why? I used to have a lot of friends, both girls and boys, but now they're just mainly girls because a lot of the boys started being weird with me. I used to be really close to one particular group of guys but one day they started being horrible to me, calling me ugly and stuff so I'm not really friends with them anymore. I could've dealt with it if it was just that, but it seems like almost everybody has turned their back on me. Nearly all of the boys in my class hate me. I think it's mainly because the popular girl absolutely despises me (again for no reason at all) but a lot of them are horrible to me when they used to be my friends. I was really close to this one guy called Jake, then I was ill so I was off for a week, and when I came back he was just really horrible, everytime I spoke a word to anybody he told me to shut the f**** up or he would come and smash my face in or break my nose, he told me to kill myself and stuff like that, so I asked to move away from him in maths. I got moved next to one of my old best friends but he refused to sit next to me in front of the entire class, everybody was laughing at me. I don't even know what happened but he says he hates me, everytime I ask why he just says I'm annoying, but I hadn't spoken to him for about a year when he said that. A lot of boys that I used to be friends with now just insult me, the popular girl insults me 24/7 and people laugh along, even the boys that I'm friends with at the minute say that I'm annoying but everytime I ask them how I'm annoying they can't explain. I don't understand, it's really confusing and it's annoying me now. I wouldn't mind if they just didn't like me, it's more the fact that they sit there and insult me all day long. It's starting to get me down and I was wondering if anybody could help me understand why, or what I can do about it please. Thanks :)