try yahoo 5.6.1254 from
having big problems with yahoo messenger
with this chat client it taks care of all the bots / spammers/ 2 of the same ids in 1 chat room
at the bottom on the opps website you can download oppschat this works on all windows xp ., pc's you do not need to download the Visual Basic Runtime files from Microsoft .. you dont need them as windows xp has them and
I STRONGLY recommend you dont download them
when you have download oppschat and install it click on the oppschat oppschat wil say there is a update download the update and then install it befor you login with opps chat on the chat screen click on options then on avatar and remove from the box opps_t then type in ^^^ and click ok then if you have your avatar set to on your very much open tobe booted from any chat room not many know this as they like to use the avatar's .. then click on options again and click on pm then click on decline pm
setting your pm to decline will stop anyone from sening youa pm also it will block booting yahoo login ids .. now click filters and click wilcard names / wildcard tex .. then click on view then click on view avatar's and view tattoos. make sure the tick make has been remove from them . now on the chat screen at the top click on chat & login type in the yahoo id you want to use then the password then type in the name of the chat room you want to join like sweden:1 you must type in : befor the chat room number : then tick YMSG protocol
and click on conncet with in 2 minute's opps chat will take you online and in the chat room you type in to go to now . youin the chat room on the bottom right you see the name of the chat room your in if you want to go to other chat room you click in that box where it says what chat room your in remove the name of the chat room and re-type in the next name of the chat room you want to join then click on change room oppschat will take you to the next chat room .. if you click on the room list tab that chat rooms do not show up in the room list that problem maybe fix on the next update of oppschat if you want to put a name on ignore in the chat list just click on there id and they will be gone from the chat list to the ignore list ..if you see the word ..>lagging< with a yahoo id that has been wildcard for lagging this meens that someone is trying to boot you from the chat room so turn off the voice fast and do not put voice control back on till the >logging < ids have stop going up the screen . this chat client is very strong from booters in chat rooms i give it about 99 % from been booted .. if you want to have pm chat with friends you can login by yahoo messenger on the same yahoo id as your online with in oppschat but do not take yahooo messenger in to anychat room with the same id your online with on oppschat or you will dc your self from opsschat and yahoo messenger I strongly recommend you use 1 yahoo id for oppschat in chat room and a new yahoo id for pm chat with your friends on your list this way is best for oppschat to work off the booters from chat room if someone is trying to use 1000 yahoo ids to boot you with from a booting software program you will see all the names going up the chat screen on oppschat and very fast if you have put voice contold off fast opps chat will auto wildcard every booting id for lagging you will see >willdcard for lagging< on all the booting yahoo ids .. as oppschat fights off every singel yahooo booting id that try to make the attacks on its chat client and this chat client is very fast to fight back if you have a fast internet lan /dsl oppschat will put up the most fast fight from booters it has been tested 1500 ids booting oppschat for 30 minutes did not get to boot it opps chat wildcard every singel booting id that was used to try to boot it if . if you do login with yahoo messenger on the same id as your in chatroom with oppschat then you will be booted as yahoo messneger opens the door that oppschat locked so it is best to use 1 yahoo id for oppschat with all avatar's and pm set to off .you can click on fliters and then click on wildcard and add yahoo ids you want to in the wildcard names box and if you dont like the bot add's in chat room like >>hi check out my home page http// . all you do is click on filters and click on wildcard then click on tex search then type in the box . then click on add apply and ok you will not see any more adds like that again .. well if you want to try this chat client out for yahoo chat please do i have told you how to set it all up and how to use this chat client .. enjoy a new way to chat on yahoo .good day