2011-06-01 11:54:00 UTC
When we are out she will look at someone she doesnt know maybe a over weight person at the bus stop she will point and laugh and say something like 'hahaha they are fat haha they should die' or if we see an old couple she will say something like 'Bless old love they hate each other but have to stay together because they will drop dead soon!'.
Or if someone has some clothes on she doesnt like she will say they should die!
She isnt miss perfect herself.
her finger nails are like an inch cause she bites them,her breath smells bad,she has skinny chicken legs,and frizzy badly cut hair.
She also laughs at people with spots then gets all stroppy when people mention that she has one.
She doesnt like people who are to tanned or have pale skin either.
She thinks every boy is in love with i guess she is big headed.
It's really awkward to be out with her when she slags people off.
How can i tell her to stop talking about people? i really dont like her attitude at the moment.